Maximum HTTP Packet Size - http

What is the maximum size of HTTP packets? I am interested in the size of the response to an HTTP GET request (Not this! This question is about the request size). Is there a size at all? If I download a 1GiB file, does that end up as just 1 HTTP GET request? (Intuitively, I do not think this happens - Also, partial downloads / multi threaded downloaders would not work).
I know that there is a maximum length of an IP packet and TCP packets that are longer than that are fragmented across multiple IP packets. Does such a thing happen with HTTP as well? The reason I am looking for an answer to this question is to figure out the AWS S3 billing scheme which charges 1c / 10K get requests. So how many GET requests are begin served for 1GiB.

I got an answer on AWS S3 Forum by Seungyoung Kim
If you download the 5GiB file using GET request. S3's billing system
will count it as 1 GET request and 5GiB data transfer. FYI, if you
stop downloading file at 2GiB out of 5GiB, then they will count only
2GiB data transfer.
GET request is not fragmented normally unless you split up the call
into several consecutive GET range calls.
So, if you issue 5 individual GET requests using range header for each
1GiB data block, they will count it as 5 GET request but still same
5GiB(1GiB x 5 times) data transfer. Technically little more than 5GiB
due to additional HTTP protocol headers.
If this is right, there is no packet fragmentation of HTTP GET Response (although they come across several TCP packets and a lost TCP packet is handled by TCP and does not illicit another GET request to resume)


HTTP Request parsing

I would like to understand the usage of 'Transfer-encoding: Chunked' in case of HTTP requests.
Is it common for requests to be chunked?
My thinking is no since requests need to be completely read before processing, it does not make sense to be sending chunked requests.
It is not that common, but it can be very useful for large request bodies.
My thinking is no since requests need to be completely read before processing, it does not make sense to be sending chunked requests.
(1) No, they don't need to be read completely.
(2) ...and the main reason to compress it to save bytes on the wire anyway.
For an HTTP agent acting as a reverse proxy or a forward proxy, so taking a message from one side and sending it on the other side, using a chunked transmission means you can send the parts of the message you have without storing it locally. You avoid the 'buffering' problems, slowdown and storage.
You also have some optimizations based on each actor preferred size of data blocks, like you could have an actor which likes sending packets of 8000 bytes, because that's the good number for his own kernel settings (tcp windows, internal http server buffer size, etc), while another actor on the message transmission using smaller chunks of 2048 bytes.
Finally, you do not need to compute the size of the message, the message will end on the end-of-stream marker, that's all. Which is also usefull if you are sending something which is compressed on the fly, you may not know the final size until everything is compressed.
Chunked transmission is used a lot. It is the default mode of most HTTP servers if you ask for HTTP/1.1 mode and not HTTP/1.0.

Are large HTTP envelopes split across several partial http requests?

I'm reading a book that looks at different web service architectures, including an overview of how the SOAP protocol can be implemented in via HTTP. This was interesting to me because I do a lot of WCF development and didn't realize how client/server communication was implemented.
Since protocols like TCP and whatever is lower than that have fixed maximum packet sizes and as such have to split messages into packets, I just assumed that HTTP was similar. Is that not the case?
I.e. If I make a GET/POST request with a 20MB body, will a single HTTP envelope be sent and reassembled on the server?
If this is the case, what is the largest practical size of an http request? i have previously configured Nginx servers to allow 20mb file transfers and I'm wondering if this is too high...
From HTTP specification point of view, there is no limit for HTTP payload. According to RFC7230:
Any Content-Length field value greater than or equal to zero is valid. Since there is no predefined limit to the length of a payload, a recipient MUST anticipate potentially large decimal numerals and prevent parsing errors due to integer conversion overflows.
However, to prevent attack via very long or very slow stream of data, a web server may reject such HTTP request and return 413 Payload Too Large response.
"Since protocols like TCP and whatever is lower than that have fixed maximum packet sizes and as such have to split messages into packets, I just assumed that HTTP was similar. Is that not the case?"
No. HTTP is an application level protocol and is totally different. As HTTP is based on TCP, when the data is transferring, it would automatically split into packets on TCP level. There is no need to split the request on HTTP level.
An HTTP body can be as large as you want it to be, there is no download size limit, the size limit is usually set for uploads, to prevent someone uploading massive files to your server.
You can ask for a section of a resource using the Range header, if you only want part of it.
IE had limits of 2 and 4 GB at times, but these have been fixed since. Source

What is the recommended HTTP POST content length?

I have several clients that constantly post data to a REST service. REST service is put behind a network load balancer. Each client sends 100 - 500 MB a day and I need to support 500+ clients.
I can POST either very large packets, this will reduce overhead for TCP/IP session set up and HTTP headers. This will, however, firmly tie one client to a particular server and limit my scalability options. Alternatively, I can send small HTTP packets, which I can load balance well, but I will get more overhead for TCP/IP session set up and HTTP headers.
What is the recommended packet size for HTTP POST? Or how can I calculate one for my environment?
There is no recommended size.
While HTTP POST size is not constrained by the RFCs, since HTTP is a commodity protocol implementing request / response type messaging, most of the infrastructure is configured around the idea that TCP connections are not particularly long lasting / does not carry significant amounts of data. i.e. there will be factors outside your control which may impact the service - although HTTP supports range requests for responses, there is no corollary for requests.
You can get around a lot of these (although not all) by using HTTPS. However you still need to think about how you detect/manage outages - are you happy to wait for a TCP timeout?
With 500+ clients presumably using the system quite heavily, the congestion avoidance limits shouldn't be a problem - whether TCP window scaling is likely to be an issue depends on how the system is used. HTTP handshakes should not be an issue unless you restrict the request size to something silly.
If the service is highly dependant on clients pushing lots of data on to your server, then I'd encourage you to look at parsing the data on the client (given the volume, presumably it's coming from files - implying a signed java applet or javascript with UniversalBrowserRead privilege) then sending it over a bi-directional communication channel (e.g. websocket).
Leaving that aside for now, the only way you can find out what the route between your clients and your server will support is to measure it - and monitor it. I would expect that a 2Mb upload size would work pretty much anywhere, while a 10Mb size would work most of the time within the US or Europe - and that you could probably increase this to 50Mb as long as there's no mobile clients.
But if you want to maintain the effectiveness of the service you'll need to monitor bandwidth, packet loss and lost connections.

Working with persistent HTTP connections

We are trying to implement a proxy proof of concept but have encountered an interesting question: Since a single HTTP connection can, and indeed should, make multiple requests, and the HTTP transactions are sent via multiple packets due to TCP's magic, is it possible for a HTTP request to begin in the middle of a packet?
Bear in mind that this is not a theoretical question regarding possible optimization of the browser, but whether it actually happens in real life. It would be even better if someone could point me to a written reference on whether or not this is possible and if so how often it can occur.
Clarification update: We know that if we work in the HTTP layer alone we would not need to bother with this question, however we're trying to figure out if some advanced technique could be applied by working on the TCP layer first.
Assuming that you are talking about IP packets: Yes, it is possible that HTTP request starts middle of IP packet.
When you are using persistent HTTP connections, that is, using same TCP connection for several HTTP requests, it is fully possible that request boundary is middle of IP packet.
Also there is a TCP protocol between IP and HTTP. TCP contains also some headers so a IP packet may start with some TCP headers and rest of the packet consists of HTTP request.
HTTP request may also consist of several IP packets (in case of file uploads, transmission errors and following retransmissions etc).
However, I wonder why you are interested in packets if you are working at HTTP level. TCP should hide the IP packet details.
First of all, TCP is a stream based protocol and has no concept of packets. HTTP itself might have some kind of message or record delimiter, but TCP doesn't.
This page might be helpful: Structure of HTTP Transactions
From your question it sounds like you think that each read from a TCP socket is a "packet" of data. In reality, each read simply reads as many bytes as are in the buffer up to the maximum that you requested, without any concept of records or packets.
So for instance, lets say you read 2048 bytes from the socket, you could have the tail end of one transaction, followed by the beginning of a second response half way through the data you read, and only get the remainder of your second response on your next read from the socket.
If you're here in Jerusalem or near by maybe I could help you out.
Unless you are implementing your own TCP stack, you should not need to worry about the packets, but rather about the API that the TCP provides, in case of POSIX interfaces it would be the recv() or read(). So I treat the question then as "Can more than one HTTP requests come into a single read(), and can the HTTP request be split between multiple read() requests?" -- The answer to both would be "yes, it is possible".
An example of where this can happen is HTTP pipelining. This not frequent in real life (ironically, at least some of the browsers disable it by default because of "buggy proxies" :-) - but when it happens, can be a bit of a problem for the users to diagnose - especially if they have no access to the proxy.
One very notable place where it does happen by default apt-get in Debian-derived linux systems. Just install a Debian or Ubuntu server and try to use it through your proxy. You can do that by editing the /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/proxy file and placing the following there:
Acquire::http::Proxy "http://your.proxy.address:8080";
Depends of which abstraction layer of a packet you are talking about: there are many layers underneath HTTP.
HTTP --> TCP (byte stream) --> IP (packet) --> (possibly something else) Ethernet (frame) --> (possibly) some other transport
If you are talking about the IP layer, then yes the HTTP layer would start later on... Note that TCP presents a "byte stream interface" to its Client layer hence, no concept of packet here.
I think I understand where you are trying to go with this question.
If you don't use persistent HTTP connections, the HTTP GET request header is always the very first thing which is sent over the TCP connection, so we can be sure that the start of the HTTP GET request header does "not start in the middle of some TCP packet". But keep in mind that there may be one or more TCP packets without any user data, e.g. only a SYN, which may preceed the TCP packet with the start of the HTTP GET request header. And also keep in mind that the HTTP GET request header may not be contained in a single TCP packet.
If you do use persistent HTTP connections, the start of the HTTP GET request header for request number N+1 can start in the middle of a TCP packet, namely after the end of HTTP GET request body of request number N.
If you are asking these questions you are possibly "doing it wrong". As several other responders have already pointed out, in the vast majority of cases you should probably just be a TCP client and deal with a TCP stream of data and let the TCP code worry about the TCP packets. (Unless, of course, you are working on some special hardware which is looking at individual IP packets as they fly by and try to do some processing at the HTTP layer.)

Mapping HTTP requests to HTTP responses

If I make multiple HTTP Get Requests to the same server and get HTTP 200 OK responses to each one how do I tell which request maps to which response using Wireshark?
Currently it looks like an http request is made, and the next HTTP 200 OK response is quickly received so everything is in a the proper sequence. I have seen things to the contrary however. For example using the Google Maps API v2 I've made several requests for location information and then the information is received in an arbitrary order (closely resembling the order in which I requested it, but not necessarily perfect.)
So my intuition is I cannot assume that my responses will be received in a specific order, even though they may be in order most of the time. So I'm wondering how I can determine this order from the response.
Update: Clarification as to what I need. I just need to know that the server has received the request. It seems like I need to do this by looking at sequence numbers and perhaps even ACKS. The reasoning behind this approach is I'm basically observing a web app and checking it is sending the information and the information is being received.
Update: This has nothing to do with wireshark specifically. I believe it is confusing people so I removing it from the title. It has to do with the HTTP protocol on top of the TCP/IP protocol and how we map responses to requests.
After you have stopped capturing packets follow this steps:
position the cursor on a GET request
Open the Analyze menu
click "Follow TCP Stream"
You get a new window with requests and responses in sequence.
While I was googling for a complete different question, I saw this one and I think I can provide a more complete answer :
HTTP dictates that responses must arrive in the order they were requested, Therefore, if you are looking at a single TCP connection at a given time you should be seeing :
Request ; Response ; Request ; Response ...
Also in HTTP/1.1, there is support for "Pipeline" where the client doesn't have to wait for responses to arrive in order to issue the next request. What could be observed in such cases is :
Request ; Response ; Request ; Request ; Response ; Response ; Request ; Response
In the HTTP response itself, there is no reference to the specific request that triggered it.
Filipo's suggestion is classic when debugging / observing a single TCP connection, but, when observing multiple TCP connections, you can't click the follow TCP Stream because you'd have to do it for each connection.
If you have many TCP connections, and many requests/responses you will have to look at TCP Source port in the request packet, and the TCP dest port in the response packet to know which response is related to each tcp connection, and then apply the HTTP request/response order rules.
Also, Wireshark CAN decompress the response body, and it will do it automatically if all the response body has arrived, but it will do so NOT in the Follow TCP Stream.
I always use Wireshark to debug HTTP.
Seems like this ability is not provided by the HTTP protocol at the application layer so I must go down to the transportation layer to determine this. In my case the TCP/IP layer using sequence numbers.
HTTP only presumes a reliable
transport; any protocol that provides
such guarantees can be used; the
mapping of the HTTP/1.1 request and
response structures onto the
transport data units of the protocol
in question is outside the scope of
this specification.
Read more:
Don't use Wireshark to debug HTTP, use an HTTP debugger such as Fiddler2
