View which user deleted certain post? - wordpress

So I have this problem. A client has a wordpress website and the content is managed by 3 admins. One of them deleted all the content and no one will admit that he did it. So I need to investigate who deleted all the posts.
Is it possible to do in any way? I googled it and didn't find anything about something like this.

I'm pretty sure Wordpress doesn't come with a user action log. There is loads of plugins out there which can do it though.
Can you not get the posts back by running a recent backup in place? I know it doesn't solve the problem but as I don't think there is anyway to track it, may as well prevent it from happening again or something.


Sorry, you are not allowed to access this page

I realize there is other threads on this topic but there solutions and problems are different from mine.
Im able to login to wp-admin correctly
All seems normal but the abilty to (add plugin) or theme or anything has been wiped.
you can look at plugins but there is no way to add a new one.
Same goes for widgets, and themes.
You cant access things like update core.
you just get a default message
Sorry, you are not allowed to access this page.
Iv checked the mysql database and all seems fine.
With the user_meta and users
Iv deleted all plugins
Iv deleted all themes.
There is no issue with Wp memory
its basically just a default install of wordpress at this point.
Im not sure what could be causing this.
Any suggestions?

Wordpress site switched to displaying Posts for no apparent reason

I have a site with a static home page which is just one of the pages. Ive been working on the site for several weeks. Today, when I went to clear the cache to see if some links were updated, the home page switched to displaying Posts (which is the other setting under the Settings->Reading) I went to settings and sure enough display Posts is checked. No one else, that I know of has the password to this site. Does anyone know why this happened or how I can prevent it from happeneing again?
There are so many variables to consider, but it has to be a direct database manipulation. So:
Someone did in fact change it, but no one knows who
A plugin or theme changed it. Unlikely, but certainly possible. Search your plugins/theme changelog and/or support threads for similar reported issues
One thing you could do is install the plugin Stream. This logs all (well, nearly every) database manipulation and tells you when, where, and who. This way, if it happens again, you can immediately pinpoint it.

WORDPRESS: Where do I delete my site?

I've looked absolutely everywhere for an answer to this, and so far have not gotten any that have solved my problem. It seems like it should be simple, but Im either getting answers that tell me to press a "Delete Account" button in my dashboard that simply IS NOT there, or someone says "look it up on Google" or something else that is not at all helpful. I've looked and am getting very frustrated. So, here's my question(s):
If I cancel the hosting (Blue Host), will it automatically cancel all payments relating to the site? That is, is signing up on WordPress free, with the hosting being the part that is paid? I can't find statements or anything related to the WordPress part of it, so I'm hoping that the hosting is the only part I'm paying for (this site was started a few years ago, and I just don't have time for it, so I don't remember anymore.)
Can a account/site actually be deleted? I've emptied all the contents as stated in the documentation, but when it comes to actually pressing "Delete Account," the button is no where to be found in my dashboard! As long as I'm not paying for it to just sit there, I guess I can leave it, but I'd prefer to delete it altogether, if possible.
Thank you to anyone who offers constructive advice on this topic. I know others have asked about this, but none of those solutions have worked, so I'm asking again. (It also doesn't help that WordPress doesn't offer direct support, only forums, so if you happen to know of a good resource outside of their own documentation--which, as stated, hasn't helped me--I'll appreciate the referral.)
if you want to delete your site just delete all the file for this site in public_html folder. or if you want delete hosting for this site contact with your hosting provider. you can do it if you want to do.
But I think you can sell your domain, if your domain age is above 5 years may be your domain has SEO domain authority (DA) . you can sell it .

Wordpress not reflecting phpMyAdmin database changes unless I log in

this is I think a really unusual case. A little backstory, I outsourced a PSD to WP project a few months ago, but not currently working with the developer anymore as he stopped replying to my support questions. I'm trying to solve this on my own before I give this to the client, as I have no more budget to hire another developer.
I have two problems, first is I couldn't access the WP dashboard even though my login is an admin account. Been trying to solve this through numerous google searches and blog posts but to no avail, I couldn't fix it.
Here goes my main problem: So I finally found a way how to update the content on the site using the phpMyAdmin backend database. (good thing I know HTML CSS)
I managed to update the content, but when I tested the site using incognito window and other profiles / browsers, the changes from phpMyAdmin does not reflect on the site. I tried logging in, and weirdly, the changes are there. I log out, changes are there.
I just find it really weird and a hassle that I have to log in to see those changes. It's a client facing site, and the changes are really important so I hope someone has experienced this before and can help me out. Thanks in advance.

Wishlist Member redirects some, not all, registrants. Why?

Strange problem with Wishlist Member.
I set up the membership script and sent out a registration URL to 20 or so people who were willing to test-drive the site. However, only a handful of them were able to reach the registration page successfully, whereas the others were redirected to the homepage.
I checked the WLM support where it says this can happen if you enter the destination URL rather than the registration URL, but I definitely didn't do that. I copy and pasted the exact registration URL for that member level.
I've never encountered a problem like this before, where one group of people get one result, but another group get a different result from taking the same action.
I'm in contact with the support guys there, but still looking for a resolution. I upgraded the plugin, made sure everything hit the checklist, and asked those test-drivers to try again. One was able to succeed, the others not.
I was wondering if anyone here had any suggestions? It'd be hugely appreciated.
