How could you dynamically create a pdf within wordpress? [closed] - wordpress

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I'm using a Contact Form 7 to have the users enter data, then based on their data entry, I need to add different text to the pdf before outputting the entire pdf.
For example, if the user says they like red balloons, the created balloon pdf will mention how important red balloons are, etc...
I know there must be a way to do this using fpdf, tcpdf, or something, but I'm not sure how. Any ideas?

Take a look at dompdf Its is very easy to use as well as good implementation documentation.

You may wish to use PHP's native PDF functions wrapped in a custom Wordpress plugin to generate your own PDF documents. Check out the Manual: PDF for an overview. I'm there there are plenty of PHP=>PDF vendor libraries out there if you search the Google's.
Another solution, off the top of my head, would be to run a worker process somewhere to convert and return documents in [?|PDF] formats based on Wordpress data fed through a template system (mustache, twig, etc).

create a child plugin, this guy done it or is doing it:

First of all I really recommend using Gravity Forms, it's a better plugin for forms and it also saves entries in the database so you can retrieve them.
For the PDF part, I think you need to program it manually.
Create a php file that implements tcpdf, and receives all input from the form (via POST or GET). Then you have all the parameters you need and you can create the PDF in any way you like.
In order to use this php file, open a Page in Wordpress and then rename the php file to page-.php (where XXXX is the new Page ID you opened)

install the pdf creator plugin from this url. Hope this help you.


In JavaFX, Is there a best practice or framework for creating program help files? [closed]

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Closed last year.
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I've been experimenting with using HTML as a structure for generating a help information area for a desktop program that I've finished writing and that seems to work ok, though I don't really like the way it is turning out and I began to wonder if perhaps there might be a better way to go about it. Perhaps a library that makes generating and linking content within Java a little easier in that context or some other means that I'm not aware of.
I did some Googling on the topic but found nothing specifically in reference to help menu / content creation.
Does anyone know of any libraries out there that would make it easier to create help info for end users?
Or, is there a "best practice" for doing this or any other method to that end?
Thank you,
What does Idea do?
Intellij is large java app that has decent help documentation. You could look and see how they did that, if that is something you wish to emulate. I think it is mostly good quality writing and organization rather than tool support, though I guess they use decent tooling too.
I did a quick check to see how idea create their doc. They write in markdown format. Here is the markdown style guide they use for creating the document, in generated html form and in markdown authoring form. A repository of docs used for one of their products is their open source sdk docs. The SDK docs project is an Idea project, so I guess they just use Idea for authoring. If it seems to be something that would help you, you could try cloning the project and generating documentation from it or contacting the project contributors for more info.
As far as tying the help content into your app, either you can display it in situ using a WebView or link to it externally using HostServices. You could study the help system used within Idea to see how they generally do that, e.g. help menus used, key commands responded to, icons used to link to the help system, etc.
Generally, the way it works is:
The document is written in markdown then processed and rendered to html.
The html documents have copious anchors throughout.
The help menu items link to the anchors directly.
Help menus and shortcut keys follow platform specific conventions and differ between Windows and Mac.
There is a single ? icon in dialogs which appears in a consistent place and it links to an anchor in the html for context sensitive help in the dialog.
The documentation itself is hosted on a website so it can be accessed independently of the application.
The app launches an external browser to view the help rather than using something like a WebView to show the help internally.
Additionally, Idea will use tooltips which show up on hover. Tooltips aren't used for every control or UI element, only certain ones. If there is a keyboard accelerator which can be used to trigger the control action, then there is a tooltip for it, and in the tooltip it lets you know what the keyboard shortcut to trigger it is.
The rendered HTML to which the app is linked is hosted at the jetbrains website.
Linking to HTML help
You could:
Link to your own hosted website, OR
Link to html files packaged with your app.
Both could be rendered by either WebView or a browser showing a document using HostServices, using the file: protocol to access html files packaged with your app or https: protocol for files hosted on your web server.
What does SceneBuilder do?
For a pure JavaFX application, SceneBuilder is quite large and complex. It has no reliance on internal help at all, just a single help menu item, accessible via an F1 shortcut. The help links to a website authored and hosted by Oracle (using the standard tool Oracle use for authoring most Java platform docs, which is likely a commercial tool). It is not as nicely integrated and context sensitive as the Idea example but it does demonstrate a simple approach to documenting an app via an external website.

Drupal: Custom Form Creation, Best Method [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I'm relatively new to Drupal, but not CMS's in general. I'm creating a site for a client. The most important part is creating a fairly complex form in which users input various types of data to be stored in the database. I had assumed the best method for doing this was to create a custom module. Is this the case, and if so can someone direct me to documentation or a tutorial on the best way to create a module of this nature? If not, I'm open to suggestion for the best way to create this kind of form even if it is hardcoding the content. contains detailed tutorials on how to create modules, see for example this one.
The Drupal Form API will be your friend to handle easy data capture: How to use the Form API.
Depending on your data capture needs, the Webform module may already do what you want.
In drupal there is a Form API to do this, a very good working example is used in the documentation at drupal community, here are the links for that:
Drupal 7 Form API introduction
Form API reference for Drupal 7
And one more thing Never go for hard coding things try taking the advantage of all available API's.
You haven't detailed who the users are that will be inputting data into the form, the complexity of the form or what you will do with the data so I'd like to present you with some other options.
Custom Content Type
You can create a custom Content Type and assign appropriate permissions so that users can fill in the content creation form and it can be saved in the database as a Node entity. The Node is a core Drupal entity and therefore already has many built in capabilities for sorting and displaying using the Views module and permissioning, etc.
But the users filling in the "forms" (ie. creating Nodes) have to be registered Drupal users.
Webforms Module
Drupal has a Webforms module which will allow you to create a form without having to do any custom coding. The module looks after creating database tables and already has a lot of built-in functionality.
Refer to the other answers if you find that it's still most appropriate to create your own module.

Should I use Orchard or umbraco or something else? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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I am building a web site for baby names. Users can submit a name, meaning and some tags, and moderators can edit/approve it. Very small amount of data is used for each entry/post.
Looking for some kind of framework that supports the following features or I can easily extend it,
Unicode support
I have large number of names, I should be able to import them into my website by code.
User roles and permision
Some kind of report options. For example, Display list of names that starts with some alphabet or list of names for a #tag
Full text search
Are there any frameworks like Orchard, Umbraco I can leverage or would I be better off writing a new ASP.NET MVC application?
If I were you I'd surely stick to some available CMS platforms (Orchard or Umbraco) instead of writing from scratch and reinventing the wheel.
From my experience with Orchard I can say that setting up a website as you described would be pretty easy and painless with this platform.
Features like those you mention are already available in Orchard, but I guess (as with just about every CMS) this will surely need a little customization to suit your particular need. All the custom functionality could be easily wrapped in a single, custom content part. How to do that is very well described in the Orchard documentation.
Of course.
Without a problem. You have three options: import directly into Orchard DB (into the corresponding tables), import using Orchard Import/Export functionality (which would involve exporting the data to XML recipe format first) or just use the current data source without the need of importing. There was a question on SO a while ago of getting data from a custom WebService. The solution provided perfectly fits here, so please take a look.
Out of the box - described here and here.
I don't know if you meant the backend (admin) view or in the frontend? Tagging and displaying tagged items is available oob. More complex, custom reporting would involve some custom coding (writing a custom content part).
Available and described here.
Sure! It's available via very nice OAuth Module, written by Nick Mayne. It allows you to bind Orchard accounts with OAuth providers.
I don't have much experience with Umbraco though, so I can't give you any direct help, but I guess it'd be nearly as easy to built your website using it.
Personally, I prefer Orchard for its flexibility, extensibility and code freshness. But the choice is a matter of your personal feeling and preferences. From what I've seen they have very similar functionality, although differ much under-the-hood.

Daily question in my drupal website

I am new to drupal so may be my question will be very dumb.
I want to show daily questions on my website which is build using drupal. The question is of multiple choice and the options should be displayed by default. The visitor will simply click on the ans and press submit to ans. It seems to be like a poll but i dont want to show the summary on submission instead i want to show the correct ans.
Thanks in advance :)
The Quiz module provides, well, quizzes and supports multi-choice questions. After a quiz has been fully answered, it provides various display option. It may suits your need if you use single-question quizzes.
For the quiz to be daily, you may have to add some code or use additional module to handle automatic creation, publication and de-publication of your daily quizzes.
I don't know of any module that will do this out of the box, but the built-in, core module "poll" will do something terribly close.
To get the exact functionality you desire, you could simply override the template files for poll to make it so that it does not display the results upon submission. Then you could make a comment on the poll that contains the correct answer. (You can do this without allowing others the ability to comment.) This would effectively meet the given requirements.
Anyway I know its not a perfect solution, but it would give you the described requirements without too much work.

Wordpress plugin to search into post's attachments (typically text file like doc or Pdf) [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I'm looking for a plugin to extend the search into the content of attachments (typically text file like doc or Pdf).
This topic in the WordPress support forums addresses this question, and suggests Google custom search, which should in theory search PDFs and DOCs and would be easy to set up and try, or the Search Everything plugin, which might be what Jeff said doesn't work in his comment above.
There's also the Sphider Wordpress plugin, an search plugin that claims to support indexing PDF and DOC files. It might be more difficult to set up, but it's the best option I can find.
I had this same need (indexing contents of uploaded files) and was amazed there was no plugin that allows this. The above do not work, and searching gave nothing.
So - I wrote one.
It works, we're using it at work. It's not super friendly - takes a little bit of expertise to ensure java & dependency (apache tika) are working - but it does the trick.
I may update it & submit to wordpress plugins - but meanwhile, if it helps anyone:
Problem: Need to use wordpress search to find text within uploaded pdf files.
Step 1. Upload your pdf(s)
Step 2. Under the description of each pdf paste the following:
Click the link above to view PDF
Step 3. Copy the text from the pdf and paste it in the above in place of PDFDOCUMENTTEXT
Step 4. Install Search Everything plugin and then activate.
Your searches should now return results including a list of attachment pages that include the text within the pdfs but will direct the user to click on the pdf link.
If anyone else knows of a better way to do this please let me know.
I have found one solution. Maybe it will work for you also :
Masala Plugin : , which actually add new post meta field while uploading any doc/pdf/ppt/txt file. It will put the file content into newly created meta field
This plugin uses :
1) Java
2) Apache Tika – really awesome
3) Search Everything plugin which is responsible for search in meta table.
Here, you need to configure :
1) Java path
2) Download latest apache tika jar and you can put into your project root folder and configure path in masala.php
4) Give the allowed file extensions.
