Storyboard segue call sequence - xcode4

I have a button which calls a method on the same view. That button generates a data and takes me to another MapViewControlelr .I have 'prepareForSegue' method on the first view. But that prepareForSegue is called first right after button click. As a result my variables aren't getting updated from the method call. Any idea whats wrong?

I think you should use GCD to load your data asynchronously and then perform the segue, something as follows:
dispatch_queue_t queue = dispatch_queue_create("queue", NULL);
dispatch_async(queue, ^(void) {
// Generate data
// Main queue
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^(void) {
// perform segue
[self performSegueWithIdentifier: #"MySegue" sender: self];
Also, instead of configuring the segue from button to newViewController - configure it from mainViewController to newViewController and then use performSegueWithIdentifier method


Wrong record displayed when create form closes

Inside AX2012 R3, when creating a new Return Order from the Return Order list view page (using the button in the Header), the SalesCreateOrder form opens and functions as expected.
Upon close of this form, however, instead of opening the newly created Order, instead the order that was selected in the grid is opening.
Several developers have made customization to this form, but none that (at first glance) appear relevant to this behavior.
Where would I find the behavior to open a form upon close of the SalesCreateOrder dialog?
You can open the created order by changing the SalesCreateOrder.close method:
public void close()
Args args = new Args(this); //Change here
// Save user's customer search type
if (salesTableType)
//Change here -->
new MenuFunction(menuitemDisplayStr(SalesTable),MenuItemType::Display).run(args);
//End of change <--
You may have to change the called menuitem if called from Return order.
Your understanding of how returns are created is wrong. A form isn't opened upon closing, it's opened upon creation.
When you do Ctrl+n or click to create a new return order, the ReturnTable form actually instantiates the SalesCreateOrder form eventually.
To see this, place a breakpoint in the init method of the ReturnTable at \Forms\ReturnTable\Methods\init and then try and create a new return order.

How to trigger an action from a NSTableCellView in view based NSTableView when using bindings

I'm facing a problem with a view-based NSTableView running on 10.8 (target is 10.7, but I think this is not relevant).
I'm using an NSTableView, and I get content values for my custom NSTableCellView through bindings. I use the obejctValue of the NSTableCellView to get my data.
I added a button to my cell, and I'd like it to trigger some action when clicked. So far I have only been able to trigger an action within the custom NSTableCellView's subclass.
I can get the row that was clicked like this, using the chain:
NSButton *myButton = (NSButton*)sender;
NSTableView *myView = (NSTableView*)myButton.superview.superview.superview;
NSInteger rowClicked = [myView rowForView:myButton.superview];
From there I don't know how to reach my App Delegate or controller where the action is defined.
As I am using cocoa bindings, I do not have a delegate on the NSTableView that I could use to trigger my action.
Do you have any idea how I could talked back to controller ?
Many thanks in advance!
Although you are using bindings you can still set your controller as the delegate for your tableview in the interface builder.
I see that you already are able to access the table view from inside your cell. The next task must be simple, just set the table view delegate as the target for your button's action.
Thanks for your question, I also will be triggering an action from a button on a NSTableView. Your question helped to put me on the correct path.
First to address the your solution to finding which row number my NSTableView is on. I was able to find it without knowing the button, in my custom NSTableView I installed the following as a first attempt:
- (NSInteger)myRowNumber
return [(NSTableView*)self.superview.superview rowForView:self];
this works fine, however it is less than robust. It only works if you already know specifically how deep you are in the view hierarchy. A more robust and universal solution is:
- (NSInteger)myRowNumber
NSTableView* tableView = nil;
NSView* mySuperview = self;
NSView* nextSuper = mySuperview.superview;
if (nextSuper == nil)
NSException *exception =
[NSException exceptionWithName:#"NSTableView not found."
reason:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%# search went too deep.",
NSStringFromSelector(_cmd)] userInfo:nil];
#throw exception;
if ([nextSuper isKindOfClass:[NSTableView class]])
tableView = (NSTableView*)nextSuper;
mySuperview = mySuperview.superview;
} while (tableView == nil);
return [tableView rowForView:self];
this not only works at the NSTableView level, but works with anything installed at any level above it, no matter how complex the view hierarchy.
As to the unanswered part of your question, I established an IBOutlet in my class and using interface builder tied if to my files owner (in my case my document class). Once I had a reference to the class I was sending my message to, and the row number, I call the function. In my case the call required that I pass the row number it originates from.
[self.myDoc doSomethingToRow:self.myRowNumber];
I tested this and it works at various levels of the view hierarchy above NSTableView. And it functions without having to have the row selected first (which appears to be assumed in Apples documentation).
Regards, George Lawrence Storm, Maltby, Washington, USA
Use rowForView: and the responder chain
To respond to a control's action embedded within an NSTableCellView, the control should issue the action to the First Responder. Alternatively, File Owner is possible but this is more tightly coupled.
Use rowForView: within the action method to determine which row's control issued the action:
- (IBAction)revealInFinder:(id)sender {
NSInteger row = [self.tableView rowForView:sender];
The action is implemented within any of the responder chain classes. Most likely, this will be your subclassed NSWindowController instance. The responder could also be the application delegate; assuming the delegate has a means to talk to the NSTableView.
See Apple's example TableViewPlayground: Using View-Based NSTableView and NSOutlineView to see this in action.
Suhas answer helped me.
func tableView(_ tableView: NSTableView, viewFor tableColumn: NSTableColumn?, row: Int) -> NSView? {
if let cell = tableView.makeView(withIdentifier: NSUserInterfaceItemIdentifier(rawValue: "EDIT_CELL_VIEW"), owner: self) as? SymbolManagerCell {
if let editButton = cell.subviews[0] as? NSButton { = cell // this is required to trigger action
return cell
return nil

Trouble with dispatching events from external AS class in Flex

I've been trying this for a day now and I can't work it out.
I have a main application Planner.mxml. This view has a couple of custom components, one of which is LoginView.mxml. In LoginView.mxml I do the following:
protected function btnLoginClick(event:MouseEvent):void
var login:Login = new Login(txtEmail.text, txtPassword.text);
{, "Oops!");
I create a new instance of my Login class and send some parameters to the constructor. My constructor looks like this:
public function Login(email:String, password:String)
if(email == "" || password == "")
throw new Error("Please complete all fields.");
var loginRequest:HTTPService = new HTTPService();
var parameters:Object = new Object(); = email;
parameters.password = password;
loginRequest.url = Globals.LOGIN_URL;
loginRequest.resultFormat = "object";
loginRequest.method = "POST";
loginRequest.addEventListener("result", loginHandleResult);
loginRequest.addEventListener("fault", loginHandleFault);
Here I check if all fields are complete, and if so, I put the constructor parameters in a parameters object which I then send to the HTTPService, which is a simple PHP file that handles the request, checks with the db and returns some xml. (This might not be the best way, but this really isn't too important at this point).
If the user is logged in successfully, the xml will contain a status property which is set to true. I check for this in the result event handler of the HTTP service. This is where everything goes wrong though.
protected function loginHandleResult(event:ResultEvent):void
if(event.result.status == true)
trace("logged in");
// here stuff goes wrong
var e:LoggedInEvent = new LoggedInEvent("loggedIn");
trace("not logged in");"Wrong credentials.", "Oops!");
As you can see, when the user is successfully logged in, I want to dispatch a custom event; if not, I show an alert box. However, this event doesn't dispatch (or at least, I don't know how to listen for it).
I would like to listen for it in my main application where I can then change my viewstate to the logged-in state. However, the event never seems to get there. I listen for it by having loggedIn="loggedInHandler(event)" on my loginComponent.
Any idea how to do this? Thanks in advance. I would really appreciate any help.
First, your Login needs to extend event dispatcher or implement IEventDispatcher. I'm not sure why you're getting compiler errors trying to dispatch events from it.
Next, you need to listen to the new Login instance for that event.
However, you have an architectural problem here that your View should NOT be handling business logic and it should DEFINITELY not be creating new objects that are not its own children on the Display List.
Instead, you should dispatch an event from the View that REQUESTS that a login occur, and then that request should be handled further up. Depending on the scale of your application, this can be the main mxml file or separate controller or Command logic. It is ok for the View to do a minimal amount of validation prior to dispatching the Event, but ideally you would want to encapsulate this stuff into a PresentationModel (because it is easier to test).
If you dispatch event then somebody who interested in this event must to subscribe to this event.
If you dispatch event from LoginView instance then in object who wait this event you need such lines:
loginViewInstance.addEventListemer("loggedIn", loggedInHandler);
and in handler:
private function loggedInHandler(event:LoggedInEvent):void
//do something
do what you need.

Flex Event Dispatching

I have some questions with a particular structure of a program I'm writing.
I'm using a Remote Object to make a remote call to a Rails method (using WebOrb). The problem arises in the way that I get my data back.
Basically I have a function, getConditions, in which I add an event listener to my remote call and then I make the remote call. However, what I want to do is to get that data back in getConditions so I can return it. This is a problem because I only access the event result data in the event handler. Here's some basic code describing this issue:
public function getConditions():Array
remoteObject.getConditions.addEventListener("result", onConditionResult);
//Here is where I want to get my event.result data back
public function onConditionResult(event:ResultEvent):void
//Here's the data that I want
How can I achieve this data turn-about?
Remote calls in flex are always asynchronous so you won't be able to call getConditions() and wait there for the result. You have to use a function closure to process the results, either by means of an event handler than you declare elsewhere or a dynamic one created immediately within getConditions(), like so:
remoteObject.getConditions.addEventListener("result", function(event:ResultEvent):void {
// Run the code that you would want to when process the result.
The advantage of doing the above is that you would be able to "see" parameters passed to getConditions() or the result of any logic that happened before addEventListener() in the function closure. This however, takes a slight performance hit compared to declaring an explicit function (for that exact reason).
I should also add that doing so requires you to clean up after yourselves to make sure that you are not creating a new listener for every request.
you do it like this
public function getConditions():Array
remoteObject.getConditions.addEventListener("result", onConditionResult);
public function callMyExtraFunction(data:Object):void
//Here is where you want to get your event.result data back
public function onConditionResult(event:ResultEvent):void
//Here's the data that you want
var data:Object = event.result;
You could make use of Call Responder like so :
<s:CallResponder id="getOperationsResult"/>
then use these lines to get the result from get operations
getOperationResult.token = remoteObject.getOperation();
this creates the call and returns the result stores it in getOpresult
whnever u want to access this u can call that token or getOperationResult.lastResult
Hope that helps

Flex Script and Event Question

I wonder how to achieve this in Flex.
Basically, I have enabled Drag and Drop in some of my list controls.
<mx:DataGrid id="dg1" width="100%" height="100%" dataProvider="{xmllcData}"
dropEnabled="true" dragDrop="dg1_dragDropHandler(event)">
In the function dg1_dragDropHandler event, I have the following codes:
private function dg1_dragDropHandler(evt:DragEvent):void
// Perform some actions here...
// .......
// Show Message to Confirm.'Proceed?', 'Title', Alert.YES | Alert.NO, null, handleAlert, null, Alert.YES);
private function handleAlert(evt:CloseEvent):void
if (evt.detail == Alert.YES)
// Perform the functions as necessary
// Execute the script to prevent the dropping of the object.
// How can I call the DragEvent.preventDefault(); function from here?
In the codes above, I want to call the preventDefault() on the alertHandler function since the other scripts after the call to the in dg1_dragDropHandler event would be executed concurrently with the
How would I be able to reference the DragEvent of the dg1_dragDropHandler event from the alertHandler event?
Instead of specifiying your listener function, handleAlert(), as a normal function, you can use an anonymous function. Write your code like this:
private function dg1_dragDropHandler(evt:DragEvent):void
// Perform some actions here...
// .......
// Show Message to Confirm.'Proceed?', 'Title',
Alert.YES | Alert.NO,
function(evt:CloseEvent) {
if (evt.detail == Alert.YES) {
// Perform the functions as necessary
else {
// Execute the script to prevent the dropping of the object.
// Now you have access to the evt:DragEvent!
null, Alert.YES);
When you use an anonymous function, you still have access to all the variables in your current scope. This means you can still access the evt:DragEvent variable. As Glenn said though, I don't know if this will solve your default action problem.
You probably want to store the details of the dropEvent in a local variable. Then when you want to do your "preventDefault" part, just access the event object and do your magic.
Not sure why you want to preventDefault though. I'm not quite understanding that part. Wouldn't all the other listeners of the event run to completion while the program is waiting for you to say YES/NO to the alert?
Which other parts of the callstack are operating here? You could stop anything else in the event chain from happening by calling event.stopImmediatePropergation(); on the first line of your dragDropHandler (assuming that the listener has a higher priority than others in the chain).
You would then need to manually replicate the drag and drop operations on confirm, which I'm not sure but you could achieve using the doDrag() method of the DragManager.
DragManager.doDrag() langauge reference
You're absolutely right that the Alert will be popped up asynchronously with respect to the original DragEvent dispatch.
Since you don't want the default datagrid behavior to kick in at that point, you need to call preventDefault() on receipt of the event, and then throw up your alert panel.
Then, in the success branch of your alert handler, you could try to rethrow ( throw a new) DragEvent. Use a local variable to keep track of the original event details so that you can clone() or simply create a new event with the same properties. Basically, you're intercepting and interrupting the event flow and then attempting to resume it later.
Haven't tried this myself, but that's what I'd explore first.
I have not tried this myself, but preventing default behavoiur immediately is the only way to stop the grid from performing the copy or move.
Try preventing the default behaviour and maintaining the drag event. Then, if you user hits no, you have already stopped the event. If the user hits yes, you can (this is the part i am unsure of) re-dispatch the drop event on the grid. Hopefully it will behave normally. To get the event into your Alert handler you can simply use the data property on the Event window to track it.
private function dg1_dragDropHandler(evt:DragEvent):void
// Perform some actions here...
// .......
// Show Message to Confirm.'Proceed?', 'Title', Alert.YES | Alert.NO, null, handleAlert, null, Alert.YES).data = evt;
private function handleAlert(evt:CloseEvent):void
if (evt.detail == Alert.YES)
// Perform the functions as necessary
var dgEvt:DragEvent = Alert(evt.currentTartet).data;
var newDrag:DragEvent; //need a new event because the default behaviour on the old one is still prevented
//copy event values to new drag event
// Execute the script to prevent the dropping of the object.
// How can I call the DragEvent.preventDefault(); function from here?
Again, not entirely sure if it will work, just off the top of my head. Of course, you have to remove the custom dragDrop event handler from your grid before you redispatch the approved drag, otherwise your handler with prevent the default, then pop an alert and repeat over and over.
