Symfony Write to sfGuard Table - symfony-1.4

I know it's not ideal, but I have a few extra fields on the sfGuard User table and I would like to write to it from another module. There is a specific field that is a simple integer but I would like it to -1 each time they perform a specific task. Here is what I tried. I don't get an error message but it also doesn't write the number to the table.
public function executePublish(sfWebRequest $request)
$this->user = $this->getUser()->getGuardUser();
$times = ($this->user->getTimes() - 1);
This is the "Publish" action for a different module. Am I doing this wrong? Thanks.

You didn't maked an INSERT to the database by setTimes($times)
you have to call save() method after setting all values of object.
It should look like this:
public function executePublish(sfWebRequest $request)
$this->user = $this->getUser()->getGuardUser();
$times = ($this->user->getTimes() - 1);


why i got error inspite of that correctly set value to entity?

Hello my website is made by symfony and mysql.
Now im stuck in this error.
publisher_id cannot be null.
this errror means that publisher_id column of volume table can not be null.
this error is correct but i set value to publisher_id
and i did var_dump like below and i got correct Entity.
$volume = new Volume(); //instanciate Volume Entity.
$volume->setStorePublisher($publisher); //set Publisher Entity to Volume Entity.
var_dump($publisher->getId()); //correct id shown.why no publisher id???
$em = Context::getEntityManagerWrite();
$em->transactional(function (EntityManager $em) use (&$volume) {
$volume = $em->merge($volume); // i got error here.why ??
Your Error:
To begin with your problem you're trying to merge an unmanaged Entity,
Persist it inside the em first as such :
$volume = new Volume();
// do stuff
in you entity add the __construct method to remove this ugly createAt()from your controller
class Volume {
public function __construct()
$this->setCreateAt(new \DateTime());
For the updateAt() you can use services as shown in the Doc. The objective is to keep your Controlleras light as possible.

Single position to restrict access to a Doctrine entity

I've just started working with Doctrine and built a simple blog project. One of my requirements is that a blog post should not be visible to anybody (for simpleness, skip an editor's interface) until the publish date is reached.
As far as I see, it's obvious to do so using a custom repository. Let's extend the find method the following way:
public function find($id, $lockMode = null, $lockVersion = null)
/** #var Post $post */
$post = parent::find($id, $lockMode, $lockVersion);
if($post->getCreatedAt() > new \DateTime()) {
return null;
return $post;
This restricts the access for a page showing a single Post entity. For an overview page, the same can be done using a custom method:
public function findForOverview()
$query = $this->createQueryBuilder('p')
->where('p.createdAt < CURRENT_TIMESTAMP()')
->orderBy('p.createdAt', 'DESC')
return $query->getResult();
So, even for this simple requirement, I've already written two custom methods. If I continue to work on my project, other restriction limitations might occur and additional ways to load that entity might arise. And as far as I see, for each case I have to implement the logic for all access guards.
Is there no simpler way to do that? I'm thinking of something like an annotation or an "entity load listener" that makes it simple to write one single entry point for all such checks - making it impossible to forget such checks...
Such restrictions are usually implemented by using mechanism of SQL filters in Doctrine. Implementation of this filter works on lower level then DQL and allows you to apply modifications for SQL query being constructed. In your case it may look like this:
namespace App\ORM\Filter;
use App\Entity\Post;
use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata;
use Doctrine\ORM\Query\Filter\SQLFilter;
class PostVisibilityFilter extends SQLFilter
* Gets the SQL query part to add to a query.
* #param ClassMetadata $targetEntity
* #param string $targetTableAlias
* #return string The constraint SQL if there is available, empty string otherwise
public function addFilterConstraint(ClassMetadata $targetEntity, $targetTableAlias): string
if ($targetEntity->name !== Post::class) {
return '';
return sprintf('%s.%s >= now()', $targetTableAlias, $targetEntity->getColumnName('createdAt'));

Change date format in xls export with Sonata Admin Bundle

I taken over responsibility for a Symfony2 application, built on the Sonata Admin Bundle, and have been asked to make a small change by the users. In the xls export of a list page, the dates all appear as e.g. Wed, 01 Aug 2012 00:00:00 +0200, but the Excel format is General. The users would like the data in this column to be an Excel date type, so that it is sort-able.
I have been able to find some information about export customization, but this mostly concerns choosing the list export file types, or which fields to include, rather than how to change the format in the exported document. A similar question was asked here (I think) but there is no answer.
I think this would (or should) be very simple, but it is certainly not obvious. Any help would be much appreciated.
A small improvement for Marciano's answer.
Makes the code a bit more resilient against sonata updates.
public function getDataSourceIterator()
$datasourceit = parent::getDataSourceIterator();
$datasourceit->setDateTimeFormat('d/m/Y'); //change this to suit your needs
return $datasourceit;
In my admin class EmployeeAdmin I use getExportFields function specifies which fields we want to export:
public function getExportFields() {
return array(
$this->trans('list.label_interview_date') => 'interviewDateFormatted'
interviewDateFormatted is actually a call to the corresponding entity (Employee) method getInterviewDateFormatted which looks like this:
public function getInterviewDateFormatted() {
return ($this->interviewDate instanceof \DateTime) ? $this->interviewDate->format("Y-m-d") : "";
This way I can change date format or do other necessary changes to the fields I want to export.
this is my code. It's work!
use Exporter\Source\DoctrineORMQuerySourceIterator;
use Sonata\DoctrineORMAdminBundle\Datagrid\ProxyQuery;
use Sonata\AdminBundle\Datagrid\ProxyQueryInterface;
and function:
* {#inheritdoc}
public function getDataSourceIterator()
$datagrid = $this->getDatagrid();
$query = $datagrid->getQuery();
$query->select('DISTINCT ' . $query->getRootAlias());
if ($query instanceof ProxyQueryInterface) {
$query->addOrderBy($query->getSortBy(), $query->getSortOrder());
$query = $query->getQuery();
return new DoctrineORMQuerySourceIterator($query, $fields,'d.m.Y');
just add this in your admin (overriding a method of the admin class you are extending). Found it reading the code. It's not in the docs.
public function getDataSourceIterator()
$datagrid = $this->getDatagrid();
$datasourceit = $this->getModelManager()->getDataSourceIterator($datagrid, $this->getExportFields());
$datasourceit->setDateTimeFormat('d/m/Y'); //change this to suit your needs
return $datasourceit;
Did you managed to make it work?
Date format is defined as parameter for new DoctrineORMQuerySourceIterator.php (
DoctrineORMQuerySourceIterator.php is created inside getDataSourceIterator function (
Inside of Admin.php there is function calling it:
public function getDataSourceIterator()
$datagrid = $this->getDatagrid();
return $this->getModelManager()->getDataSourceIterator($datagrid, $this->getExportFields());
If you write your own getDataSourceIterator() then you can change date format.
Since sonata-admin 4.0, the function getDataSourceIterator() is tagged as final, so you can't override it.
So you need to create a decorating iterator :
namespace App\Service\Admin;
use Sonata\AdminBundle\Datagrid\ProxyQueryInterface;
use Sonata\AdminBundle\Exporter\DataSourceInterface;
use Sonata\DoctrineORMAdminBundle\Exporter\DataSource;
use Sonata\Exporter\Source\DoctrineORMQuerySourceIterator;
use Sonata\Exporter\Source\SourceIteratorInterface;
class DecoratingDataSource implements DataSourceInterface
private DataSource $dataSource;
public function __construct(DataSource $dataSource)
$this->dataSource = $dataSource;
public function createIterator(ProxyQueryInterface $query, array $fields): SourceIteratorInterface
/** #var DoctrineORMQuerySourceIterator $iterator */
$iterator = $this->dataSource->createIterator($query, $fields);
$iterator->setDateTimeFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s');
return $iterator;
And add it in your config/services.yaml
decorates: 'sonata.admin.data_source.orm'
arguments: ['#App\Services\Admin\DecoratingDataSource.inner']
Found here :

Is there a way to access the symfony2 container within an SQLFilter?

is there any possibility to get the service-container of symfony2 within an SQLFilter or can i maybe directly use a service as SQLFilter?
I know that this isn't a "clean" way, but i have to perform several checks directly before the final submit of the query gets fired (as i have to append conditions to the WHERE-statement, i can't use lifecycle-events at this point).
it's not clean but you could try this:
class MyBundle extends Bundle
public function boot()
$em = $this->container->get('doctrine.orm.default_entity_manager');
$conf = $em->getConfiguration();

Right form events to display modified data and update modified data?

A simple task: before displaying the form, if $data->getRole() starts with "ROLE_", remove this string and display only the rest. When user submit the form, do the opposite: add "ROLE_" before the name.
What's the best place to do this? Actually i'm using PRE_SET_DATA and POST_BIND. Are these the right events to perform this operation?
function(DataEvent $event){
if(is_null($data = $event->getData()) || !$data->getId()) return;
$data->setRole(strtoupper(preg_replace('/^ROLE_/i', '',
function(DataEvent $event) {
if(is_null($data = $event->getData()) || !$data->getId()) return;
$data->setRole('ROLE_' . strtoupper($data->getRole()));
Well reading the role without the prefix "ROLE" is not something I would do using events. As they obsfusicate your workflow, events should be used with care! Working with symfony for some time, I used them once or twice when there was really no other way. All the other times there was a better way.
I would tend to simply add a function getShortRole and setShortRole and use shortRole within your Entity:
class MyEntity {
private $role;
public function setShortRole($role) {
$this->role = 'ROLE_' . strtoupper($role);
public function getShortRole() {
return strtoupper(preg_replace('/^ROLE_/i', '', $this->role));
You are saving yourself a lot of trouble working with models instead of events!
A second, more complicated way would be to use a Model which represents the form instead of the Entity and maps the form to the entity. Here is a good article about this here!
I use it myself and it works nice.
