Umbraco not allowing httphandler resized image to be input -

I am attempting to move legacy content into Umbraco v4.9.1. Some of the photos that are being migrated are being resized using an httphandler (ImageResizer.ashx) using variables passed through the query. When I attempt to save the path the url is replaced with either "/" or what the path originally was. Is there a work around? The tag is below.
<img src="/imageresizer.ashx?mw=232&src=/imagePath/image.jpg" />
The url is correct, because if I type it into a browser the image comes up fine. It seems like Umbraco is filtering out this url.
I am noticing that the editor is chopping off everything before /imagePath/image.jpg and only displaying that. I have tried turning off the TidyEditorContent in the UmbracoSettings.config and it still does this.

A workaround would be to UrlEncode the src part of these Urls, where "/" is replaced by "%2F".
<img src="/imageresizer.ashx?mw=232&src=%2FimagePath%2Fimage.jpg" />
I don't know if you can do this is your particular situation, but it is a workaround.


URL Rewriting to add / before every path in ASP.Net

I am using Routing in ASP.Net 4.0.
Use of Routing and the side effects
I did routing of two pages, one page has url profile.aspx?id=yJkl, i converted it into /profile/yJkl. But my paths of CSS, Images and JS got disturbed. I took help from a lot of sites and links and found ignore method, but it did not work.
I want to use URL Rewriting
Whenever i add / before any image source or javascript path, it starts working because it takes path from root, i know this. What i want is URL Rewrite, i want that all links of js, aspx, css, images, which were used in my aspx html pages should have a / as prefix in their path. Forexample if i have <img src='images/blabla.png' />, should auto convert it into <img src='/images/blabla.png'>.
Please tell me what to add in web.config or tell me if you have any solid solution of routing to ignore. I am newbie in routing/rewriting so forgive me if i asked anything stupid.
Use ResolveUrl or ResolveClientUrl
ResolveClientUrl("~/Images/Test.jpg"); //yields "../Images/Test.jpg"
Page.ResolveUrl("~/Images/Test.jpg"); //yields "/Images/Test.jpg"

DRUPAL broken images after enabling url rewriting

I turned on URL rewriting on Drupal, and some URL image are broken.
For example :
local/tw/sites/all/themes/tw/images/1-p1.jpg become
local/tw/sites/all/themes/tw/images/2-p1.jpg become
Any ideas?
If you used relative path, and you're talking about contents within nodes, it's perfectly normal, since "node/" is interpreted like a directory.
You could fix this problem adding a "/" before image src, or using module like Path Filter that provides a simple file:relative/path/to/file syntax.

Images in app_offline file

Is there a way to use an image with an app_offline file? I'd like to keep the app_offline looking like the rest of the website - same header, etc, which includes an image.
I did try finding a way to do this but I can't seem to do so. The forum posts that I've ran across say it's not possible, since the app_offline forces all requests (even those for images and css) to redirect to the app_offline page, but I'm hoping that someone here will have an answer. Obviously, I can embed the css into the HTML, rather than pointing to the site's .css file, but I'm not sure how to get around the image issue.
You could try base64 encoding the image, ie.
<img src="" width="80" height="15" />
The reason you need to do it like this is that IIS sees the image as a request and app_offline.htm being present in the root is telling IIS to redirect ALL requests therefore this includes any MIME types from images to music etc

Why does my localhost image url change

I have a bunch of images in my localhost folder (C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Images) which I am trying to access within my application. The image src generated in my markup is:
<img id="MainContent_MainImage" src="localhost/Images/FGOStuart_7166.jpg" />`
This fails to load the image and if I look at the source for the page it actually directs to
so it looks like it is trying to access a path relative to the page (on the Pages folder). The src works if I type it into the browser manually and the image is displayed.
Can anyone explain what's going on here and how to fix it? I'm attempting to move the images out of the database and onto the file system but without much luck so far.
That's because the browser assumes "localhost" is a folder and adds it to the current relative path. Add http to it and it should work fine, or remove localhost altogether and just leave the /Images... part.
Try it like this:
<img id="MainContent_MainImage" src="~/Images/FGOStuart_7166.jpg"
alt="An Image" runat="server" />
This resolves it server-side from the root down. And always use an alt :)
What you really want to be doing is using the magic tilde:
<img id="MainContent_MainImage" runat="server" src="~/Images/FGOStuart_7166.jpg" />
~ signifies the root of the application. Notice I added runat="server", too.

ASP.NET: images broken when combining URL Rewriting, asp:ImageButton and html base tag

I'm using URL Rewriting under ASP.NET 4 (using ISAPI_Rewrite) and I'm finding that that some of my images are not loading as .NET does not seem to understand I'm using an html BASE tag (pretty standard and essential when doing URL Rewriting):
eg in my development environment I have:
<base href='http://localhost/venuefinder/Website/'></base>
and on my pages I have:
<asp:ImageButton runat="server" ImageUrl="~/images/button.gif" />
On the home page of the site (http://localhost/venuefinder/Website/) this works fine, however on a page that uses URL rewriting, the image does not work:
/venuefinder/Website/venues/ashton_gate_stadium/V18639/ the browser is trying to load:
instead of:
This is happening because .NET is rendering the button as:
...which is incorrect.
Is there any way I can correct this problem so that .NET renders the correct src attribute for the image? (without all the ../../../ etc)
Instead of using ~/ in images, create a virtual folder in IIS called images which maps to your images directory (so: http://localhost/images => c:\myproject\somesubdir\content\images). Then you can use
<asp:ImageButton runat="server" ImageUrl="/images/button.gif" />
We do this for all our website content items (script / images / css).
If you use <base> in HTML, the browser takes the given url as base for images that begin with /. So in your case you can just ditch the tilde.
One of the advantages of the Virtual Directory approach however is that you never have to bother about the url structure again, neither in .NET or JS:
$().append('<img src="/images/file.jpg"/>')
