Subsetting within a function - r

I'm trying to subset a dataframe within a function using a mixture of fixed variables and some variables which are created within the function (I only know the variable names, but cannot vectorise them beforehand). Here is a simplified example:
Keep in mind that in my application I cannot compute g and h outside of the function. Sometimes I'll want to make a selection according to the values of h (as above) and other times I'll want to use g. There's also the possibility I may want to use both, but even just being able to subset using 1 would be great.
This returns an error saying that the object h cannot be found. I've tried to amend subset using as.formula and all sorts of things but I've failed every single time.
Besides the ease of the function there is a further reason why I'd like to use subset.
In the function I'm actually working on I use subset twice. The first time it's the simple subset function. It's just been pointed out below that another blog explored how it's probably best to use the good old data[colnames()=="g",]. Thanks for the suggestion, I'll have a go.
There is however another issue. I also use subset (or rather a variation) in my function because I'm dealing with several complex design surveys (see package survey), so allows you to get the right variance estimation for subgroups. If I selected my group using [] I would get the wrong s.e. for my parameters, so I guess this is quite an important issue.
Thank you

It's happening right as the function is trying to define GroupVar in the beginning. R is looking for the object h by itself (not within the dataframe).
The best thing to do is refer to the column names in quotes in the subset function. But of course, then you'd have to sidestep the condition part:
subbing <- function(Data, GroupVar, condition) {
DF <- subset(Data, select=c("a","b", GroupVar))
DF <- DF[DF[,3] %in% condition,]
That will do the trick, although it can be annoying to have one data frame indexing inside another.


not error, but not results either in R

I am trying to make a function in R that calculates the mean of nitrate, sulfate and ID. My original dataframe have 4 columns (date,nitrate, sulfulfate,ID). So I designed the next code
columnmean<-function(y, removeNA=TRUE){ #y will be a matrix
whichnumeric<-sapply(y, is.numeric)#which columns are numeric
onlynumeric<-y[ , whichnumeric] #selecting just the numeric columns
nc<-ncol(onlynumeric) #lenght of onlynumeric
means<-numeric(nc)#empty vector for the means
for(i in 1:nc){
means[i]<-mean(onlynumeric[,i], na.rm = TRUE)
When I run my data without using the function(), but I use row by row with my data it will give me the mean values. Nevertheless if I try to use the function so it will make all the steps by itself, it wont mark me error but it also won't compute any value, as in my environment the dataframe 'prueba' and the columnmean function
what am I doing wrong?
A reproducible example would be nice (although not absolutely necessary in this case).
You need a final line return(means) at the end of your function. (Some old-school R users maintain that means alone is OK - R automatically returns the value of the last expression evaluated within the function whether return() is specified or not - but I feel that using return() explicitly is better practice.)
colMeans(y[sapply(y, is.numeric)], na.rm=TRUE)
is a slightly more compact way to achieve your goal (although there's nothing wrong with being a little more verbose if it makes your code easier for you to read and understand).
The result of an R function is the value of the last expression. Your last expression is:
for(i in 1:nc){
means[i]<-mean(onlynumeric[,i], na.rm = TRUE)
It may seem strange that the value of that expression is NULL, but that's the way it is with for-loops in R. The means vector does get changed sequentially, which means that BenBolker's advice to use return(.) is correct (as his advice almost always is.) . For-loops in R are a notable exception to the functional programming paradigm. They provide a mechanism for looping (as do the various *apply functions) but the commands inside the loop exert their effects in the calling environment via side effects (unlike the apply functions).

Use the multiple variables in function in r

I have this function
ANN<-function (x,y){
I need the function run like
and get result of the function. So the problem is to say the function USE the object which was created during the run of function. I need to run trough lapply more combinations of x,y, so I need it this way. Any advices how to achieve it? Thanks
I've edited my answer, this still works for me. Does it work for you? Can you be specific about what sort of errors you are getting?
New response:
ANN<-function (y){
dat <- data.frame(X1,X2)
ANN<-neuralnet(DV ~y,hidden=10,algorithm='rprop+',data=dat)
If you want so specify the two parts of the formula separately, you should still pass them as formulas.
ANN<-function (x,y){
ANN(DV~., ~X1+X2)
And assuming you're using neuralnet() from the neuralnet library, it seems the data= is required so you'll need to pass in a data.frame with those columns.
Formulas as special because they are not evaluated unless explicitly requested to do so. This is different than just using a symbol, where as soon as you use it is evaluated to something in the proper frame. This means there's a big difference between DV (a "name") and DV~. (a formula). The latter is safer for passing around to functions and evaluating in a different context. Things get much trickier with symbols/names.

Saving many subsets as dataframes using "for"-loops

this question might be very simple, but I do not find a good way to solve it:
I have a dataset with many subgroups which need to be analysed all-together and on their own. Therefore, I want to use subsets for the groups and use them for the later analysis. As well, the defintion of the subsets as the analysis should be partly done with loops in order to save space and to ensure that the same analysis has been done with all subgroups.
Here is an example of my code using an example dataframe from the boot package:
qlist <- c("1","2","3","4")
for (i in length(qlist)) {
paste("aids.sub.",qlist[i],sep="") <- subset(aids, quarter==qlist[i])
The variable which contains the subgroups in my dataset is stored as a string, therefore I added the qlist part which would be not required otherwise.
Make a list of the subsets with lapply:
lapply(qlist, function(x) subset(aids, quarter==x))
Equivalently, avoiding the subset():
lapply(qlist, function(x) aids[aids$quarter==x,])
It is likely the case that using a list will make the subsequent code easier to write and understand. You can subset the list to get a single data frame (just as you can use one of the subsets, as created below). But you can also iterate over it (using for or lapply) without having to construct variable names.
To do the job as you are asking, use assign:
for (i in qlist) {
assign(paste("aids.sub.",i,sep=""), subset(aids, quarter==i))
Note the removal of the length() function, and that this is iterating directly over qlist.

How to use a value that is specified in a function call as a "variable"

I am wondering if it is possible in R to use a value that is declared in a function call as a "variable" part of the function itself, similar to the functionality that is available in SAS IML.
Given something like this:
put.together <- function(suffix, numbers) {
new.suffix <<-
x <- c(seq(1000,1012, 1))
put.together(part.a, x)
new.part.a ##### does not exist!!
new.suffix ##### does exist
As it is written, the function returns a dataframe called new.suffix, as it should because that is what I'm asking it to do.
I would like to get a dataframe returned that is called new.part.a.
EDIT: Additional information was requested regarding the purpose of the analysis
The purpose of the question is to produce dataframes that will be sent to another function for analysis.
There exists a data bank where elements are organized into groups by number, and other people organize the groups
into a meaningful set.
Each group has an id number. I use the information supplied by others to put the groups together as they are specified.
For example, I would be given a set of id numbers like: part-1 = 102263, 102338, 202236, 302342, 902273, 102337, 402233.
So, part-1 has seven groups, each group having several elements.
I use the id numbers in a merge so that only the groups of interest are extracted from the large data bank.
The following is what I have for one set:
### <- .csv file from large database ###
id.part.1 <-, 102338, 202236, 302342, 902273, 102337, 402233))
bank.names <- c("")
colnames(id.part.1) <- bank.names
part.sort <- matrix(seq(1,nrow(id.part.1),1))
sort.part.1 <- cbind(id.part.1, part.sort)
final.part.1 <-,,
by="", all.x=TRUE))
The process above is repeated many, many times.
I know that I could do this for all of the collections that I would pull together, but I thought I would be able to wrap the selection process into a function. The only things that would change would be the part numbers (part-1, part-2, etc..) and the groups that are selected out.
It is possible using the assign function (and possibly deparse and substitute), but it is strongly discouraged to do things like this. Why can't you just return the data frame and call the function like:
new.part.a <- put.together(x)
Which is the generally better approach.
If you really want to change things in the global environment then you may want a macro, see the defmacro function in the gtools package and most importantly read the document in the refrences section on the help page.
This is rarely something you should want to do... assigning to things out of the function environment can get you into all sorts of trouble.
However, you can do it using assign:
put.together <- function(suffix, numbers) {
put.together(part.a, 1:20)
But like Greg said, its usually not necessary, and always dangerous if used incorrectly.

Do you use attach() or call variables by name or slicing?

Many intro R books and guides start off with the practice of attaching a data.frame so that you can call the variables by name. I have always found it favorable to call variables with $ notation or square bracket slicing [,2]. That way I can use multiple data.frames without confusing them and/or use iteration to successively call columns of interest. I noticed Google recently posted coding guidelines for R which included the line
1) attach: avoid using it
How do people feel about this practice?
I never use attach. with and within are your friends.
Example code:
> N <- 3
> df <- data.frame(x1=rnorm(N),x2=runif(N))
> df$y <- with(df,{
> df
x1 x2 y
1 -0.8943125 0.24298534 -0.6513271
2 -0.9384312 0.01460008 -0.9238312
3 -0.7159518 0.34618060 -0.3697712
> df <- within(df,{
x1.sq <- x1^2
x2.sq <- x2^2
y <- x1.sq+x2.sq
x1 <- x2 <- NULL
> df
y x2.sq x1.sq
1 0.8588367 0.0590418774 0.7997948
2 0.8808663 0.0002131623 0.8806532
3 0.6324280 0.1198410071 0.5125870
Edit: hadley mentions transform in the comments. here is some code:
> transform(df, xtot=x1.sq+x2.sq, y=NULL)
x2.sq x1.sq xtot
1 0.41557079 0.021393571 0.43696436
2 0.57716487 0.266325959 0.84349083
3 0.04935442 0.004226069 0.05358049
I much prefer to use with to obtain the equivalent of attach on a single command:
with(someDataFrame, someFunction(...))
This also leads naturally to a form where subset is the first argument:
with(subset(someDataFrame, someVar > someValue),
which makes it pretty clear that we operate on a selection of the data. And while many modelling function have both data and subset arguments, the use above is more consistent as it also applies to those functions who do not have data and subset arguments.
The main problem with attach is that it can result in unwanted behaviour. Suppose you have an object with name xyz in your workspace. Now you attach dataframe abc which has a column named xyz. If your code reference to xyz, can you guarantee that is references to the object or the dataframe column? If you don't use attach then it is easy. just xyz refers to the object. abc$xyz refers to the column of the dataframe.
One of the main reasons that attach is used frequently in textbooks is that it shortens the code.
"Attach" is an evil temptation. The only place where it works well is in the classroom setting where one is given a single dataframe and expected to write lines of code to do the analysis on that one dataframe. The user is unlikely to ever use that data again once the assignement is done and handed in.
However, in the real world, more data frames can be added to the collection of data in a particular project. Furthermore one often copies and pastes blocks of code to be used for something similar. Often one is borrowing from something one did a few months ago and cannot remember the nuances of what was being called from where. In these circumstances one gets drowned by the previous use of "attach."
Just like Leoni said, with and within are perfect substitutes for attach, but I wouldn't completely dismiss it. I use it sometimes, when I'm working directly at the R prompt and want to test some commands before writing them on a script. Especially when testing multiple commands, attach can be a more interesting, convenient and even harmless alternative to with and within, since after you run attach, the command prompt is clear for you to write inputs and see outputs.
Just make sure to detach your data after you're done!
I prefer not to use attach(), as it is far too easy to run a batch of code several times each time calling attach(). The data frame is added to the search path each time, extending it unnecessarily. Of course, good programming practice is to also detach() at the end of the block of code, but that is often forgotten.
Instead, I use xxx$y or xxx[,"y"]. It's more transparent.
Another possibility is to use the data argument available in many functions which allows individual variables to be referenced within the data frame. e.g., lm(z ~ y, data=xxx).
While I, too, prefer not to use attach(), it does have its place when you need to persist an object (in this case, a data.frame) through the life of your program when you have several functions using it. Instead of passing the object into every R function that uses it, I think it is more convenient to keep it in one place and call its elements as needed.
That said, I would only use it if I know how much memory I have available and only if I make sure that I detach() this data.frame once it is out of scope.
Am I making sense?
