I have successfully added information to shapefiles before (see my post on http://rusergroup.swansea.ac.uk/Healthmap.ashx?HL=map ).
However, I just tried to do it again with a slightly different shapefile (new local health boards for Wales) and the code fails at spCbind with a "row names not identical error"
o <- match(wales.lonlat$NEW_LABEL, wds$HB_CD)
wds.xtra <- wds[o,]
wales.ncchd <- spCbind(wales.lonlat, wds.xtra)
My rows did have different names before and that didn't cause any problems. I relabeled the column in wds.xtra to match "NEW_LABEL" and that doesn't help.
The labels and order of labels do match exactly between wales.lonlat and wds.xtra.
(I'm using Revolution R 5.0, which is built on R 2.13.2)
I use match to merge data to the sp data slot based on rownames (or any other common ID). This avoids the necessity of maptools for the spCbind function.
# Based on rownames
sdata#data=data.frame(sdata#data, new.df[match(rownames(sdata#data), rownames(new.df)),])
# Based on common ID
sdata#data=data.frame(sdata#data, new.df[match(sdata#data$ID, new.df$ID),])
# where; sdata is your sp object and new.df is a data.frame object that you want to merge to sdata.
I had the same error and could resolve it by deleting all other data, which were not actually to be added. I suppose, they confused spCbind because the matching wanted to match all row-elements, not only the one given. In my example, I used
xtra2 <- data.frame(xtra$ID_3, xtra$COMPANY)
to extract the relevant fields and fed them to spCbind afterwards
gadm <- spCbind(gadm, xtra2)
I am once again asking for your help and guidance! Super duper novice here so I apologize in advance for not explaining things properly or my general lack of knowledge for something that feels like it should be easy to do.
I have sets of compounds in one "master" list that need to be separated into smaller list. I want to be able to do this with a "for loop" or some iterative function so I am not changing the numbers for each list. I want to separate the compounds based off of the column "Run.Number" (there are 21 Run.Numbers)
Step 1: Load the programs needed and open File containing "Master List"
# tMSMS List separation
#Load library packages
library(readr) #loading the csv's
library(dplyr) #data manipulation
library(magrittr) #forward pipe
library(openxlsx) #open excel sheets
library(Rcpp) #got this from an error code while trying to open excel sheets
#STEP 1: open file
S1_MasterList<- read.xlsx("/Users/owner/Documents/Research/Yurok/Bioassay/Bioassay Data/220410_tMSMS_neg_R.xlsx")
Step 2: Currently, to go through each list, I have to change the "i" value for each iteration. And I also must change the name manually (Ctrl+F), by replacing "S2_Export_1" with "S2_Export_2" and so on as I move from list to list. Also, when making the smaller list, there are a handful of columns containing data that need to be removed from the “Master List”. The specific format of column names are so it will be compatible with LC-MS software. This list is saved as a .csv file, again for compatibility with LC-MS software
#STEP 2: Iterative
#Replace: S2_Export_1
(S2_Separate<- S1_MasterList[which(S1_MasterList$Run.Number == i), ])
(colnames(S2_Export_1)<-c("On", "Prec. m/z", "Z","Ret. Time (min)", "Delta Ret. Time (min)", "Iso. Width", "Collision Energy"))
(write.csv(S2_Export_1, "/Users/owner/Documents/Research/Yurok/Bioassay/Bioassay Data/Runs/220425_neg_S2_Export_1.csv", row.names = FALSE))
Results: The output should look like this image provided below, and for this one particular data frame called "Master List", there should be 21 smaller data frames. I also want the data frames to be named S2_Export_1, S2_Export_2, S2_Export_3, S2_Export_4, etc.
First, select only required columns (consider processing/renaming non-syntactic names first to avoid extra work downstream):
s1_sub <- select(S1_MasterList, Sample.Number, On, `Prec..m/z`, Z,
`Ret..Time.(min)`, `Delta.Ret..Time.(min)`,
Iso..Width, Collision.Energy)
Then split s1_sub into a list of dataframes with split()
s1_split <- split(s1_sub, s1_sub$Sample.Number)
Finally, name the resulting list of dataframes with setNames():
s1_split <- setNames(s1_split, paste0("S2_export_", seq_along(s1_split))
I'm currently working on a dataset which has an address and a zip code column. I'm trying to deal with the invalid/missing data in zip code by finding a different record with same address, and then filling the corresponding zip code to the invalid zip code. What would be the best approach to go about doing this?
Step 1. Using the non-missing addresses and zip codes construct a dictionary
data frame of sorts. For example, in a data frame "df" with an "address"
column and a "zip_code" column, you could get this via:
zip_dictionary <- na.omit(select(df, address, zip_code))
zip_dictionary <- distinct(zip_dictionary)
This assumes there is only one unique value of "zip_code" for each "address"
in your data. If not, you need to figure out which value to use and filter or
recode it accordingly.
Step 2. Install the {elucidate} package from GitHub and use the translate()
function to fill in the missing zip codes using the extracted dictionary from
step 1:
df <- df %>%
mutate(zip_code = if_else(is.na(zip_code),
old = zip_dictionary$address,
new = zip_dictionary$zip_code)
disclaimer: I am the author of the {elucidate} package
I'm working with a feature class dataset extracted from a geodatabase, which I've filtered to my area of interest and intersected with a SpatialPointsDataFrame. In order to export it to a shapefile with WriteOGR I need to format the attribute names and I also want to only select specific columns to export in my final shapefile. I have been running into a lot of errors using standard select or base R subletting techniques. For some reason R doesn't seem to recognize the column names when I try to select. I've tried lots of different methods and can't figure out where I'm going wrong.
+ select(STATEFP,DP2_HC03_V, DP2_HC03V.1)
Error in tolower(use) : object 'STATEFP' not found```
# create a spatial join between bf_pop and or_acs
#check CRS
```crsbf <- bf_pop#proj4string```
# change acs CRS to match bf_pop
```oracs_reprj <- spTransform(or_acs, crsbf)```
# join by spatial attributes
```bf_int <- raster::intersect(bf_pop, oracs_reprj)```
#truncate field names to 10 characters for ESRI formatting
```names(bf_int) <- strtrim(names(bf_int),10)```
#remove duplicates from attribute table
```bfcln <- bf_int[which(!duplicated(bf_int$id)), ]```
After failing with the select() method multiple times, I tried renaming columns.
# rename variables of interest
```bfcln1 <-bfcln%>%
Error in tolower(use) : object 'DP2_HC03_V' not found```
To rename spatial files you'll need to install the package spdplyr.
Similarly to dplyr, you'd do:
df <- df %>%
rename(newName = oldName)
Using leaflet, I'm trying to plot some lines and set their color based on a 'speed' variable. My data start at an encoded polyline level (i.e. a series of lat/long points, encoded as an alphanumeric string) with a single speed value for each EPL.
I'm able to decode the polylines to get lat/long series of (thanks to Max, here) and I'm able to create segments from those series of points and format them as a SpatialLines object (thanks to Kyle Walker, here).
My problem: I can plot the lines properly using leaflet, but I can't join the SpatialLines object to the base data to create a SpatialLinesDataFrame, and so I can't code the line color based on the speed var. I suspect the issue is that the IDs I'm assigning SL segments aren't matching to those present in the base df.
The objects I've tried to join, with SpatialLinesDataFrame():
"sl_object", a SpatialLines object with ~140 observations, one for each segment; I'm using Kyle's code, linked above, with one key change - instead of creating an arbitrary iterative ID value for each segment, I'm pulling the associated ID from my base data. (Or at least I'm trying to.) So, I've replaced:
id <- paste0("line", as.character(p))
lguy <- data.frame(paths[[p]][1])
id <- unique(lguy[,1])
"speed_object", a df with ~140 observations of a single speed var and row.names set to the same id var that I thought I created in the SL object above. (The number of observations will never exceed but may be smaller than the number of segments in the SL object.)
My joining code:
splndf <- SpatialLinesDataFrame(sl = sl_object, data = speed_object)
And the result:
row.names of data and Lines IDs do not match
Thanks, all. I'm posting this in part because I've seen some similar questions - including some referring specifically to changing the ID output of Kyle's great tool - and haven't been able to find a good answer.
EDIT: Including data samples.
From sl_obj, a single segment:
Slot "ID":
[1] "4763655"
An object of class "Lines"
Slot "Lines":
An object of class "Line"
Slot "coords":
lon lat
1955 -74.05228 40.60397
1956 -74.05021 40.60465
1957 -74.04182 40.60737
1958 -74.03997 40.60795
1959 -74.03919 40.60821
And the corresponding record from speed_obj:
row.names speed
... ...
4763657 44.74
4763655 34.8 # this one matches the ID above
4616250 57.79
... ...
To get rid of this error message, either make the row.names of data and Lines IDs match by preparing sl_object and/or speed_object, or, in case you are certain that they should be matched in the order they appear, use
splndf <- SpatialLinesDataFrame(sl = sl_object, data = speed_object, match.ID = FALSE)
This is documented in ?SpatialLinesDataFrame.
All right, I figured it out. The error wasn't liking the fact that my speed_obj wasn't the same length as my sl_obj, as mentioned here. ("data =
object of class data.frame; the number of rows in data should equal the number of Lines elements in sl)
Resolution: used a quick loop to pull out all of the unique lines IDs, then performed a left join against that list of uniques to create an exhaustive speed_obj (with NAs, which seem to be OK).
ids <- data.frame()
for (i in (1:length(sl_obj))) {
id <- data.frame(sl_obj#lines[[i]]#ID)
ids <- rbind(ids, id)
colnames(ids)[1] <- "linkId"
speed_full <- join(ids, speed_obj)
speed_full_short <- data.frame(speed_obj[,c(-1)])
row.names(speed_full_short) <- speed_full$linkId
splndf <- SpatialLinesDataFrame(sl_obj, data = speed_full_short, match.ID = T)
Works fine now!
I may have deciphered the issue.
When I am pulling in my spatial lines data and I check the class it reads as
"Spatial Lines Data Frame" even though I know it's a simple linear shapefile, I'm using readOGR to bring the data in and I believe this is where the conversion is occurring. With that in mind the speed assignment is relatively easy.
sl_object$speed <- speed_object[ match( sl_object$ID , row.names( speed_object ) ) , "speed" ]
This should do the trick, as I'm willing to bet your class(sl_object) is "Spatial Lines Data Frame".
EDIT: I had received the same error as OP, driving me to check class()
I am under the impression that the error that was populated for you is because you were trying to coerce a data frame into a data frame and R wasn't a fan of that.
hope i get everything together for this problem. first time for me and it's a little bit tricky to describe.
I want to add some attributes to a dbf file and save it afterwards for use in qgis. its about elections and the data are the votes from the 11 parties in absolute and relative values. I use the shapefiles package for this, but also tried it simply with foreign.
my system: RStudio 0.97.311, R 2.15.2, shapefile 0.7, foreign 0.8-52, ubuntu 12.04
try #1 => no problems
shpDistricts <- read.shapefile(filename)
shpDataDistricts <- shpDistricts$dbf[[1]]
shpDataDistricts <- shpDataDistricts[, -c(3, 4, 5)] # delete some columns
shpDistricts$dbf[[1]] <- shpDataDistricts
write.shapefile(shpDistricts, filename))
try #2 => "error in get("write.dbf", "package:foreign")(dbf$dbf, out.name) : cannot handle matrix/array columns"
shpDistricts <- read.shapefile(filename)
shpDataDistricts <- shpDistricts$dbf[[1]]
shpDataDistricts <- shpDataDistricts[, -c(3, 4, 5)] # delete some columns
shpDataDistricts <- cbind(shpDataDistricts, votesDistrict[, 2]) # add a new column
names(shpDataDistricts)[5] <- "SPOE"
shpDistricts$dbf[[1]] <- shpDataDistricts
write.shapefile(shpDistricts, filename))
the write function returns "error in get("write.dbf", "package:foreign")(dbf$dbf, out.name) : cannot handle matrix/array columns"
so by simply adding a column (integer) to the data.frame, the write.dbf function isn't able to write out anymore. am now debugging for 3 hours on this simple issue. tried it with shapefiles package via opening shapefile and dbf file, all the time the same problem.
When i use the foreign package directly (read.dbf).
if i save the dbf-file without the voting data (only with the small adapations from step 1+2), it's no problem. It must have to do with the merge with the voting data.
I got the same error message ("error in get("write.dbf"...) while working with shapefiles in R using rgdal. I added a column to the shapefile, then tried to save the output and got the error. I was added the column to the shapefile as a dataframe, when I converted it to a factor via as.factor() the error went away.
shapefile$column <- as.factor(additional.column)
writePolyShape(shapefile, filename)
The problem is that write.dbf cannot write a dataframe into an attribute table. So I try to changed it to character data.
My initial wrong code was:
colnames(d1)<-c("county") #using rbind should give them same column name
dbfdata$county <- county
write.dbf(dbfdata, "PANY_animals_84.dbf") **##doesn't work**
##Error in write.dbf(dataname, ".bdf")cannot handle matrix/array columns
Then I changed everything to character, it works! right code is:
dbfdata$county <- county
write.dbf(dbfdata, "filename")
Hope it helps!