Prefer wrap inside sub-div before wrapping whole div - css

I have two div's that are floated to the left inside a wrapper-div like this:
<div id="container">
<div id="logo">LOGO</div>
<div id="nav">Link1 Link2 Link3 Link4</div>
#container { }
#logo { float: left; margin-right: 10px; }
#nav { float: left; }
What happens when reducing the width of the window is that first #nav jumps down below #logo and then it starts wrapping inside. Is there a way (using layout rather than javascript) to first make it wrap inside #nav down to a threshold (say 150px width) and then when that limit is reached allow it to jump below #logo?

The only solution I've come up with is to have a fixed size left bar (the left logo div that is). If it's fixed, the right pane can have a left margin to make room for it and take up the rest of the space, and with it wrap the text if that's necessary. The shortcoming of this is that it won't jump below the left floating div if the window shrinks too much since the nav or the navcontent css is not floating.
Example is available at with some additional text for show but it is available in short here.
<div id="container">
<div id="logo">LOGO</div>
<div id="nav">
<div id="navcontent">
<p>Link1 Link2 Link3 Link4</p>
#logo {
float: left;
margin-right: 10px;
#nav {
display: block;
#navcontent {
margin-left: 100px;


CSS: Make a div fill remaining space on right-hand side, without inner content overflowing

I have a fixed-width left div, and I want to make the right div fill the remaining space.
So far I've been taking this approach recommended by another SO poster, but it doesn't work if I have content inside the right div.
The content in the right div is set to width: 100%, so I would expect it to be no wider than the right-hand div, but it overflows the right div.
<div id="left">left</div>
<div id="right">right<div id="insideright">overflows</div</div>
#left {
#right {
width: 100%;
#insideright {
width: 100%;
background-color: blue;
height: 5px;
JSFiddle here, demoing the problem:
What can I do?
I want to support older IE browsers, so I'd rather not use display: table-cell etc if I can avoid it, or at least not without a reasonable fallback.
Actually it's pretty simple... don't add 100% to the right div :)
just add the overflow property
#left {
#right {
#insideright {
background-color: blue;
...and if you even wondered how to make the red (left) div fill the remaining height...
Not sure exactly what you're trying to do (your references to right are ambiguous). But if I'm understanding, you want the insideright to be nested within the right without overflowing?
Why not use a <span> instead? <div> out of the box is display: block; which will force a wrap like that. Alternatively, override this behavior by using display: inline; or display: inline-block;.
<div id="left">
<div id="right">
<span id="insideright">this should not overflow right</span>

Floating div one beside the other - 2 column layout
How can I position the main content div in the middle without it collapsing to the left, when left sidebar is shorter than the content? Is that possible? I don't want to use a fixed height for the navigation, but can I somehow say "sidebarleft height = content height", or is there an easier way?
Actually you are floating only elements to the left without any wrapper element, so what happens is this..
Instead, wrap the other 2 elements inside a wrapper element and than float it to the left
.left_wrap {
float: left;
width: 30%;
.right_wrap {
float: left;
width: 70%;
.right_wrap > div {
border: 3px solid #ff0;
height: 100px;
<div class="main">
<div class="left_wrap">
<div class="right_wrap">
Better Demo
If you want even a better one, I would suggest you to wrap the boxes inside the parent containers, and instead of floating the child elements, float the parent.
Also, don't forget to clear your floated elements, just make sure you clear them, you can use a self clearing parent CSS like
.clear:after {
content: "";
clear: both;
display: table;
And call the above class on the element containing floated elements as their children, where in this case, it's <div class="main"> so it should be now
<div class="main clear">
<!-- Floated Elements -->
I'm not quite sure if this is what you mean but try:
float: right;
clear: left;
margin-left: 0;
This will position the div's next to each other and keep the main content to the right.
This can be quite complex depending on your existing theme.
I wrote this page a while back to shows you how you can do that.
More or less you need a first div that encompasses the left column and the content. That div is the one that gets centered.
To make it simpler you can set a specific width to the div and you get something like this:
width: 900px;
margin: 0 auto;
That will center the main div.
For the column and the content, both are float: left; div's. In order to "close" the lot, you want another div just before closing the main div. That one has a style that ensures that the main div has the correct size: clear: both;.
we can use margins to set the div position .we can either specify fixed margins or we can give percentage value ,so that it will based on the total size of the screen.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<body >
<div id="main">
this is how we can display main div in centre

Get DIV to fill remaining width

I am trying to use CSS to get a DIV to fill the remaining page width, after a fixed-width div on the left (and below a fixed-height header)
The CSS I have is:
#header{height: 100px; background:#ccccff;}
#left {position:absolute; left:0; top:100px; width:200px; background:#ccffcc;}
#main {position:relative; left:200px; background:#ffcccc;}
The HTML is:
<div id="header">Header stuff here</div>
<div id="left">Left stuff here</div>
<div id="main">Main stuff here</div>
(head and doctype omitted here for brevity)
When it is rendered, the main div is still full page width, meaning the right-hand edge is 200px off the right edge of the browser. How can I get the main div to fill the remaining width?
(eventually I will want to put other divs inside main, and make their widths expressed in % relative to the main div)
Is this even possible?
Don't use position. Use Floats. Float the "left" div left, set its width. Give the "main" div a left-margin of the width of the left div, and set the width to auto.
#left { float: left; width: 200px;}
#main {margin-left: 201px; width: auto;}
Example here:
Instead of using positioning which is considered evil, just use floats.
#left {float:left; width:200px; background:#ccffcc;}
#main {margin-left:200px; background:#ffcccc;}
Does this accomplish what you're looking for?
<div id="header">Header stuff here</div>
<div id="left">Left stuff here</div>
<div id="main">Main stuff here</div>​
div {
border: 1px solid black;
#left {
float: left;
Jsfiddle -
Yes, it's easily possible with CSS calc. Unfortunately CSS calc is only supported in Chrome so far.
Here's a better way:
<div id="header"></div>
<div id="left"></div>
<div id="main"></div>
#header{height: 100px; width: 100%; background:#ccccff}
#main{position: absolute; left: 200px; right: 0; background:#ffcccc}
#left{width: 200px; left: 0}
Having #main exactly 200px from the left and 0px from the right gives you the full width minus #left

float the div when reducing the windows screen size

I am having problem of floating the div when reducing the windows screen size. What I would like to achieve is I have two div side by side, both div are floating left. When I reduce the browser windows screen size, and the right div will move to the bottom of the left div. Please see the screenshots below:
At first, two divs are displayed side by side. After reduce the Browser windows size, the right div content will move to the bottom of the left div.
Use a parent div, and fix the size of the children:
You need to work with a container.
<div id="container">
<div class="left"> Hello </div>
<div class="right"> World </div>
#container {
width: 100%;
margin: 0 auto;
#container .left {
width: 200px;
background-color: pink;
float: left;
#container .right {
width: 760px;
background-color: blue;
float: left;
See live:

Div will not expand properly

I have a page that I am trying to create with a div on the left containing an iframe and a div in the middle also containing an iframe.
The sidebar is to hold links and the content section is to load said links.
My goal is to get the sidebar expanded all the way down to the bottom of the page as well as the content section.
Here is my css:
html, body {
#wrapper {
position: relative;
min-height: 100%;
#sidebar {
position: relative;
width: 150px;
overflow: hidden;
min-height: 100%;
#pdfholder {
float: right;
width: 600px;
And here is my html:
<div id="wrapper">
<div id="sidebar">
<iframe id="sidebarframe" name="index" src="./sidebar.html">
<div id="pdfholder">
<iframe id="pdfholderframe" name="viewer" src="./blank.html">
<div style="clear: both;"></div>
I know I am doing something wrong but I have gone through around 10 different websites and I cannot for the life of me find it!
You can give both containing divs a min-height of 100% and there's not much more you need to do:
You can give the iframes a height of 100% too, but it didn't become clear to me whether you need that or not.
From what I can understand from your question, this JSFiddle (simpler version here) should do the trick.
background: black;
div div
margin-left: 150px;
background: white;
div ul
float: left;
color: white;
<li>Nav bar</li>
<li>More nav</li>
Obviously this is a very simple example and you should give your elements classes or IDs if needbe; I wanted to keep it simple.
The principle of this is a float: left, a margin-left: 150px and some background-color properties. You give your container div a background colour of whatever you want the sidebar to be coloured as, and then set the content divs background back to white, or whatever you want that to be.
The float: left for the navbar ul means the main content is pushed back to the top.
The margin-left: 150px gives the navbar 150px on the left of the content to expand into. Obviously you should change this to the width of the navbar.
