Efficiencies for nested for loop - r

I've created the following code that nests a for loop inside of a for loop in R. It is a simulation to calculate Power. I've read that R isn't great for doing for loops but I was wondering if there are any efficiencies I could apply to make this run a bit faster. I'm fairly new to R as well as programming of any sort. Right now the run times I'm seeing are:
m=10 I get .17 sec
m=100 I get 3.95 sec
m=1000 I get 246.26 sec
m=2000 I get 1003.55 sec
I was hoping to set the number of times to sample, m, upwards of 100K but I'm afraid to even set this at 10K
Here is the code:
m = 1000 # number of times we are going to take samples
popmean=120 # set population mean at 120
popvar=225 # set known/established population
variance at 225
newvar=144 # variance of new methodology
alpha=.01 # set alpha
teststatvect = matrix(nrow=m,ncol=1) # empty vector to populate with test statistics
power = matrix(nrow=200,ncol=1) # empty vector to populate with power
system.time( # not needed - using to gauge how long this takes
for (n in 1:length(power)) # begin for loop for different sample sizes
for(i in 1:m){ # begin for loop to take "m" samples
y=rnorm(n,popmean,sqrt(newvar)) # sample of size n with mean 120 and var=144
ts=sum((y-popmean)^2/popvar) # calculate test statistic for each sample
teststatvect[i]=ts # loop and populate the vector to hold test statistics
vecpvals=pchisq(teststatvect,n) # calculate the pval of each statistic
power[n]=length(which(vecpvals<=alpha))/length(vecpvals) # loop to populate power vector. Power is the proportion lessthan ot equal to alpha

I reorganized your code a bit and got rid of the inner loop.
Sampling one long vector of random numbers (and then collapsing it into a matrix) is much faster than repeatedly sampling short vectors (replicate, as suggested in another answer, is nice for readability, but in this case you can do better by sampling random numbers in a block)
colSums is faster than summing inside a for loop or using apply.
it's just sugar (i.e. it isn't actually any more efficient), but you can use mean(pvals<=alpha) in place of sum(pvals<=alpha)/length(alpha)
I defined a function to return the power for a specified set of parameters (including sample size), then used sapply to range over the vector of sizes (not faster than a for loop, but cleaner and maybe easier to generalize).
powfun <- function(ssize=100,
m=1000, ## samples per trial
popmean=120, ## pop mean
popvar=225, ## known/established pop variance
newvar=144, ## variance of new methodology
sampchisq=FALSE) ## sample directly from chi-squared distrib?
if (!sampchisq) {
ymat <- matrix(rnorm(ssize*m,popmean,sd=sqrt(newvar)),ncol=m)
ts <- colSums((ymat-popmean)^2/popvar) ## test statistic
} else {
ts <- rchisq(m,df=ssize)*newvar/popvar
pvals <- pchisq(ts,df=ssize) ## pval
mean(pvals<=alpha) ## power
Do you really need the power for every integer value of sample size, or would a more widely spaced sample be OK (if you need exact values, interpolation would probably be pretty accurate)
ssizevec <- seq(10,250,by=5)
system.time(powvec <- sapply(ssizevec,powfun,m=5000)) ## 13 secs elapsed
This is reasonably fast and might get you up to m=1e5 if you needed, but I'm not quite sure why you need results that are that precise -- the power curve is reasonably smooth with m=5000 ...
If you're impatiently waiting for long simulations, you can also get a progress bar to print by replacing sapply(ssizevec,powfun,m=5000) with library(plyr); aaply(ssizevec,.margins=1,powfun,.progress="text",m=5000)
Finally, I think you can speed the whole up a lot by sampling chi-squared values directly, or by doing an analytical power calculation (!). I think that rchisq(m,df=ssize)*newvar/popvar is equivalent to the first two lines of the loop, and you might even be able to do a numerical computation on the chi-squared densities directly ...
system.time(powvec2 <- sapply(ssizevec,powfun,m=5000,sampchisq=TRUE))
## 0.24 seconds elapsed
(I just tried this out, sampling m=1e5 at every value of sample size from 1 to 200 ... it takes 24 seconds ... but I still think it might be unnecessary.)
A picture:
plot(ssizevec,powvec,type="l",xlab="sample size",ylab="power",

In general, you want as far as possible to take advantage of vectorization, not so much for speed as readability/comprehension.
Why is writing to power[n] inside the inner loop (and I guess the calculation of vecpals as well)? Shouldn't that be in the outer loop after the inner loop executes? You may want to move the calculation of the square root outside both loops.
Why are teststatvect and power initialized as matrices (which are explicitly two dimensional arrays) and not vectors (or rather, as one dimensional arrays, using array)? Is variance at 225just the end of the comment from the previous line? You may want to check formatting. (Is this homework?)
For what it looks like you're trying to do here, you may want to take advantage of the very handy function replicate, perhaps by writing a specific function to call it on.


How can I handle a very large number of combinations in R?

Here is my problem - I would like to generate a fairly large number of factorial combinations and then apply some constraints on them to narrow down the list of all possible combinations. However, this becomes an issue when the number of all possible combinations becomes extremely large.
Let's take an example - Assume we have 8 variables (A; B; C; etc.) each taking 3 levels/values (A={1,2,3}; B={1,2,3}; etc.).
The list of all possible combinations would be 3**8 (=6561) and can be generated as following:
tic <- function(){start.time <<- Sys.time()}
toc <- function(){round(Sys.time() - start.time, 4)}
nX = 8
lk = as.list(NULL)
lk = lapply(1:nX, function(x) c(1,2,3))
mapx = expand.grid(lk)
mapx$idx = 1:nrow(mapx)
So far so good, these operations are done pretty quickly (< 1 second) even if we significantly increase the number of variables.
The next step is to generate a corrected set of all pairwise comparisons (An uncorrected set would be obtain by freely combining all 6561 options with each other, leading to 65616561=43046721 combinations) - The size of this "universe" would be: 6561(6561-1)/2 = 21520080. Already pretty big!
I am using the R built-in function combn to get it done. In this example the running time remains acceptable (about 20 seconds on my PC) but things become impossible with higher higher number of variables and/or more levels per variable (running time would increase exponentially, for example it already took 177 seconds with 9 variables!). But my biggest concern is actually that the object size would become so large that R can no longer handle it (Memory issue).
univ = t(combn(mapx$idx,2))
The next step would be to identify the list of combinations meeting some pre-defined constraints. For instance I would like to sub-select all combinations sharing exactly 3 common elements (ie 3 variables take the same values). Again the running time will be very long (even if a 8 variables) as my approach is to loop over all combinations previously defined.
vrf = NULL
vrf = sapply(1:nrow(univ), function(x){
j1 = mapx[mapx$idx==univ[x,1],-ncol(mapx)]
j2 = mapx[mapx$idx==univ[x,2],-ncol(mapx)]
cond = ifelse(sum(j1==j2)==3,1,0)
univ = univ[vrf==1,]
Would you know how to overcome this issue? Any tips/advices would be more than welcome!

How to get a single number result for a big matrix using var function?

Using the var function,
(a) find the sample variance of your row averages from above;
(b) find the sample variance for your XYZmat as a whole; <-this
(c) Divide the sample variance of the XYZmat by the sample variance of the row averages. The statistical theory says that ratio will on average be close to the row sample size, which is n, here.
(d) Do your results agree with theory? (That is a non-trivial question.) Show your work.
So this is what he asked for in the question, I could not get the single number result, so I just used the sd function and then squared the result. I keep wondering if there is still a way to get a single number result using var function. In my case n is 30, I got it from the previous part of the homework. This is the first R class I am taking and this is the first homework assigned, so the answer should be pretty simple.
I tried as.vector() function and I still got the set of numbers as a result. I played around with var function, no changes.
Unfortunately, I deleted all the code I had since the matrix is so big that my laptop started lagging.
I did not have any error messages, but I kept getting a set of numbers for the answer...
XYZmat <- matrix(runif(10000), nrow=100, ncol=100) # make a matrix
varmat <- var(as.vector(XYZmat)) # variance of whole matrix
n <- nrow(XYZmat) # number of rows
#> [1] 100
rowmeans <- rowMeans(XYZmat) # row means
varmat/var(rowmeans) # should be near n
#> [1] 100.6907
Created on 2019-07-17 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)

Generate permutations in sequential order - R

I previously asked the following question
Permutation of n bernoulli random variables in R
The answer to this question works great, as long as n is relatively small (<30), otherwise the following error code occurs Error: cannot allocate vector of size 4.0 Gb. I can get the code to run with somewhat larger values by using my desktop at work but eventually the same error occurs. Even for values that my computer can handle, say 25, the code is extremely slow.
The purpose of this code to is to calculate the difference between the CDF of an exact distribution (hence the permutations) and a normal approximation. I randomly generate some data, calculate the test statistic and then I need to determine the CDF by summing all the permutations that result in a smaller test statistic value divided by the total number of permutations.
My thought is to just generate the list of permutations one at a time, note if it is smaller than my observed value and then go on to the next one, i.e. loop over all possible permutations, but I can't just have a data frame of all the permutations to loop over because that would cause the exact same size and speed issue.
Long story short: I need to generate all possible permutations of 1's and 0's for n bernoulli trials, but I need to do this one at a time such that all of them are generated and none are generated more than once for arbitrary n. For n = 3, 2^3 = 8, I would first generate
calculate if my test statistic was greater (1 or 0) then generate
calculate again, then generate
calculate, then generate
calculate, then generate
etc until 111
I'm fine with this being a loop over 2^n, that outputs the permutation at each step of the loop but doesn't save them all somewhere. Also I don't care what order they are generated in, the above is just how I would list these out if I was doing it by hand.
In addition if there is anyway to speed up the previous code that would also be helpful.
A good solution for your problem is iterators. There is a package called arrangements that is able to generate permutations in an iterative fashion. Observe:
# initialize iterator
iperm <- ipermutations(0:1, 3, replace = T)
for (i in 1:(2^3)) {
[1] 0 0 0
[1] 0 0 1
[1] 1 1 1
It is written in C and is very efficient. You can also generate m permutations at a time like so:
This allows for better performance because the next permutations are being generated by a for loop in C as opposed to a for loop in R.
If you really need to ramp up performance you can you the parallel package.
iperm <- ipermutations(0:1, 40, replace = T)
parallel::mclapply(1:100, function(x) {
myPerms <- iperm$getnext(10000)
# do something
}, mc.cores = parallel::detectCores() - 1)
Note: All code is untested.

Forming a Wright-Fisher loop with "sample()"

I am trying to create a simple loop to generate a Wright-Fisher simulation of genetic drift with the sample() function (I'm actually not dead-set on using this function, but, in my naivety, it seems like the right way to go). I know that sample() randomly selects values from a vector based on certain probabilities. My goal is to create a system that will keep running making random selections from successive sets. For example, if it takes some original set of values and samples a second set, I'd like the loop to take another random sample from the second set (using the probabilities that were defined earlier).
I'd like to just learn how to do this in a very general way. Therefore, the specific probabilities and elements are arbitrary at this point. The only things that matter are (1) that every element can be repeated and (2) the size of the set must stay constant across generations, per Wright-Fisher. For an example, I've been playing with the following:
V <- c(1,1,2,2,2,2)
sample(V, size=6, replace=TRUE, prob=c(1,1,1,1,1,1))
Regrettably, my issue is that I don't have any code to share yet precisely because I'm not sure of how to start writing this kind of loop. I know that for() loops are used to repeat a function multiple times, so my guess is to start there. However, from what I've researched about these, it seems that you have to start with a variable (typically i). I don't have any variables in this sampling that seem explicitly obvious; which isn't to say one couldn't be made up.
If you wanted to repeatedly sample from a population with replacement for a total of iter iterations, you could use a for loop:
set.seed(144) # For reproducibility
population <- init.population
for (iter in seq_len(iter)) {
population <- sample(population, replace=TRUE)
# [1] 1 1 1 1 1 1
init.population <- c(1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2)
iter <- 100

Expected value of the difference between a sum of variables and a threshold

I had a custom deck consisting of eight cards of the sequence 2^n, n=0,..,6. I draw cards (without replacement) until the sum is equal or greater than the threshold. How can I implement in R a function that calculates the mean of the difference between the sum and the threshold??
I tried to do it using this How to store values in a vector with nested functions
but it takes ages... I think there is a way to do it with probabilities/simulations but I can figure out.
The threshold could be greater than the value of one single card, ie, threshold=500 or less than the value of a single card, ie, threshold=50
What I have done so far is to find all the subsets that meet the condition of the sum greater or equal to the threshold. Then I will only substract the threshold and calculate the mean.
I am using the following code in R. For a small set I get the answer quite fast. However, I have been running the function for several ours with the set containing the 56 numbers and is still working.
set<-c(rep(1,8),rep(2,8), rep(4,8),rep(8,8),rep(16,8),rep(32,8),rep(64,8))
recursive.subset <-function(x, index, current, threshold, result){
for (i in index:length(x)){
if (current + x[i] >= threshold){
store <<- append(store, sum(c(result,x[i])))
} else {
recursive.subset(x, i + 1, current+x[i], threshold, c(result,x[i]))
store <- vector()
inivector <- vector(mode="numeric", length=0) #initializing empty vector
recursive.subset (set, 1, 0, threshold, inivector)
I don't know if it is possible to get an exact solution, simply because there are so many possible combinations. It is probably better to do simulations, i.e. write a script for 1 full draw and then rerun that script many times. Since the solutions are very similar, the simulation should give a pretty good approximation.
Ok, here goes:
set <- rep(2^(0:6), each = 8)
thr <- 500
fun <- function(set,thr){
x <- cumsum(sample(set))
value <- x[min(which(x >= thr))]
system.time(a <- replicate(100000, fun(set,thr)))
# user system elapsed
# 1.10 0.00 1.09
mean(a - thr)
# [1] 21.22992
Explanation: Rather than drawing a card one at a time, I draw all cards simultaneously (sample) and then calculate the cumulative sum (cumsum). I then find the point where the cards at up to the threshold or larger, and find the sum of those cards back in x. We run this function many times with replicate, to obtain a vector of the values. We use mean(a-thr) to calculate the mean difference.
Edit: Made a really stupid typo in the code, fixed it now.
Edit2: Shortened the function a little.
