Qt parent widget could't be updated - qt

I'm writing a tetris game in qt/opengl.
The game is partially event-driven (Game class, which is a QGLWidget), and the other part is in a QThread (GameLogic class). My problem occured when I tried to put this widget inside a parent widget among with a 'menu' widget. Even if I send signals from the game-widgets paintGL() method to the parent widget in order to refresh itself (the parent), nothing happens, and my app looks like it's frozen.
Although when I try resize() instead of repaint(), the parent widget resizes (and i guess also refreshes) itself and we can see how far the game had come.
So basically my game-widget and the thread works fine, but i didn't manage to ask the parent widget to simply update itself (if it's the problem). I've tried update(), repaint(), both of them with QCoreApplication::processEvents(), and connecting with QueuedConnection and DirectConnection as well. I've got a bunch of 'recursive repaint' error messages, although the parent didn't seem to be updated.


Issue regarding setting parent of widget in Qt

From this post here, in general:
All QObjects will delete their own child objects automatically. (See
docs here.) QWidgets are QObjects. So as long as you establish a
parent/child relationship, you do not need to manually delete your
objects. To do that, simply pass a pointer to the parent object to the
QLabel *label1 = new QLabel; // <<- NEED TO DELETE
QLabel *label2 = new QLabel(some_parent_obj); // Will be deleted when some_parent_obj is deleted
So some questions arises:
Does every widget necessary needed/required a parent? If no, what are the exceptions? If yes, what happens to widgets without parent?
I asked this because from examples in Qt Docs, some example widgets have parents (QLabel example) but some doesn't (QBarChart example, and also QFont, QColor, etc...).
So I'm wondering if there's an exception, or those widgets just don't need any parents, or if I declare them with new for some reason, I have to delete afterward.
And vice versa...
Does a widget without parent guarantee to cause a memory leak (or something similar) when the widget which it stays in (not necessary its parent) is deleted? Or if it's removed from a layout without any deletion happening?
Because from my experience with my code, I've created probably quite a lot (~100) of widgets and other stuffs without neither setting any parent (nor using delete afterward), and the project appears to run fine without any stalls even after a while (the effect might be underlying though, as I haven't run Memcheck), hence this question is here.
Does every widget necessary needed/required a parent?
If you want them to be deleted automatically - yes. But...
If no, what are the exceptions? If yes, what happens to widgets without parent?
You do not need to provide a parent to widget if you attach it to layout using QLayout::addWidget. If you look into source code, you'll see that when you do so, it automatically attaches layout's parent as widget's parent(unless you didn't attach layout to any widget).
But if you leave the widget created with new without parent and do not attach to anything - it is leaking memory. You must delete it either using delete or QObject::deleteLater. The last option is recommended when object has any connections.
Does a widget without parent guarantee to cause a memory leak (or something similar) when the widget which it stays in (not necessary its parent) is deleted? Or if it's removed from a layout without any deletion happening?
As I already mention QLayout::addWidget sets parent for added widget, so the answer is no. Also note, that when you call QLayout::removeWidget, it removes only QLayoutItem from layout, but widget's parent stays the same as it was after calling QLayout::addWidget.

Render a QQuickItem on a second window without changing its parent hierarchy

I have to render a QQuickItem owned by a particular window, into another. Basically MyQQuickItem owned by window1 to be rendered on window2. This switch has to happen in my app repeatedly due to a certain functionality.
I do the following to achieve the goal & the code basically works fine.
MyQQuickItem * myQuickItem = qmlEngine->rootObjects()[0]->findChild<QQuickItem*>("myquickitemobject");
// do the required on window2
// then set window1 as parent back again
Above technique functionally works fine. But this requires me to flip flop a few times juggling between setting parent item from window1 to window2 & back again.
Is there some other way to share MyQQuickItem between the 2 windows? Or is it possible display MyQQuickItem on the both the windows alternatively without having to change the parent hierarchy?
You might use grabToImage() and display the grabbed image on your second window.
This might not be ideal, performance wise. You can find some questions on how to do this on this site. Especially interesting might be this.
I don't know your case, but it might be better, to have two instances of the same component displaying the same data model - possible with input for one disabled.

Docking with QWinWidget: Adding DockWidgetAreas to QWidgets

I have an application utilizing QWinWidget in a Win32 window. I'd like to add DockWidgets and the associated behaviour to it. There don't seem to be any exposed APIs for adding custom DockAreas, and the latest docs are sparse beyond adding DockWidgets to a QMainWindow. Older docs imply there once was a public QDockArea class.
So far, my best option appears to be adding a neutered QMainWindow (no top-level status, no frame, etc.) to the QWinWidget and going from there (second source).
I was hoping there was a way to add DockAreas to any container, but it doesn't appear that way. As a side note, QWinWidget is used to have window manager control with our custom frame requirement, but if there's a pure QMainWindow/QWidget way to have the same result (with Qt::FramelessWindowHint), I'd be happy to switch over.
As I said in the comments, I've added within my QWinWidget in my Win32 window a QMainWindow field. That is:
class QWinWidget : public QWidget
QMainWidget* mainWidget;
mainWidget = new QMainWindow(this);
mainWidget->setWindowFlags(Qt::Widget); //1
Note that while the docs and some forum posts (from this post) indicate you need to set window flags explicitly due to the QMainWindow constructor setting Qt::Window, I tested it without the setWindowFlags() line (marked with //1 above) without noticing anything wrong.
So, this gives me the nice QWinWidget window I spent so much time making, inside a frameless Win32 window, with a QMainWindow child and all the features that brings along with it. Docking, menu bar, status bar, etc.

Qt Parent child relationship for independent qmainwindows

Using Pyside, but a general Qt question:
I am building a Qt app with a controlling QMainWindow. From this window the user can open other QMainWindows (or QDialogs) and from some of those she can open more. The user is intended to think of the first QMainWindow as "the app" and the others as lots of different views on more or less the same data.
So I'd like all the windows to be independently stackable so the user can set up the screen to their own requirements. In particular I want the user to be able to bring the first QMainWindow on top if wanted. But I don't really want each window to have its own task bar entry (though I can live with that). Also I would like them to minimise and restore together, and I would like them all to close when the first main window closes.
If I parent them all on the first mainwindow it works nicely except they stay on top of it which is not what I want.
Instead I have it kind of working by making them all independent with parent = None. Then I register them all with the main window and close them all when it closes. But this makes them a bit too independent - they minimise separately and have their own task bar entry.
Am I missing some obvious fix to this? Is there any easy way (a flag?) to stop the children staying on top of the parent?
Or is there some UI guideline that I am breaking by desiring this?
Or is there a cleaner design somehow? I thought of adding a dummy parent that they could all descend from but maybe that's messy. Would that parent need a visual presence? I wouldn't want that.
You can have as many QMainWindows as you want, or parentless QWidgets. I think the best way to handle your situation is to create your own pseudo parent-child relationship like this:
In your QMainWindow subclass, store a QList of all the QWidgets you want it to manage. Then, again in your QMainWindow subclass, reimplement methods such as QWidget::closeEvent(), QWidget::hideEvent() (for when the window is minimized), and QWidget::showEvent() (for when it is restored) so that it also closes, hides, or shows all of the widgets in its QList. Make sure to also delete them in the QMainWindow subclass's destructor. Now, whenever you create a sub-window, pass the main window a pointer to it not as a normal QWidget child, but just so that it can be added to the main window's QList of QWidgets to manage. E.g.:
MainWindowSubclass::addPseudoChild(QWidget *pseudoChild)
Another alternative that hasn't been mentioned yet is populating a QMdiArea with QMdiSubWindows. It doesn't do exactly what you asked for, but it's a pretty clean design nonetheless.
So I thought I would add what I eventually settled upon. This was particularly inspired by the comments of #leemes (Thanks - good stuff) and a little experimentation of my own.
I used the code attached here DetachTabExample
to develop a "Detachable Tab" widget and tab bar. This allows tabs to be dragged outside the main window when they become independent windows. Then if closed they return to the tab bar.
Then I placed all my content in the QMainWindow but in separate tabs. The users can drag the ones they want out on to the other monitor. Seems to be working fine. There are still some extra windows that I have floating but it has cut down the clutter and clarified the structure.

Attach Qt windows?

Is there any way to attach two Qt windows together? For example, if window A is the main window and window B is another widget I want to be able to show window B to the side of A and have both windows move together if the windows are dragged.
Not that I am aware of, but you can try following the trail of QMoveEvent. When a given widget is moved void QWidget::moveEvent ( QMoveEvent * event ) is called, and the QMoveEvent contains both old and new pos. Using this information, you can inject a move event in the other widget as well, and make it follow.
Of course, I am speaking of two independent widgets, each one in its own window. If they are contained, you don't need anything but a Layout management (see QLayout and related classes).
I don't work with Qt since a long time, so there could be a better method, but if I had to do it right now, this is the strategy I would use.
Also, I have the feeling that the QMoveEvent will be invoked only at start and end, unless you enable mouse tracking. If the former is the case, you will obtain that the other widget will "teleport" at the end of the move, instead of following smoothly.
You might be after something like this:
Window A would be a QMainWindow and window B would be a QDockWidget.
