Need Bootstrap's great collection, but need more flexibility - css

I find Bootstrap insufficiently flexible. For example there's not a straightforward way to change font or line-height properties. I want a one-line method to change these properties.
What else can I use similar to Bootstrap (that I'm sure will not be as rich)? I just need some style collections that are flexible for those kinds of changes.

You can change all of the typography values (and pretty much everything else) on the Customize Page. The links are in the toolbar at the top of most pages of the Bootstrap site.


Flex CSS does not support align manipulation?

I am using Flex 4.9. I thought that with the newest SDK, they finally made Flex and CSS components tags to work. But they did not.
I tried to set horisontalAlign and verticalAlign of spark HGroup vie CSS style, so I could manage it smoothly and save some code typing. HGroups didnt respond to CSS style I applied, ok, I thought that at least I will set their width. It also did not work! Nor pixel width or percent value.
Does Flex CSS styling is really so limited or am I missing something?
horizontalAlign, verticalAlign, width and height are all properties of the HGroup class, not styles. Hence you cannot set these properties through stylesheets.
What you seem to be missing is that Flex is not HTML and that the same semantics do not apply. In Flex 4 we separate the content from the way it is presented mainly through a process called skinning: we declare components and their logic in one class (usually in ActionScript) and we define its visual representation in another (usually written in MXML).
With this separation already in place there is hardly any need for stylesheets. In fact, if you would put a CSS on top of that, you would kind of artificially try to separate the layout into two separate entities which doesn't make much sense. Not to mention it would make the code much harder to read.
There is a case where CSS comes in handy though, that is when you want to apply a certain visual style throughout your application. A Button could have five different skins, but through CSS you could set the font color of all five to a specific color without repeating that in each skin.

CSS form buttons

I'm looking for a good way to implement reusable buttons in CSS on my forms. The requirements:
- Separate image and text (text is in many languages)
- Rollover effects
- Plays nicely cross browser
- No javascript (if possible)
- Rounded corners
Whats the best way to do this? Years ago I was using the sliding doors technique, but this seems out of date now. Would you use CSS3 with a fallback for older browsers? Any particularly well thought of techniques out there?
Jquery UI buttons are AWESOME. They're fully tested, completely compliant, and really look great. With one line of code, you can have a fully styled button in no time flat. Here's the thing--they can be executed without Jquery (go figure)
First, the tut
So, the standard method is to build an element (a, button, input) with an id and set it as a button in Jquery like this:$('#element').button()
However, if you do it in the manner that the tutorial shows, you just have to add some classes to an element to get a similar effect. So, to make a button out of an a tag, it would just be
In this example, there's no need to set the button with the jQuery button're doing it by style only. With the flexibility to style so many different type of elements, it opens up a ton of doors.
You would have to have the Jquery UI css loaded, which offers the added benefit of ThemeRoller, which can style elements on the page with a simple change of a file. It's really a great way to "theme" a site that has to change branding in a hurry, which has made custom themed apps my company puts out extremely profitable.
I would use css sprites for this. You can find out about them here:
It is basically a way to make one large image that has all states of buttons(normal, hover, selected). The benefit is it is one http request and you don't see a flicker the first time a hover occurs. If you use this route, the css background property will be the image. You can then use text-align and line-height to center the text that you want to place over the image.
This library, Nifty Corners Cubed uses Javascript but is a fairly clean way to round div tags links, etc. It is tough to find a reusable solution without using a sliding doors derived technique. Otherwise you stuck making none-resuable buttons that have to fit to your size.
You can also take a look at PIE
A sprite is a great option and I do use them from time to time.
Personally I don't mind if my websites aren't identical in all browsers and I go the CSS class route. I keep in mind what is and isn't supported by various browsers and if there is an element that needs to be a certain way I will double check with W3Schools for compatibility.
The main benefit the keeps me using CSS/CSS3 classes is if something changes it is done quickly by text in a single file, if need be I can do a quick change from a 10 year old computer with a dial-up connection (if they still exist) and no imaging software.
Where the advantage of a sprite is they are supported across all browsers and they will look identical (more or less). SpriteMe is a bookmarklet that I have heard of to help with sprites if you decide to go down this path.
I see this as a what do you prefer matter... these questions are what I ask myself when making this type of decision:
How often will it change? Big or small changes? Will it be a complete redesign job if it changes? What do you already know? How much time are you willing to spend learning something that you may not know? What does your gut say for this project?
I hope this can help you.

pure css layout for a web application?

I'm working on a web app that currently has a table-based layout. Ideally I'd like to go to pure css, or failing that, a hybrid tables-and-css layout* .
I've banged my head against the wall trying to understand css layouts and positioning. The main problem I'm encountering is that, depending on the state of the app, I have different things appearing in a 'section' of the layout -- what might be contained in a div or table. For instance, I might have some text and links, and then after user interaction, there might be a form, a table, some images, different text, etc. Anytime I find a css solution, it is for a fixed-element layout, or works in a specific case, etc. They're not robust solutions, in other words.
From this In Search of the One True Layout, the author about "Vertical placement of elements across grids/columns": "Designers face the choice of relying on elements being a particular height, resorting to tables or simply not bothering." Is this true? In my app, I can't rely on elements being a particular height.
Do I fall back on tables when I have elements of various hieghts ( which is quite a bit of the site, actually). I noticed that quite a bit of sites done by well-respected people and organizations use tables for layout in certain places, and not just for tabular data! This site included.
The chances are that there are CSS techniques to achieve what you want, but they may not be obvious if using CSS for complex layouts is new to you.
In your case, to 'get it done', I would recommend a hybrid type layout, and not feel bad about using a table to layout the pieces of the application that require those particular behaviours.
If it is particularly complex and difficult than a table might be the best and simplest approach even for the CSS expert.
Dynamic heights are only a problem if you need to implement a special effect of soem sort or a background image and oftent there are ways around that. It really depends on the Visual Design and what needs to be done to make each "block" flexible to use. Sometimes things arent possible but most of the time they are - they jsut tend to add complexity to the markup. But even that added complexity is easier for me to understand than nested tables :-)
My advice if you want to get things done and spend a ridiculous amount of time on css layout, browser compatibility, CSS reset, fonts:
write simple, valid, semantic HTML
use a simple CSS framework (like blueprint). You will rely on a simple grid system for positioning and layout.
add CSS classes to your HTML
add your custom CSS for colors, backgrounds...
Please reconsider using a table layout 'to get it done'; you will be disappointed, especially if you want to add some JS magic later.
I use CSS layouts for my web apps. But, my apps don't have wildly varying information, so I can set the content area and not have to worry about the layout looking "off" because a column is way out of balance with the rest of the content.
If you're having trouble with CSS layout and positioning, I'd suggest tables first, learn more about CSS/HTML positioning, and then convert your layout LATER. I'm sure that it's made for a frustrating experience learning CSS on a "real" project.
In the meantime, get some really good sources for CSS: books by Andy Budd, Simon Collison, Eric Meyer, et. al. Also, go to their blogs and dig into the archives. A really good book for CSS layout, positioning and general use is Beginning CSS Web Development by Simon Collison from APress. All the ins and outs with great working examples.

What is the point in having 2 stylesheets one for layout one for style?

Im working on some web software that has 2 style sheets one for style (style.css) and one for layout (layout.css). Im wondering what the poing in this is (apart from the obvious) I mean some style options will effect the layout and vice versa. So would it be better to roll all css into on page to make it easier? Maintining multiple stylesheets seems very tedious.
Anybody got an opinion on this and best practice?
I could see this being useful in situations where you want to have multiple styles whilst keeping the same layout. For instance, if you wanted to change the colour scheme at the click of a button.
I don't think I'd use it in any other situation, as by doing so you would be duplicating classes to set different styles and increasing your workload for something that's not really beneficial.
I personally like to separate style and layout in different CSS-files as you can have the same layout with different style (and vice versa) this way. Think of having a multi-client system and each customer wants a different style while the layout stays unchanged. Have those two files merged into one will create unnecessary overhead.
i think the choice depends on personal preference and on the size of the project.
when i'm working on bigger projects with other developers, i prefer to keep the styles in a separate stylesheet primarily because you can 'give' one stylesheet to the other developer and work on another and not worry about someone overwriting your styles.
the disadvantage of this is that multiple styles might appear in different stylesheets. what we generally do is have separate stylesheets for the main layout and the various sections, so the styles for the dynamic part can be edited easily without scrolling through a 3000 line stylesheet.
I do this in a simple CMS system I wrote so that I can change the style and layout independently of one another. This means I can write a new stylesheet for layout and use it in conjunction with all existing 'styles' for (in theory) no extra effort. However, sometimes it takes a bit of work to make all combinations of style and layout work properly together.
Personally, I think its a nice thing to be able to do and would keep it as it is in your system.
I guess that the idea is that you could create a new color theme by only switching the style stylesheet. If you are careful about what you put in each style sheet, it's definitely possible to use it that way.
It might have an application in some rare cases, but generally it will just make it harder to work with the CSS. I have tried this for a site where we have multiple themes, but I ended up merging the stylesheets again after all.

How can I use themeroller'ed styles in "regular" parts of a page?

I have a web app that I've recently applied a jQuery ThemeRoller theme to. Now I want to have a simple <h2> element have the same rounded-rectangular look as the dialog titlebar or datepicker title. How can I best apply these to my elements that aren't part of larger jQuery UI constructs?
I started down the path of just setting css class values manually based on what I could see inside Chrome's inspector tool, and I got part of the way there before I got nervous that this wasn't going to necessarily be the best way since I'm bypassing any css class assignment logic that might occur inside jQuery UI.
So, is there an easier way of applying those styles, or should I just go down the road of explicitly setting css styles on my headers?
There isn't any magic to the jQuery ThemeRoller CSS styles, if you look through the CSS files that it generates, you will find that they are generally clear and concise and easy enough to read.
The rounded corners in the ThemeRoller CSS will not work in IE, so you might not want to depend on them too much, but if you do, just apply the CSS using style='blah'.
stevedbrown's answer is quite correct.
You can apply rounded corners to any containing element by using the ui-corner- prefix. For example, to apply rounded corners to all four corners of a div element, you'd use ui-corner-all.
To only style the top corners of that same element, you'd apply ui-corner-tr ui-corner-tl for the TopLeft and TopRight corners.
Another possibility to the above is, if you know the CSS attributes you want to copy, you can do it programmatically like:
var defaultColor = $(".ui-state-default").css("color");
var defaultMargin = $(".ui-state-default").css("margin");
and apply these to your elements
Kind of clunky, but it does allow your CSS developers to update the themerolled themes and you don't have to worry about updating any of your code anymore.
