Symfony 1.4 + propel and postgresql - how to use them together - symfony-1.4

I am using Sf 1.4 for a project. I want to switch from mySQL to PostgreSQL because of technical reasons (I have written some database extensions, which I need access to in my queries).
I have trawled the net, but can't seem to find any info on how to fo this. So far, I have modified my database.yml file by modifying the database.yml dsn entry as follows:
dsn: mysql:dbname=##PROJECT_NAME##;host=localhost
dsn: postgres:dbname=##PROJECT_NAME##;host=localhost
I have also commented out the mysql specific entries in propel.ini
However, when I run ./symfony propel:build-sql and checked the generated SQL, I notice that the SQL generated was MySQL dialect rather than PostgreSQL.
How do I tell Symfony to generate SQL for PostgreSQL?

Since the OP won't post his own answer and accept it...
The DSN for PostgreSQL must begin with pgsql:, not postgres:.


SQL MDF (extension file) to MariaDB - How to migrate SQL MDF File to MariaDB

I am having issues with MariaDB and cannot find resources on how to open a .MDF file (Contains SQL DB Data, correct me if I'm wrong) using MariaDB. I have found some third-party software such as which converted the file, but you have to pay for the entire migration of data. I have also read the documentation for MariaDB and it seems to only support .CSV files, schemas aren't' supported in MariaDB, and alternate is doing a dump (not sure if this will work). I'm highly new with to SQL and MariaDB with practically no knowledge so please don't scold me, thanks!

Symfony doesn't find pdo_sqlsrv driver

I have one problem with Doctrine (or with my server configuration, I don't know where is the problem) in my Symfony2 web. I have been looking for an answer since several days but I haven't found it yet.
I need to connect my symfony web to a remote Microsoft SQL database through Doctrine. For this reason, I have added the "database_driver: pdo_sqlsrv" param in app/config/parameters.yml, but when I try to execute (in my Mac) a command like:
php bin/console doctrine:database:create
php bin/console doctrine:generate:entities AppBundle/Entity/Product
I get the following error:
[Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\PDOException] could not find driver
[PDOException] could not find driver
I have checked the phpinfo and the driver doesn't appear (only mysql, sqlite). I don't know if it's possible to add MSSQL, because in Microsoft SQL Server Functions (PDO_SQLSRV) appears that it needs to be running on a Windows.
Is not possible to access a mssql database without Windows? (If yes, how can I do it).
Would I need a Windows hosting?
Thanks in advance.
I'm using sql server on my last project.
here is what i've done to make it work on my dev environment
install pdo-dblib
composer require leaseweb/doctrine-pdo-dblib
configure doctrine to use the driver_class from the lib above instead of refering the sql_serv driver
driver_class: Lsw\DoctrinePdoDblib\Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\PDODblib\Driver

Load sqlite database into Postgres

I have been developing locally for some time and am now pushing everything to production. Of course I was also adding data to the development server without thinking that I hadn't reconfigured it to be Postgres.
Now I have a SQLite DB who's information I need to be on a remote VPS on a Postgres DB there.
I have tried dumping to a .sql file but am getting a lot of syntax complaints from Postgres. What's the best way to do this?
For pretty much any conversion between two databases the options are:
Do a schema-only dump from the source database. Hand-convert it and load it into the target database. Then do a data only dump from the source DB in the most compatible form of SQL dump it offers. Try loading that into the target DB. When you hit problems, script transformations to the dump using sed/awk/perl/whatever and try again. Repeat until it loads and the results match.
Like (1), hand-convert the schema. Then write a script in your preferred language that connects to both databases, SELECTs from one, and INSERTs into the other, possibly with some transformations of data types and representations.
Use an ETL tool like Talend or Pentaho to connect to both databases and convert between them. ETL tools are like a "somebody else already wrote it" version of (2), but they can take some learning.
Hope that you can find a pre-written conversion too. Heroku one called sequel that will work for SQLite -> PostgreSQL; is it available without Heroku and able to function without all the other Heroku infrastructure and code?
After any of those, some post-transfer steps like using setval() to initialize sequences is typically required.
Heroku's database conversion tool is called sequel. Here are the ruby gems you need:
gem install sequel
gem install sqlite3
gem install pg
Then this worked for me for a sqlite database file named 'tweets.db' in the current working directory:
sequel -C sqlite://tweets.db postgres://pgusername:pgpassword#localhost/pgdatabasename
PostgreSQL supports "foreign data wrappers", which allow you to directly access any data source through the DB, including sqlite. Even up to automatically importing the schema. You can then use create table localtbl as (select * from remotetbl) to get your data into the actual PG storage.

install pdo sqlite driver

how to install pdo sqlite drivers to enable onserver support
Assuming I understand the question, you want to know how to enable PDO SQLite access. Depending on the version of your PHP configuration, you may need to select different options, but assuming PHP 5.3.x, you should edit the php.ini to include the following libraries (for Windows - similar libs with different extension on *nix) in the extension=lib.dll (or
This assumes they are available on your server and you can edit the PHP.ini config. If you cannot then you may have to ask your host provider to do this for you (which they may...).
SQLite Functions (PDO_SQLITE)
PDO_SQLITE is a driver that implements the PHP Data Objects (PDO) interface to enable access to SQLite 3 databases.

How to make a database service in Netbeans 6.5 to connect to SQLite databases?

I use Netbeans IDE (6.5) and I have a SQLite 2.x database. I installed a JDBC SQLite driver from and added a new driver in Nebeans services panel. Then tried to connect to my database file from Services > Databases using this URL for my database:
but it fails to connect. I get this exception:
org.netbeans.modules.db.dataview.meta.DBException: Unable to Connect to database : DatabaseConnection[name='jdbc:sqlite://home/farzad/netbeans/myproject/mydb.sqlite [ on session]']
at org.netbeans.modules.db.dataview.output.SQLExecutionHelper.initialDataLoad(
at org.netbeans.modules.db.dataview.output.DataView.create(
at org.netbeans.modules.db.dataview.api.DataView.create(
at org.netbeans.modules.db.sql.execute.SQLExecuteHelper.execute(
at org.netbeans.modules.db.sql.loader.SQLEditorSupport$
at org.openide.util.RequestProcessor$
[catch] at org.openide.util.RequestProcessor$
What should I do? :(
The current version of Zentus SQLiteJDBC is v053, based on SQLite 3.6.1. It will not open a 2.x SQLite database. Perhaps you can use SQLite 2.x command line tool to .dump your database, and the Sqlite3 command line tool to .load it. The use Zentus SQLiteJDBC to access the new SQLite 3.x database.
Alternatively, use a JDBC driver that supports SQLite 2 such as this one.
It's againg me...
I have made two mistakes during my first attempt. After setting CLASSPATH as a system variable (hope I didn’t broke smth else :)), putting sqlite_jni.dll to the system32 folder and correcting JDBC url I have got a success :)
I also have downloaded their SQLite ODBC wrapper. Installed it and made a connection to my SQLite2 database via ordinary and UTF8 based ODBC driver. I also used built in NetBeans JDBC-ODBC Bridge driver to be able to set up this connection.
All three connections have been created but:
ordinary ODBC driver: I see text data in a wrong encoding. All other columns are displayed correctly
UTF8 ODBC driver: I don’t see text data at all. All other columns are displayed correctly
JDBC driver: I don’t see any column at all. "Select * from my_any_table" always returns an empty single column
I have Russian based data in my database.
So...currently I have returned to sqlite command line interface :))
