Pagodabox or PHPfog + Gearman - background-process

I'm looking for a good way to do some job backgrounding through either of these two services.
I see PHPFog supports IronWorks, but i need something more realtime. Through these cloud based PaaS services, I'm not able to use popen(background.php --token=1234). So I'm thinking the best solution, might be to try to kick off a gearman worker to handle the job. (Actually my preferred method would be to use websockets to keep a connection open and receive feedback from the job, rather than long polling a db table through AJAX, but none of these guys support websockets)
Question 1 is, is there a better solution than using gearman to offload the job?
Question 2 is, I see pagodabox supports 'worker listeners' ... has anybody set this up with gearman? Would it work?

I am using PagodaBox with a background worker in an application I am building right now. Basically, PagodaBox daemonizes a PHP process for you (meaning it will continually run in the background), so all you really have to do is create a script that checks a database table for tasks to run, runs them, and then sleeps a bit so it's not running too many queries against your database.
This is a simplified version of what I have running:
// Remove time limit
// Show ALL errors
// Run daemon
echo "--- Starting Daemon ---\n";
while(true) {
// Query 'work_queue' table for new tasks
// Loop over items and do whatever tasks are associated with them
// Update row to mark task as completed
// Wait a bit
A benefit to this approach is that it's easy to test via CLI:
php tasks.php
You will see all the echo statements come through in console as it's running, and of course it's much easier to do than a more complicated setup with other dependencies like Gearman.
So whenever you add a new task to the table, the maximum amount of time you'll wait for that task to be started in a batch is 30 seconds (or whatever your sleep time is). This is better and preferable to cron jobs, because if you setup a cron job to run every minute (the lowest possible interval) and the work you have to do takes longer than a minute, another cron process will start working on the same queue and you could end up with quite a lot of duplicated task work that could cause a lot of issues that are hard to debug and troubleshoot. So if you instead have either only one background worker that runs all tasks, or multiple background workers that work on different task types, you will never run into this issue.


Running process not shown in active process Instances and difference between ASYNC & SYNC tasks

My workflow is quite simple, I have two script, first script is ASYNC and the second is SYNC. In each script I have a loop from 0 to Integer.MAX_VALUE as follow
for(int i=0;i<Integer.MAX_VALUE;i++)
System.out.println("value is "+i);
When I run my process, it starts working and I can see in my log file that it is being filled. But when I want to stop it, I find nothing in my active process instances, neither in completed process or even in aborted. even if I check my data base, I have nothing related to this process in the ProcessInstanceInfo or even ProcessInstanceLog. So weird isn't it? what could be the reason?
The goal from creating this workflow is to see the difference between ASYNC and SYNC tasks, because as I know that ASYNC tasks when they start running, the workflow don't have to wait until this task finish, but what I have is that my task ASYNC is still running and it didn't go to next task. So my second question is can any one give me the difference between ASYNC and SYNC with a good example to learn. I would appreciate if I'll get at least one answer on one of my two questions. thanks
What do you stop? Do you abort the process instance ?
In the scripts you can populate the process variables with kcontext.setVariable("variable_name","variable_value"). This will reflect in DB if you have defined the process variable persistent in the process model.
The tasks, the sync one will return the flow control to the process when is completed. In contrast to the async one, process flow will continue immediately after it sends the async tasks to execute.

Airflow Dependencies Blocking Task From Getting Scheduled

I have an airflow instance that had been running with no problem for 2 months until Sunday. There was a blackout in a system on which my airflow tasks depend and some tasks where queued for 2 days. After that we decided it was better to mark all the tasks for that day as failed and just lose that data.
Nevertheless, now all the new tasks get trigger at the proper time but they are never being set to any state (neither queued nor running). I check the logs and I see this output:
Dependencies Blocking Task From Getting Scheduled
All dependencies are met but the task instance is not running. In most cases this just means that the task will probably be scheduled soon unless:
The scheduler is down or under heavy load
The following configuration values may be limiting the number of queueable processes: parallelism, dag_concurrency, max_active_dag_runs_per_dag, non_pooled_task_slot_count
This task instance already ran and had its state changed manually (e.g. cleared in the UI)
I get the impression the 3rd topic is the reason why it is not working.
The scheduler and the webserver were working, however I restarted the scheduler and still I am having the same outcome. I also deleted the data in mysql database for one job and it is still not running.
I also saw a couple of post that said it is not running because the depens_on_past was set to true and if the previous runs failed, the next one will never be executed. I also checked it and it is not my case.
Any input would be really apreciated.
Any ideas? Thanks
While debugging a similar issue i found this setting: AIRFLOW__SCHEDULER__MAX_DAGRUNS_PER_LOOP_TO_SCHEDULE (or, checking the airflow code it seems that the scheduler queries for dagruns to examine (consider to run ti's for), this query is limited to that number of rows (or 20 by default). So if you have >20 dagruns that are in some way blocked (in our case because ti's were on up-for-retry), then it won't consider other dagruns even though these could run fine.

How to launch a Dataflow job with Apache Airflow and not block other tasks?

Airflow tasks of the type DataflowTemplateOperator take a long time to complete. This means other tasks can be blocked by it (correct?).
When we run more of these tasks, that means we would need a bigger Cloud Composer cluster (in our case) to execute tasks that are essentially blocking while they shouldn't be (they should be async operations).
Option 1: just launch the job and airflow job is successful
Option 2: write a wrapper as explained here and use a reschedule mode as explained here
Option 1 does not seem feasible as the DataflowTemplateOperator only has an option to specify the wait time between completion checks called poll_sleep (source).
For the DataflowCreateJavaJobOperator there is an option check_if_running to wait for completion of a previous job with the same name (see this code)
It seems that after launching a job, the wait_for_finish is executed (see this line), which boils down to an "incomplete" job (see this line).
For Option 2, I need Option 1.
Am I correct to assume that Dataflow tasks will block others in Cloud Composer/Airflow?
Is there a way to schedule a job without a "wait to finish" using the built-in operators? (I might have overlooked something)
Is there an easy way to write this myself? I'm thinking of just executing a bash launch script, followed by a task that looks if the job finished correctly, but in a reschedule mode.
Is there another way to avoid blocking other tasks while running dataflow jobs? Basically this is an async operation and should not take resources.
Am I correct to assume that Dataflow tasks will block others in Cloud Composer/Airflow?
A: Partly yes. Airflow has parallelism option in the configuration which define the number of tasks that should execute at a time across the system. Having a task block this slot might slow down the execution in the system but this issue is bound to happen as you increase the number of tasks and DAGs. You can increase this in the configuration depending on your needs
Is there a way to schedule a job without a "wait to finish" using the built-in operators? (I might have overlooked something)
A: Yes. You can use PythonOperator and in the python_callable you can use the dataflow hook to launch the job in async mode (launch and don't wait).
Is there an easy way to write this myself? I'm thinking of just executing a bash launch script, followed by a task that looks if the job finished correctly, but in a reschedule mode.
A: When you say reschedule, I'm assuming that you are going to retry the task that looks for job that checks if the job finished correctly. If I'm right, you can set the task on retry mode and the delay at which you want the retry to happen.
Is there another way to avoid blocking other tasks while running dataflow jobs? Basically this is an async operation and should not take resources.
A: I think I answered this in the second question.

is it possible to auto update data every day on firebase [duplicate]

Is it possible on Firebase or Parse to set up something kinda like a cron job?
Is there a way to set up some sort of timed operation that runs over the stored user data?
For example, I'm writing a program that allows people to RSVP for lunch everyday. If you have RSVPed by noon, then you get paired up with somebody else who has also RSVPed. Using JavaScript, the user can submit their RSVP in the browser.
The question is, can Firebase/Parse execute the code to match everyone at 12:00pm every day?
Yes, this can be done with Parse. You'll need to write your matching function as a background job in cloud code, and then you'll need to schedule the task in the dashboard. In terms of the flexibility in scheduling, it's not as flexible as cron but you can definitely run a task at the same time every day, or every x minutes/hours.
Tasks can take 15 mins max to execute before they're killed, so depending on the size of your database or the complexity of your task, you may need to break it up into different tasks or make it resumable.
Just to confirm about Firebase:
As #rickerbh said, it can be done with Parse, but currently there is no way for you to run your code on Firebase's server. There are 2 options for you 2 solve this:
You could use Firebase Queue and run your code in Node.js
You could use a different library such as Microsoft Azure (I still haven't tried this yet, I'm not sure if it provides Job Scheduling for Android)
However, Firebase is working on something called Firebase Trigger, which will solve our problem, however it is still not released with no confirmed release date.

How to reschedule a coordinator job in OOZIE without restarting the job?

When i changed the start time of a coordinator job in in oozie, the job is not taking the changed time, instead its running in the old scheduled time.
The job is not running at the changed time:07th minute,its running at 08th minute in every hour.
Please can you let me know the solution, how i can make the job pickup the updated properties(changed timing) without restarting or killing the job.
You can't really change the timing of the co-ordinator via any methods given by Oozie(v3.3.2) . When you submit a job the contents properties are stored in the database whereas the actual workflow is in the HDFS.
Everytime you execute the co-ordinator it is necessary to have the workflow in the path specified in properties during job submission but the properties file is not needed. What I mean to imply is the properties file does not come into the picture after submitting the job.
One hack is to update the time directly in the database using SQL query.But I am not sure about the implications of it.The property might become inconsistent across the database.
You have to kill the job and resubmit a new one.
Note: oozie provides a way to change the concurrency,endtime and pausetime as specified in the official docs.
