Do I need two Provisioning Profiles? - ios-provisioning

I've got a Provisioning Profile for distribution com.mycomapnyname.myappname
Now I want to test my app in my iPad and I did all steps- Get certificate - Add my device - create an AppId - and finally create a Development Profile called My Applications (to sets all apps), so I've got a Distribution Profile and a development Profile.
The bundle identifier for distribution is com.mycomapnyname.myappname
The bundle identifier for developer is com.mycomapnyname.*
In Library Provisioning Profiles I've got both.
In Ipad Provisioning profile I've got just My Applications Profile
When I try to run it on my iPad I set in Targets - Build Settings:
Code Signing / Debug / Any iOS SDK = iPhone developer matching with My Applications
Code Signing / Distribution / Any iOS SDK = iPhone distribution identity
in Targets / Info:
Bundle identifier: com.mycomapnyname.myappname
Finally when I want to run my project (setting to run it on my iPad) I've got the error:
"A valid provisioning profile for this executable was not found."
It's a king of mess for me, can anyone help me to be able to run in on my device?
I run other app on my device, but following a tutorial and creating a new app, but I can't run my own app in my device for testing.
Thanks in advance ;-)

No you don't unless you like to setup wild cards for each app which is confusing.
Try this it may help. In xcode go to organizer and then select provisioning profile section. Try to refresh that. It will connect to Dev portal and download your current profiles. Then with your device connected try clicking on the name of the device and make sure your device gets detected by xcode. If it says use for developing click on that and it will also refresh the provisioning profile on your device. That should re sync everything. If this dies not work let me know and I'll get on my Mac and see how I can help you more.


xcode 8 push notification capabilities and entitlements file setting

when using xcode 8 doing the push notification setting, unlike xcode 7, xcode 8 need developer turn on push notifications capabilities switch ( located at TARGETS -> AppName -> Capabilities as following pic ),
then it will generate AppName.entitlements file as following
but for production version App, if we change the string to
then the Capabilities show a warning
and it seems no matter which string value specified in aps-environment, we can still get the push device token at application:didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken:
so what is the correct setting of the push notification entitlements?
thank you
I was struggling with that today in Xcode 8 GM. After disabling the setting, deleting my developer portal provisioning profile and regenerating it and enabling the setting again, I was able to eliminate the warning in Xcode. Keep in mind that I didn't fiddle with the entitlements file. I left it at development environment and after archiving I got the correct aps-environment setting (production).
Seems Xcode is stilly very buggy tho even in GM
My problem was my pusher client was out of date and would only push successfully to debug tokens. Other issue which I am still working on a fix for is that I could only export the app via gym with legacy-api enabled, this was not setting the apns-environment to be 'production' and leaving it as 'development' in the 'embedded-mobile.provision' file. I have however been able to successfully deploy the app via the xcode organiser to work with apns(prod) now.
I think the better solution is open the project package and open project.pbxproj
CODE_SIGN_ENTITLEMENTS = "your-app/production.entitlements";

Enterprise build for apple watch

I am trying to create enterprise build for apple watch project by xcode 6.3
I tried to build by archive and by auto-build (shenzhen tool)
When I run it at iPhone, it crashes immediately but with ad-hoc build it's work fine.
I've found that Xcode Automatic selections do not work properly for code signing and provisioning profile when used with Apple Watch; sometimes it makes the wrong choice and you only notice when it has problems installing and launching.
For each of the App, App Extension, and Watch App, select the code signing certificate and provisioning profile explicitly (not automatic) in the pop up list.
For issues upon launch on the device (from spring board) the device console gives good information. Install iOS Console, from to easily see such information.

code signing error while integrating bot for simulator only

I am integrating bot to run on iOS simulator only not any device but still getting code signing error- No matching codesigning identity found: No codesigning identities(i.e. certificate and private key pairs) code signing is required for product type 'Application' in SDK 'iOS 7.0'
I have selected only one simulator under specific devices at the time of creating bot.
Why this is the problem for simulator too.
I have also tried by checking don't code sign option. But integration still failed with error-
CodeSign error:code signing is required for product type 'Application' in SDK 'iOS7'>
How to fix it?
Plz help...
Why not to add development provisioning profile to that OS X Server? Just send the file to that machine and open it with Xcode.
To make sure everything goes OK I'm usually checking that I can run my app on that server just from Xcode.
Don't code sign option is not working now because, as you can see, code signing is required in the iOS7 SDK. Not sure if it's a bug or feature.

Xcode 4 Ad-Hoc Distribution - Unable to Download

I had recently upgrade our development machine to Xcode4 and after the initial interface change has gone quite smoothly.
I'm now in the process of using Ad-Hoc distribution on it for the first time so I followed this guide to set up profiles/schemes etc.
This is the process I took:
1/ Setup a new provisioning profile under distribution. I selected Ad-Hoc, the correct App and my UUIDs.
2/ Installed the profile within Xcode 4.
3/ In xcode duplicated the Release Configuration and named it Ad-Hoc.
4/ Under Code-Signing made sure Ad-Hoc had the new profile selected.
5/ Edit Archive scheme and selected 'Ad-Hoc' Build Configuration.
6/ Select Product > Archive and made sure the profile listed was correct.
7/ On save screen selected 'enterprise distribution' and entered the App URL and Title.
8/ Copied the resulting ipa archive, plist and mobileprovision (downloaded in point 1) to our http server.
9/ Added the required html to and pointed mobile Safari to it.
10/ Selected the mobileprovision which installed without a problem.
11/ Selected the App which begins to install resulting in "Unable to Download" at about 90%.
I've tried several potential solutions from other posts but they all result in the same thing. This is used to work fine in Xcode 3 (using normal developer account, NOT enterprise) and as far I can tell I'm not really doing anything different so what am I doing wrong?
Try this: Open the Scheme you are using to edit it. Then check if in ALL the build phases (Build, Run, Test, Profile, ...) the Build Configuration is set correctly. If not set it to the correct configuration and build it again.
If this does not work ad a new Entitlements.plist to your project and add a new value with the key get-task-allow to NO.
Edit: Have you tried to make Product > Build For > Build For Archiving and then Product > Archive.
This worked for me.
we just had the same problem (and we still have it for one device only working on iOS5 Beta, not sure if it is related. All other devices work.), some tips that could help :
Apple dev site:
your provisioning profile could need to be renewed on the apple web site.
on the apple web site check that the device is linked to the provisional profile in the "Device" section. In the "provisional profile" section, the "Edit" feature could lie to you. To add a missing device to a provisional profile, go the "provisional profile" section then uncheck and check back the missing device (the lying part from apple web site ;))
in xcode:
I switched deployment target OS from 4.0 to 4.2
I plugged my iPhone and selected it as target before to create the archive.
this issue doesn't depend on the "team provisioning file", we could build a working archive with another provisioning file too.
If it can help too, I created a doc for distributing the Moodle app but it's generic to any app I guess:

How to test my iphone app in my iphone, instead of the simulator?

How to test my iphone app in my iphone, instead of the simulator?
This is covered in the iPhone Development Guide.
Yes to test it on your own device you will need to pay the $100 to grab the certificate, unless your device is jailbroken.
There are some steps you need to follow to test your app on your personal iPhone. Below you can find all the steps:
Create MAC certificate at first step.
Second step is to upload that certificate to developer account.
Now you should open developer account at
You can now find an option for device id in your developer account on left side.
Now you should register your iPhone device.
It is time to create your unique identifier on developer account
download your certificate and install it on xcode organize
Now open your project embed your unique identifier in your project.
