Public Property has multiple definitions with identical signatures -

I am writing an application to transfer data between an in-house web application and a Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 instance. I generated early bound entity classes using the CrmSvcUtil included with the Dynamics CRM SDK with the following parameters:
crmsvcutil /l:vb /url:http://nameofserver/MicrosoftDynamics/XRMServices/2011/Organization.svc /out:myorganizationcrmsdktypes.vb /username:username /password:password /domain:domain
I then renamed the existing standard sdk output file in my project and added the file generated by using the above command. Then I built the project and began receiving numerous errors like so:
Public Property account_activity_parties As System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of ActivityParty)' has multiple definitions with identical signatures.
Any ideas why?

Well, I figured it out...and I'll post the solution here just in case anyone else runs into it. I renamed my original early bound entity class myorganizationcrmsdktypes-old.vb and left it in the project. Apparently the project was building from both files, and this was causing the duplication.


Cannot load source/destination schema; Either the file/type does not exist, or if a project dependency exists, the dependent project is not built

We are updating a BizTalk 2009 application that I inherited. I'm converting them into BizTalk 2013 R2.
I get the following reasonably famous error, when I try to re-compile
Exception Caught: Cannot load source/destination schema: MyCompany.Schema.AppConfig.
Either the file/type does not exist, or if a project dependency exists, the dependent project is not built.
There are only two posts in SOF related to this error:
Biztalk Map Destination Schema Imports Multiple Schemas
Reference trouble with BizTalk schema project in Visual Studio 2008
and only a few meaningful posts in elsewhere.
The solution has 4 projects organized as follows:
Common (contains an 1 schema AppConfig.xsd file)
Orchestration (1 Orchestration file)
Schema (references an ASMX web service)
Map (1 map file, references Schema and Common Projects)
The Map project attempts to translate an source message of type AppConfig to the type AppConfigBE which is one of the Complex Types in the Web Service.
I keep getting the compile time error above.
Tried all of the following, as recommended in the two SOF posts, and a few other posts on MSDN forums, but none of it worked.
Tried alternating Copy Local on the Maps project (From true to false, and vice-versa)
Tried Replacing schema on source and destination on the map file
Schemas are referenced using fully qualified .Net type name
Tried referencing the .dll as opposed to the Schema and Common projects.
Updated the web reference; also removed and re-added the web references
Is there a solution/hot fix etc for this? Any other suggestions I can try?
We had to call Microsoft for help; the engineer took my project file to try on their computers; he said they too had the same problem and as a fix, recommended to set the Build Action property of the .BTM map file to None instead of BTSCompile. After this, the project builds successfully. He said to test the project with this build and let them know. What I'm not sure is, what are consequences of this? Many topics on Build Action refers to the schema files, not the map files in a BTS project. What is the standard Build Action for Map files?
One more item is to clear any Assemblies from the GAC or re-GAC them with a Post-Build script.
I ran into the same problem. I needed to add
using Microsoft.XLANGs.BaseTypes;
using Microsoft.BizTalk.XLANGs.BTXEngine;
[assembly: Microsoft.XLANGs.BaseTypes.BizTalkAssemblyAttribute(typeof(BTXService))]
to the AssemblyInfo.cs into the project.

Unable to load the specified metadata resource still comes

Yes, I know, this is the n'th question around this issue. I tried a lot of mentioned ~solutions, but none of them worked for me.
Windows 8.1, Visual Studio 2012, .NET 4.5.51641, Entity Framework 6.1.1
My struggle is to configure a well structured ASP.NET project, separate the different entities. I need more entities and in separate folders because of some overlaps among generated class names.
Therefore I've created a DAL folder and the first one, the Production. My model is quite simple, during the mode creation I've created the ProductionEntities entity connection string as it seems bellow:
Here is the ProductionModel.edmx and its properties:
I checked the assembly with reflector, all the resources are correct:
After that I've created a webpage and an EntityDataSource within it. If I select the ProductionEntities for Named Connection, I get above mentioned error message.
Have anybody some fresh idea for this? Thanks in advance!
I've got the solution!
After creating the entity model, it is MANDATORY to compile the project! After compilation the VS is going to recognize the entitydatasource wizard works fine...

Why can I not compile an object in Dynamics NAV containing an OCX?

I imported a Form object from a text file. When I try to compile it I get the following error message:
This message is for C/AL programmers:
The OLE control or Automation Server identified by 'Microsoft Common Dialog Control 6.0 (SP3)'.CommonDialog requires a design time license.
This license cannot be obtained.
Make sure that the OLE control or Automation server is installed correctly with an appropriate license"
I am developing in Dynamics NAV using a developer license. The OCX is registered correctly, gets listed in NAV's "Custom Controls" as pointing to "C:\Windows\SysWOW64\comdlg32.ocx".
Why am I not allowed to compile the object?
The license in question is, as you said, purely for using the CommonDialog component in design-time environments. This has nothing to do with your NAV license or your customers being able to run code that uses the component. The design-time license (which is nothing more than a key in your system registry; not an actual license file) used to get installed with e.g. Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 or older versions of Microsoft Visual Studio.
If you have access to VB6.0 or VS2005, you can use VB6Controls.reg on the installation disk as described here:;en-us;318597.
As the message said, the components loads, try to get a license and don't get one. So you don't have one as it says or you don't have it in the path lookup the components looks at it.
There is one more trick you can do to fix this problem and avoid installing a lot of crap like VB6.0.
This message is related to certain automation type variable in the object you trying to compile.
You can copy this variable from any other compiled object in other database or any other compiled object in the same database. And then your imported object will magically compile. Just delete the variable from your imported object's variable list and copy it from compiled object with copy-paste.
I don't know what magic is that but it worked for me many times. I copied variable from the same object in restored backup of the database.

What's the difference between C# Code Fragments and Assembly TBBs?

I understand C# Code Fragments and .NET Assemblies offer the same functionality for modular template development. We manage the code fragments in the CME and assembly code in Visual Studio, but use both the same way in Template Builder.
In terms of code, I can create a C# Code Fragment Template Building Block (TBB), for example:
var timeStamp = DateTime.Now.ToString("d MMM yyyy");
package.PushItem("timeStamp from fragment", package.CreateHtmlItem(timeStamp));
I can also create a .NET assembly Template Building Block using the same code by implementing ITemplate as below.
using System;
using Tridion.ContentManager.Templating;
using Tridion.ContentManager.Templating.Assembly;
namespace CreateAndBreakTemplates
[TcmTemplateTitle("Add Date to Package")]
public class AddDateToPackage : ITemplate
public void Transform(Engine engine, Package package)
var timeStamp = DateTime.Now.ToString("d MMM yyyy");
package.PushItem("timeStamp from assembly",
The docs explain that "SDL Tridion inserts the code fragment in its predefined method of a predefined class." It looks like this class implements ITemplate and adds some references below (am I missing anything?).
The assembly setup instructions mention at least these dlls.
Any other difference between fragment and assembly and how would you choose between the two?
A C# fragment is compiled into an assembly by Tridion when the template is first invoked and after it's been modified. To compile the fragment, Tridion wraps it in some "dungeon dressing" (bonus points for those who know where that term comes from) that:
Uses the Tridion.ContentManager, Tridion.ContentManager.CommunicationManagement, Tridion.ContentManager.ContentManagement and Tridion.ContentManager.Templating namespaces
Makes the Package and Engine available in fields called package and engine respectively
Creates a logger for the C# fragment that is available through a field called log
Adds references to some commonly used assemblies (but does not add a using for their namespaces yet)
Edit: given the other answers it seems many people are not aware of how to accomplish certain tasks in C# fragment TBBs, so I'll document them below:
Import additional namespaces
To import/use additional namespaces into your C# fragment, you need to use this syntax:
<%# Import Namespace="Tridion.ContentManager.ContentManagement.Fields" %>
Note that this will only import namespaces from assemblies that are already referenced by Tridion. There is no mechanism for you to add references to other assemblies explicitly; so if you need a third-party DLL, you will need to add it to the GAC.
Defining custom functions
You can define custom fields and functions in your C# fragment by using this syntax:
public static string GetDate()
return new DateTime().ToString("u").Replace(" ", "T");
Defining member fields and (nested) classes
The syntax for defining custom functions also allows you to define nested classes and/or member fields:
public class MyLittleHelper
public MyLittleHelper(string param1)
Frank has explained the difference between the two approaches, but that still leaves the question of how to choose between the two. My personal advise is to never use C# fragments for anything, with only one exception*. As you have found out, there is some dark magic going on in them that I personally do not like. Also, there is so much you cannot do in them that a .NET programmer is quite fond of, such as creating classes.
Putting my personal taste aside, I see only one reason why you would ever resort to C# fragments: if you do not have access to Visual Studio or another tool that builds DLLs. And that is not a very strong argument either: if you want a job done, you should get the proper tools!
*The exception being the C# fragments that Tridion automatically creates for each ITemplate in your assembly, of course.
The main differences between C# code Fragment and .net Assemblies in my point of view are categorized into below high level buckets.
Step-by-Step Debugging
With .net assemblies you could do step-by-step debugging from visual studio where as C# Code fragments it is not possible.
Re-Use or Base Classes
With .net assemblies you could extend ITemplate to create something like BaseTemplate and all your template could extend them so you have common design pattern, where as C# there is no concept of BaseTemplate other than Tridion ITemplate interface.
With .net assemblies you could add common utility classes (often TridionUtilities) and all your templates refer to the same TridionUtilities for common functionality. C# code fragment the utility functions need to be defined within the same TBB and cannot be reused with other TBBs unless you create a class and deploy to GAC.
Easier Upgrade Scans and Maintenance
With .net assemblies it is easier to do any upgrade scans like deprecated APIs/Methods simply referring to new dlls/.net framework. .net assemblies make it easy to identify potential impacts on planning either Tridion upgrades or .net framework upgrades. C# code fragments it is much harder to find the deprecated or any impacts of upgrade.
Developer Friendly
Obviously .net assemblies are developed using Visual Studio (developers love it!) vs. C# Code Fragments in a Text Editor (painful).
When I started back with Tridion 5.3, started with C# code fragments and quickly realized what a mistake I made for not going .net assemblies.
My vote is always .net assemblies and C# code fragments is not even in consideration unless I don't have a choice. lol..
I think the differences indeed are best explained by Frank's answer, as to how would you choose between the two. I normally say, since you are using Visual Studio anyways, always create a .NET Assembly TBB for your code. They offer you a lot more benefits like including 3rd party assemblies, allow for proper coding with classes and methods a lot easier and probably most important, allow for proper debugging (although this last one can be hard to setup depending on where you are, thinking of customer environments, firewalls etc.).
There are for me only two exceptions for using C# Fragments:
The references to classes implementing ITemplate in an assembly, allowing you to use these as separate TBBs
If there is a requirement to manage constants or other hardcoded constants directly from SDL Tridion
Number 2 is of course debatable, but you never can do without configuration properties, for a TBB most of these you can handle using a Parameters Schema, but sometimes it is just a lot easier, to directly write them in a C# Fragment and have that push them to the package for other TBBs to use.
In my training sessions, I usually referred to the following story of the only time I ever choose to use a C# Fragment TBB so far, indicating how much of an exception it is to use them:
I was working at a customer abroad, and my taxi for the airport was leaving in 10 minutes when one of the developers I was coaching asked me a question on how to get a list of items from a Folder in his TBB. I had already closed my Visual Studio and Outlook and was about to shutdown my laptop, but quickly browsed through some of my code samples to find what he needed. Knowing that starting up Visual Studio or Outlook would take a few minutes, I quickly pasted the code in a C# Fragment so he had it for easy reference.
I would never use C# fragments for the sole reason that it makes management of your code quite difficult and you need to manually deploy them. And if you do write your code from Visual Studio, then you should create a .NET Building Block assembly.

Can Microsoft Code Contracts be used with an ASP.NET Website?

I'm currently using Microsoft Code Contracts in an ASP.NET MVC application without any issues but I can not seem to get it quite running in a basic ASP.NET Web site. I'm not entirely sure it was made to work with this type of project (although it shouldn't matter) so I wanted to bring it up to everyone.
I can compile the contracts just fine but the code skips over them since I'm assuming it hasn't been enabled through the Properties Page like you would do in other project types (ie ASP.NET MVC). I've gone to the property page of the project (which displays a dialog instead of the typical properties page) in my ASP.NET web site but it does not yield the same menu options and as such, doesn't have a section devoted to Code Contracts.
Also, I have Microsoft Code Contracts properly enabled within a class library project that I use to separate my business logic from the web site. The contracts compile fine but when a contract is violated, it throws a rather uninformative "Exception of type 'System.ExecutionEngineException' was thrown" error with no inner exception. My contract specifies a message to display upon violation but it is nowhere within the exception. It simply halts the execution of the process (which I believe is the default functionality for Microsoft Code Contracts).
I can't find anywhere that explicitly states that a particular project type can or can't (or shouldn't) be used with Contracts so I just wanted to see if anyone has had this issue.
Thanks for any help!
I had the same problem and this is how I solved it:
In the Referenced Class Libraries, right click -> properties -> code contracts.
Make sure "perform contract checking" is checked. I had mine set to "Full"
Contract Reference Assembly: make sure it is set to "Build"
Save your changes.
In the Referenced Class Libraries that have no contracts in their code, set the Contract Reference Assembly to "Do Not Build".
Then in the MVC project, have the Code Contracts "perform contract checking" checked. I had mine set to "Full".
Hope that helps somebody.
This sounds less like a Contracts and more like a build/config issue. Have you tried to deploy a prebuilt website? Are you sure that your website code sees the contracts code? Is the ASP.NET runtime using the CLR 4.0, or does it see the earlier Microsoft.Contracts.dll? Etc.

