quality analysis of fitted pyramid - math

sorry for posting this in programing site, but there might be many programming people who are professional in geometry, 3d geometry... so allow this.
I have been given best fitted planes with the original point data. I want to model a pyramid for this data as the data represent a pyramid. My approach of this modeling is
Finding the intersection lines (e.g. AB, CD,..etc) for each pair of adjacent plane
Then, finding the pyramid top (T) by intersecting the previously found lines as these lines don’t pass through a single point
Intersecting the available side planes with a desired horizontal plane to get the basement
In figure – black triangles are original best fitted triangles; red
and blue triangles are model triangles
I want to show that the points are well fitted for the pyramid model
than that it fitted for the given best fitted planes. (Assume original
planes are updated as shown)
Actually step 2 is done using weighted least square process. Each intersection line is assigned with a weight. Weight is proportional to the angle between normal vectors of corresponding planes. in this step, I tried to find the point which is closest to all the intersection lines i.e. point T. according to the weights, line positions might change with respect to the influence of high weight line. That mean, original planes could change little bit. So I want to show that these new positions of planes are well fitted for the original point data than original planes.
Any idea to show this? I am thinking to use RMSE and show before and after RMSE. But again I think I should use weighted RMSE as all the planes refereeing to the point T are influenced so that I should cope this as a global case rather than looking individual planes….. But I can’t figure out a way to show this. Or maybe I should use some other measure…
So, I am confused and no idea to show this.. Please help me…

If you are given the best-fit planes, why not intersect the three of them to get a single unambiguous T, then determine the lines AT, BT, and CT?
This is not a rhetorical question, by the way. Your actual question seems to be for reassurance that your procedure yields "well-fitted" results, but you have not explained or described what kind of fit you're looking for!
Unfortunately, without this information, your question cannot be answered as asked. If you describe your goals, we may be able to help you achieve them -- or, if you have not yet articulated them for yourself, that exercise may be enough to let you answer your own question...
That said, I will mention that the only difference between the planes you started with and the planes your procedure ends up with should be due to floating point error. This is because, geometrically speaking, all three lines should intersect at the same point as the planes that generated them.


Maximum number of points that lie on the same straight straight line in a 2D plane

I am trying to solve a programming interview question that requires one to find the maximum number of points that lie on the same straight straight line in a 2D plane. I have looked up the solutions on the web. All of them discuss a O(N^2) solution using hashing such as the one at this link: Here
I understand the part where common gradient is used to check for co-linear points since that is a common mathematical technique. However, the solution points out that one must beware of vertical lines and overlapping points. I am not sure how these points can cause problems? Can't I just store the gradient of vertical lines as infinity (a large number)?
Three distinct points are collinear if
x_1*(y_2-y_3)+x_2*(y_3-y_1)+x_3*(y_1-y_2) = 0
No need to check for slopes or anything else. You need need to eliminate duplicate points from the set before the search begins though.
So pick a pair of points, and find all other points that are collinear and store them in a list of lines. For the remainder points do the same and then compare which lines have the most points.
The first time around you have n-2 tests. The second time around you have n-4 tests because there is no point on revisiting the first two points. Next time n-6 etc, for a total of n/2 tests. At worst case this results in (n/2)*(n/2-1) operations which is O(n^2) complexity.
PS. Who ever decided the canonical answer is using slopes knows very little about planar geometry. People invented homogeneous coordinates for points and lines in a plane for the exact reason of having to represent vertical lines and other degenerate situations.

How to smooth hand drawn lines?

So I am using Kinect with Unity.
With the Kinect, we detect a hand gesture and when it is active we draw a line on the screen that follows where ever the hand is going. Every update the location is stored as the newest (and last) point in a line. However the lines can often look very choppy.
Here is a general picture that shows what I want to achieve:
With the red being the original line, and the purple being the new smoothed line. If the user suddenly stops and turns direction, we think we want it to not exactly do that but instead have a rapid turn or a loop.
My current solution is using Cubic Bezier, and only using points that are X distance away from each other (with Y points being placed between the two points using Cubic Bezier). However there are two problems with this, amongst others:
1) It often doesn't preserve the curves to the distance outwards the user drew them, for example if the user suddenly stop a line and reverse the direction there is a pretty good chance the line won't extend to point where the user reversed the direction.
2) There is also a chance that the selected "good" point is actually a "bad" random jump point.
So I've thought about other solutions. One including limiting the max angle between points (with 0 degrees being a straight line). However if the point has an angle beyond the limit the math behind lowering the angle while still following the drawn line as best possible seems complicated. But maybe it's not. Either way I'm not sure what to do and looking for help.
Keep in mind this needs to be done in real time as the user is drawing the line.
You can try the Ramer-Douglas-Peucker algorithm to simplify your curve:
It's a simple algorithm, and parameterization is reasonably intuitive. You may use it as a preprocessing step or maybe after one or more other algorithms. In any case it's a good algorithm to have in your toolbox.
Using angles to reject "jump" points may be tricky, as you've seen. One option is to compare the total length of N line segments to the straight-line distance between the extreme end points of that chain of N line segments. You can threshold the ratio of (totalLength/straightLineLength) to identify line segments to be rejected. This would be a quick calculation, and it's easy to understand.
If you want to take line segment lengths and segment-to-segment angles into consideration, you could treat the line segments as vectors and compute the cross product. If you imagine the two vectors as defining a parallelogram, and if knowing the area of the parallegram would be a method to accept/reject a point, then the cross product is another simple and quick calculation.
If you only have a few dozen points, you could randomly eliminate one point at a time, generate your spline fits, and then calculate the point-to-spline distances for all the original points. Given all those point-to-spline distances you can generate a metric (e.g. mean distance) that you'd like to minimize: the best fit would result from eliminating points (Pn, Pn+k, ...) resulting in a spline fit quality S. This technique wouldn't scale well with more points, but it might be worth a try if you break each chain of line segments into groups of maybe half a dozen segments each.
Although it's overkill for this problem, I'll mention that Euler curves can be good fits to "natural" curves. What's nice about Euler curves is that you can generate an Euler curve fit by two points in space and the tangents at those two points in space. The code gets hairy, but Euler curves (a.k.a. aesthetic curves, if I remember correctly) can generate better and/or more useful fits to natural curves than Bezier nth degree splines.

How do I calculate a normal vector based on multiple triangles sharing a vertex?

If I have a mesh of triangles, how does one go about calculating the normals at each given vertex?
I understand how to find the normal of a single triangle. If I have triangles sharing vertices, I can partially find the answer by finding each triangle's respective normal, normalizing it, adding it to the total, and then normalizing the end result. However, this obviously does not take into account proper weighting of each normal (many tiny triangles can throw off the answer when linked with a large triangle, for example).
I think a good method should be using a weighted average but using angles instead of area as weights. This is in my opinion a better answer because the normal you are computing is a "local" feature so you don't really care about how big is the triangle that is contributing... you need a sort of "local" measure of the contribution and the angle between the two sides of the triangle on the specified vertex is such a local measure.
Using this approach a lot of small (thin) triangles doesn't give you an unbalanced answer.
Using angles is the same as using an area-weighted average if you localize the computation by using the intersection of the triangles with a small sphere centered in the vertex.
The weighted average appears to be the best approach.
But be aware that, depending on your application, sharp corners could still give you problems. In that case, you can compute multiple vertex normals by averaging surface normals whose cross product is less than some threshold (i.e., closer to being parallel).
Search for Offset triangular mesh using the multiple normal vectors of a vertex by SJ Kim, et. al., for more details about this method.
This blog post outlines three different methods and gives a visual example of why the standard and simple method (area weighted average of the normals of all the faces joining at the vertex) might sometimes give poor results.
You can give more weight to big triangles by multiplying the normal by the area of the triangle.
Check out this paper: Discrete Differential-Geometry Operators for Triangulated 2-Manifolds.
In particular, the "Discrete Mean Curvature Normal Operator" (Section 3.5, Equation 7) gives a robust normal that is independent of tessellation, unlike the methods in the blog post cited by another answer here.
Obviously you need to use a weighted average to get a correct normal, but using the triangles area won't give you what you need since the area of each triangle has no relationship with the % weight that triangles normal represents for a given vertex.
If you base it on the angle between the two sides coming into the vertex, you should get the correct weight for every triangle coming into it. It might be convenient if you could convert it to 2d somehow so you could go off of a 360 degree base for your weights, but most likely just using the angle itself as your weight multiplier for calculating it in 3d space and then adding up all the normals produced that way and normalizing the final result should produce the correct answer.

Find Lines in a cloud of points

I have an array of Points. I KNOW that these points represent many lines in my page.
How can I find them? Do I need to find the spacing between clouds of points?
Maybe the Hough Transform is what you are looking for? Or a linear regression?
As it turns out the problem is to identify lines inside a list of 2d coordinates I would proceed this way.
A linear regression can only be used for making the best linear adjustment for a set of points, not to detect many lines. Maybe use hough to get roughly the lines, check if many points align on these lines. Have a look at the points left aside. Do they have to belong to a line?
Using an accumulator to determine the lines seems to me a good solution in general but if your points follow some relations, try to adapt the accumulator to it to make it fit better.
The problem definition is not so specific, it is difficult to tell exactly how to proceed. The use of an accumulator for such kind of problems seems a basis to me that must be kept.
At least the problem is interesting!
This is the same as considering what are all the overlapping lines between 2 points.
Go over all point-to-point lines and convert it to a structure that contains:
a) the y intercept
b) the slope
c) the lower x-bound
d) the upper x-bound
Sort by y-intercept and slop.
Now you know that 2 lines can overlap only if they have the same y intercept and the same slope.
For each set of lines with the same y-intercept and slope, check if the x-bounds overlap. If they do then you don't have separate lines, you have 1 line with more than 2 points.
Handle vertical lines as a special case.

Point Sequence Interpolation

Given an arbitrary sequence of points in space, how would you produce a smooth continuous interpolation between them?
2D and 3D solutions are welcome. Solutions that produce a list of points at arbitrary granularity and solutions that produce control points for bezier curves are also appreciated.
Also, it would be cool to see an iterative solution that could approximate early sections of the curve as it received the points, so you could draw with it.
The Catmull-Rom spline is guaranteed to pass through all the control points. I find this to be handier than trying to adjust intermediate control points for other types of splines.
This PDF by Christopher Twigg has a nice brief introduction to the mathematics of the spline. The best summary sentence is:
Catmull-Rom splines have C1
continuity, local control, and
interpolation, but do not lie within
the convex hull of their control
Said another way, if the points indicate a sharp bend to the right, the spline will bank left before turning to the right (there's an example picture in that document). The tightness of those turns in controllable, in this case using his tau parameter in the example matrix.
Here is another example with some downloadable DirectX code.
One way is Lagrange polynominal, which is a method for producing a polynominal which will go through all given data points.
During my first year at university, I wrote a little tool to do this in 2D, and you can find it on this page, it is called Lagrange solver. Wikipedia's page also has a sample implementation.
How it works is thus: you have a n-order polynominal, p(x), where n is the number of points you have. It has the form a_n x^n + a_(n-1) x^(n-1) + ...+ a_0, where _ is subscript, ^ is power. You then turn this into a set of simultaneous equations:
p(x_1) = y_1
p(x_2) = y_2
p(x_n) = y_n
You convert the above into a augmented matrix, and solve for the coefficients a_0 ... a_n. Then you have a polynomial which goes through all the points, and you can now interpolate between the points.
Note however, this may not suit your purpose as it offers no way to adjust the curvature etc - you are stuck with a single solution that can not be changed.
You should take a look at B-splines. Their advantage over Bezier curves is that each part is only dependent on local points. So moving a point has no effect on parts of the curve that are far away, where "far away" is determined by a parameter of the spline.
The problem with the Langrange polynomial is that adding a point can have extreme effects on seemingly arbitrary parts of the curve; there's no "localness" like described above.
Have you looked at the Unix spline command? Can that be coerced into doing what you want?
There are several algorithms for interpolating (and exrapolating) between an aribtrary (but final) set of points. You should check out numerical recipes, they also include C++ implementations of those algorithms.
Unfortunately the Lagrange or other forms of polynomial interpolation will not work on an arbitrary set of points. They only work on a set where in one dimension e.g. x
xi < xi+1
For an arbitary set of points, e.g. an aeroplane flight path, where each point is a (longitude, latitude) pair, you will be better off simply modelling the aeroplane's journey with current longitude & latitude and velocity. By adjusting the rate at which the aeroplane can turn (its angular velocity) depending on how close it is to the next waypoint, you can achieve a smooth curve.
The resulting curve would not be mathematically significant nor give you bezier control points. However the algorithm would be computationally simple regardless of the number of waypoints and could produce an interpolated list of points at arbitrary granularity. It would also not require you provide the complete set of points up front, you could simply add waypoints to the end of the set as required.
I came up with the same problem and implemented it with some friends the other day. I like to share the example project on github.
Feel free to fork it.
Google "orthogonal regression".
Whereas least-squares techniques try to minimize vertical distance between the fit line and each f(x), orthogonal regression minimizes the perpendicular distances.
In the presence of noisy data, the venerable RANSAC algorithm is worth checking out too.
In the 3D graphics world, NURBS are popular. Further info is easily googled.
