CSS Box with caption overlay, best practice? - css

This is some html and css, you can see what it does:_ (The first box is really the one that matters)
The problem is to make this work properly with the image there, I have to use some tricks to get it to work properly that don't seem very good... like
floating the img left or right so it's not really taking up space.. (is there another way around this? or is it fine how i'm doing it?)
.ad img {
height: 175px; width: 175px;
float: left;
And making another wrapper div around the text inside the ad_info div and setting it to bottom: 175px so that the text stays in the transparent part... is there another way to this as well?
If anyone has proper fixes to these problems or these are fine please tell...
OR I have another idea where i could put the image as a background image with JQuery, (since the image will come from php), i have a good idea of how that would work but could anyone tell me which solution is better?

There is a lot of ways to do this, you are doing right (maybe some extra divs), but I thinks this is what you are looking for:
Boxes, images and captions
Like an extra, they use a little bit jquery, to animate the boxes ;)


My page is not horizontally contained. What CSS is causing this?

This is the webpage I am designing using Bootstrap. For the life of me, I can't figure out what is causing that small blank space to the right of the screen, which makes the website be scroll-able horizontally. Would anyone take a look please?
Your help is much appreciated.
This image is causing your problem
You can set that img with width: 100% that will make your UI fit again. (It also depends what you're expecting from your designs)
Try using * { outline: 1px solid black } to see which element is overflowing your site. This should help you to identify it.
Above both methods are usable to get answer as well as to identify the problem by using border. and I would suggest you to always insert width and height of the image and also insert some text inside alt:""; so if your image will not load you may see this text so you can find the problem for the same.
for this you can add width: 100% and height: auto;
Happy Coding...

Responsive content background not streaching vertically

The website I am making is here: diyhelp.es
If you re-size the browser you will see the white background behind the content actually get smaller (even though the div gets larger) I've looked in the CSS and cannot see a problem. Since I don't know what is causing it I cannot paste any code (unless you want me to paste the full CSS?).
It's only a plain white background - no image.
In your css.css find line:438, that looks like this:
section.content, aside.sidebar, .footer-col { float: none; width: 100%; }
remove the float:none; and it should solve your problem. Why? I'm not sure totally, but float:none; is known to mess up other floating divs. It is better not to use it. I can't even think of a reason why you might need it. In you markup, you don't need it there, because when floating div is set to width:100% there is no room for anything to float beside it anyway.

body border-top does not extend beyond viewport

I need a purple line along the top of the site. Instead of using an image I'm using the border-top property on the body. This works in full view but when I resize the browser window the purple line appears only in the viewport, when I scroll to the right I get a white space. Here's the fiddle so you can see what I mean. I've tried width: 100% on both the body and the container, but to no avail. Can someone suggest ways to accomplish what I need?
Thank you.
Not sure if this is the best way to accomplish it, but you can add position: absolute; to the body. This may have some undesired side effects.
If you know your documents width then you can specify a min-width.
body { min-width: 960px; }
Try the body border hack :)
Designed for fixed position but should work for you as well.
Adding display: inline-block; to both body and container also worked. See http://jsfiddle.net/K5zVq/16/.
A secondary answer, related to skoh-fley's though maybe with less consequences, is to add float: left to the body: http://jsfiddle.net/K5zVq/20/. Though I think I would lean toward my first answer posted here (though you know your situation better than I).

How to remove huge gap in .blog-footer?

I'm having a problem with this page.
The .blog-footer div needs to clear on the right to correct for the height of the pictures introducing clear:right; causes the huge gap to appear on the page in FF and IE.
I'm at a loss, I've tried numerous ideas to get around the problem and at this point I've been staring at it too long to see the problem clearly. Can anyone help me out.
Thanks in advance.
Try using positioning. Add these to get you started:
#page-body {position: relative; width: 740px; margin-left: 20px;}
#sidebar {position: absolute; right:-190px;}
There are some subtleties, like getting the right behaviour when the content as a whole is not long enough to push the footer down, but I find those easier to work out than floating problems. With a fixed height footer like yours, that is easy to fix using a bottom margin on the page body and some more absolute positioning for the footer. You have gobs and gobs of extra divs to play with.
The clear attribute works relative to floating elements. So you can use it to make sure the footer closes the div below the picture, but the fact that your sidebar is floating as well actually pushes things down to the bottom of the sidebar.
So, as #Nicholas Wilson proposes, one solution is to position your sidebar using means other than float. And your layout doesn't appear to really require float for the sidebar.
In another direction, I noticed that you are currently hardcoding the heights of your pictures. Since you know these heights, another possibility is to forget about the clear:right for blog-footer , and add a min-height attribute to the asset-body, as in (this is for the beer festival)
<div class="asset-body" style="min-height:184px;">
Certainly not elegant or DRY, but if you had to you could do this or have javascript do it.

Adding a background image on the side of the page. (CSS)

I'm new to this site and thought I might give it a shot. I've been having a problem for quite some time now but as my project evolved other problems was solved, but this has remained. And finding the right thing wasn't easy. Im not even sure what the term is for this kind of thing.
Anyway, I want a background image to the right and left of my main page. It need to be z-indexed below the actual page(incase people with low resolutions view the page) so that it doesn't extend over the main page and makes the content unreadable. It needs to go below the actual page if low resolutions are used.
I've been using the following code to do the work for me right now:
<img style="position: absolute; top: 120px; left: 10px; width: 121px; height: 443px; z-index: -1;" src="../admin/images/background_text.png">
Problem is that this isn't working to good with older versions of IE for example and in some cases not at all in others. As you can see it has a set position on my page(left side its higher up on the page) which is also something I want to achieve.
I hope I explained this good enough and cheers to this site. Seems like a great place to find solutions.
Cheers, Martin.
Try this:
<body style="background: url('../admin/images/background_text.png') 120px 10px;" > rest of the page...
this sets the background for the whole page (what it seems kind of like you're doing?) to the given image.
I would also size your image to the desired size if it isn't already, then you don't need to supply width and height (or worry about IE rendering the resize).
if you're really just putting it on the side, I might use a table or div setup and set the background on that (not knowing how your page is setup).
Im not sure if i understand your question or not.
Anyway. Dont set your z-index on the image. I would set position relative on the layers that needed to be at the top.
Remember that IE6 dont get the z-index. It figures out which comes first and then its the last one that is on top, even though it haves a lower z-index.
Here's an improved answer for you:
Give your "wrapper" div the background image as described before. Then extend your main table all the way to the right (or wrap it in another table or div with 100% width) and give that the right side background image. Then the images are still behind all the content and they both should behave as you want them to.
if you need more info on the background css attribute, check out the WDG page
