Link from wicket grid control - datagrid

I am using a grid created in Apache Wicket. In the cells of one of the columns I have an icon. When that icon is clicked a pop up should be created showing data for that row. How should this be implemented so that the pop up is created and populated ONLY IF the user clicks on an icon? Can I link from the grid cell directly to java code where the pop up will be created?


How can I get mouse coordinates in Blazor Web Assembly

I create a generic grid component, in the last column, I put an icon with dots that should open the edit menu for every row, like this...
How can I calculate mouse coordinates to open the edit window near clicked row edit icon??
On the edit window I need to show the Edit, Delete, Move buttons.

Detect click in other iframes of the same application

I have three iframes in my application, and in one frame I have a div (suppose a menu) which toggles between hide and show on click of a particular icon. now what I want to do is to make it hide when I click anywhere in any one of the other frames. Any help with example.

list window does not disapper of Obout ComboBox control

I am developing a web application. I used ajax Update panel & under update panel I used gridview for displaying data. In gridviews edit template I used three Obout ComboBox Control(third party) and bind the data from database.for moving one control to another controls I am using tab key.I used tab key from one combobox its move on second combobox when its move then it is displaying list window of combobox it wont disappear after I go to next control and also when I save the data it well display list of comboxBox.
For example of marked comboBox I attached two images
1)”” when I move one comboBox to another comboBox it is displaying list
2)”” when I save the data it is displaying list window of comboBox.
But when I remove the update panel it won't display such list after focus is moved.
Note:When I use mouse to move one comboBox to another comboBox, list window of ComboBox wont come on screen.
Obout Suite Version:3.5
using obout comboBox property openOnfoucs="false" , solved the problem. It does not display list window when focus moved to another control.

Getting grid view on button click event

Hello on page load we get two buttons while clicking on 1st button one grid view and while clicking on 2nd grid view,2grid views put in 2 DIV's.there is lot of records so need paging requirement and have to convert each page in to Document or pdf by exporting my code
Any useful links or perfect code to implement in my project
Have a look at this:

Edit ASP.NET GridView Cell on mouse over

in my Project there is GridView ( that putted into a update panel).
i did open Gridview In Jquery Ui Dialog.
Is there any way exist to edit a specific column grid View cells in microwave on mouse over on that cell?
for example displaying a div on that position and doing an action.
please give me help.
You could use hover jQuery function:
$(selector).hover( handlerIn(eventObject), handlerOut(eventObject) )
it takes 2 parameters:
1). Function which called on mouse goes in element
2). Function which called on mouse goes out element
In the first parameter you could show div, and hide it in the second one.
