OSGi for non-java 3PPs - jar

We are building a product that uses the apache hadoop & hbase frameworks for handling some of our big data requirements. We are also using Oracle for our reporting requirements. We are keen to go with the OSGi way of bundling our software to take advantage of the remote deployment,service management & loosely coupled packaging features that OSGi containers offer.
We have a few doubts in this area:
When it comes to our own Java apps, we now know how to create OSGi bundles out of them and deploy them over OSGi containers. But how do we handle Java based 3PPs that have a clustered architecture, for example HBase/Hadoop? We saw that Fuse Fabric has created a Hadoop (actually only HDFS not Map Reduce) bundle, but in general how do you go about creating bundles for 3PP's?
How do we handle non-java based 3PPs like for example Oracle. Should we create a OSGi bundle for it and deploy over OSGi or should we install these 3PP's outside of OSGi and write some monitoring scripts that are triggered over OSGi to track the status of these 3PP's? What are the best practices in this area?
Are all bundles launched over OSGi container (like Karaf) run within the same single JVM of the container? Some of our applications and 3PPs are huge and we may run into heap/GC issues if all of them are run inside a single JVM. What are the best practices here?
Thanks & Regards

Creating bundles from non-OSGi libraries can be as simple as repackaging it with an appropriate manifest (there are tools for that, see below), but it can also become very difficult. OSGi has a special class-loading model, and many Java EE libraries that do dynamic class-loading don't play well with that.
I am not sure what you mean here. Theoretically OSGi supports loading native libraries using the Bundle-NativeCode manifest-header, but I have no experience with that.
Normally all bundles are run in the same virtual machine. However, Karaf supports clustering through Cellar, I don't know about other containers though.
Tools for wrapping 3rd-party libraries
In general you can use bnd for this (the tool of choice when it comes to automated generation of OSGi-bundle manifests). PAX-URL offers the wrap protocol-handler, which is present by default in Karaf. Using that, wrapping a library can be as simply as that (e.g. from the Karaf-command line, or a feature-descriptor):

The case of Oracle and most other db libs is simple. You can use the wrap protocol of pax url. Unter the covers it uses bnd with default options. I have a tutorial for using dbs with Apache Karaf.
In general making bundles out of third party libs can range from easy to quite complicated. It mainly depends on how much dirty classloading tricks the lib uses. Before you try to bundle stuff yourself you should look if there are ready made bundles. Most libs today either come directly as bundles or are already available as bundles from some source. For example the servicemix project creates a lot of bundles. You can ask on the user list there if something is available.


How can I make an SBT build for multi-projects and multi-platforms?

I'm starting on a medium project with many independent components that can run either on Android or the JVM and I'm wondering how to break it into SBT projects so that the dependencies behave nicely. Here's what I've got so far:
core/ for platform agnostic core code, must not break on either platform, this includes interfaces for component launchers
android-core/ for implementations of the core interfaces that depend on android libraries (note, this project depends on sbt-android)
jvm-core/ for implementations of the core interfaces that depend on libraries that don't play well with or depend on android
So far so good, but now it's time to consume the core projects in the individual components. My requirements are:
Each component should compile to a separate Android app (perhaps sharing an aar library?), and the apps can be individually installed (still via sbt, a la the android:install task)
There is a wrapper build so that all project builds can be done from the same place.
It is so easily extensible that fresh grad students can correctly add components (bonus points if adding a component needs no change whatsoever to the build).
If a component depends on a platform specific library it does not prevent other components from being compiled agnostically.
Some of the questions I have are:
Should each component have an sbt project? (I'm inclined to think so so that students could add dependencies on libraries that don't run on both platforms, but I'm open to being wrong)
If so, will each component's project require an sbt build?
If so, how can I bootstrap the component builds to require minimum skill from the component author?
Later I'm going to be adding code generation to generate message classes from descriptions (think protobuf/thrift), that will want to run as a first pass before the components get compiled, I'm assuming this can be done, but do you have a link that explains how?
If two components each compile against the messages of each other will that create impossible circular dependencies?
Basically I'm looking for wisdom and experience, the nitty gritty code I'm sure I can hack my way through once I know what terms to search the docs to understand and roughly how the whole thing wants to hang together. Thanks for your help!

Continuous Integration for Flex 4

My team wants to set up a continuous integration server for a flex 4 project that we are developing. I have been evaluating various options and have some questions.
Really torn between Cruise Control and Hudson/Jenkins. Continuous integration servers for Flex shows at least two successful installations of Hudson for Flex.
Which source control should we use? I am personally inclined towards GIT, but looks like SVN has a lot more in-built support in both CC and Hudson.
In the worst case scenario, we might be forced to use VSS. What is the support for VSS like?
First, NEVER USE VSS. Biggest POS out there. Cruise Control/Hudson/Bamboo/Teamcity/etc are just build servers, but they need something to build with like Ant or Maven. After the build is done, they normally deploy whatever was created to your place of choosing. Any one of them will work just fine unless you have some very specific requirements.
As for version control, all of them can be used with the build server so it comes down to preference. In a team environment, I prefer Git; however, it is a bit more 'complex' to use than subversion, so training might be involved. But trust me, a lot less headaches merging with Git than subversion.
The most important part of the whole equation is your Ant or Maven build file. I personally recommend using Maven over Ant since the dependency management is wonderful for larger projects. You'll also want to take a look at the FlexMojos project to compile/test your Flex application.

Maven - which projects or techologies you are using it for?

I've been leading rather large project that strives to "Mavenize" various testing apps produced by the engineering tools group over past 5+ years to test and optimize our home-built database. So far our group managed to successfully retrofit (beside obvious Java) few Coldfusion-based apps, PHP app, large .NET app with about 30 modules and currently working on roughly 40 C/C++ apps. Actually, once you abstract yourself from Java-centric nature of Maven and throw in few useful plugins such as antrun, exec, assembler and resource you can pretty much figure out way of "Mavenizing" just about anything.
So my question is - are there people who had this sort of experience - using Maven to manage non-Java projects? What was it? What language/technology? What did you end up using? How? Were you successful? And if not - what did you end up using as alternative?
Conceptually, Maven is not Java centric but Java is monopolizing most efforts as written on Wikipedia:
Theoretically, [Maven's plugin-based architecture] would allow anyone to write plugins to interface with build tools (compilers, unit test tools, etc.) for any other language. In reality, support and use for languages other than Java has been minimal.
Having that said, I don't have any personal experience of maven with something else than Java. But I can suggest to check out Maven for other languages? :)
We're using Maven to build a Flex application, and it's working quite nicely :).
I have used maven for generating documentation based on LaTeX source files. Using exec and some wrapper scripts, I can create PDF files and handle SCM releases.
One of the PDF files generated is included in a web app by letting maven package it into a jar file, which is referenced from the web app as a regular dependency. The web app can then access the PDF file on the class path.

How do teams use Flex Builder Pro to develop large applications?

We develop applications for the Flash platform, which have LOTS of run-time loaded assets (graphics, data, audio, code-libraries, etc.) Those assets are logically organized within project folders. Programmers and designers get the latest from version control, check-out their code or design work, test within a full local copy of the application, then check-in when they are done. The organization is important to this workflow and our communication.
Using Flash or FlashDevelop, I can easily work with any organization of folders and files. I can easily compile a single package or class to create a run-time loadable swf. In Flex Builder Pro, it seems my options are to create a project for each swf that I need to compile or create a project which references modules, which can also be setup as projects. Neither technique seems ideal for a team or even as good as our current workflow. Note: I've got about 10 years experience with Flash, but only a couple months experience using Flex Builder Pro. It is quite likely that I simply haven't discovered a better workflow.
Would you please share a few tips on how you and your team use Flex Builder Pro to develop large applications, which have lots of runtime libraries and other assets?
Generally, you are correct: Using FlexBuilder the idea is that you will create a project that has a single thing to be built (.swf, .swc, etc).
A file repository (as you mentioned you use) is definitely a MUST HAVE for large-scale development.
Adding build tools such as Ant (my personal favorite) and Maven (growing in popularity and ability pretty quickly) to your toolbox allow you to do more advanced building (and even unit-testing). These types of tools will allow the building of a large application with many aspects and dependencies in a single action. This is a must for large-scale applications and development environments. For larger projects with a lot of sub-projects I will often have a single "master" project that is little more than a build script that calls sub-project build scripts and puts everything together. Maven is particularly good at that. There are Eclipse plug-ins that help out with both of those tools.
Different situations require different ways to use the projects together. It may be helpful to directly link to a Library project as a dependency. That way your projects are able to debug the linked code and modify it as needed. Or if library projects are less commonly modified then their assets could be dropped into the /libs folder of the dependant project eliminating the need to have the .swc generating project open while development goes on.
Keeping your projects to a one-asset-per-project situation goes a long way to keeping it organized. Generally I have a folder for each client and in there a folder for each project. If that project needs to be broken down into sub-projects then ALL of those sub-projects will be located in that project folder (no matter what the relationship is to each other).
Sometimes it is of course helpful to have a number of assets be created for a single project. This could be multiple .swfs for different situations, different .zips for distribution to different places or clients or a dozen other situations. "Asset" projects are sometimes a good example of this. Sometimes I have a "project" that is just my collection of assets. I don't normally access this project from within FlexBuilder and it doesn't normally have the .project and other Eclipse files.
I also use combination of library projects and regular projects. One issue I ran into with a large project is compilation time. Here are some links for the compilation:
Any advice for speeding up the compile time in Flex Builder 3?
Setting the right eclipse.ini and using the -incremental compiler option really helped me out.
Unless you develop a Hello World application, you should have more than one Flex Builder projects. The main one has the bare minimum of classes, and possibly shared libraries that are required to display the first screen of your app.
Fonts and CSS go to a separate proj and are compiled into a separate swf. Load them during the runtime via StyleManager. This alone will speed up the compilation of your app.
The rest of the code has to be split into a separate projects (either Flex Library projects or just the projects having modules). Read about differences in linking of the libraries with the main proj (RSL vs Merged into Code vs. External).
We use Ant for building each of the projects and the entire app. Our open sourced Fx2Ant utility generates ANT scripts for your Flex Builder projects in seconds.
For example, here's the project I was working on last year: http://www.mbusa.com. It consists of more than 15 Flex Builder projects.

Recommended project structure for Flex builds

I'm starting a new project using Flex3 for a reasonably intricate UI getting its data from a collection of RESTful web services. I wondering what experiences others have had in structuring a moderately complex Flex project. The issues I'm thinking about include:
I want to use our FlexBuilder licenses for visual editing of layouts and debugging code on Eclipse
automated build script so that we can use a CI server
testing strategies, particularly automatable unit tests
cross-platform Linux and Windows development environments (yes, I know the Linux version of FlexBuilder doesn't do visual editing, but everything else should ideally run cross-platform)
dependency management for at least the Java code (are there library dependency managers for Flex?)
I've just burned a day trying and failing to get a maven2/flex/jetty build setup working smoothly (based on Jeff Maury's tutorial). I'm not dead-against using Maven as we go forwards, but I'm sure there must be a less painful route. The main issue I had (other than maven documentation being patchy) is that maven's "single artifact per build" rule means that you have to jump through a lot of hoops with a complex build, and I'm not enough of a maven initiate not to trip over the hoops and fall on my face!
Would Ant and Ivy be a better option than maven2? What other choices are there?
I don't know Flex development but I know CI so I'll comment on that aspect.
I work on CruiseControl, so that's what I use (when not being paid to setup something else). And there are blog entries that describe setting up Flex projects under CC for both Windows and Linux. CC has been around for a long time so there is a large community of users and lots of 3rd party tools that work with it.
But other people are likely to recommend Hudson and it would be hard to argue against them. Hudson is very easy to get up and running and has a nice web based UI. This project is very active, has lots of fans and lots of buzz and has matured very rapidly. I don't have anything bad to say about it. This blog entry describes running acceptance tests under Hudson.
I don't know enough about Maven to offer advice there but I'm working with Ivy at a client right now and I really like it. We've got a combination of Java and C++ code and we're able to get Ivy to do what we need.
Well we are using maven. With some help of a lot of different web sties I have an enterprise application being built using maven.
This article via adobe has really help a lot.
You really need a common configuration project that will be shared between both flex and java, and possibly your c++ code. This article explains how to set that all up.
Down side, if you are not knowledgeable with maven there is a slight learning curve.
