Photon Networking Instantiate Error (Unity3d) - networking

Ok, so I'm making an online FPS in Unity and I was scripting that Photon Networking Script to connect and spawn the player and I keep getting these two errors:
Assets/Resources/GameManager.cs(64,23): error CS1502: The best overloaded method match for `PhotonNetwork.Instantiate(string, UnityEngine.Vector3, UnityEngine.Quaternion, int)' has some invalid arguments
Assets/Resources/GameManager.cs(64,23): error CS1503: Argument `#1' cannot convert `UnityEngine.Transform' expression to type `string'
Here is where the error is in my code:
// When Connected [Photon Callback]
void OnJoinedRoom()
PhotonNetwork.Instantiate(playerPrefab, transform.position, Quaternion.identity, 0);
//In Game: Disconnect from room.
void InGameGUI()
if (GUILayout.Button("Leave Game"))
And I did reference the Transform at the top:
public Transform playerPrefab;
Any ideas on what I did wrong and how I could fix it. Please help!

PhotonNetwork.Instantiate requires a string, not a Transform object as it's first parameter. (I do believe this was changed from a Transform object a while ago). Simply name the prefab that you want to instantiate (which must be in the Resources folder).


JpaSagaStore in conjunction with Jackson unable to properly store state

In a SpringBoot application, I have the following configuration:
servers: "${AXON_SERVER:localhost}"
general: jackson
messages: jackson
events: jackson
org.axonframework.modelling.saga: debug
Downsizing the scenario to bare minimum, the relevant portion of Saga class:
public class AuctionEventManagerSaga {
private transient EventScheduler eventScheduler;
private ScheduleToken scheduleToken;
private Instant auctionTimerStart;
#SagaEventHandler(associationProperty = "auctionEventId")
protected void on(final AuctionEventScheduled event) {
this.auctionTimerStart = event.getTimerStart();
// Cancel any pre-existing previous job, since the scheduling thread might be lost upon a crash/restart of JVM.
if (this.scheduleToken != null) {
this.scheduleToken = this.eventScheduler.schedule(
#SagaEventHandler(associationProperty = "auctionEventId")
protected void on(final AuctionEventStarted event) {
"[AuctionEventManagerSaga] Current state: {scheduleToken={}, auctionTimerStart={}}",
In the final compiled class, we will end up having 4 properties: log (from #Slf4j), eventScheduler (transient, #Autowired), scheduleToken and auctionTimerStart.
For reference information, here is a sample of the general approach I've been using for both Command and Event classes:
#JsonDeserialize(builder = AuctionEventStarted.AuctionEventStartedBuilder.class)
public class AuctionEventStarted {
AuctionEventId auctionEventId;
#JsonPOJOBuilder(withPrefix = "")
public static final class AuctionEventStartedBuilder {}
When executing the code, you get the following output:
2020-05-12 15:40:01.180 DEBUG 1 --- [mandProcessor-4] o.a.m.saga.repository.jpa.JpaSagaStore : Updating saga id c8aff7f7-d47f-4616-8a96-a40044cb7e3b as {}
As soon as the general serializer is changed to xstream, the content is serialized properly, but I face another issue during deserialization, since I have private static final class Builder classes using Lombok.
So is there a way for Axon to handle these scenarios:
1- Axon to safely manage Jackson to ignore #Autowired, transient and static properties from #Saga classes? I've attempted to manually define #JsonIgnore at non-state properties and it still didn't work.
2- Axon to safely configure XStream to ignore inner classes (mostly Builder classes implemented as private static final)?
Thanks in advance,
EDIT: I'm pursuing a resolution using my preferred serializer: JSON. I attempted to modify the saga class and extend JsonSerializer<AuctionEventManagerSaga>. For that I implemented the methods:
public Class<AuctionEventManagerSaga> handledType() {
return AuctionEventManagerSaga.class;
public void serialize(
final AuctionEventManagerSaga value,
final JsonGenerator gen,
final SerializerProvider serializers
) throws IOException {
gen.writeObjectField("scheduleToken", value.eventScheduler);
gen.writeObjectField("auctionTimerStart", value.auctionTimerStart);
Right now, I have something being serialized, but it has nothing to do with the properties I've defined:
2020-05-12 16:20:01.322 DEBUG 1 --- [mandProcessor-0] o.a.m.saga.repository.jpa.JpaSagaStore : Storing saga id c4b5d94c-7251-40a5-accf-332768b1cacd as {"delegatee":null,"unwrappingSerializer":false}
EDIT 2 Decided to add more insight into the issue I experience when I switch general to use XStream (even though it's somewhat unrelated to the main issue described in the title).
Here is the issue it complains to me:
2020-05-12 17:08:06.495 DEBUG 1 --- [ault-executor-0] o.a.a.c.command.AxonServerCommandBus : Received command response [message_identifier: "79631ffb-9a87-4224-bed3-a957730dced7"
error_code: "AXONIQ-4002"
error_message {
message: "No converter available\n---- Debugging information ----\nmessage : No converter available\ntype : jdk.internal.misc.InnocuousThread\nconverter : com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.reflection.ReflectionConverter\nmessage[1] : Unable to make field private static final jdk.internal.misc.Unsafe jdk.internal.misc.InnocuousThread.UNSAFE accessible: module java.base does not \"opens jdk.internal.misc\" to unnamed module #7728643a\n-------------------------------"
location: "1#600b5b87a922"
details: "No converter available\n---- Debugging information ----\nmessage : No converter available\ntype : jdk.internal.misc.InnocuousThread\nconverter : com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.reflection.ReflectionConverter\nmessage[1] : Unable to make field private static final jdk.internal.misc.Unsafe jdk.internal.misc.InnocuousThread.UNSAFE accessible: module java.base does not \"opens jdk.internal.misc\" to unnamed module #7728643a\n-------------------------------"
request_identifier: "2f7020b1-f655-4649-bbe0-d6f458b3c2f3"
2020-05-12 17:08:06.505 WARN 1 --- [ault-executor-0] o.a.c.gateway.DefaultCommandGateway : Command 'ACommandClassDispatchedFromSaga' resulted in org.axonframework.commandhandling.CommandExecutionException(No converter available
---- Debugging information ----
message : No converter available
type : jdk.internal.misc.InnocuousThread
converter : com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.reflection.ReflectionConverter
message[1] : Unable to make field private static final jdk.internal.misc.Unsafe jdk.internal.misc.InnocuousThread.UNSAFE accessible: module java.base does not "opens jdk.internal.misc" to unnamed module #7728643a
Still no luck on resolving this...
I've worked on Axon systems where the only used Serializer implementation was the JacksonSerializer too. Mind you though, this is not what the Axon team recommends. For messages (i.e. commands, events and queries) it makes perfect sense to use JSON as the serialized format. But switching the general Serializer to jackson means you have to litter your domain logic (e.g. your Saga) with Jackson specifics "to make it work".
Regardless, backtracking to my successful use case of jackson-serialized-sagas. In this case we used the correct match of JSON annotations on the fields we desired to take into account (the actual state) and to ignore the one's we didn't want deserialized (with either transient or #JsonIgnore). Why both do not seem to work in your scenario is not entirely clear at this stage.
What I do recall is that the referenced project's team very clearly decided against Lombok due to "overall weirdnes" when it comes to de-/serialization. As a trial it thus might be worth to not use any Lombok annotations/logic in the Saga class and see if you can de-/serialize it correctly in such a state.
If it does work at that moment, I think you have found your culprit for diving in further search.
I know this isn't an exact answer, but I hope it helps you regardless!
Might be worthwhile to share the repository where this problems occurs in; might make the problem clearer for others too.
I was able to resolve the issue #2 when using XStream as general serializer.
One of the Sagas had an #Autowired dependency property that was not transient.
XStream was throwing some cryptic message, but we managed to track the problem and address it.
As for JSON support, we had no luck. We ended up switched everything to XStream for now, as the company only uses Java and it would be ok to decode the events using XStream.
Not the greatest solution, as we really wanted (and hoped) JSON would be supported properly out of the box. Mind you, this is in conjunction with using Lombok which caused for the nuisance in this case.

How to get QDBusConnection::connect() failure reason

I'm trying to connect to a D-Bus signal this way:
bool result = QDBusConnection::systemBus().connect(
"", // service
"/foo/bar", // path
"", // interface
if( !result )
// Why!?
QDBusConnection::connect() returns a boolean, how do I get extended error information? If a check QDBusConnection::lastError() it returns no useful information (as QDBusError::isValid() is false).
I had the same issue and it turned out that the slot I connected to had the wrong parameter types. They must match according to Qt's documentation and it looks like connect() verifies that, despite not explicitly mentioned.
Warning: The signal will only be delivered to the slot if the parameters match.
I suggest d-feet to list signals and check their parameter types. dbus-monitor does list signals, paths and such too, but not always the exact type of parameters.
One important observation though: I fixed the issue in my particular case by using different slot parameters than the actual signal has!
I wanted to connect to a com.ubuntu.Upstart0_6 signal mentioned here to detect when the screen in Ubuntu is locked/unlocked. dbusmonitor prints the following and d-feet shows parameters (String, Array of [String])
// dbusmonitor output
signal time=1529077633.579984 sender=:1.0 -> destination=(null destination) serial=809 path=/com/ubuntu/Upstart; interface=com.ubuntu.Upstart0_6; member=EventEmitted
string "desktop-unlock"
array [
Hence the signal should be of type
void screenLockChangedUbuntu(QString event, QVector<QString> args) // connect() -> false
This however made connect() return false. The solution was to remove the array parameter from the slot:
void screenLockChangedUbuntu(QString event) // works
I am aware that the array parameter was always empty, but I cannot explain why it only worked when removing it.
You could try these tricks:
1) Set QDBUS_DEBUG environment variable before running your application.
export QDBUS_DEBUG=1
2) Start dbus-monitor to see what's happening on the bus. You may need to set a global policy to be able to eavesdrop system bus depending on your distro.
Are you sure connecting to the system bus succeeded? If it fails you should probably check system.conf policy and possibly create own conf in system.d. This post might be helpful.
You could first connect to the system bus with QDBusConnection::connectToBus and check if it succeeded with QDBusConnection::isConnected. Only after that you try to connect to the signal and check if that succeeded.
QDBusConnection bus = QDBusConnection::connectToBus(QDBusConnection::systemBus, myConnectionName);
if (bus.isConnected())
if(!bus.connect( ... ))
// Connecting to signal failed
// Connecting to system bus failed

Passing to Java int[] from Jython PyList

Now I am stucked with the specific question, asking for you guys' help.
Java Reflection, Jython PyList, NoSuchMethodException
Java Side:
targetMethod(int []) is the method exactly I want to call by reflecting. Do pay attention to the int [] param.
Jython Side:
l_params = [1,2,3]
When I tried to do the reflection call by passing type(l_params), got info below:
java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: targetMethod(org.python.core.PyList)
at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredMethod(Unknown Source)
So how to deal with it? Hoping to get a light from you.
Yeap, one possible solution —— Proxy:
Jython ----Java Proxy ---- Target Method
Though the Target Method is un-controllable, we can do whatever we want to within the Java Proxy.
But how to want to solve this without the proxy ?
//added at 2015/11/23
Thanks to the flexibility of jython, now i just fix this by mixing jython and java
jython side:
import javaArray
java side: //
public static Class getType(String strType)
if (strType.equals("[I"))
return (new int[0]).getClass();
Really need to dig more about jython, java, if you want to hack on it.
//added at 2015/11/26
Really a shame to write code like that without using Class.forName.........
public static Class getType(String strType)
ret = Class.forName(strType);
return ret;

Specification of Access Functions in ACSL

I have a problem specifiying the access to internal state variables, i.e. those local to a module that are accessed by getters and setters only. I have tried to use the getter function in the specification of the function contract of the setter function, but frama-c returns an error:
> frama-c -wp -wp-rte -verbose 0 intstate.c intstate.h
intstate.h:4:[kernel] user error: unexpected token ')'
[kernel] user error: skipping file "intstate.c" that has errors.
[kernel] Frama-C aborted: invalid user input.
Here is the header:
int get_state(void);
# ensures val == get_state();
void set_state(int val);
and here the source:
#include "intstate.h"
static int the_state = 0;
int get_state(void) {
return the_state;
void set_state(int val) {
the_state = val;
I think it is a common problem. How is it done in ACSL? Does anyone have an example of a similar problem?
I use Frama-C Fluorine-20130601.
Thanks in advance
Re-reading the ACSL spec more closely revealed to me that C-functions are not possible in specifications, only logic functions. I tried to wrap the C-function in a logic function but that wasn't accepted too, same error message. I finally modelled the interanl state variable by a ghost variable, but I am not sure if this is the decent approach.

Extending phpunit error message

I want to add log output to all test messages.
$this->assertTrue(FALSE, "This assertion is False.". myLog::GetErrors());
I tried extending the PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase::assertThat function with my appended message, but it doesn't seem to have an effect on it. I know the extended PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase works because I have several helper functions (random string generation) in there as well that I use for testing.
Any other thoughts? Could it be a customer listener?
All of the assertions are static methods from PHPUnit_Framework_Assert and cannot be overridden by a subclass of TestCase. You can define your own assertions that call the originals with an amended message, however.
public static function assertTrue($value, $message='') {
PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertTrue($value, $message . myLog::GetErrors());
All failed tests call onNotSuccessfulTest() with the exception as the only parameter. You could override this method and in some cases add your log errors to the exception's message. Some of the PHPUnit exceptions provide a second description in addition to the error message contained in the exception.
public function onNotSuccessfulTest(Exception $e) {
if ($e instanceof PHPUnit_Framework_ExpectationFailedException) {
array($e->getCustomMessage(), myLog::GetErrors())));
Update: As Gregory Lo noted in a comment below, setCustomMessage() and getCustomMessage() were removed in PHPUnit 3.6. :(
In recent PHPUnit Versions it is not necessary anymore.
When you specify the error parameter in an $this->assertXXXX() it preceeds PHPUnit's original message.
