Servlet-spec: <context-param> vs <env-entry> in web.xml? - servlets

Why does the Servlet specification define two distinct ways (context parameters and environment entries) to provide a web application with configuration parameters?
What are the respective advantages of these approaches (when should which be preferred)?

Environment entries are available via JNDI which may be useful when you don't have a ServletContext directly at hands, such as in EJBs. The one in the web.xml is actually the last in precedence chain as to overridding environment entires. They are usually definied in server's own configuration. So if one intends to override a server-specified environment entry from the webapp on, then that could be done via web.xml.
Context parameters are really specific to the webapp itself. They are only available when you have a ServletContext directly at hands, usually only inside filters, servlets (and inherently also JSPs via ${initParam.someName} in EL) and listeners. They are supposed to be used to provide configuration parameters for filters, servlets and/or listeners running in the webapplication. It wouldn't make much sense to provide them by JNDI which is an overcomplicated process for the simple purpose.


Is a local client passed a direct reference to a EJB LocalBean?

When a local client gets a reference to a LocalBean, does the container provide a direct reference to bean instance? If not, what is provided?
Pointers to specs and authentic sources would be highly appreciated.
The spec does not prescribe that explicitly as I see, but injected references to EJBs are normally interface-based proxies. That's necessary for providing container services, like transaction management and timeout control, picking an instance from the pool in case of SLSB, calling user interceptors if any, etc.
While the spec only tells something rather neutral:
The container is responsible for making the business interfaces and/or
home interfaces of its deployed enterprise beans available to the
client through dependency injection and/or through lookup in the JNDI
You can easily check that BTW, for example with debugger.

What is a global JNDI name and why does it differ between app servers?

I am studying up on EJB 3 from the book EJB in Action and this book in chapter 5 discusses about environment naming context(ENC). It says this :
If you know how JNDI references worked in EJB 2, you’re familiar with
the environment naming context (ENC). ENC allows portability of the
application without having to depend on global JNDI names. Global JNDI
names for resources differ between application server implementations,
and ENC allows you to use a JNDI location that starts with
java:comp/env/ instead of hard-coding the actual global JNDI name. EJB
3 essentially assumes that all JNDI names used in code are local
references and automatically prepends names with the java:comp/env/
I am not getting what is meant by global JNDI name? Why does it have to be different across app servers?
I am tagging the question as both EJB2 and EJB 3 since the quote references both the versions. Please feel free to edit if you think otherwise.
A global JNDI name uses a name in the default JNDI context. For example, on WebSphere Application Server, remote EJBs are bound by default to ejb/<app>/<module>/<bean>#<interface>. If you hardcode this lookup string in your application, then the application won't be portable to other application servers (which might use a different scheme for the default name) or even the same WebSphere Application Server if the target application or module name changes.
The solution in EE is for your application to declare an EJB reference, which will be in the java:comp/env context with a name that you choose. When a deployer installs your application on the server, they can bind the java:comp/env name to a global JNDI name that is appropriate for the environment. This same pattern is actually used by all EE resources (data sources, String/int/boolean configuration values, etc.), and when used properly, it is one of the strengths of the EE platform.
I can't tell what the excerpt above is trying to say without more context. Perhaps it's referring to the EJBContext.lookup method, which is effectively a shortcut of doing a lookup relative to java:comp/env.
As a final aside, I'll note that EJB 3.1 defines a standard location of java:global/<app>/<module>/<bean>!<interface> for EJB bindings. Regardless, it is still a best practice to use EJB references when doing lookups across applications (or even across modules if you're not in full control of the application that will contain the EJB client).

Difference between EJB and Servlet?

We are using ejb 2.1 to expose as a webservice using apache axis2.I have read in codebranch website that both are serverside components where in ejb can be run in more than one server unlike servlets..but I didn't get clear picture of difference.
Let me quote this old (but good) comparison.
Enterprise JavaBeans are components meant to encapsulate business logic. They do not handle presentation and have a precise set of restrictions they must obey. An EJB may not manage threads, access files with the package, have a GUI, accept socket connections, or load native libraries. These restrictions are imposed because EJBs execute inside an EJB container, roughly analogous to the way servlets execute in a servlet container. Where servlets can be used to perform many arbitrary tasks, including the generation of HTML pages, EJBs are used almost entirely as business objects. A session bean represents a client for a session or transaction and an entity bean represents a persistent business object that is usually stored in a database. Unlike servlets, a single session bean may exist per client. A single servlet may serve many clients. A session bean usually mediates client access to entity beans, shielding the client from the details of managing state.
I got exact answer Both are server side entities.EJB is designed by wrapping RMI API's.EJB is a service at Enterprise level.Main advantage that EJB can be a webservice which can deployed anywhere in the world.EJB is servicelayer enity which can even used by servlets.
We can have plain java in the service layer but differance that EJB has is it(EJB) can be alone deployed in any server unlike plain-java service layer.

Is the following request-scoped injection thread-safe?

public class AllRequestsWebListener implements ServletRequestListener {
#Inject HttpRequestProducer producer;
public void requestInitialized(ServletRequestEvent sre) {
public class HttpRequestProducer {
I don't know howto inject request-bean as method-parameter and therefore I can guess that it will work properly when Request-bean injection is threadLocal. Can someone explain me how it's implemented in a thread-safe manner?
What you have injected in your bean is a proxy representing the real deal. The proxy will always forward the invocation to the correct bean
Intuition based answer
I believe it is thread safe, as request scope is thread safe (session and above are not, as a user can open multiple browser sessions and use the same session ID)
I tested it, although it's empiric evidence, but the injected HttpRequestProducer gets a new instance each request.
Note that the requestInitialized and requestDestroyed can be (and in practice are) different threads, so I will investigate further if you intend to use the same injected object on both methods.
Specs backed answer
The hard part was to find hard evidence for this claim in the specs.
I looked into the CDI spec and couldn't quickly find conclusive evidence that a #RequestScoped object is thread safe (e.g. using thread local) however I assume that a #RequestScoped bean is using the same scope as the scoped beans in Java EE 5: (see here)
In there this clause is interesting:
Controlling Concurrent Access to Shared Resources In a multithreaded
server, it is possible for shared resources to be accessed
concurrently. In addition to scope object attributes, shared resources
include in-memory data (such as instance or class variables) and
external objects such as files, database connections, and network
Concurrent access can arise in several situations:
Multiple web components accessing objects stored in the web context.
Multiple web components accessing objects stored in a session.
Multiple threads within a web component accessing instance variables.
A web container will typically create a thread to handle each request.
If you want to ensure that a servlet instance handles only one request
at a time, a servlet can implement the SingleThreadModel interface. If
a servlet implements this interface, you are guaranteed that no two
threads will execute concurrently in the servlet’s service method. A
web container can implement this guarantee by synchronizing access to
a single instance of the servlet, or by maintaining a pool of web
component instances and dispatching each new request to a free
instance. This interface does not prevent synchronization problems
that result from web components accessing shared resources such as
static class variables or external objects. In addition, the Servlet
2.4 specification deprecates the SingleThreadModel interface.
So in theory, it seems that the object itself is going to have one instance per request thread, however I couldn't find any hard evidence that this is supported.

How One Servlet Will Access Other Servlet's Datamember?

I have two servlets. 1 serves as a primary server for my applet clients and other serves as secondary.
I just want for my servlet2(secondary) to ask servlet1 about number of sessions it have, suppose servlet1 is storing that information in an int, then how can we access that int from servlet2. provided that both servlets are different web projects.
This is a bad design you are trying to implement. What you really need is an Application Scope Variable
Quoting from
'Application scope is the broadest scope and should only be used when necessary. You can create objects bound at application level in JSPs that are not session-aware, so application scope is useful for storing information when using these types of JSPs. You can also use application-bound objects to share data among different sessions of the same application.'
Take a look at this example that makes use of a counter as Application Scope Variable
