MODx Gallery plugin doesn't show full images - gallery

I have Gallery plugin installed.
I've uploaded my images and used snippet like this: [[Gallery? &album=1]].
Now I have thumbnails shown fine, but after clicking on image I'm sent to /index.php?id=4&galItem=2&galAlbum=1&galTag= address and nothing happens - this page is the same as the previous one.
Any ideas on what I am doing wrong?

You get the link to your page with id=4. In this page you have to get galItem, galAlbum and galTag and show corresponding image. I'm not sure you have handling this in your template.
Just try this:
[[Gallery? &album=1 &linkToImage=`1`]]
You will get the direct link to your image if you keep your thumbTpl chunk as in sample:
<a href="[[+linkToImage:if=`[[+linkToImage]]`:is=`1`:then=`[[+image_absolute]]`:else=`[[~[[*id]]?
&[[+tagRequestVar]]=`[[+tag]]` ]]`]]">
Now you just get else part.


Wordpress - TwenteenSeventeen picture instead of a title

I'm really new in coding, especially in css. I already read some tutorials but I like to change a specific thing. For my Website I use Wordpress. I also edited a few things in my CSS which already worked. Now I can't find a answer for how I can replace the title with a custom picture.
Click here to watch a picture to understand what I mean.
Click here to acess my website.
I already tried some things, but it would be nice if someone can explain me how to do it.
You can edit header.php in the twenty seventeen to display only a picture.
This source code is on your wordpress server in wp-content/themes/twenty-seventeen/header.php:
You'll want to replace line 31:
<?php get_template_part( 'components/header/header', 'image' ); ?>
With something like
<img src="banner.png" />
You'll have to adjust the location of banner.png to where you actually upload the image.
After you've got that working and it's basically what you want, you can wrap the image tag in a a tag so the banner links back to your home page, if you'd like.

remove and disable featured image in posts

I write a post in new post editor and then add media. I can see the images in the editor but when i publish them they aren't loading up and a frame with little square in the middle comes up. This is the link to one of my posts: . For some people only link to the image comes up and it opens up with 404 error. See the line after OUTPUT: bit stuffing.
Also i want to remove the featured image from appearing in my posts. I have a option in my theme on a new post: "disable featured image" - but that doesnt work . Also if i dont put the image or i remove the featured image the empty image appears: see the home page: Please help me to solve this problem
You should not use relative paths on WordPress, only Absolute paths.
The problem is that you are using ../wp-content/... as your URL's for image paths.
When adding images, you should have the option to give it a path, you should opt to link to the media file.
For the disable feature image, if you go into the page.php or single.php code, it should have a line of code in it for calling in the featured image.
It should look something like this:
if ( has_post_thumbnail() ) {
You just need to remove or comment out this code and it should stop showing up on the pages.

How can I display WPAlchemy post meta in my custom wordpress template?

I am using the WPAlchemy class to create a meta box for my custom post type which includes image upload fields. The setup works and I can add image and save the images url for each post. I setup everything as shown here:
How do I now display the saved image meta url on my page? Ideally I would like to be able to display as an image on the page by adding the image's url to image src so it displays the image not the link. However I would be happy to just display the url on the page to start to make sure it's present. But I am really stuck knowing how to echo or print the info to the page. I have tried following some of their examples but nothing seems to be working and I sometimes get php errors saying:
Fatal error: Call to a member function the_name() on a non-object in C:\
Any help appreciated. I thought it would be easier than it is, like the_meta() or something similar but it's not clear what to add to get the info showing up on page.
Best things to do is use:
global $custom_mb;
$meta = $custom_mb->the_meta([ID_IS_OPTIONAL]);
$meta will be an array of all your stored values for the given post, loop through it as you normally would loop an array

how to get the wordpress nextgen gallery id

i want to include slide show of images in the WP page.
I have downloaded and installed Nextgen Gallery plugin
from tutorial video i came to know that i have to include the shortcode
[slideshow gallery id="abc" width ="200" height"200"]
now how get the id of already created album?? i.e how i l know the valus "abc"?
in above what is is the id ?
[slideshow galery id="1" width="200" height="200"]
when i write this the webpage the images arnt getting loaded..
when i wwrite [nggallery id=1] in the WP page
The images are getting loaded ..but they arent shown shown as slide show ...
You can find it under the column called ID in your picture, it is a number!
So your code will be
[slideshow galery id="1" width="200" height="200"]
It's right there in your picture under the column labeled "ID". In your example, Gallery 1 has an ID of 1.
And secondly, your shortcode is incorrect. In order to use the NGGallery shortcode, it needs to look something like this:
[nggallery id=1]

Wordpress automatically adding site url to href, though href not empty

So I'm trying to debug a somewhat confusing problem. I'm using a Wordpress plugin for a Topspin store that uses colorbox to popup a window to display more information about an item. Here's the site: In the backend code for this page a div block is created containing links that that should look like this:
<a class="topspin-view-item" href="#!/77022">
The php that does that is as follows:
<a class="topspin-view-item" href="#!/<?php echo $item['id']; ?>">
The problem is that what is being spat out at the end is not that. It looks like this:
<a class="topspin-view-item" href="!/89712">
I've understood from another post on here that the default behavior of Wordpress is to fill empty hrefs (ie href="") with the site url. So my guess is that Wordpress is for some reason interpreting this as an empty href? Except that that doesn't seem quite right either.
I've played around with this a bit. One thing that happens is that if I remove the has from the above PHP the siteurl is not output at all. That of course breaks my code.
Any ideas? Any help would be warmly appreciated.
The way we ended up fixing this for those who may be interested is by simply adding the following line of code to the jQuery handler that dealt with the on submit event:
Perhaps this will be of help to someone...
