How to use function "send" (Winsock) to stream video in VS10 with OpenCV? - networking

I used OpenCV on VS10 to stream video from my webcam. I also used winsock2 to transmit a message and an image in the same computer from server-client TCP/IP (local host). Now I'm trying to stream video in real-timing. I don't know if with function "send" I can specify the length of each frame because I think that it can also send a constant char. Anyone know what function could I use to solve my problem?
Source code:
#include "Server.h"
using namespace std;
//Our main function
//void main()
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
//We have to start de Winsock-dll
long answer;
WSAData wsaData;
//Stard the dll
answer = WSAStartup(DLLVERSION, &wsaData);
//The dll was started, now I use the winsock funcitions in the program
//Structure for the sockets
//addr = our structure
int addrlen = sizeof(addr);
//Now we have to create our sockets
//sListen = socket which is listening for incoming connection
SOCKET sListen;
//sConnect = socket which is operating if a connection was found!
SOCKET sConnect;
//Now we have to setup our sockets:
//AF_INET = means that our socket belongs to the internet family
//SOCK_STREAM = means that our socket is a connection-orientated socket
sConnect = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, NULL);
//Now we have to setup our structure
//inet_addr = IP of our socket (I use is the loopback adress)
addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr("");
//Retype the family
addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
//Now we have to setup the port in the structure;
//Now our server has the IP: and the port 1234
addr.sin_port = htons (1234);
//Now we have to setup our sListen socket
sListen = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, NULL);
//Now we blind the socket
//The socket becomes the structure addr
bind(sListen, (SOCKADDR*)&addr, sizeof(addr));
//We have to say that the socket is listening for an incoming connection
listen(sListen, SOMAXCONN);
//SOMAXCON means that the server is listenning without any limit
//We have to start the capture of the frames to send it
//Well first of all initialize the frames and the default camera
//Using OpenCV
CvCapture *capture = 0;
IplImage *frame = 0;
int key = 0;
capture = cvCaptureFromCAM(0);
//At last we have to say what the serve sould do if a connection was found!
//For this we create a endless loop:
cout << "Waiting for an incoming connection" <<endl;
//if a connection was found << "..." <<endl
if(sConnect = accept(sListen, (SOCKADDR*)&addr, &addrlen))
cout << "A connection was found" <<endl;
//Second part in reference to Youtube 2
//1r: The server should send a message with the funcion send();
//The number of the letters +1
//Ex: Number of the letters: 14+1=15
answer = send(sConnect, "Bonjour",8, NULL);
//*************************Third part of the project
//Sending an image captured from the cam
//always check
if ( !capture )
fprintf( stderr, "Cannot open initialize webcam!\n" );
return 1;
//create a window for the video
cvNamedWindow( "server", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE );
while( key != 'q' )
//get a frame
frame = cvQueryFrame(capture);
//always check
if( !frame ) break;
//display current frame
cvShowImage( "server", frame );
//exit if user press 'q'
key = cvWaitKey(1);
char StartStream(IplImage *frame);
int streamSize(IplImage *frame);
return sizeof(*frame->imageData);
char* buffer = new char[10000];
int len = 10000;
//int sent = 0;
for(int i=0; i<len; i+= answer)
answer = send(sConnect, buffer+i, len-i, 0);
//free memory
cvDestroyWindow( "server" );
cvReleaseCapture( &capture );
return 0;
#include "Client.h"
using namespace std;
//void main()
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
string confirm;
char message[200];
string strmessage;
//IplImage *pImg;
//Start the functions of the Winsock-DLL
long answer;
WSAData wsaData;
WORD DLLVersion;
DLLVersion = MAKEWORD(2,1);
answer = WSAStartup(DLLVersion, &wsaData);
//Setup our Sockets and SOCKADDR_IN
//we will need addrlen later maybe!
int addrlen = sizeof(addr);
//Now setup our Socket
SOCKET sConnect;
sConnect = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, NULL);
//IP of our server
addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr("");
//Now we have to retype de family
addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
//Port of our server
addr.sin_port = htons(1234);
//Now we will ask the client if he wants to connect
cout << "Do you want to connect to your server? [Y/N]" <<endl;
cin >> confirm;
//If the user don't want to connect the client will close
if (confirm == "N")
if (confirm == "Y")
//function connect
connect(sConnect, (SOCKADDR*)&addr, sizeof(addr));
//Our client is working
//Now we program the client that he should recv a message from the server
//Our client should receive the message with the function recv();
//With new char "message"
answer = recv(sConnect, message, sizeof(message), NULL);
//The client should display the message
//With new string strmessage
strmessage = message;
cout << strmessage <<endl;
//the client also should display the image recived
char* buffer = new char[10000];
int len = 10000;
//int rec = 0;
int i=0;
for(int i=0; i<len; i+= answer)
while (answer = recv(sConnect, buffer+i, len-i, 0))
IplImage *frame = cvCreateImage(cvSize(640,480), 8, 3);
frame->imageData = (char *)buffer;
cvNamedWindow( "client", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE );
cvShowImage( "client", frame );
return 0;
I receive the message and the confirmation of the connection in the server. And also it opens the webcam but the client doesn't receive anything.

You can try the cv_video_server and client.


Why 10049 error occurs in udp communication even though ip and port are entered correctly

DWORD WINAPI socketRead(void *lpVoid)
while (true)
// UDP socket
WSADATA data_s;
WORD version = MAKEWORD(2, 2);
// socket start
int wsok = WSAStartup(version, &data_s);
if (wsok != 0)
cout << "Can't start Winsock!" << wsok;
return 0;
cout << "start Winsock!\n";
// socket bind
SOCKET in = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
SOCKADDR_IN serverHint = {};
memset(&serverHint, 0, sizeof(serverHint));
serverHint.sin_family = AF_INET; // IPv4
serverHint.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr = inet_addr("");
serverHint.sin_port = htons(1480);
if (bind(in, (sockaddr *)&serverHint, sizeof(serverHint)) != SOCKET_ERROR)
cout << "bind socket!\n";
cout << "can't bind socket!" << WSAGetLastError() << endl;
// socket clean
int wsokE = WSACleanup();
if (wsokE != 0)
cout << "Can't cleanup Winsock!" << wsokE;
cout << "cleanup Winsock!\n";
// return 0;
this is my code. I want to do UDP socket communication using winsocket.
It is trying to do udp communication with another computer.
However, I keep getting error 10049 even though I wrote down the ip address and port number correctly.
The 1480 port I wrote down in the code is what I set arbitrarily. Do I need to do other processing on the computer?
When I use the same ip and port in the incoming and outgoing confirmation program called Ezterm, the values ​​come normally.
In conclusion, we want to receive data from "".

Winsock server message isn't showing on client side terminal

I created a simple TCP server listening on 8080 port that sends a message to the client once a connection is established. Here's the code.
#include <iostream>
#include <winsock2.h>
#pragma comment(lib, "ws2_32.lib")
#pragma warning(disable:4996)
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
SOCKET s, new_socket;
int c;
int ret;
struct sockaddr_in server, client;
char* message = "Thank you for connecting to us but i got to go\n";
if (WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 2), &wsa) != 0) {
printf("Failed to initialize Winsock : %d", WSAGetLastError());
return 1;
s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
if (s == INVALID_SOCKET) {
printf("Error creating socket : %d", WSAGetLastError());
server.sin_family = AF_INET;
server.sin_port = htons(8080);
server.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
if (bind(s, (struct sockaddr*)&server, sizeof(server)) == SOCKET_ERROR) {
printf("Error binding socket : %d\n", WSAGetLastError());
listen(s, 3);
puts("Listening for incoming connection\n");
c = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);
while (new_socket = accept(s, (struct sockaddr*)&client, &c) != INVALID_SOCKET) {
puts("Connection established\n");
send(new_socket, message, strlen(message), 0);
if (new_socket == INVALID_SOCKET) {
printf("Connection failed : %d", WSAGetLastError());
return 1;
return 0;
When I'm running this, the server runs just fine. I open another terminal and open telnet and try to connect to the server on 8080 port. This is the client side terminal.
Welcome to Microsoft Telnet Client
Escape Character is 'CTRL+]'
Microsoft Telnet> open localhost 8080
Connecting To localhost...
And this is the server side.
Listening for incoming connection
Connection established
But even after server says that a connection is established, the client side stays at "Connecting to localhost". I send the message "Thank you for connecting to us but i got to go\n" but it doesn't show on the client side. what can possibly be wrong?
As it appears, it was a silly mistake.
while (new_socket = accept(s, (struct sockaddr*)&client, &c) != INVALID_SOCKET)
Since I didn't put another bracket over the new_socket = accept(s, (struct sockaddr*)&client, &c after initializing new_socket, the inequality was being applied on the accept function return.
The correct syntax would be
while ((new_socket = accept(s, (struct sockaddr*)&client, &c)) != INVALID_SOCKET)

Unstable or slow communication between ESP8266 server and web browser client

I am using an ESP8266 Thing Dev board configured as an access point and server to store data from temperature sensors.
The goal is to access this data with an Android application, but for now, the client used is my computer running Chrome.
The sensors provide new temperatures every 250 ms, which are added to a string (JSON formatted).
When the client requests the data, the string is ended (closing JSON structure), and printed on the server.
The client should be able to access up to 2*50 values at a time. However, each time a request is send, either only 2 or 4 values are printed, either the page is not working.
My Arduino code, using ESP8266 and TMP102 libraries for arduino :
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include <Ticker.h>
#include "tmp102.h"
#define NB_MAX_TEMP 50
#define MAX_INPUT 20
const byte sensorAddress1 = 0x90; // ADD0 -> GND
const byte sensorAddress2 = 0x92; // ADD0 -> V+
tmp102 *thermometer1 = new tmp102(&Wire);
tmp102 *thermometer2 = new tmp102(&Wire);
// Timer
Ticker ticker;
bool flag = false;
// Wifi
const char WiFiAPPSK[] = "sparkfun"; // Wifi password
WiFiServer server(80);
int count = 0;
String s;
void setupWiFi()
// Do a little work to get a unique-ish name. Append the
// last two bytes of the MAC (HEX'd) to "ThingDev-":
uint8_t mac[WL_MAC_ADDR_LENGTH];
String macID = String(mac[WL_MAC_ADDR_LENGTH - 2], HEX) +
String(mac[WL_MAC_ADDR_LENGTH - 1], HEX);
String AP_NameString = "ThingDev-" + macID;
char AP_NameChar[AP_NameString.length() + 1];
memset(AP_NameChar, 0, AP_NameString.length() + 1);
for (int i = 0; i < AP_NameString.length(); i++)
AP_NameChar[i] = AP_NameString.charAt(i);
WiFi.softAP(AP_NameChar, WiFiAPPSK);
void timer_done()
flag = true;
void acquire()
int temp1 = 0, temp2 = 0;
if (thermometer1->readTemp(temp1))
// If we're reading pins, print out those values:
// first temp
s += String(temp1 * 0.0625);
s += ",";
if (thermometer2->readTemp(temp2))
// If we're reading pins, print out those values:
// second temp
s += String(temp2 * 0.0625);
void setup()
Wire.begin(); // start the I2C library
//Set default config.
// timer every 0.25s
ticker.attach(0.25, timer_done);
void loop()
// Check if a client has connected
WiFiClient client = server.available();
if (!client) {
if (flag) {
flag = false;
int temp1 = 0, temp2 = 0;
if (count == 0) {
// prepare string
s = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n";
s += "Content-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n";
s += "{temp:[";
// add a measurement
s += "[";
s += "],";
count += 1;
if (count == NB_MAX_TEMP) {
// Prevent the string to become infinite
count = 0;
s = s.substring(0, s.length() - 1);
s += "]};";
if (client.available() > 0) {
// Read the first line of the request
String req = client.readStringUntil('\r');
if (req.indexOf("/read") != -1) {
// End the string
s.setCharAt(s.length() - 1, '\0');
s += "]};";
count = 0;
Serial.println("Client disconnected");
// The client will actually be disconnected
// when the function returns and 'client' object is detroyed
And a sample of what I get on the Serial console (the JSON string is the same I read on the server page) :
GET /read HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/html
Client disconnected
GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1
Client disconnected
GET /read HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/html
Client disconnected
What am I doing wrong ? Am I using a blocking function ? Are the /favicon.ico requests causing trouble ?
For information, the access point part, and the sensor part of my code have been tested separately and work as expected.
Thanks in advance.

arduino how to return from function

I am relatively new to arduino and its programming though I have been plodding along and getting results. I have added a shortened version of my sketch which connects to my webserver and obtains the current temp for a particular city. I will then use that temp to set my heater also controlled by my arduino. The problem I am facing is I cant get my head around how to return to the main loop after I've read the data on webserver from the connectandread function. The sketch stops/halts after receiving the data(temp). Eventually I will be calling the function every 2 hours. So all in all I need to call the function then after it runs return to the main loop. I hope I've explained clearly enough.
byte server[] = { 192,168,0,2 }; //ip Address of the server you will connect to
//The location to go to on the server
//make sure to keep HTTP/1.0 at the end, this is telling it what type of file it is
String location = "/index1.php HTTP/1.0";
byte mac[] = { 0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF, 0xFE, 0xED };
EthernetClient client;
int convertedtemp;
char inString[32]; // string for incoming serial data
int stringPos = 0; // string index counter
boolean startRead = false; // is reading?
String responseString;
void setup() {
delay( 1000 );
// Start the I2C interface
void ReadDS3231() {
int second,minute,hour,date,month,year,temperature;
hour=Clock.getHour(h12, PM);
lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
void loop() {
// Reading temperature or humidity takes about 250 milliseconds!
// Sensor readings may also be up to 2 seconds 'old' (its a very slow sensor)
int h0 = dht0.readHumidity();
int h1 = dht1.readHumidity();
int t0 = dht0.readTemperature();
int t1 = dht1.readTemperature();
ReadDS3231(); delay(3000);
String connectAndRead() {
//connect to the server
if (client.connect(server, 80)) {
client.print("GET ");
//Connected - Read the page
return readPage(); //go and read the output
} else {
return "connection failed";
String readPage() {
//read the page, and capture & return everything between '<' and '>'
stringPos = 0;
memset( &inString, 0, 32 ); //clear inString memory
while (true) {
if (client.available()) {
char c =;
if (c == '<' ) { //'<' is our begining character
startRead = true; //Ready to start reading the part
} else if (startRead) {
if (c != '>') { //'>' is our ending character
inString[stringPos] = c;
stringPos ++;
} else {
//got what we need here! We can disconnect now
startRead = false;
//convertedtemp = atoi(inString).c_str());
int val = atoi(inString);
//int convertedhumid = atoi(getValuesFromKey(responseString, "relative_humidity").c_str());
//return inString;
//return ;
Well, at least the version of the sketch you have posted have an infinite loop in it... (while(true)).
Try un-commenting the line with return inString;.
Also unrelated, since you read data from external source, you need to stop reading after you have received 31 characters even if you have not received an ">". Otherwise, a bug or malicious code on the server can corrupt your memory.

TCP socket communications are being corrupted

I am trying to use a TCP server and connect to it with a QTcpSocket client. Most of the time, the server and client happen to be on the same machine, but this is not a requirement. What I am trying to do is transfer a file from a running multithreaded process to a GUI that wants to share information used by both the server and the client.
The connect, etc seems to be just fine. In fact, the code appeared to work perfectly for a long time, but now that I am running it on different hardware, and on Ubuntu 12.04 instead of 10.04, I am occasionally getting embedded stray bytes in the received code--usually (but not always) nulls. I cant figure out whats wrong, and would welcome any advice.
Here is portion of the server that reads my file and sends the bytes to the connected client:
int fileSize;
printf(" about to open the file\n");
ini_fd = fopen (rov_ini_file_name, "r");
fileSize = ftell(ini_fd);
int totalBytesSent =0;
int line = 0;
int len;
while (!feof (ini_fd))
ch = fgets (&(my_line[0]), MAX_CHARACTER_COUNT - 1, ini_fd);
if (ch){
len = strlen(&(my_line[0]));
bytes_sent = sendto(tio.my_tio_port_table_entry.to_sock,
(struct sockaddr *) (&(tio.my_tio_port_table_entry.ToAddr)),
sizeof (tio.my_tio_port_table_entry.ToAddr));
totalBytesSent += bytes_sent;
//printf(" line %d bytes sent = %d total bytes = %d\n",line,bytes_sent,totalBytesSent);
len = sprintf(&(my_line[0]),"END_OF_INI_FILE");
bytes_sent = sendto(tio.my_tio_port_table_entry.to_sock,
(struct sockaddr *) (&(tio.my_tio_port_table_entry.ToAddr)),
sizeof (tio.my_tio_port_table_entry.ToAddr));
tio.my_tio_port_table_entry.connected = FALSE;
Here is where I read the data being sent. This is the slot connected to the readyRead signal
void AlvGUI::readIniFromServer()
QByteArray inArray(iniClient->bytesAvailable(),0);
tempIniFile = new QTemporaryFile;
iniStarted = true;
// error should be here!
int bytesRead = iniClient->read(,inArray.size());
int endLoc = inArray.lastIndexOf("END_OF_INI_FILE");
if(-1 != endLoc)
bytesRead = endLoc;
iniFinished = true;
char *theTempFile = strdup((char *)tempIniFile->fileName().toAscii().data());
gotIni = true;
hotelSetup = true;
as usual, asking a question makes me dig even deeper. I didn't have a tcp server problem--I confirmed that by using telnet to connect to my server and then redirected the output to a file--which was flawless
so I looked deeper into my code, and instead of truncating the incoming data, which was held in a QtByteArray, I was chopping it--which took the number of bytes read off of the end of the QtByteArray. Except that when I used the data() member function of the QtByteArray, I just got a char pointer back, and so got access to all of the data. The data was corrupted where I had done the chop()
