Copying pointers to pointers 'contents' in C - pointers

I'm having some trouble copying pointers' contents. I'm simply trying this:
char* vigia1;
char* vigia2;
char* aux = (char*) malloc (strlen (vigia1)+1);
free (aux);
vigia1, vigia2 are pointers to a char pointer. They both have a malloc greater than their maximum possible size, that's OK.
Since I'm trying to make an order for a list, I need to make this change to order the nodes' content. But I'm getting confused: after the free(aux) , vigia2 doesn't have any value. I think I must be pointing vigia2 to the memory region where aux is, region that 'disappear' after the free. So what should I do?

Pointers, pointers, bad with them, worse without them
A pointer is a number that stores where in memory sth is stored, with that in mind, let's delve into what you've done there:
char* aux = (char*) malloc (strlen (vigia1)+1);
Good, you've created space somewhere in a part of the memory called heap, and stored the address of the newly created memory space at aux.
Ops, now you've overwritten the address of the memory space you've "created" with the number stored at vigia1, that happens to be an address to another memory space.
Now you're assinging to vigia1 the value of vigia2, another address of some memory space out there.
And, by the end of it, you make vigia2 point to the memory region previously pointed by vigia1.
free (aux);
Now, you're freeing the memory pointed by aux. Wait a second, on the line above this one you've just made vigia2 point to this same address. No wonder it holds nothing useful :)
Trying to help you with what you want to do:
So long you don't have any constraint that obliges you to mantain your list nodes ordered in memory, you don't need to copy the content of the node, just make the pointer of the first node point to the memory region of the second node.
A perfect swap would be:
char *aux; // you'll need an aux to make the swap, the normal stuff
aux = vigia1; // now aux points to the same address as vigia1
vigia1 = vigia2; // vigia1 now points to the contents of vigia2
vigia2 = aux; // and now vigia2 points to the content pointed previously by vigia1
/* and tada! the swap is done :D */

Assigning one pointer to another simply copies the value of one pointer to another, i.e., an address. It doesn't copy what the pointer refers to into another location at a different address. So yes, you can have N pointers all pointing to the same chunk of memory, but once free() is called one of them they are all invalid.
So that means that this:
char* aux = (char*) malloc (strlen (vigia1)+1);
Is a memory leak. You malloc'd some memory for aux and then immediately discarded the address. There is no way to get it back, no way to free() it any longer.

What you are making is just pointer assignments. Malloc'ed memory is just getting wasted causing a leak.
aux=vigia1; // Makes aux point to the location where vigia1 is pointing to
// Doesn't copy the contents of vigia1 to malloc'ed memory for aux
You need to make deep copy using strcpy.
strcpy(aux, vigia1);
Hope this gives you the hint.


Does a function parameter that accepts a string reference point directly to the string variable or the data on the heap in Rust

I've taken this picture and code from The Rust Book.
Why does s point to s1 rather than just the data on the heap itself?
If so this is how it works? How does the s point to s1. Is it allocated memory with a ptr field that contains the memory address of s1. Then, does s1, in turn point to the data.
In s1, I appear to be looking at a variable with a pointer, length, and capacity. Is only the ptr field the actual pointer here?
This is my first systems level language, so I don't think comparisons to C/C++ will help me grok this. I think part of the problem is that I don't quite understand what exactly pointers are and how the OS allocates/deallocates memory.
fn main() {
let s1 = String::from("hello");
let len = calculate_length(&s1);
println!("The length of '{}' is {}.", s1, len);
fn calculate_length(s: &String) -> usize {
The memory is just a huge array, which can be indexed by any offset (e.g. u64).
This offset is called address,
and a variable that stores an address called a pointer.
However, usually only some small part of memory is allocated, so not every address is meaningful (or valid).
Allocation is a request to make a (sequential) range of addresses meaningful to the program (so it can access/modify).
Every object (and by object I mean any type) is located in allocated memory (because non-allocated memory is meaningless to the program).
Reference is actually a pointer that is guaranteed (by a compiler) to be valid (i.e. derived from address of some object known to a compiler). Take a look at std doc also.
Here an example of these concepts (playground):
// This is, in real program, implicitly defined,
// but for the sake of example made explicit.
// If you want to play around with the example,
// don't forget to replace `usize::max_value()`
// with a smaller value.
let memory = [uninitialized::<u8>(); usize::max_value()];
// Every value of `usize` type is valid address.
const SOME_ADDR: usize = 1234usize;
// Any address can be safely binded to a pointer,
// which *may* point to both valid and invalid memory.
let ptr: *const u8 = transmute(SOME_ADDR);
// You find an offset in our memory knowing an address
let other_ptr: *const u8 = memory.as_ptr().add(SOME_ADDR);
// Oversimplified allocation, in real-life OS gives a block of memory.
unsafe { *other_ptr = 15; }
// Now it's *meaningful* (i.e. there's no undefined behavior) to make a reference.
let refr: &u8 = unsafe { &*other_ptr };
I hope that clarify most things out, but let's cover the questions explicitly though.
Why does s point to s1 rather than just the data on the heap itself?
s is a reference (i.e. valid pointer), so it points to the address of s1. It might (and probably would) be optimized by a compiler for being the same piece of memory as s1, logically it still remains a different object that points to s1.
How does the s point to s1. Is it allocated memory with a ptr field that contains the memory address of s1.
The chain of "pointing" still persists, so calling s.len() internally converted to s.deref().len, and accessing some byte of the string array converted to s.deref().ptr.add(index).deref().
There are 3 blocks of memory that are displayed on the picture: &s, &s1, s1.ptr are different (unless optimized) memory addresses. And all of them are stored in the allocated memory. The first two are actually stored at pre-allocated (i.e. before calling main function) memory called stack and usually it is not called an allocated memory (the practice I ignored in this answer though). The s1.ptr pointer, in contrast, points to the memory that was allocated explicitly by a user program (i.e. after entering main).
In s1, I appear to be looking at a variable with a pointer, length, and capacity. Is only the ptr field the actual pointer here?
Yes, exactly. Length and capacity are just common unsigned integers.

OpenCL - Storing a large array in private memory

I have a large array of float called source_array with the size of around 50.000. I am current trying to implement a collections of modifications on the array and evaluate it. Basically in pseudo code:
__kernel void doSomething (__global float *source_array, __global boolean *res. __global int *mod_value) {
// Modify values of source_array with mod_value;
// Evaluate the modified array.
So in the process I would need to have a variable to hold modified array, because source_array should be a constant for all work item, if i modify it directly it might interfere with another work item (not sure if I am right here).
The problem is the array is too big for private memory therefore I can't initialize in kernel code. What should I do in this case ?
I considered putting another parameter into the method, serves as place holder for modified array, but again it would intefere with another work items.
Private "memory" on GPUs literally consists of registers, which generally are in short supply. So the __private address space in OpenCL is not suitable for this as I'm sure you've found.
Victor's answer is correct - if you really need temporary memory for each work item, you will need to create a (global) buffer object. If all work items need to independently mutate it, it will need a size of <WORK-ITEMS> * <BYTES-PER-ITEM> and each work-item will need to use its own slice of the buffer. If it's only temporary, you never need to copy it back to host memory.
However, this sounds like an access pattern that will work very inefficiently on GPUs. You will do much better if you decompose your problem differently. For example, you may be able to make whole work-groups coordinate work on some subrange of the array - copy the subrange into local (group-shared) memory, the work is divided between the work items in the group, and the results are written back to global memory, and the next subrange is read to local, etc. Coordinating between work-items in a group is much more efficient than each work item accessing a huge range of global memory We can only help you with this algorithmic approach if you are more specific about the computation you are trying to perform.
Why not to initialize this array in OpenCL host memory buffer. I.e.
const size_t buffer_size = 50000 * sizeof(float);
/* cl_malloc, malloc or new float [50000] or = {0.1f,0.2f,...} */
float *host_array_ptr = (float*)cl_malloc(buffer_size);
put your data into host_array_ptr hear
cl_int err_code;
cl_mem my_array = clCreateBuffer( my_cl_context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE | CL_MEM_USE_HOST_PTR, buffer_size, host_array_ptr, &err_code );
Then you can use this cl_mem my_array in OpenCL kernel
Find out more

How to free resources of QString when use it inside std::vector

I have a structure "rs" for every record of my dataset.
All records are in a vector "r".
My record count is in “rc”.
struct rs{
uint ip_i;//index
QString ip_addr;//ip address
std::vector <rs> r;//rows ordered by key
int rc;//row count
I would like to control this memory usage.
That's why I don't want to use r.insert and r.erase.
When I need to insert a record, I will:
Increase size of r by r.resize(..);r.shrink_to_fit() (if needed).
Shift elements of r to the right (if needed) by std::rotate.
Put new values: r[i].ip_i=...;r[i].ip_addr=...
When I need to delete a record, I will:
Shift elements of r to the left (if needed) by std::rotate.
For example, std::rotate(r.begin()+i,r.begin()+i+1,r.begin()+rc);.
Free resources of r[rc].ip_addr.
How to free resouces of QString r[rc].ip_addr?
I've tried to do r[i].ip_addr.~QString() and catched an runtime error.
Make r.resize() (if needed).
I don't want to loose memory because of Qstring copies stayed after rows deleting.
How can I control them?
QString handles all memory control for you. Just treat it as a regular object and you'll be fine. std::vector is OO-aware, so it will call destructors when freeing elements.
The only thing you should not do is use low-level memory manipulation routines like memcpy or memset. std::vector operations are safe.
If you really want to free a string for a record that is within [0..size-1] range (that is, you do not actually decrease size with resize() after moving elements), then calling r[i].ip_addr.clear() would suffice. Or better yet, introduce the clear() method in your structure that will call ip_addr.clear() (in case you add more fields that need to be cleared). But you can only call it on a valid record, of course, not one beyond your actual vector size (no matter what the underlying capacity is, it's just an implementation detail).
On a side note, it probably makes sense to use QList instead since you're using Qt anyway, unless you have specific reasons to use std::vector. As far as memory control goes, QList offers reserve method which allows you reserve exactly as many elements as you need. Inserting then would look like
list.reserve(list.size() + 1);
list.insert(i, r);

Stack-Reference of a Heap-Object

After reading several articles about The Heap and the Stack (Rust-lang) I learned that non-primitive types / data-structures are usually located on the heap, leaving a pointer in the stack, pointing to the address where the specific object is located at the heap.
Heap values are referenced by a variable on the stack, which contains the memory address of the object on the heap. [Rust Essentials, Ivo Balbaert]
Considering the following example:
struct Point {
x: u32,
y: u32,
fn main() {
let point = Point { x: 8, y: 16 };
// Is this address the value of the pointer at the stack, which points to
// the point-struct allocated in the heap, or is the printed address the
// heap-object's one?
println!("The struct is located at the address {:p}", &point);
In my case, the output was:
The struct is located at the address 0x24fc58
So, is 0x24fc58 the value (address) the stack-reference points to, or is it the direct memory-address where the struct-instance is allocated in the heap?
Some additional little questions:
Is this a "raw-address", or the address relative to the program's address-space?
Is it possible to initialize a pointer by directly passing a hex address?
Is it possible to access memory-addresses which don't lay in the program's address-space?
Your Point actually resides on the stack – there is no Box or other structure to put it on the heap.
Yes, it is possible (though obviously unsafe) to pass an address to a *ptr (this is a bare pointer) and cast it to a &ptr – this is unsafe, because the latter are guaranteed to be non-null.
As such, it is of course possible (though wildly unsafe) to access off-heap memory, as long as the underlying system lets you do it (most current systems will probably just kill your process with a Segmentation Fault).

Sharing Pointers Between Multiple Forked Processes

If I want to share something like a char **keys array between fork()'d processes using shm_open and mmap can I just stick a pointer to keys into a shared memory segment or do I have to copy all the data in keys into the shared memory segment?
All data you want to share has to be in the shared segment. This means that both the pointers and the strings have to be in the shared memory.
Sharing something which includes pointers can be cumbersome. This is because mmap doesn't guarantee that a given mapping will end up in the required address.
You can still do this, by two methods. First, you can try your luck with mmap and hope that the dynamic linker doesn't load something at your preferred address.
Second method is to use relative pointers. Inside a pointer, instead of storing a pointer to a string, you store the difference between the address of the pointer and the address of the string. Like so:
char **keys= mmap(NULL, ...);
char *keydata= (char*) keys + npointers * sizeof(char*);
strcpy(keydata, firstring);
keys[0]= (char*) (keydata - (char*) &keys[0]);
keydata+= strlen(firststring)+1;
When you want to access the string from the other process, you do the reverse:
char **keys= mmap(NULL, ...);
char *str= (char*) (&keys[0]) + (ptrdiff_t) keys[0];
It's a little cumbersome but it works regardless of what mmap returns.
