Program fails when trying to add a pointer to an array inside a function (C) - pointers

I cannot get this code to work properly. When I try to compile it, one of three things will happen: Either I'll get no errors, but when I run the program, it immediately locks up; or it'll compile fine, but says 'Segmentation fault' and exits when I run it; or it gives warnings when compiled:
"conflicting types for ‘addObjToTree’
previous implicit declaration of ‘addObjToTree’ was here"
but then says 'Segmentation fault' and exits when I try to run it.
I'm on Mac OS X 10.6 using gcc.
typedef struct itemPos {
float x;
float y;
} itemPos;
typedef struct gameObject {
itemPos loc;
int uid;
int kind;
int isEmpty;
} gameObject;
void addObjToTree (gameObject *targetObj, gameObject *destTree[]) {
int i = 0;
int stop = 1;
while (stop) {
if ((*destTree[i]).isEmpty == 0)
else if ((*destTree[i]).isEmpty == 1)
stop = 0;
if (stop == 0) {
destTree[i] = targetObj;
void initFS_LA (gameObject *target, gameObject *tree[], itemPos destination) {
addObjToTree(target, tree);
(*target).uid = 12981;
(*target).kind = 101;
(*target).isEmpty = 0;
(*target).maxHealth = 100;
(*target).absMaxHealth = 200;
(*target).curHealth = 100;
(*target).skill = 1;
(*target).isSolid = 1;
(*target).factionID = 555;
(*target).loc.x = destination.x;
(*target).loc.y = destination.y;
#include "game-obj.h"
#include "internal-routines.h"
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
gameObject abc;
gameObject jkl;
abc.kind = 101;
abc.uid = 1000;
itemPos aloc;
aloc.x = 10;
aloc.y = 15;
gameObject *masterTree[3];
masterTree[0] = &(abc);
initFS_LA(&jkl, masterTree, aloc);
return 0;
I don't understand why it doesn't work. I just want addObjToTree(...) to add a pointer to a gameObject in the next free space of masterTree, which is an array of pointers to gameObject structures. even weirder, if I remove the line addObjToTree(target, tree); from initFS_LA(...) it works perfectly. I've already created a function that searches masterTree by uid and that also works fine, even if I initialize a new gameObject with initFS_LA(...) (without the addObjToTree line.) I've tried rearranging the functions within the header file, putting them into separate header files, prototyping them, rearranging the order of #includes, explicitly creating a pointer variable instead of using &jkl, but absolutely nothing works. Any ideas? I appreciate any help

If I see this correctly, then you don't initialize elements 1 and 2 of the masterTree array anywhere. Then, your addObjToTree() function searches the - uninitialized - array for a free element.
Declaring a variable like gameObject *masterTree[3]; in C does not zero-initialize the array. Add some memset (masterTree, 0, sizeof (masterTree)); to initialize.
Note that you're declaring an array of pointers to structs here, not an array of structs (see also here), so you also need to adjust your addObjToTree() to check for a NULL-pointer instead of isEmpty.
It would also be good practice to pass the length of that array to that function to avoid buffer overruns.
If you want an array of structs, then you need to declare it as gameObject masterTree[3]; and the parameter in your addObjToTree() becomes gameObject *tree.


Correct Assignment for Pointers

I am shifting from Python to C so bit rusty on the semantics as well as coding habit. In Python everything is treated as an object and objects are passed to functions. This is not the case in C so I want to increment an integer using pointers. What is the correct assignment to do so. I want to do it the following way but have the assignments wrong:
#include <stdio.h>
int i = 24;
int increment(*i){
return i;
int main() {
printf("i = %d, i);
return 0;
I fixed your program:
#include <stdio.h>
int i = 24;
// changed from i to j in order to avoid confusion.
// note you could declare the return type as void instead
int increment(int *j){
return *j;
int main() {
printf("i = %d", i);
return 0;
Your main error was the missing int in the function's argument (also a missing " in the printf).
Also I would prefer using parentheses in expressions as *j++ and specify exactly the precedence like I did in (*j)++, because I want to increment the content of the variable in the 'j' location not to increment the pointer - meaning to point it on the next memory cell - and then use its content.

Changing and removing values from deeply nested QVariant

I'm using QVariant to manage the project settings of our In-House application.
For this I'm using a nested QVariantMap recursively containing QVariantMaps and leaves holding the actual values.
Now, I found it quite cumbersome to set and remove nodes from this tree like structure. Especially, if the nesting reaches a certain depth.
Part of the problem is, that value<T> returns a copy instead of a reference. (I'm wondering, why Qt is lacking this feature??)
#include <QVariantMap>
#include <QDebug>
int main(int argc, char** args) {
QVariantMap map = { {"A", QVariantMap{ {"B",5.} }} };
// Change value
auto nested = map["A"].value<QVariantMap>();
nested["B"] = 6;
map["A"] = nested;
qDebug() << map;
// What it should be
// map["A"]["B"] = 5;
// Remove value
auto nested = map["A"].value<QVariantMap>();
map["A"] = nested;
qDebug() << map;
// What it should be
// map["A"].remove("B");
What might be the easiest way to directly set and remove values and to make my function a one-liner? Performance is not critical, but ease of usability is definitely an issue for me.
After some thought I came up to the idea to use a path to my desired value. This path should be unique.
The following code recursively finds the value and removes it. Changing a value should be quite similar. I'm not sure, if there might an easier approach.
bool remove(QVariantMap& map, const QString& path, QString sep = ".") {
auto elems = path.split(sep);
if (elems.size() > 1) {
if (!map.contains(elems.first())) return false;
auto tmp = elems;
auto childMap = map[elems.first()].value<QVariantMap>();
bool ret = remove(childMap, tmp.join("."));
if (!ret) return false;
map[elems.first()] = childMap;
return true;
else if (elems.size() == 1) {
return map.remove(elems[0]) >= 1;
else {
return false;
This solution should not be used, if there is a lot of data, as there is quite a lot of copying of maps.

Swap memory pointers atomically on CUDA

I have two pointers in memory and I want to swap it atomically but atomic operation in CUDA support only int types. There is a way to do the following swap?
classA* a1 = malloc(...);
classA* a2 = malloc(...);
When writing device-side code...
While CUDA provides atomics, they can't cover multiple (possibly remote) memory locations at once.
To perform this swap, you will need to "protect" access to both these values with something like mutex, and have whoever wants to write values to them take a hold of the mutex for the duration of the critical section (like in C++'s host-side std::lock_guard). This can be done using CUDA's actual atomic facilities, e.g. compare-and-swap, and is the subject of this question:
Implementing a critical section in CUDA
A caveat to the above is mentioned by #RobertCrovella: If you can make do with, say, a pair of 32-bit offsets rather than a 64-bit pointer, then if you were to store them in a 64-bit aligned struct, you could use compare-and-exchange on the whole struct to implement an atomic swap of the whole struct.
... but is it really device side code?
Your code actually doesn't look like something one would run on the device: Memory allocation is usually (though not always) done from the host side before you launch your kernel and do actual work. If you could make sure these alterations only happen on the host side (think CUDA events and callbacks), and that device-side code will not be interfered with by them - you can just use your plain vanilla C++ facilities for concurrent programming (like lock_guard I mentioned above).
I managed to have the needed behaviour, it is not atomic swap but still safe. The context was a monotonic Linked List working both on CPU and GPU:
template<typename T>
union readablePointer
T* ptr;
unsigned long long int address;
template<typename T>
struct LinkedList
struct Node
T value;
readablePointer<Node> previous;
Node start;
Node end;
int size;
__host__ __device__ void initialize()
size = 0;
start.previous.ptr = nullptr;
end.previous.ptr = &start;
__host__ __device__ void push_back(T value)
Node* node = nullptr;
malloc(&node, sizeof(Node));
readablePointer<Node> nodePtr;
nodePtr.ptr = node;
nodePtr.ptr->value = value;
#ifdef __CUDA_ARCH__
nodePtr.ptr->previous.address = atomicExch(&end.previous.address, nodePtr.address);
nodePtr.ptr->previous.address = end.previous.address;
end.previous.address = nodePtr.address;
size += 1;
__host__ __device__ T pop_back()
assert(end.previous.ptr != &start);
readablePointer<Node> lastNodePtr;
lastNodePtr.ptr = nullptr;
#ifdef __CUDA_ARCH__
lastNodePtr.address = atomicExch(&end.previous.address,end.previous.ptr->previous.address);
lastNodePtr.address = end.previous.address;
end.previous.address = end.previous.ptr->previous.address;
size -= 1;
T toReturn = lastNodePtr.ptr->value;
return toReturn;
__host__ __device__ void clear()
while(size > 0)

Arduino Dynamic Two-dimensional array

I'm working on an Arduino project where I need to build (and work with) a two-dimensional array at runtime. I've been poking around looking for a solution, but I've had no luck. I found an example of a dynamic one-dimentional array helper here:, so i've been trying to adopt that code for my use. I created a library using the following code:
My Header file:
#ifndef Dynamic2DArray_h
#define Dynamic2DArray_h
#include "Arduino.h"
class Dynamic2DArray
Dynamic2DArray( bool sorted );
//Add an integer pair to the array
bool add( int v1, int v2);
//Clear out (empty) the array
bool clear();
//Get the array item in the specified row, column
int getValue(int row, int col);
//Get the number of rows in the array
int length();
int _rows;
void * _slots;
bool _sorted;
void _sort();
The library's code:
#include "Arduino.h"
#include "Dynamic2DArray.h"
int _rows;
void * _slots;
bool _sorted;
Dynamic2DArray::Dynamic2DArray(bool sorted) {
//Set our local value indicating where we're supposed to
//sort or not
_sorted = sorted;
//Initialize the row count so it starts at zero
_rows = 0;
bool Dynamic2DArray::add( int v1, int v2) {
//Add the values to the array
//implementation adapted from
//Allocate memory based on the size of the current array rows plus one (the new row)
int elementSize = sizeof(int) * ARRAY_COLUMNS;
//calculate how much memory the current array is using
int currentBufferSize = elementSize * _rows;
//calculate how much memory the new array will use
int newBufferSize = elementSize * (_rows + 1);
//allocate memory for the new array (which should be bigger than the old one)
void * newArray = malloc ( newBufferSize );
//Does newArray not point to something (a memory address)?
if (newArray == 0) {
//Then malloc failed, so return false
return false;
// copy the data from the old array, to the new array
for (int idx = 0; idx < currentBufferSize ; idx++)
((byte*)newArray)[idx] = ((byte *)_slots)[idx];
// free the original array
if (_slots != NULL)
// clear the newly allocated memory space (the new row)
for (int idx = currentBufferSize; idx < newBufferSize; idx++)
((byte *)newArray)[idx] = 0;
// Store the number of rows the memory is allocated for
_rows = ++_rows;
// set the array to the newly created array
_slots = newArray;
//Free up the memory used by the new array
//If the array's supposed to be sorted,
//then sort it
if (_sorted) {
// success
return true;
int Dynamic2DArray::length() {
return _rows;
bool Dynamic2DArray::clear() {
//Free up the memory allocated to the _slots array
//And zero out the row count
_rows = 0;
int Dynamic2DArray::getValue(int row, int col) {
//do we have a valid row/col?
if ((row < _rows) && (col < ARRAY_COLUMNS)) {
//Return the array value at that row/col
return _slots[row][col];
} else {
//No? Then there's nothing we can do here
return -1;
//Sorted probably doesn't matter, I can probably ignore this one
void _sort() {
The initial assignment of the _slots value is giving me problems, I don't know how to define it so this code builds. The _slots variable is supposed to point to the dynamic array, but I've got it wrong.
When I try to compile the code into my project's code, I get the following:
Arduino: 1.8.0 (Windows 10), Board: "Pro Trinket 3V/12MHz (USB)"
sketch\Dynamic2DArray.cpp: In member function 'int Dynamic2DArray::getValue(int, int)':
sketch\Dynamic2DArray.cpp:83:22: warning: pointer of type 'void *' used in arithmetic [-Wpointer-arith]
return _slots[row][col];
Dynamic2DArray.cpp:83: error: 'void*' is not a pointer-to-object type
Can someone please help me fix this code? I've posted the files to
The code you took was for a 1D dynamic array; the modifications for a 2D array are too tricky. Give up these horrors.
I think there is no reason you use dynamic array. You can assume that size max is ROW_MAX * COL_MAX, so you can define a static array int array[ROW_MAX][COL_MAX].
on one hand if you defined a dynamic array, you could free space when you dont use it anymore and take advantage of it for other work. I dont know if this is your case.
on the other hand if you define a static array (on UNO), you have 32kB available on program space, instead of 2kB available on RAM.
Because of the difference 32kB / 2kB, there are very few chances you can get bigger array with dynamic allocation.

Pointers to stack

I am sorry that I cannot support my question with some code (I didnt understand how to structure it so it would be accepted here), but I try anyway.
If I understand correctly, a struct that references a struct of same type would need to do this with contained pointer for reference. Can this pointer reference to allocated space on the stack (instead of the heap) without creating segmentation fault? -
how should this be declared?
Yes, you can use pointers to variables on the stack, but only when the method that provides that stack frame has not returned. For example this will work:
typedef struct
int a;
float b;
} s;
void printStruct(const s *s)
printf("a=%d, b=%f\n", s->a, s->b);
void test()
s s;
s.a = 12;
s.b = 34.5f;
This will cause an error however, as the stack frame would have disappeared:
s *bad()
s s;
s.a = 12;
s.b = 34.5f;
return &s;
EDIT: Well I say it will cause an error, but while calling that code with:
int main()
s *s = bad();
return 0;
I get a warning during compilation:
s.c:27:5: warning: function returns address of local variable [enabled by default]
and the program appears to work fine:
$ ./s
a=12, b=34.500000
a=12, b=34.500000
But it is, in fact, broken.
You didn't say what language you are working in, so assuming C for now from the wording of your question... the following code is perfectly valid:
typedef struct str_t_tag {
int foo;
int bar;
struct str_t_tag *pNext;
} str_t;
str_t str1;
str_t str2;
str1.pNext = &str2;
In this example both str1 and str2 are on the stack, but this would also work if either or both were on the heap. The only thing you need to be careful of is that stack variables will be zapped when they go out of scope, so if you had dynamically allocated str1 and passed it back out of a function, you would not want str1->pNext to point to something that was on the stack within that function.
In other words, DON'T DO THIS:
typedef struct str_t_tag {
int foo;
int bar;
struct str_t_tag *pNext;
} str_t;
str_t *func(void)
str_t *pStr1 = malloc(sizeof(*pStr1));
str_t str2;
pStr1->pNext = &str2;
return pStr1; /* NO!! pStr1->pNext will point to invalid memory after this */
Not sure if this is specifically a C/C++ question, but I'll give C/C++ code as example in anyway.
The only way you can declare it: (with minor variations)
typedef struct abc
struct abc *other;
} abc;
other can point to an object on the stack as follows:
abc a, b; // stack objects
b.other = &a;
This is not a question about scope, so I'll skip commenting on possible issues with doing the above.
If, however, you want to assign it to a dynamically created object, there's no way this object can be on the stack.
abc b;
b.other = malloc(sizeof(abc)); // on the heap
