Can there be multiple Web.Config files in root folder -

We can configure the settings for the webpages in a particular folder by keeping single web.config. Can there be multiple web.config in a same hierarchy as i saw some where web.config.debug and web.config.release and web.config. Why they are intended for.

Those are web.config transformations, which allow you to apply changes to different builds of your project (debug, dev, release, etc).
The ones suffixed with .debug, .release, etc, are the transformation files. They take the base web.config and modify it using the XML-Document-Transform attributes you specify.
A classic use case is the debug=true attribute, which you never want to use in production. You can use a simple transformation to remove it in your web.config.release file:
<compilation debug="true" />
<compilation xdt:Transform="RemoveAttributes(debug)" />


Web.Config Transform Individual AppSettings to ConfigSource

I'd like to transform the appsettings section of my local web.config file from a bunch of individual settings for my local dev work, to a configSource file path attribute for publishing to client servers.
Basically from this:
<add key="setting1" value="devVal1"></add>
<add key="setting2" value="devVal2"></add>
<add key="setting3" value="devVal3"></add>
to this:
<appSettings configSource="clientSettings.config" />
This partial solution adds the configSource attribute.
<appSettings xdt:Transform="SetAttributes(configSource)" configSource="clientSettings.config"/>
But I'm not sure how to remove all the individual settings as well (I think the configSource will override them anyway, but I'd prefer to not have them there at all, to avoid having irrelevant dev settings in each of my client's web.config files)
A bit more perseverance lead me to the answer. Apply the "RemoveAll" transform to an add element within the appSetting.
<appSettings xdt:Transform="SetAttributes(configSource)" configSource="clientSettings.config">
<add xdt:Transform="RemoveAll"/>
Hope this is of use to someone in the future (if only as an example of why you should do 30 minutes of extra work before reaching for the 'Ask Question' button)...

global web.config overrides site web.config?

In trying to speed up my ASP.Net development build times, I changed my "global" web.config file (C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\Config\web.config) as follows
<compilation batch="false">
That really sped up the first page access of my site after doing a build.
What surprises me is that our site's web.config has
<compilation batch="true">
but the global setting is the one that seems to be in effect. I would expect that the site web.config would override the global web.config. Is that not the case?
Global web.config doesn't override site web.config.
try this: set in global web.config
<add key="TruncLongText-Size" value="150"/>
and in local web.config
<add key="TruncLongText-Size" value="150"/>
then prompt the result in a page.
What do you see?

Concept of web.config file in Asp.Net

Could you please tell me how we will use more than 1 web.config file in
You can use multiple web.config in different directories in the web application. This will help you to override any parent folder config settings
Multiple Web.Config files in ASP.NET web application
You can't use multiple web.config files as far as I know. You can however run create a new website that uses a different web.config file and has duplicate files.
If there is a particular setting you want to be variable, then your design sounds a bit inefficient and you should probably be handling those values outside the web.config file.
You can also split your config file into multiple parts, which is useful if it's hard to manage and want to modularise it. Do as follows:
Your Main.config
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<appSettings file="YourSettings.config" />
<!-- Continue as normal -->
Then create YourSettings.config
<!-- Referenced by Web.config -->
<add key="Key" value="MyVal" />

Nested ASP.NET 'application' within IIS inheriting parent config values?

I currently have 2 x ASP.NET 3.5 web applications in IIS7 (lets call them WebParent and WebChild).
WebChild is nested within the WebParent listing in IIS7 and is set up as an application (rather than just a virtual directory within WebParent). Both currently use their own (Classic) application pool.
Both WebParent and WebChild have their own fully defined web.config files in their own root directories.
I had assumed that seeing as WebChild is defined as an 'Application' within IIS, that it would not inherit anything from the WebParent configuration file. However, despite this configuration, I am seeing errors related to various elements within the web.config already being defined (which is correct, there are a couple items that are in both config files, but I thought they should be treated completely independently from one another)?
Can anyone please clarify why this might be occurring?
The exact solution to your problem will depend on what configuration exception message you are seeing. However, this is a typical problem that can often be solved through use of the inheritInChildApplications attribute on the location element in the web.config for "WebParent". By wrapping the entire system.web section in a location element as follows, you should be able to eliminate the problem you described:
<location path="." inheritInChildApplications="false">
<!-- ... -->
With IIS 7, you will also want to wrap the system.WebServer section the same way:
<location path="." inheritInChildApplications="false">
<!-- ... -->
This solution is based on an excellent blog article that I found here.
If they are repeated, you'll have to <remove/> then in the child application web.config first, then add back the element you'd like it it's place. This is assuming that you'd like to have a different value. If you don't, then just omit the element. A connection string would be a good example of something that is likely common for all applications - so you only need to specify it in the root.
<siteMap defaultProvider="AdminSiteMapProvider" enabled="true">
<remove name="AdminSiteMapProvider"/>
<add name="AdminSiteMapProvider" description="Admin SiteMap provider" type="System.Web.XmlSiteMapProvider" siteMapFile="~/App_Data/admin.sitemap" securityTrimmingEnabled="true" />
I think the inheritInChildApplications="false" is good for cases where you still want to inherit some part of the configuration from the parent.
In cases where you want to completely stop inheritance (as in this case if I'm correct), I'd suggest to use 2 separate application pools for the 2 apps and then apply a not very well documented setting in the applicationHost.config file as I explained in this question “Entry has already been added” - Two Separate App Pools
<add name="MyAppPool" autoStart="true" managedRuntimeVersion="v4.0" managedPipelineMode="Integrated" enableConfigurationOverride="false">
<processModel identityType="NetworkService" />
Follow Scott's advise and also ensure that you have right clicked WebChild in IIS and selected Convert to Application.

What i s best practice for accessing settings from config?

I want to know what best practice is for accessing settings
in config file when you have dev/test/production types.
If you have different config for each type when you
publish a ASP.NET website doesn't the config get copied as well??
We usually manually inject the settings file on each site. I think that it's uncommon, though not unheard of, to actually rely on VS to publish to your production site. Source control has dev/test/prod/ etc. web.config files.
ConfigurationManager.AppSettings ?
In Visual Studio 2010 you can maintain Multiple Web.Config and use a transformation to generate the correct Configuration for an environment.
Basically we can make have one default Web.Config and different Transformation files for each environment e.g.
The Transformation file can override the value of a particular config item for the environment e.g.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<configuration xmlns:xdt="">
<add name="personalDB"
connectionString="Server=StagingBox; Database=personal; User Id=admin; password=StagingPersonalPassword"
providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" xdt:Transform="Replace" xdt:Locator="Match(name)" />
<add name="professionalDB"
connectionString="Server=StagingBox; Database=professional; User Id=professional; password=StagingProfessionalPassword"
providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" xdt:Transform="Replace" xdt:Locator="Match(name)"/>
Whenever we target build for that environment the Transformation are applied to the default Web.Config file.
