Test connection was NOT successful...Database not found of no system permission - odbc

I am having difficulty connecting to a existing Informix database. I am attempting to mimic the configuration that is present on another machine which currently works. By the way, that other machine is on the same network and it is accessing the DB through a tunnel, so I am pretty sure the issue isn't related to the network configuration.
Regardless, here are the steps that I took to try and make the connection
Downloaded clientsdk.3.50.TC9DE and installed this. The working machine uses 3.50.TC2DE, but I couldn't find the installer for that version. (Note that at first I tried using 3.50TC9, not sure if that makes a difference)
Matched the ODBC config in the new machine to the working machine
The working machine has a host name in the Host Name field. I assume this was allowed because the host was set to an IP in the hosts file. Regardless, I am using the IP.
Also I am using C:\Windows\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe to create the DSN
Made sure that the INFORMIXDIR and PATH directory were correct. as per http://www.dbforums.com/informix/694408-odbc-test-connection-not-successful.html#post2633932 I don't think the locales are the issue because they aren't set in the working machine's Setnet32. Also, I made sure that the locales matched in the ODBC environment settings.
Also, since my INFORMIXDIR is in C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\Informix\Client-SDK\bin I tried replacing Program Files (x86) with PROGRAM~2 and Client-SDK with CLIENT~1 to no avail.
Tried setting INFORMIXDIR directly in my system environment variables (outside of Setnet32)
Set DBPATH to match the working system in both the user and system environment variables.
Set INFORMIXSERVER to the server in both Setnet and the system environment variables.
Completely lowered the firewall on my machine.
I can ping and telnet into the server.
I have also tried..
Tried this on Windows XP
Tested the ILogin demo. The result was a popup that stated Customer Records Found in the title bar with an empty text area field.
Reinstalled into C:\informix instead of C:\Program Files(x86)...
Rebooted after various steps.
At this point I am at a loss. Has anyone run into this? The only other things I can think of is that I am using Win7 64-bit (with 32 bit drivers) and that the driver is 9DE not 2DE.

Alright so half of the battle is over. I was able to get a "Test connection was successful" on my Win7 machine. We had a copy of the 2.90.TC6 driver available in our file server from way back. I installed it and it worked. So my guess is that the database I am working with isn't compatible with 3.50.TC9DE.
I guess my next course of action is to try and find an installer for 3.50.TC2DE so that I can match the production system.


Getting Windows to detect IBM AS400 provider

I am trying to get a connection to work on my machine to an AS400 database as per this link.
I have confirmed that there is no firewall blocking the machine I am working on. I have confirmed that the connection info works on a different machine with a .UDL file. I have installed the requisite C++ runtime libraries onto the machine and confirmed it has the appropriate .NET framework (it has 4.7.2). When I try to run the UDL file with the same connection information, I get "Provider cannot be found. Ensure that the provider has been installed properly." As far as I can tell I did, but it is not detecting that?
Can someone help me understand how to get it set up so that the UDL file will indicate if the connection was successful or not? I'm not really sure what is at issue at this point.
edit: I got lucky on more searching and so on further inspection, I can see that it is not in the registry editor. Could that be the issue? How would I add it there properly so that it shows up as a Data Link so that I can configure it correctly?
go here to download and install access client solutions
after installing the base package, navigate in the install folder and find the Windows_Application folder. In that folder, double click on install_acs_64.js. That will install the ODBC drivers.
run the ODBC Data Source Adminstrator app on the windows PC. Click the Add button. Select the IBM i Access ODBC Driver. Make sure to click the Server tab and set the default schema and library list.
Once the ODBC driver is installed you can test the connection by opening Excel and use the Data tab to config a connection to the IBM i database.

How Can I install oci8 drivers in php 5.3 on my windows pc whith out xampp or wamp

Win 2007 Server 32bit
PHP version 5.3.14 which was without php_oci8 files
oracle Enterprise Edition installed
I need to be able to connect to remote oracle database, so I find out, that OCI8 extension should be used. To make OCI8 work, I also should need at least Oracle Instant Client on server, because of certain DLL OCI8 need.
What I did?
downloaded Oracle Instant Client from their sites ( oracle download site ), version
unpacked into folder, I choosed Program Files/oci_11_2
added to windows variable path the address
restarted Win
downloaded php_oci8 libraries from PECL ( PECL oci8 dl site )
put them into the ext directory set in php.ini
added extension=php_oci8.dll into php.ini
restarted apache
After all this I checked php_info to see, if everything is ok, however no signs of oci8.
I tried older Oracle instant client, swtiching between php_oci8.dll, php_oci8_11g.dll or php_oci8_12c.dll, yet nothing helped.
Currently, I have no idea what to do, unless trying reinstalling php(which I don't want to because of many problematics connected with that), different Oracle instant clients or differenct php_oci8 libraries. I google for some hours, tried looking on Stack, but no solution, just some tips, that didn't help. Have someone encountered and solved something similar?
you've got to set ORACLE_HOME and LD_LIBRARY_PATH Apache environment variables too.
You have to:
set ORACLE_HOME to point to the Instant Client root folder,
enable PHP_OCI8_SOMETHING.DLL in your PHP.INI config (... which you did),
restart Windows, ideally,
start Apache.
... and it should work.
Ideally you would do this under the Windows account which owns+runs the Apache+PHP server (which should be other than that which you use regularly; this way you can have several Oracle homes concurrently in use on your Windows), so one more ...
check the filesystem privileges - whether the Instant Client is accessible to the Apache process.

Adaptive server anywhere ASA SqlAnywhere 8.0 ODBC driver

Well, I've searched the interwebs like crazy and I am unable to find this driver.
I am trying to convert data from a client's database that was built using the ASA 8.0 engine. ASA 8 has been out of support since 2008. The software company that created this no longer supports it, so can't provide me with the drivers. I've scoured the web and can't find anything.
I managed to get the installation files for this old software called BailCredit built by a company called SentryLink. I found what I presume to be the ODBC driver in the installation files (dbodbc8.dll) and I've tried manually registering that (Windows Server 2008 R2) but didn't get anywhere. When I try to create a new datasource, the ODBC Data Source Administrator gives me an error.
My company has done hundreds of data migrations and this is the first time I've had to resort to this.
I'd post a link to the database file, but simply can't because of privacy.
Please help if you can! Thanks in Advance.
For 64 Bit operating system you need to copy the dll's to %windir%\syswow64\ so you need to change install.cmd to the following code. The rest is the same.
COPY %~dp0dbcon8.dll %windir%\syswow64\dbcon8.dll
COPY %~dp0dblgen8.dll %windir%\syswow64\dblgen8.dll
COPY %~dp0dbodbc8.dll %windir%\syswow64\dbodbc8.dll
regedit %~dp0SAS8.REG
It take's me a few hours to figure it out i hope it help someone else.
This is how I finally solved it.
Get a copy of the following files from a computer with a working setup of the SQL Anywhere ODBC driver:
Create an install.cmd file with this:
COPY %~dp0dbcon8.dll %SystemRoot%\system32\dbcon8.dll
COPY %~dp0dblgen8.dll %SystemRoot%\system32\dblgen8.dll
COPY %~dp0dbodbc8.dll %SystemRoot%\system32\dbodbc8.dll
regedit %~dp0SAS8.REG
Create an SAS8.REG file with this:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
"Adaptive Server Anywhere 8.0"="Installed"
Run install.cmd
This will work when Windows is installed in C:\WINDOWS, otherwise edit the registry entries.
If someone left a copy of the Powerbuilder CD in the client's computer, look for the folder asa801runtime and install that to get the ODBC driver working
Example connection string with default username/password:
Driver={Adaptive Server Anywhere 8.0};UID=dba;PWD=sql;DatabaseName=base;EngineName=gestion;CommLinks=TCPIP(HOST=GRA06:2638)
Answering my own question:
I wasn't able to find this commercially available anywhere. I happened to be able to get my hands on the installation for the software package that was using SQLAnywhere 8. By installing this, it installed the necessary drivers (but only worked on 32-bit OS).

sql plus not opening after installing oracle 11g

I installed oracle 11g and im was trying to open sqlplus from command prompt but it is opening and closing in a fraction of second..I tried opening the sqlplus from the installed location as well. It still shows the same behaviour. Can anyone help me with a solution. I already uninstalled and installed the oracle twice for some other errors. Earlier it was working fine, but when I installed it the second time, sql plus is not opening .
I appreciate any advice.
If the error message reads
SP2-0750: You may need to set ORACLE_HOME to your Oracle software directory
as you stated then the answer can depend on what OS you are using. Let's say you are using some flavor of windows, you can go to the system properties -> advanced tab -> environment variables -> system variables and check the variables ORACLE_HOME and PATH.
Let's say that you installed oracle at C:\oracle\ora11\
In the PATH variable, among other values, you need to have the location of oracle bin directory; in this instance:
Now, I should note that when oracle references the path variable, it looks for the first instance of an oracle path. So let's say you had two installations of oracle at the following locations:
And the path variable was set like so:
The result would be so that when you open sqlplus, it would automatically reference the sqlplus program located at 'C:\oracle\9i\bin\' - whichever version that may be. (this would also be true for any oracle utility found in the bin directory such as DBCA or expdp) (this is also assuming you are note explicitly declaring which sqlplus you want to run i.e. you just type 'sqlplus' in a command prompt rather than 'c:\oracle\ora11\bin\sqlplus')
The oracle_home variable would be set to 'C:\oracle\ora11\' however i'll note that my windows 7 desktop version runs fine with this value null. It is, however, not a production desktop as you would imagine.
Run SQLPLUS.exe as administrator. You might have rights issue.

"Database is locked" error in SQLite over a Mac network

I have created a simple database using SQLite (actually PySQLite). It works fine when I'm querying or writing to the database from the local machine (ie program and database file on the windows machine drive). However when I copy the database file to my network drive (a time capsule), then Windows machines, although they can see the files and have full read/write access to the drive, give me a "SQL Error: database is locked" even when performing a simple select!
Queries work fine over the network from Macs.
There is no fancy multi-access going on - only one machine has the database open. Seems like some weird Mac networking issue. Happens in either the Python program, or in the SQLite3 command line. I am using SQLite
Anybody seen this problem? Any way of fixing it? Don't really want to get heavy with MYSQL because this is a simple single-user program, but i'd like to use it from multiple machines.
I don't know if it can be done on MAC, on Debian I have to mount the samba directory with the nobrl option.
From mount.cifs(8):
Do not send byte range lock requests to the server. This is
necessary for certain applications that break with cifs
style mandatory byte range locks (and most cifs servers do
not yet support requesting advisory byte range locks).
Read the sqlite FAQ: http://www.sqlite.org/faq.html#q5
"People who have a lot of experience
with Windows tell me that file locking
of network files is very buggy and is
not dependable. If what they say is
true, sharing an SQLite database
between two or more Windows machines
might cause unexpected problems."
So it doesn't work on Windows, it doesn't tell about MAC.
Possibly it fails to lock the file over the network, I think you use SMB protocol so the bugginess comes with the package. If you would like to use SQLite over the network see SQLite Network for alternatives.
I've had a similar problem and I solved it by installing a newer sqlite version. Since Python 2.6 the problem has disappeared too because it uses a newer sqlite dll.
Thank you Carlos. Cherrytree depends on SQLite, and for some reason it recently stopped working with my samba-mounted SQLite database file, complaining about a locked database. Adding "nobrl" to my ubuntu fstab entry solved the problem.
// /mnt/Files cifs username=public,password=asdf,rw,noperm,nobrl 0 0
