IEs developer tools causes behavior to change - css

When I view my page in IE10 w/compat. mode (IE7 Standards) the page renders certain elements incorrectly. However, when I go to inspect the elements with Developer Tools (F12) and change anything, all of a sudden, the elements are rendered correctly.
Anyone ever seen anything like this before? If so, how did you fix it? It is maddening trying to troubleshoot, while not being able to touch anything.

Same thing here, IE10 dev. tools make certain CSS styles completely dissapear!
I noticed that with class-name "top" loosing its definition.
Funny is when I renamed it to class="topbar" my problem was solved.


How to debug Safari randomly ignoring CSS changes?

I'm having a PITA issue with a website.
The Safari mac browser (the desktop one, specifically, mobile safari appears to work) is randomly ignoring some of my CSS -- most notably the background color applied to the HTML element. Refresh and it may -- or may not -- go away. Even more perplexing, the browser clearly knows that style is there! I'm using media queries to create a responsive site, and if you change the width enough to trigger a style sheet switch... it suddenly comes back, and everything works properly.
How the heck can I debug this? There's no error output in the console, the same data is getting sent every time (as far as I can tell...), it's not that one of the files is failing to be found (some of the CSS that is being applied is from the same stylesheet as the background...).
I'm at a total loss as to how to even begin debugging this one.
If it's helpful, I just noticed that reader mode doesn't work on the refreshes the exhibit the broken behavior, even after the changing width trick fixes the background.
This bug apparently also effects the mobile version, but instead of hitting the site-wide css, it's attacking my media-query based layout css.
You could, assuming you have the developer menu enabled, check Develop -> Disable Caches. This sounds like a caching issue.
If you don't have the developer menu enabled, enable it with settings (cmd+,) -> advanced -> show Develop menu in menu bar.
I'm seeing this in Safari 5.7.1 on Windows 7. It looks to me like Safari is actually ignoring commented out CSS. I removed all the comments, and now Safari seems to be behaving. But this is random for me as well, so I am not sure.

CSS hover suddenly works on mobile browsers?

This is really odd. I'm not complaining that something works, but it is very surprising ..
On my website I had the usual css :hover for the navigation to reveal sublinks. But on the mobile browsers this needed some js help to make it work (as you can see from those many posts about "css hover not working on mobile browsers")
I made a simple script to fix the hover problem. But today as I was rewriting the code, since I noticed that it was not fully working as intended, I removed the entire mobileDetect.js which was handling the mobile hover. And now it works, without any additional scripts.
I tested it with chrome and safari on my ipad and iphone. It works as intended... did I misse out a big mobile browser update or something?
I use Jquery from google, no framework and standard HTML5.
Here is the site : ( "EVENTS" and "AUSBILDUNG" are the mentioned navigations with sublinks.
I am just wondering if this is some odd anomaly and therefor should put my script back in or just enjoy the good news? :S
as far as i remember it has always been working... is just not needed because there's no cursor and hover happens usually when you click (touch in this case) and you'll leave the page before noticing hover.
on android i can observe it when i touch+slide up or down.
I have fixed this for me by removing :hover selectors/rules at runtime

What are some ideas for when "Inspect Element" in Chrome shows the expected behavior of CSS but actual result is different?

I have run into this a couple of times - I coded or modified a CSS template with a specific thing in mind, yet the browser displays it differently than intended. When i use "Inspect Element" in Chrome, it shows the attributes I intended associated with that element, yet the browser is showing something different. What are the possible options from here as far as figuring out the issue/getting the site to look how you want?
Before I had an issue that I can't remember exactly where it didn't display correctly in Chrome (but Chrome Developer Tools showed it as I intended), but it did display in another browser.
Now, I am having an issue where multiple pages on the same site have different fonts for the same menu although the CSS showing in Inspect Element is correct for all - the behavior is consistent between Chrome and Safari (haven't checked other browsers yet).
You could always check for !important on lower down lines. I think that happened to me once, and I don't think it put a line through my style that was being overidden. (It may have though it was a long time ago it happened.) The only way really around that if that's the case and if that !important is necessary is to add !important to your rule you want to overwrite with. (Try to avoid using importants wherever possible though, because in most cases an important isn't necessary.)

IE10, Same Domain IFRAME and Style shset

In my application, I am including one page within another via an iframe. I'm working on a quick prototype here, so I don't want to take additional time right now to implement something fancier].
Everything looks good except for IE10 on Windows 7. From what I can tell, the style sheet of the iframe is being added into the cascade of the style sheet for the page and causing strange display errors. I'm a little dumbfounded this is even possible.
If I comment out the iframe, everything renders correctly.
I can also see the styles changing as the iframe loads:
Anyone else experience strange behavior like this?
Thanks in advance.
Thank you for your reply. My coworker was actually able to help me trace this back to an issue with the IE10 developer toolbar.
I was able to create a file that replicates the issue:
If you open the index, you'll notice that there is no margin on the body. While you have that page open and you open the F12 Developer Toolbar in IE10 (10.0.9200.16540) on Windows 7 (at least), you will see the body becomes padded and the parent window font switches to Times. Hope this helps someone!

Debugging CSS in Google Chrome

I am writing some CSS files, but when I make a mistake, Chrome appears to just silently ignore the parts that I screw up, and renders the rest.
This makes it annoying to debug since I can't figure out what is going wrong.
So, is there a way to get Chrome to "scream at me in big red letters," so that I can spend less time finding the error and more time fixing it?
While you can not "debug" CSS, because it is not a scripting language, you can utilize the Chrome DevTools Elements panel to inspect an element & view the Styles pane on the right. This will give you insights as to the styles being overridden or ignored (line threw). The Styles pane is also useful because of it's ability to LiveEdit the document being inspected, which may help you iron out the issues. If the styles are being overridden, you can then view the Computed Style pane to see the CSS that is actually being utilized to style your document.
To bring up the Chrome DevTools window, hit Ctrl+Shift+I in a Chrome browser tab. (Command+Opt+I for a mac)
For more info visit
As CSS is not a scripting language, you cant properly debug it. Anyway if you know where it goes wrong you can try to tune it by hand.
Aditionally you've got the w3c validator here: which may give you some feedback
