only one scroll bar working - css

I have a table that has a fixed height and width.
I have mentioned height as 200px and width as 100%(inside another div of 600Px width)
now I am adding a new column at run time so the width needs to be increased so I thought to put a scroll bar.
I am doing the following to achieve this
$('.showDateTime').css("width", "300px");
$('#TransactionErrorsTableData').css("overflow-x", "scroll");
The issue is that the horizontal scroll bar comes but is disabled.
Where as the vertical scroll bar is working fine.
I have set overflow as auto for my div "TransactionErrorsTableData"
Any idea on how to enable the horizontal scroll bar?
P.S. I m kind of stuck up so please pardon if the question is not clear, please comment if any details are required.

I cannot accurately get your exact problem seeing you only posted a snippet, and didn't post any examples, but I'll give it a go.
If you use the CSS rules overflow-x: scroll or overflow-y: scroll, it forces most browsers to make the scroll-bars appear, this is by design, so that if the content enlarges, the content outside of the container will not be forced to move around.
The scroll-bar is not disabled, it is just inactive due to it not having enough content to actually be able to scroll, I am guessing this is because you have set .showDateTime's width to a specific amount, which is inside of the TransactionErrorsTableData div.
I hope this helps!
This answer all assumed due to not enough details given.

Try it, but would be better an jsfiddler:
$('#TransactionErrorsTableData').css("overflow-x", "auto");


Overflow-y didn't workl when my icon bounced

Code sandbox: Code sandbox
I have a column of Icon like this:
I css it with overflow-x:auto so that It can scroll the icon outside the container.
But when It bounced out. The overflow-y: visible didn't work for me so the Icon is still inside the box.
I tried using oveflow-y but didn't work for me. I coded a code sandbox so that you guys can have a look. Thanks for all of your help! Have a nice day!
For overflow-y to work, the height of the content in the element needs to exceed the specified height.
I just removed the height of container and slightly increased the padding of AppBar to make it work. Yes, you have to little workaround to meet the height of the container actual to the design.
Another solution, for now, I can suggest is to play with z-index property of the elements.
from mozilla : "Setting one axis to visible (the default) while setting the other to a different value results in visible behaving as auto."
source :
You could avoid this side effect either by controlling the scroll another way (css and javascript driven scrollbar) (this would by the way avoid the different scrollbars on some browser which can be a little ugly (ie under edge), either by setting the container bigger, and setting a nested element for the background.

Making a scrollbar act on a certain div object

I can't find a good way to word this so it's been hard finding this on the internet I'm sorry, but I'm trying to make the main browser scrollbar act on a certain div object only.
Here is a link:
It would make the middle content scroll down as I plan to have the max height set to the browser window height.
Does anyone know what property I could use to start working on this?
Thanks for looking.
Have a look at using position: fixed; in CSS. You can make the sidebars and footer fixed.

Force element scrollbar to the top using CSS

I have a container on my site that is 100% of the screen width and has its own scrollbar using overflow: auto. The standard scrollbar does not display on my site and I use this instead because there is another layer behind the main layer of my site that also has its own scrollbar (you can view my site here and click a blog post to see what I mean).
I have a blue bar that I want to be fixed to the top of the screen. This is easy enough in terms of positioning in that way with position: fixed however the width of the bar needs to be 100% of the screen width and I'm finding that the bar will overlap the scrollbar that is applied to its parent container.
Here is a jsFiddle showing what I mean:
I've thought about just offsetting the bar to the left based on the width of the scrollbar, but then I decided that I couldn't rely on estimating the width of the scrollbar across different browsers, and that would leave a gap if there were no scrollbar.
Is there an obvious way to force the scrollbar to render ontop?
As I can't comment yet, im forced to give an answer.
If im correct you would like to get the top blue bar in a fixed position as in visible while scrolling down.
personally i would make seperate containers
something like
<div id='page'>
<div id='bluebar'></div>
<div id='content'></div>
Demo can be found here ( )
you can do this by jquery easily, at some event.
$("body").load(function () {
$('scrollable container').css('overflow-y', 'auto');
try keeping the blue bar and other page content in separate containers, i think it will solve the problem for you.
This is impossible to achieve in a clean/robust kind of way because anything you position as fixed is done so within the context of the main browser (and within any scrollbar it has), but because you removed the main body scrollbar (and you must because you cannot z-index position on top of it) it doesn't think anything is there, yet you have this div below it so the only options you have are to use fixed margin and height for the two elements or use some javascript method to determine the correct width of your top div.

Cannot scroll to bottom of web page (WebKit on Windows)

I cannot scroll to the bottom of a web page I am working on. My <body> is styled with overflow: auto (which I believe is just normal web page default behavior). My content is narrow and tall so a vertical scroll bar is necessary. However, when I scroll as far as the scrollbar will let me, the bottom approx 40px of my content is clipped out of the viewport and there's no way to scroll any farther. A screenshot is below (the black is just my desktop background). The box in the bottom right corner is the scroll bar itself, but there's no down arrow below if for some reason and it won't go any further. The rounded rectangle on the left is the top bit of a cancel button that is clipped. This problem occurs on a WebKit based browser on Windows, but does not happen on the Mac.
Here's my CSS situation: <body> has overflow auto and 0 padding 0 margin.
overflow: visible is the browsers default. I had to see more of your css to be able to help you, but, either way, try setting overflow to visible.
Though, I dont really think it will solve the issue. With overflow auto you should get a vertical scrollbar when the contents height is greater than the containing blocks height. That's not your case.
i had problem like this before, I removed position: fixed on my header and its worked. Hope that help someone

Missing Scroll Bar

I seem to be missing a horizontal scroll bar on this page,
If you make your browser window skinner, half the page will be cut off but there will be no scroll bar.
I believe the main content width should be 1024 px before the need of a scrollbar
because the wrapper div does not have a stable min-width(and for browser which not support min-width, such as ie6, there is a child div .wrapper has a stable width in this case, so it will be ok,too ),which should be setted.
//add css
It looks like overflow:hidden is used to clear floats in a couple of places. If you get rid of it on #master_wrapper then the horizontal scrollbar will return. However this will cause that element to collapse to a height of 0 and making this image disappear from your page. You can however rearrange your background images using the html for one of them to sort that issue out.
