Intercept requests for iisnode with HttpModule -

I have a nodejs app running using iisnode in a sub directory for a .net application (umbraco actually).
The .net application is using forms authentication and I want to secure the iisnode application using the same mechanism as the .net application.
I've tried registering modules with the iisnode app but it doesn't even seem to fire the event handlers. Is it possible to do this?

It seems that creating an HttpModule to intercept nodejs requests is impossible. However, I did find a way to get the authentication information I was after.
I created some middleware in my nodejs (expressjs) app that picks up the headers from the request (including the cookies) and make a request to a specially created url on the application using those same headers.
This url simply returns the user info for the user specified in the cookie (if the cookie is present). If I get back some information then I know the user is logged in. No information means they are not logged in and I redirect to the umbraco login page.


Can't get domain user inside API - (AngularJs + ASP.NET Framework with Windows authentication)

I have this legacy intranet app using an AngularJS SPA consuming an an ASP.NET Web API (on .NET 4.6.1) and I can't manage to get the user authenticated on the domain inside the API, when calls are made by AngularJs.
Inside the API I have situations where I need to get the domain authenticated user. I have tried several combinations inside IIS to set both the AngularJS app and the API with Windows authentication, Impersonation, Authorization Rules. I've read several questions in Stackoverflow and other forums and also searched through several articles but I can't manage to find a solution, I'm feeling helpless in this one.
When I make a direct call to the API using a tool like Postman or through Swagger, System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.LogonUserIdentity.Name shows the correct authenticated user.
When I make the very same call to the API but through the client, like loading a page that requests data from the API, the user shown in LogonUserIdentity, is the one set on the app pool.
The authentication between the client and the API uses bearer token.
Here's my current scenario:
Windows authentication enabled for both the client and the API, Impersonation enabled for both the client and the API
Authorization rules for ASP.NET and IIS set with allow all users for both Client and API
Session state in-proc, using cookies and with UseHostingIdentity set to false on both Client and API
Both the client and the API are using the same AppPool, with integrated Pipeline, .NET CLR v4.0,
If there's more info to supply please let me know, I'll update the question with the required info.

How to load test login having Sitefinity - Azure AD B2C Authentication oauth2 with JMeter

There are multiple requests being passed in signing in of the application since its using Sitefinity - Azure AD B2C Authentication and there are some values being passed in each requests such as nonce, state properties, id token etc. The workflow is quite complicated when having a peek into the values/token being passed across the requests of login. Though I have created/tried with all the values that are getting as the response of previous requests, still the login is not happening. Also, I went through some documents of B2C authentication with Sitefinity and its architecture and I got to know that the token being generated by the Sitefinity is an internal process and the response of that token cannot be fetched from a previous response/ client side.
Workarounds that I did:
Integrated selenium into Jmeter and automated the login scenarios and stored the cookie generated. Then used these cookie and token in following internal requests- This approach worked fine.
Hardcoded a live cookie in Cookie Manager and send the internal requests - This also worked fine.
I am wondering if there is any other possibilities in logging in because the above two methods are not reliable in long run. Anyone have idea about generating the token id locally and pass that to JMeter. for example creating a .exe file which generates the Sitefinity token.With this we will be able to pass or execute the .exe file in OS Process Sampler in Jmeter and fetching the token from its response.
Any other approach?
I assume you are using the OpenIdConnect authentication provider that is built into Sitefinity?
So, basically when a user clicks on the Login button, he is being redirected to:
Here Sitefinity replies with a redirection to:
which in turn redirects to
and this finally redirects to the external authentication provider.
(yeah, it is a complex workflow).
So, if you try to load test only the first request (/login/LoginExternalProvider/OpenIdConnect/) - wouldn't it then follow the redirect responses automatically (sorry, not familiar with jmeter)?
Those responses contain the correct cookies that Sitefinity has created, etc.
As per Sitefinity documentation:
Sitefinity CMS uses claims authentication, implemented on top of IdentityServer3, certified by OpenID Foundation. It allows implementing single sign-on and access control for modern web applications and APIs. It uses OAuth2 and OpenID Connect protocols.
Standardized authentication, based on OpenID Connect with JWT, certified IdentityServer3.
Given you're capable of logging in using your browser - you can replicate the same requests using JMeter's HTTP Request samplers, it's just a matter of correlation - the process of extracting the dynamic data from the responses and using them in the next requests.
You can refer OpenID Connect - How to Load Test with JMeter article for example JMeter script implementation

Redirect to Web Service WebMethod from ASP.NET Website

I have a website created with ASP.NET and a web service, both using FormsAuthentication (which validates the user's credentials against Active Directory - LDAP).
When I call an action method of this web service for the first time I am redirected to the site's web page that actually logs the users into the system. When I'm logged in I will be redirected to the web service (ReturnUrl), but I'm guessing something gets lost in the way, because I'm getting an InvalidOperationException (in the client), containing the .asmx definition.
This happens on the first call only, the next calls work fine (since I'm going to the right place).
What am I missing here?
How should I redirect from the web site to the web service? Can this be done?
Thanks in advance.
Your web service call is doing a Post, then redirecting via a Get request after authentication. The default response from an ASMX is the .wsdl definition. You can't do web service authentication like this programmatically.
If you are using Active Directory, why not use Windows Authentication and suppress the login?

Console Application with ASP.NET Authentication

Here's the situation, I've got a console application that needs to run once a day and make a few requests to pages that require authentication to view. The pages are hosted in a really basic ASP.Net Web Application.
So, I know that in order for the requests to go through successfully I have to authenticate with the server. So I've hooked up the console application to the ASP.Net Membership Provider I'm using for the web app and it successfully determines if a set of a credentials are valid. However, after calling Membership.ValidateUser() any requests I make just get the login screen. After doing some reading it seems that this is because I'm missing the important cookie information that persists my login or what-have-you.
I'm using a basic WebClient to make the requests and then reading/discarding the result.
So the meat of the question is this: Is there a simple way to validate the login information and hold on to it so that I can make the requests successfully, or is this the exact same case as the other two questions I found that require the WebClient to make a "manual" login request to the login.aspx page and try to hold on to the cookie from there?
The questions I'm referencing are:
Authenticating ASP.NET MVC user from a WPF application
Login to website and use cookie to get source for another page
With FormsAuthentication the webserver has to generate a Forms Authentication Ticket for you. The best (only?) way to do this is to log into the site, so I'd just log in like the other questions.
If the intent is to send data to the server and/or get data from the server, then the most logical architecture is probably to create a web service using either ASMX or WCF. Then configure the service to use a security token, such as a username token or a SAML token. This will make the client less likely to break when the server code changes its data model.
Otherwise, if you wish to use only a basic WebClient, then you will have to find a way to pass your credentials to the login page and retain the login cookie that is returned from the login request. Then, make sure that the login cookie is included on all subsequent requets, similar to the Stack Overflow question that you referenced, "Login to website and use cookie to get source for another page".

Passing existing cookie to Web service

HI have the following scenario:
1) i'm authenticated against some aSP.NET web site and my session time out expires in 24 hours.
2) after several time I would like to run query against Web Service located on the site using existing authentication.
What should I add to cookie Container? I how do sent existing cookie to Web service?
Thank you in Advance.
A web service call is just an http call so it will come under the existing authentication.
I am assuming here that you are issuing this from the browser?
If not - e.g. if you are doing it from a console application, then you will have to interact with the site as if you were a user. Some more details are her
Basically you need to issue a post to login to the login page - track all of the cookies etc - and then start issuing your WS calls with those cookies.
Another option is here which is reading the correct cookie info from the windows machine you are on - relies on you being logged into the website and also trusted to be able to get to that file.
Alternatively you can look into implementing WSE or WCF solution.
