how to set the constraints for constrOptim - r

I have a function that has needs weights to be applied to a matrix to return a scalar value. But the weights can only be between an upper and lower bound say c(-5,5), and must sum to less than a numerical value y. How does one apply these contraints to the constrOptim function?
So for example my function could be any function that does the trick but im going to provide a mock example one anyway...(I think its non-linear...)
example weights are where y==1 is say
weights <- c(0.1,0.4,0.5)
require(timeSeries) <- function(weights, matrix.obj){
sum( colSds( matrix.obj * rep(weights,each=nrow(matrix.obj)) )
and an example matrix.obj of say
matrix.obj <- data.frame(cbind(x=rnorm(100), y=rnorm(100), z=rnorm(100)))
The number of columns is variable....


how to put a constraint while solving nonlinear equations using "nleqslv" package in R

I need to solve the following nonlinear equation to get the value of (sd.1.est).
(k)and ( are known values calculated from a previous step. this is my code:
fun <- function(sd.1.est){
ss1=nleqslv(sd,fun,method="Broyden",global="qline",control=list(cndtol=10^-12,maxit=1000,allowSingular =TRUE))
I need to put a constraint on sd.1.est to be positive ( as it is an estimate for the scale parameter).
I do not know how to write this.
We cannot run your code since you have not provided any data.
In other words your code is not reproducible.
There is a way to get yourself a positive value for sd.1.est by a change of variable.
Write the header of your function as follows:
fun <- function(z) {
sd.1.est <- z*z
Here z is an intermediate variable. By squaring z and assigning the result to sd.1.est you will always get a positive value for sd.1.est.
In the call to nleqslv the initial value for z should be set to the sqrt of your initial value sd.
Warning: this may not work.

Inverse of matrix and numerical integration in R

in R I try to
1) get a general form of an inverse of a matrix (I mean a matrix with parameters instead of specific numbers),
2) then use this to compute an integral.
I mean, I've got a P matrix with a parameter theta, I need to add and subtract something, then take an inverse of this and multiply it by a vector so that I am given a vector pil. From the vector pil I take term by term and multiply it by a function with again the parameter theta and the result must be integrated from 0 to infinity.
I tried this, but it didn't work because I know the result should be pst=
(0.3021034 0.0645126 0.6333840)
integrand1 <- function(theta) {
pil1 <- function(theta) {
1-exp(-theta), 1-exp(-theta),1-exp(-theta),exp(-theta),0,0,0,exp(-theta),exp(-theta)
(pst1<-integrate(integrand1, lower = 0, upper = Inf)$value)
This was just for the first term of the vector pst, because when I didn't know how to a for cycle for this.
Please, do you have any idea why it won't work and how to make it work?
Functions used in integrate should be vectorized as stated in the help.
At the end of your code add this
integrand2 <- Vectorize(integrand1)
integrate(integrand2, lower = 0, upper = Inf)$value
#[1] 0.3021034
The result is the first element of your expected result.
You will have to present more information about the input to get your expected vector.

R: draw from a vector using custom probability function

Forgive me if this has been asked before (I feel it must have, but could not find precisely what I am looking for).
Have can I draw one element of a vector of whole numbers (from 1 through, say, 10) using a probability function that specifies different chances of the elements. If I want equal propabilities I use runif() to get a number between 1 and 10:
How do I similarly sample from e.g. the exponential distribution to get a number between 1 and 10 (such that 1 is much more likely than 10), or a logistic probability function (if I want a sigmoid increasing probability from 1 through 10).
The only "solution" I can come up with is first to draw e6 numbers from the say sigmoid distribution and then scale min and max to 1 and 10 - but this looks clumpsy.
This awkward solution (and I dont feel it very "correct") would go like this
#Draw enough from a distribution, here exponential
x <- rexp(1e3)
#Scale probs to e.g. 1-10
scaler <- function(vector, min, max){
(((vector - min(vector)) * (max - min))/(max(vector) - min(vector))) + min
x_scale <- scaler(x,1,10)
#And sample once (and round it)
Are there not better solutions around ?
I believe sample() is what you are looking for, as #HubertL mentioned in the comments. You can specify an increasing function (e.g. logit()) and pass the vector you want to sample from v as an input. You can then use the output of that function as a vector of probabilities p. See the code below.
logit <- function(x) {
v <- c(seq(1,10,1))
p <- logit(seq(1,10,1))
sample(v, 1, prob = p, replace = TRUE)

Finding the Maximum of a Function with numerical derivatives in R

I wish to numerically find the maximum of the function multiplied by Beta 3 shown on p346 of the following link when tau=30:
They give the answer on p347 as 0.0609.
I would like to confirm this numerically in R. I.e. to take the derivative and find the value where it reaches zero.
x <- 30
testh <- function(lambda){ ((1-exp(-lambda*30))/(lambda*30)) - exp(-lambda*30) }
grad_h <- function(lambda){
val <- grad(testh, lambda)
OptLam <- optimize(f=grad_h, interval=c(0.0001,120), tol=0.0000000000001)
I take the square of the gradient as I want the minimum to be at zero.
Unfortunately, the answer comes back as Lambda=120!! With lambda at 120 the value of the objective function is 5.36e-12.
By working by hand I can func a lower value of the numerical derivative that is closer to zero (it is also close to the analytical value given above):
## [1] 4.24494e-12
Why is the function above not finding this lower value? I have set the tolerance very high so it should be able to find such this optimal value?
Is it possible to correct the existing method so that it gives the correct answer?
Is there a better way to find the maximum gradient of a function numerically in R?
For example is there an optimizer that looks for zero rather than trying to find a minimum of maximum?
You can use uniroot to find where the derivative is 0. This might work for you,
grad_h <- function(lambda){
## The root
res <- uniroot(grad_h, c(0,120), tol=1e-10)
## see it
ls <- seq(0.001, 1, length=1000)
plot(ls, testh(ls), col="salmon")
abline(v=res$root, col="steelblue", lwd=2, lty=2)
text(x=res$root, y=testh(res$root),
labels=sprintf("(%f, %s)", res$root,
format(testh(res$root), scientific = T)), adj=-0.1)

R: looping to search for max of non-monotonic function

Refer to the R code below. The function (someRfunction) operates on a vector and returns a scalar value. The data are pairs (x,y), where x and y are vectors of length n, which may be large.
I want to know the value of x* such that the result of someRfunction on y where {x>x*} is maximized. The function operates on y values and is non-monotonic in x*. I need to evaluate for all x* (i.e. each element of x). Speed is not an issue if executed once, but the code would be executed many times in a simulation. Is there any way to make this code more efficient/faster?
### x and y are vectors of length n
### sort x and y such that they are ordered by descending x
xord <- x[order(-x)]
yord <- y[order(-x)]
maxf <- -99999
maxcut <- NA
for (i in 1:n) {
### yi is a subvector of y that corresponds to y[x>x{i}]
### where x{i} is the (n-i+1)th order statistic of x
yi <- yord[1:(i-1)]
fxi <- someRfunction(yi)
if (fxi>maxf) {
maxf <- fxi
maxcut <- xord[i]
Edit: let someRfunction(yi)=t.test(yi)$statistic.
If you can say anything more about the function, particularly whether it is smooth and whether its gradient can be determine, you will get a better answer. At the moment the only increase in speed will be modest due to the ability to pre-specify a vector to hold the results, omit that if-max clause and then use which.max() on the vector. You might want to look at the function optimx in package "optimx".
