zsh has a feature (auto_cd) where just typing the directory name will automatically go to (cd) that directory. I'm curious if there would be a way to configure zsh to do something similar with file names, automatically open files with vim if I type only a file name?
There are three possibilities I can think of. First is suffix aliases which may automatically translate
% *.ps
% screen -d -m okular *.ps
after you do
alias -s ps='screen -d -m okular'
. But you need to define this alias for every file suffix. It is also processed before most expansions so if
% *.p?
matches same files as *.ps it won’t open anything.
Second is command_not_found handler:
function command_not_found_handler()
emulate -L zsh
for file in $# ; do test -e $file && xdg-open $file:A ; done
. But this does not work for absolute or relative paths, only for something that does not contain forward slashes.
Third is a hack overriding accept-line widget:
function xdg-open()
emulate -L zsh
for arg in $# ; do
command xdg-open $arg
function _-accept-line()
emulate -L zsh
whence $FILE &>/dev/null || BUFFER="xdg-open $BUFFER"
zle .accept-line
zle -N accept-line _-accept-line
. The above alters the history (I can show how to avoid this) and is rather hackish. Good it does not disable suffix aliases (whence '*.ps' returns the value of the alias), I used to think it does. It does disable autocd though. I can avoid this (just || test -d $FILE after whence test), but who knows how many other things are getting corrupt as well. If you are fine with the first and second solutions better to use them.
I guess you can use "fasd_cd" which has an alias v which uses viminfo file to identifi files which you have opened at least once. In my environment it works like a charm.
Fast cd has other amazing stuff you will love!
Don't forget to set this alias on vim to open the last edited file:
alias lvim="vim -c \"normal '0\""
I noticed that tab completion for the source command in Zsh tries to complete a LOT of files. Maybe everything in $PATH? I tried using a blank .zshrc file to make sure it wasn't anything in there.
ubuntu% source d
zsh: do you wish to see all 109 possibilities (16 lines)?
I did find this file that seems to control that: /usr/share/zsh/functions/Completion/Zsh/_source
#compdef source .
if [[ CURRENT -ge 3 ]]; then
compset -n 2
if [[ -prefix */ && ! -o pathdirs ]]; then
elif [[ $service = . ]]; then
_files -W path
_files -W "(. $path)"
If I change the line in that last "else" statement from _files -W "(. $path)" to _files, it works the way I want it to. The tab completion only looks at files & directories in the current dir.
It doesn't seem like altering this file is the best way to go. I'd rather change something in my .zshrc file. But my knowledge of Zsh completions is a bit lacking and the searching I've done thus far hasn't led me to an answer for this.
Maybe everything in $PATH?
Yes, that is correct. It offers those, because source will search your the current dir and your $PATH for any file name you pass it.
To apply your change without modifying the original file, add this to your .zshrc file after calling compinit:
compdef '
if [[ CURRENT -ge 3 ]]; then
compset -n 2
' source
This tells the completion system to use the inline function you specified for the command source (instead of the default function).
Alternatively, to see file completions for the current dir only, you can type
$ source ./<TAB>
Is there a way to get tab completion for global aliases in zsh? Defined as:
% alias -g zshplugins=~/.zshplugins
% nvim zshpl[tab] would not tab complete.
I use global aliases mainly to not have to enter the path to a file nor restrict myself to a single command (e.g., alias zshplugin="nvim ~/.zshplugins")
I understand that these are also meant to be used inside arbitrary one-liners (a global alias for | grep -i, for instance) and don't make sense to suggest on every tab stroke, but If there's some workaround to include these in directory/file completion, that would be great.
You should use the shell variable but not global alias.
But if you want, add following code to your zshrc
_complete_alias() {
[[ -n $PREFIX ]] && compadd -- ${(M)${(k)galiases}:#$PREFIX*}
return 1
zstyle ':completion:*' completer _complete_alias _complete _ignored
Would zshpl[tab] complete at the beginning of the line (leaving out nvim)? This what I should work. An alias is not meant to be used as a shortcut for a file name. Shell variables can be used for the latter (and there is a completion on them too). I suggest that you define
and then do
nvim $zshpl[tab]
I would like to add some additional syntax to zsh. I would like //some/path/to/file to be relative to the root of my source code tree (/src/repositories/projects). So running ls //some/path/to/directory should list files in /src/repositories/projects/some/path/to/directory.
The best way I've found to do this is with a ZLE accept-line widget which rewrites //... paths with the full UNIX path /src/repositories/projects/... and then invokes the command. This works quite well, but it expands the //... syntax inline and stores the expansion in history, which can make searches a bit more complicated. I would like to store the original //... syntax in the history while keep the /src/repositories/projects/... syntax out.
I am able to use print -s to add the original //... syntax to history, but I am having trouble keeping the expanded syntax out of history. Currently my code looks like this:
function accept-line-override() {
# Add untranslated command to history
print -s "$BUFFER"
# Translate //... paths to /src/repositories/projects/...
BUFFER=$(fix-paths "$BUFFER")
# Invoke command with new paths
zle .accept-line
zle -N accept-line accept-line-override
This gives me two lines of history for every invoked command:
$ echo //test
$ history | tail -n 2
10020 echo //test
10021 echo /src/repositories/projects/test
Is there a way I can prevent zle .accept-line from adding its command to history? I've seen methods involving history -d but those only seem to work for bash. I also saw somewhere to do:
function accept-line-override() {
# Add untranslated command to history
print -s "$BUFFER"
# Translate //... paths to /src/repositories/projects/...
BUFFER=$(fix-paths "$BUFFER")
# Manually invoke line so it is not added to history
eval $BUFFER
# Reset prompt
zle .reset-prompt
But this leads to a lot of undesired side-effects, from Emacs refusing to open to auto-completions not clearing before the command is executed. I'd very much like to avoid that complexity if at all possible. Any idea on getting around this?
I have my aliases stored in ~/.zsh_aliases and sourced in ~/.zshrc:
# Access custom aliases in the shell
[ -e "${HOME}/.zsh_aliases" ] && source "${HOME}/.zsh_aliases"
However, when changing the name of an alias, I have to always close the current shell window and open a new one for the change to become active.
Can Zsh automatically reload aliases on change to make them available without having to close the shell window?
You do not actually need to close and reopen your terminal for that, just running source ~/.zsh_aliases (loads the new and changed aliases) or maybe exec zsh (replaces the current shell with a new one) would work, too.
If you really want to re-source ~/.zsh_aliases whenever it is modified, I would suggest adding the following to your ~/.zshrc:
# File containing aliases;
reload_aliases () {
# do nothing if there is no $ALIAS_FILE
[[ -e ALIAS_FILE ]] || return 1
# check if $ALIAS_FILE has been modified since last reload
# the modifier `(:A)` resolves any symbolic links
if [[ $LAST_ALIAS_RELOAD < $(stat -c %Y ${ALIAS_FILE}(:A)) ]]; then
# remove all aliases; optional!
# only do this if all of your aliases are defined in $ALIAS_FILE
# also affects aliases defined on the command line
unalias -m '*'
# load aliases
source $ALIAS_FILE
# update date of last reload
# make reload_aliases to be run before each prompt
autoload -Uz add-zsh-hook
add-zsh-hook precmd reload_aliases
Note, that any changes will only be available on a new prompt. That means, if you modify ~/.zsh_aliases, you need to press at least Enter once in the all terminals for the changes to take effect.
I use an alias, thusly: -
alias vialias='vi ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/alias.zsh ; source ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/alias.zsh'
When I run vialias, I edit my aliases, then when I leave vi, the change(s) take effect.
To simplify the accepted answer add:
source ~/.zsh_aliases
in the ~/.zshrc below the plugins section.
Then add an alias inside the ~/.zsh_aliases like so:
alias f="exec zsh"
To refresh zsh & aliases type f
Sometimes I want a filename instead of what zsh guesses for me. For example, I have a PNG file without a proper .png suffix, which makes zsh think it isn't a picture and won't list it when I type Tab to complete arguments of display.
I am wondering if there is a key sequence that completes for a filename wherever the context is, like ^XC for _correct_filename, or how to configure zsh to do the thing?
You can add a key binding to do what you want:
zle -C complete complete-word complete-files
bindkey '^X\t' complete
complete-files () { compadd - $PREFIX* }
Edit: Added $PREFIX
You can add those lines to your ~/.zshrc file.
That makes the completion list all files when you press Ctrl-x Tab at each step instead of Tab. You could choose another keystroke combination that suits you.
Or to make ImageMagick completions always include all files, try editing (make a backup first) the file /usr/share/zsh/functions/Completion/Unix/_imagemagick (or similar) and change this to comment out the existing line that begins with _files and add the new one shown:
if (( $# )); then
# _files "$#" -g "*.(#i)(${~formats//:/|})(-.)"
_files "$#"
Dennis' answer didn't expand tilde for me, so I would get stuff like complete-files: no matches found: ~/ma* when I tried to invoke it on foo ~/ma. I did find an alternate in the zsh FAQ that will expand them, though:
zle -C complete-file complete-word _generic
zstyle ':completion:complete-file::::' completer _files
bindkey '^xF' complete-file