I am working on a visualization for some data and I've run into a snag. I need to draw some ellipses based on data that looks like this:
x: 455.53 //the center x coordinate
y: 122.44 //the center y coordinate
e1: .24101 //value from -1 to 1, represents stretching along x when positive, along y when negative
e2: -.44211 //value from -1 to 1, represents stretching along the 45 degree line when positive and 135 when negative
Long story short, I have no idea how to do this... it is just for a one time visualization so efficiency isn't a concern. If someone can suggest how to manipulate the e1/e2 to get the foci or major/minor axis and angle of rotation, that'd be super fancy. Thanks!
This form of specifying ellipticity is common in gravitational lensing. These ellipticity numbers are the real and imaginary parts of a complex ellipicity value; see the section Weak Lensing Observables and the expression for ε there.
I can't do proper math notation here because of a policy decision; see this meta question. https://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/4152/adding-support-for-math-notation. Accordingly, I'll simply point out that the magnitude of the vector is a transform of the major-minor axis ratio, and that the angle is half of the inverse tangent of the ratio of the two components.
I have some triangles in 3D space, which originate from 0,0,0 and extend towards two points p1= -x0, 0, z0 and p2= +x0, 0, z0. This is in Unity, such that +z is the forward axis (i.e. they lie flat). Each triangle is its own mesh, pivot is at 0,0,0.
Now, I would like to rotate these (using Quaternion.LookRotation) such that their ends form a continuous polygon, in case of three triangles a triangle, in case of four triangles a square, etc.
My approach is to calculate the incircle radius of the resulting polygon based on the length of each triangle (which is 2*x0). If I now calculate n points on this circle (where n is the number of triangles I have), I get x/y coordinates which I can directly use to set the "up" axis of each triangle correctly, i.e. Quaternion.LookRotation(Vector3.forward, new Vector3(x,y,0)). This orients the triangle correctly around the z axis, i.e. the center is still on 0,0,1.
However, and this has me stumped, I still need to change the forward axis of the triangles such that they tilt to form the final polygon. I tried using new Vector3(x,y,z0) which gives an almost correct result, but leads to an overlap at the edges. I suspect this is somehow due to the fact that rotation of the triangles effectively changes z0, but I am not sure how to proceed.
My question is, how to calculate the new forward axis such that the triangles align properly?
The problem is setting the forward axis to (x,y,z0), which is wrong since the length of the vector (x,y,z0) does not equal the original length (which is just z0). The z value thus needs to be adjusted such that new Vector(x,y,z1).magnitude == z0. This can be done by calculating
Mathf.Sqrt(Mathf.Pow(z0, 2) - Mathf.Pow(x, 2) - Mathf.Pow(y, 2))
Problem solved.
I'm learning Unity3d + some basic maths I've forgotten by messing around.
Heres what I'm doing now..
As you can probably tell the sides of this shape form a parabola.
The distance they are out from the centre is the base radius + the height squared * by a constant (0.05 in this image)
The code generating this is very simple..
for (int changer = 1; changer > -2; changer-=2) {
Vector3 newPos = new Vector3(
,transform.position.y + currentheight*changer
,transform.position.z - RadiusAtZero -(Mathf.Pow(currentheight,2)*CurveMultiplier)
var newFleck = Instantiate(Fleck, newPos, Quaternion.identity)as GameObject;
FleckList.Add(newFleck );
Btw the for loop and 'changer' mirror everything so 'currentheight' is really just the distance from the centreline of the parabola.
Anyway I'd like to make the cubes (or flecks as I've called them) be angled so that they are tangentional to the parabola I have made.
I need to determine the angle of a tangent to the parabola at particular point.
I found this
to find the line tangent to y=x^2 -3 at (1, -2) we can simultaneously solve
y=x^2 -3 and y+2=m(x-1) and set the discriminant equal to zero
But I dont know how to implement this. Also I reckon my 'CurveMultiplier' constant makes my parabola equation different from that one.
Can someone write some code that determines the angle? (and also maybe explain it)
Here is fixed version using the derivative of the equation. (Also I have changed from boxes to tetrahedrons and few other superficial things)
The easiest solution is to use a derivative for the parabolic equation.
In your picture then I'll assume Y is vertical, X horizontal, and Z in/out of the screen. Then the parabola being rotated, based upon your description, is:
f(h) = 0.05*h^2 + R
(h is height, R is base radius). If you imagine a plane containing the Y axis, you can rotate the plane around the Y axis at any angle and the dual parabola looks the same.
The derivative of a parabolic equation of the form f(x) = C*h^2 + R is f'(x) = 2*C*h, which is the slope of the tangent at h. In this specific case, that would be:
f'(h) = 0.1*h
Since the cross-sectional plane has an angle relative to X and Z axes, then that tangent will also have the same angular component (you have a rotated parabola).
Depending upon the units given for the constants in f(h), particularly the 0.05 value, you may have to adjust this for the correct results.
I have two 3D vectors called A and B that both only have a 3D position. I know how to find the angle along the unit circle ranging from 0-360 degrees with the atan2 function by doing:
EDIT: (my atan2 function made no sense, now it should find the "y-angle" between 2 vectors):
But that gives me the Y angle between the 2 vectors.
I need to find the X angle between them. It has to do with using the x, y and z position values. Not the x and z only, because that gives the Y angle between the two vectors.
I need the X angle, I know it sounds vague but I don't know how to explain. Maybe for example you have a camera in 3D space, if you look up or down than you rotate the x-axis. But now I need to get the "up/down" angle between the 2 vectors. If I rotate that 3D camera along the y-axis, the x-axis doens't change. So with the 2 vectors, no matter what the "y-angle" is between them, the x-angle between the 2 vectors wil stay the same if y-angle changes because it's the "up/down" angle, like in the camara.
Please help? I just need a line of math/pseudocode, or explanation. :)
The reason for using atan2 instead of arccos or arcsin is accuracy. arccos behaves very badly close to 0 degrees. Small computation errors in argument will lead to disproportionally big errors in result. arcsin has same problem close to 90 degrees.
Computing the altitude angle
OK, it might be I finally understood your comment below about the result being independent of the y angle, and about how it relates to the two vectors. It seems you are not really interested in two vectors and the angle between these two, but instead you're interested in the difference vector and the angle that one forms against the horizontal plane. In a horizontal coordinate system (often used in astronomy), that angle would be called “altitude” or “elevation”, as opposed to the “azimuth” you compute with the formula in your (edited) question. “altitude” closely relates to the “tilt” of your camera, whereas “azimuth” relates to “panning”.
We still have a 2D problem. One coordinate of the 2D vector is the y coordinate of the difference vector. The other coordinate is the length of the vector after projecting it on the horizontal plane, i.e. sqrt(x*x + z*z). The final solution would be
x = A.x - B.x
y = A.y - B.y
z = A.z - B.z
alt = toDegrees(atan2(y, sqrt(x*x + z*z)))
az = toDegrees(atan2(-x, -z))
The order (A - B as opposed to B - A) was chosen such that “A above B” yields a positive y and therefore a positive altitude, in accordance with your comment below. The minus signs in the azimuth computation above should replace the + 180 in the code from your question, except that the range now is [-180, 180] instead of your [0, 360]. Just to give you an alternative, choose whichever you prefer. In effect you compute the azimuth of B - A either way. The fact that you use a different order for these two angles might be somewhat confusing, so think about whether this really is what you want, or whether you want to reverse the sign of the altitude or change the azimuth by 180°.
Orthogonal projection
For reference, I'll include my original answer below, for those who are actually looking for the angle of rotation around some fixed x axis, the way the original question suggested.
If this x angle you mention in your question is indeed the angle of rotation around the x axis, as the camera example suggests, then you might want to think about it this way: set the x coordinate to zero, and you will end up with 2D vectors in the y-z plane. You can think of this as an orthogonal projection onto said plain. Now you are back to a 2D problem and can tackle it there.
Personally I'd simply call atan2 twice, once for each vector, and subtract the resulting angles:
toDegrees(atan2(A.z, A.y) - atan2(B.z, B.y))
The x=0 is implicit in the above formula simply because I only operate on y and z.
I haven't fully understood the logic behind your single atan2 call yet, but the fact that I have to think about it this long indicates that I wouldn't want to maintain it, at least not without a good explanatory comment.
I hope I understood your question correctly, and this is the thing you're looking for.
Just like 2D Vectors , you calculate their angle by solving cos of their Dot Product
You don't need atan, you always go for the dot product since its a fundamental operation of vectors and then use acos to get the angle.
double angleInDegrees = acos ( cos(theta) ) * 180.0 / PI;
I get a series of square binary images as in the picture below,
I want to find the red point, which is the point of intersection of four blocks (2 black and 2 white). For doing so, I use to get the sum of all pixel values along the diagonal directions of the square image, which is 45 deg and 135 deg respectively. The intersection of maximum pixel sum 45 deg line and minimum pixel sum 135 deg line is where my red point is.
Now that I get the co-ordinate of the red point in 45 deg-135 deg co-ordinate system, how to I transform them to earth co-ordinates?
In other words, say I have a point in 45deg-135deg co-ordinate system; How do I find the corresponding co-ordinate values in x-y co-ordinate system? What is the transformation matrix?
some more information that might help:
1) if the image is a 60x60 image, I get 120 values in 45deg-135deg system, since i scan each row followed by column to add the pixels.
I don't know much about matlab, but in general all you need to do is rotate your grid by 45 degrees.
Here's a helpful link; shows you the rotation matrix you need
wikipedia rotation matrix article
The new coordinates for a point after 2D rotation look like this:
x' = x \cos \theta - y \sin \theta.
y' = x \sin \theta + y \cos \theta.
replace theta with 45 (or maybe -45) and you should be all set.
If your red dot starts out at (x,y), then after the -45 degree rotation it will have the new coordinates (x',y'), which are defined as follows:
x' = x cos(-45) - y sin (-45)
y' = x sin (-45) + y cos (-45)
Sorry when I misunderstood your question but why do you rotate the image? The x-value of your red point is just the point where the derivative in x-direction has the maximum absolute value. And for the y-direction it is the same with the derivative in y-direction.
Assume you have the following image
If you take the first row of the image it has at the beginning all 1 and the for most of the width zeroes. The plot of the first column looks like this.
Now you convolve this line with the kernel {-1,1} which is only one nested loop over your line and you get
Going now through this result and extracting the position of the point with the highest value gets you 72. Therefore the x-position of the red point is 73 (since the kernel of the convolution finds the derivative one point too soon).
Therefore, if data is the image matrix of the above binary image then extracting your red point position is near to one line in Mathematica
Last[Transpose[Position[ListConvolve[{-1, 1}, #] & /#
{data[[1]],Transpose[data][[1]]}, 1 | -1]]] + 1
Here you get {73, 86} which is the correct position if y=0 is the top row. This method should be implemented in a few minutes in any language.
The approximated derivative which is the result of the convolution can either be negative or positive. This depends whether it is a change from 0 to 1 or vice versa. If you want to search for the highest value, you have to take the absolute value of the convolution result.
Remember that the first row in the image matrix is not always in top position of the displayed image. This depends on the software you are using. If you get wrong y values be aware of that.
I have a line that I must do calculations on for each grid square the line passes through.
I have used the Superline algorithm to get all these grid squares. This gives me an array of X,Y coordinates to check.
Now, here is where I am stuck, I need to be able to calculate the distance traveled through each of the grid squares... As in, on a line not on either 90 degree or 45 degree angles, each grid square accommodates a different 'length' of the total line.
Image example here, need 10 reputation to post images
As you can see, some squares have much more 'line length' in them than others - this is what I need to find.
How do I work this out for each grid square? I've been at this for a while and request the help of the Stack Overflowers!
There may be some clever way to do this that is faster and easier, but you could always hack through it like this:
You know the distance formula: s=sqrt((x2-x1)^2+(y2-y1)^2). To apply this, you must find the x and y co-ordinates of the points where the line intersects the edges of each grid cell. You can do this by plugging the x and y co-ordinates of the boundaries of the cell into the equation of the line and solve for x or y as appropriate.
That is, each cell extends from some point (x0,y0) to (x0+1,y0+1). So we need to find y(x0), y(x0+1), x(y0), and x(y0+1). For each of these, the x or y value found may or may not be within the ranges for that co-ordinate for that cell. Specifically, two of them will be and two won't. The two that are correspond to the edges that the line passes through, and the two that aren't are edges that it doesn't pass through.
Okay, maybe this sounds pretty confusing, so let's work through an example.
Let's say your line has the equation x=2/3 * y. You want to know where it intersects the edges of the cell extending from (1,0) to (2,1).
Plug in x=1 and you get y=2/3. 2/3 is in the legal range for y -- 0 to 1 -- so (1,2/3) is a point on the edge where the line intersects this cell. Namely, the left edge.
Plug in x=2 and you get y=4/3. 4/3 is outside the range for y. So the line does not pass through the right edge.
Plug in y=0 and you get x=0. 0 is not in the range for x, so the line does not pass through the bottom edge.
Plug in y=1 and you get x=3/2. 3/2 is in the legal range for x, so (3/2,1) is another intersection point, on the top edge.
Thus, the two points where the line intersects the edges of the cell are (1,2/3) and (3/2,1). Plug these into the distance formula and you'll get the length of the line segement through this cell, namely sqrt((1-3/2)^2+(2/3-1)^2)=sqrt(1/4+1/9)=sqrt(13/36). You can approximate that to any desired level of precision.
To do this in a program you'd need something like: (I'll use pseudo code because I don't know what language you're using)
// Assuming y=mx+b
function y(x)
return mx+b
function x(y)
return (y-b)/m
// cellx, celly are co-ordinates of lower left corner of cell
// Upper right must therefore be cellx+1, celly+1
function segLength(cellx, celly)
// We'll create two arrays pointx and pointy to hold co-ordinates of intersect points
// n is index into these arrays
// In an object-oriented language, we'd create an array of point objects, but whatever
if y1>=celly and y1<=celly+1
if y2>=celly and y2<=celly+1
if x1>=cellx and x1<=cellx+1
if x2>=cellx and x2<=cellx+1
if n==0
return "Error: line does not intersect this cell"
else if n==2
return sqrt((pointx[0]-pointx[1])^2+(pointy[0]-pointy[1])^2)
return "Error: Impossible condition"
Well, I'm sure you could make the code a little cleaner, but that's the idea.
have a look at Siddon's algorithm: "Fast calculation of the exact radiological path for a three-dimensional CT array"
unfortunately you need a subscription to read the original paper, but it is fairly well described in this paper
Siddon's algorithm is an O(n) algorithm for finding the length of intersection of a line with each pixel/voxel in a regular 2d/3d grid.
Use the Euclidean Distance.
sqrt((x2-x1)^2 + (y2-y1)^2)
This gives the actual distance in units between points (x1,y1) and (x2,y2)
You can fairly simply find this for each square.
You have the slope of the line m = (y2-y1)/(x2-x1).
You have the starting point:
What is the y position at x1 + 1? (i.e. starting at the next square)
Assuming you set your starting point to 0 the equation of this line is simply:
y_n = mx_n
so y_n = (y2-y1)/(x2-x1) * x_n
Then the coordinates at the first square are (x1,y1) and at the nth point:
(1, ((y2-y1)/(x2-x1))*1)
(2, ((y2-y1)/(x2-x1))*2)
(3, ((y2-y1)/(x2-x1))*3)
(n, ((y2-y1)/(x2-x1))*n)
Then the distance through the nth square is:
sqrt((x_n+1 - x_n)^2 + (y_n+1 - y_n)^2)