Background in .css stretches - css

My background image is supposed to stay in it's fixed dimensions and it does, when I'm working in dreamweaver or opening it from my desktop via various browsers (mozilla, ie, chrome). But once it's uploaded the background image stretches. Does someone know a solution for this issue?

Try setting this in your CSS...
body {
background-size:80px 60px;
Where the size in pixels is the same as the original image dimensions.

body {
Try this

This could just simply be a caching issue. If you've uploaded everything. Reload the page. When its fully loaded press ctrl + r &/or ctrl + F5. I tend to hit both alternatingly several times. This should clear the image and css from your cache.
If this doesn't work then their is something weird going on.
Its also worth noting that things like Dreamweaver will load the content as if it were a browser. Therefore something can look great in Dreamweaver but not respond as expected in a browser. Likewise (with Visual Studio) things can often look terribly broken in your software but great in a browser.

You should also consider developing with FireFox and installing the Firebug add-on. This is an invaluable tool that lets you check &/or edit css etc on the fly.
Using that on your site show you have your background image set to 100% & 770px. These two rules clash with each other. The first is saying make the image 100% of the screen width whilst the other is saying make the background just 770px.
You need to consider your options better here.


Choppy scrolling in chrome with big background images

I've created a web page, and it has 7 six sections with huge background images using background-size: cover;. It works fine in all browsers except Google Chrome (All versions/All platforms). When I try scrolling the page in google chrome or click on its links (which they also scroll the page using $.scrollTo) the page gets choppy and laggy and it scrolls slowly and uses 100% CPU.
I've uploaded the page so you can test it: (I'll remove the page later). Even IE9/10 is fine, but chrome gets choppy.
The page has several "scroll" events bound to it and I have tried disabling the javascript altogether but it doesn't get better so its not from the scroll events.
I'm using background-size: cover because it shapes the photo exactly like I want it to and I want the image to be fixed that's why I can't use other methods like using img tag instead of backgrounds.
What should I do?
A solution I found for myself for a website with similar behaviour was to add background-repeat:no-repeat css property for those divs containing huge background images.
You can also check if you have a background image for body or html that is repeated, for me the big problem was a repeated pattern image that interfered considerably with google chrome's scrolling performance.
Also if you're using CSS transitions on those "slides" you should check that those are not assigned to "all". If you're having a transition only for the "left" property there is no point assigning it for "all".
I'm not sure if this alone will help you but it is always a good practice to compress your images and your scripts.
This stuff did the trick for me. Hope it helps.

Chrome CSS background image appears with white area

I have a mysterious (at least for me) css background image problem, that I run into only with Google Chrome. I have found similar topics, but unlike those, here no Javascript, JQuery or anything else is involved, it is pure CSS. It's just not working as it should.
If you open up the page, the background image should be below the entire content area (as it is in other browsers). In Chrome a horizontal and vertical white area is appearing.
Once you start scrolling, the background image appears all okay, and it stays there from then on. Similarly, when you open the dev tool with inspect element, the background image is immediately there, and stays there, too.
this is the pertaining css: div#main{
background:#FFFFFF url('/sites/all/themes/bodrogietterem/images/bodrogi_bodrogi.jpg') bottom;
background-position:50% 135px;
and attaching two screengrabs on how it looks like, and how it should look like (well, I'm not allowed to attach these, as a new user, but have a look here:
and here
It happens on sub-pages, too, but I think the root of the problem must be the same.
I'm using Vista, with up to date Chrome (20.0.1132.57), and up to date other browsers. btw, the second screenshot was taken in Chrome, too, but after opening the dev tool
many thanks for your kind help,
The latest version of Chrome is 21.0... so try updating chrome browser and see if it appears ok in the latest version. The screenshots lead to a 404 error page, so try uploading the screenshots again.
I also checked the page in IE7, IE8, IE9 the page looks good in all 3, IE7 however shows a horizontal scrollbar at bottom but the background image looks ok.
Your page looks fine in Chrome in windows 7 (Chrome 20.0.1132.57)
I have had problems in the past where various toolbars / addons that have been installed interfere with the CSS on a page quite significantly rendering Chrome to appear to bug out in isolated incidents. Try running chrome with no addons / plgins installed and see if it fixes your problem.
One observation on your CSS: #content contains floated elements that aren't cleared. I dont think that's the problem here but could be mixed with the above possibly.
Let me know if that helps at all.
Thanks for your helpful thoughts, I finally managed to resolve the problem.
While fiddling around, I measured the height of the white area, and it turned out to be 135px (which is exactly the top position of the background in the CSS above). So I decided that for whatever reason, that attribute was causing the problem, and I was right.
as a quick and dirty solution, I added 135px of white area to the top of the background image, and set the background-position property's top to 0px - which immediately fixed the issue.
as for the vertical white area, it was resolved by binding the background image to the #main-wrapper div instead of the #main div (it is a Drupal 7 build). Again, I don't exactly know why, but it fixed the problem instantly.
I love, how the web should be precise and logical, and it still stays random and ad hoc at times
thanks again for your time and effort, bests,
Had the same problem with two pages of but I think I solved it after reading your above posts and some thinking.
The problem was probably in the general background: url; attribute and loading of the website css. I replaced all general background: #222222 url repeat etc.; for background-image:; , background-repeat:; and background-color:; etc.
Please let me know if your website works after editing your css. I'm still testing.

IE6/IE7 and transparent background bugs - What is a practical fix for all of them?

I am getting a number of strange rendering issues in IE6/IE7 when there are transparent backgrounds applied to the elements involved.
They have included but are not limited to:
When scrolling back up a page a background image appears moved as if padding is applied.
When hovering over a link the background image applied to its containing div appears to disappear.
When using a drop down, hovering over a containing element of the drop down closes calls the mouse out event.
These are just 2 of the 7 I have had to fix so far and as you can see they are unlinked and a pain to debug and I am sure there will be a number more that I will encounter before this project is over.
To stop I have modified a default CSS rule that was setting nearly all elements to have a default image of "spacer.gif" - a 1KB 1x1 transparent image.
background: transparent;
background: url('../images/spacer.gif');
However I am now worried about the overhead this could have on both the server and client machines. Such as increased loading times (and load on the server) caused by downloading the spacer.gif for each element from a "dumb" browser and a CPU hit on the client side when scrolling through the page as it has to render the additional images.
Are my worries justified and if so how can they be rectified? Or am I just worrying over nothing and this is an appropriate fix for such a stupid issue??
tl;dr - transparent backgrounds on elements (NOT images) causes issues caused by the way they are interpreted in IE. This is not a rendering of images issue this is a IE-logic-fail issue.
Thanks in advance.
I use this css hack for giving IE < 7 a gif file and everything else a 24 bit png with transparency.
_background-image:url(/images/sprites/icons-sprite.gif); /* IE<7 gets the crappy icons */
IE 6 supports gif transparency just fine.
Depending on the scale of things really determines how much it'll affect your server load. Ideally if you're planning on making this a significantly big deployment you should already be doing the most suitable standard methods of handling static content: cache headers, separate (sub)domain for static content, reverse proxies, CDN deployment etc.
In terms of the CSS, you either have nasty hacks like Javascript or spacer images to get around IE6/7, or restrict the way you use your page styles so that these problems don't exist because you aren't using the things that cause them. It really depends on what you feel is of greater importance.
IE 6 (and possibly IE7, I'm not sure) has some weird transparency issues.
Check out for the fix which I use all that time - just have to add a little javascript and convert any gifs you have to png.
Look at this article: PNG8 - The Clear Winner
You will need Fireworks for this fix. Since I discovered this writing I use it all the time. Major plus: you do not need different images for different browsers. PNG8 is good for all.

IE6 Red Cross and Border around image

I have a PNG fix working on the site. When I remove the PNG fix the red cross and border disapear. What's odd is that the problem only seems to do it with this particular image. There are other Alpha Blended PNG's on the same page that render fine.
The image is not broken (you can see it) nor is it a link. But IE6 and 7 both put a box around it and a red cross on it. It also strips the styling.
UPDATE: The image is NOT a background image, and the image is definitely not broken. You can actually see the image, works fine in Safari, Firefox, Chrome and Opera.
It's a plain old regular image tag
<div class='container'>
<img src='../images/leader_concierge.png' class='page_leader' width="917" height="257" />
here's the css
.page_leader { margin: 10px 0; }
and here's the exact same thing in safari
You are missing the replacement gif.
All PNG fix methods require that a transparent gif be available to replace the png image, it's part of how the substitution works. If that gif is missing, then you get this broken image appearance even tho the PNG draws fine.
In the case of, it expects the file to be at /images/spacer.gif
In firefox with the Web Developer Toolbar you can view broken images. In firefox the image would still be broken but you wont see anything like IE6 and IE7 show.
Note, that in xhtml (well, you closed the img tag) you should use " instead of '.
If you are using you need to open it up and set the blank image path. The image needs to be a 1x1 .gif.
Looks like I was just barely beaten to the punch.
Yes, I had the same problem, and it was also with which allows transparency in IE6.
Yes, the required accompanying gif image was on the images folder, as instructed.
So I went into the htc file and entered the exact link and now everything works perfectly!
Firefox and 'the other browsers' handle broken images more elegantly, but the image almost certainly is broken - they just aren't rendering it. Perhaps try to get in the habit of regularly checking your site logs for 404s, as it's not always obvious that you have a broken image in a contemporary browser.
Edit: Given your recent discovery, perhaps open the pngs in question in something like TweakPng - you may find that there are chunks causing this behaviour that you can safely remove. Compare the effected pngs with pngs that work properly and remove the offending chunks.

What Could Cause Intermittent Issues with Images Loading in Internet Explorer 6?

I am having issues with a website that I am working on in which images and background-images fail to load in Internet Explorer 6.
Here is an example of a page on which you might experience this issue:
Example Page
So far I have looked at the following possible issues and pretty much ruled them out:
XML/Extraneous data in the image files (google photoshop 7 internet explorer)
Corrupt image files
I have not ruled out invalid markup.
I have noticed that there are validation errors in most of the pages where this problem has been reported and I am working on getting those fixed where appropriate.
The behavior I see is that the page will load and all elements other than the background image render. There are no javascript errors thrown. When using Fiddler, no request for the image is made. If the browser is pointed directly to the background-image, the cache is cleared and then the browser is pointed back at the HTML page, the background-image will load inside the HTML page.
Does anyone have any additional suggestions for ways to attack this issue?
Twice now I've had people have problems with photos not showing up, and it was because they were in an incorrect colorspace, using CMYK instead of RGB.
this is a weird issue with IE6. I just right click on the image and select "Show Picture" then the image loads properly.
I'm looking at this in IE6 and trying to replicate the problem, but I can't seem to get it to happen - it always seems to load.
Some thoughts on things to try though as there appears to be another two classes that the background is over-riding is to try adding !important after the background assignment, so:
div.gBodyContainer {
background-image:url(/etc/medialib/europe/about_infiniti/; !important
Another thing to try is getting rid of all the . in the filename and cut down the length of it, shouldn't matter, but it may be causing some problems, doesn't hurt to try it anyway.
The other thing you could try is making gBodyContainer an ID instead of a class, or give it an ID as well as a class and assign the background to the ID. Again, it shouldn't matter, but it doesn't hurt to try and see if it works, IE6 does a lot of funny things.
is it only ie6 and not ie7 too? IE is pretty strict with html sometimes, versus firefox lets you get away with more. Not sure if this helps, but I just debugged weird IE6/7 bugs by slowly taking away content. But if it's only intermittent, as in happens with the same code on and off, that's a really weird one.
The problem is the "IE6" part ;-)
I think in some cases you could solve this issue by loading the full size image before the request and hide it with style display: none; so IE6 will load the image from cache.
