How to get rid of funcall in common lisp - common-lisp

According to this document:
(defun adder (n)
(lambda (x) (+ x n)))
(funcall (adder 12) 1)
I have to use funcall to call (adder 12), And it is very ignoring to write funcall over and over, is there any way to write code like it in scheme:
((adder 12) 1)

No. There is none.
You can also see it as a feature: it makes calls of function objects explicit and improves understandability of source code.

However, you could use something like this (not sure why would you, but the number of characters typed would be the same as it is in Scheme):
#'(lambda (stream char)
(declare (ignore char))
(set-syntax-from-char #\] #\;)
(let ((forms (read-delimited-list #\] stream t)))
(set-syntax-from-char #\] #\x)
(append '(funcall) forms))))
(defun adder (n)
#'(lambda (x) (+ x n)))
(format t "sum: ~s~&" [(adder 12) #x128]) ;; 308
This may give you some problems if you will encounter a variable name with brackets in it. Sure, using it is up to you, consider yourself warned.


how do I pass a list to a common lisp macro?

I am trying to compare the performance of a function and a macro.
EDIT: Why do I want to compare the two?
Paul Graham wrote in his ON LISP book that macros can be used to make a system more efficient because a lot of the computation can be done at compile time. so in the example below (length args) is dealt with at compile time in the macro case and at run time in the function case. So, I just wanted how much faster did (avg2 super-list) get computed relative to (avg super-list).
Here is the function and the macro:
(defun avg (args)
(/ (apply #'+ args) (length args)))
(defmacro avg2 (args)
`(/ (+ ,#args) ,(length args)))
I have looked at this question How to pass a list to macro in common lisp? and a few other ones but they do not help because their solutions do not work; for example, in one of the questions a user answered by saying to do this:
(avg2 (2 3 4 5))
instead of this:
(avg2 '(2 3 4))
This works but I want a list containg 100,000 items:
(defvar super-list (loop for i from 1 to 100000 collect i))
But this doesnt work.
So, how can I pass super-list to avg2?
First of all, it simply makes no sense to 'compare the performance of a function and a macro'. It only makes sense to compare the performance of the expansion of a macro with a function. So that's what I'll do.
Secondly, it only makes sense to compare the performance of a function with the expansion of a macro if that macro is equivalent to the function. In other words the only places this comparison is useful is where the macro is being used as a hacky way of inlining a function. It doesn't make sense to compare the performance of something which a function can't express, like if or and say. So we must rule out all the interesting uses of macros.
Thirdly it makes no sense to compare the performance of things which are broken: it is very easy to make programs which do not work be as fast as you like. So I'll successively modify both your function and macro so they're not broken.
Fourthly it makes no sense to compare the performance of things which use algorithms which are gratuitously terrible, so I'll modify both your function and your macro to use better algrorithms.
Finally it makes no sense to compare the performance of things without using the tools the language provides to encourage good performance, so I will do that as the last step.
So let's address the third point above: let's see how avg (and therefore avg2) is broken.
Here's the broken definition of avg from the question:
(defun avg (args)
(/ (apply #'+ args) (length args)))
So let's try it:
> (let ((l (make-list 1000000 :initial-element 0)))
(avg l))
Error: Last argument to apply is too long: 1000000
Oh dear, as other people have pointed out. So probably I need instead to make avg at least work. As other people have, again, pointed out, the way to do this is reduce:
(defun avg (args)
(/ (reduce #'+ args) (length args)))
And now a call to avg works, at least. avg is now non-buggy.
We need to make avg2 non-buggy as well. Well, first of all the (+ ,#args) thing is a non-starter: args is a symbol at macroexpansion time, not a list. So we could try this (apply #'+ ,args) (the expansion of the macro is now starting to look a bit like the body of the function, which is unsurprising!). So given
(defmacro avg2 (args)
`(/ (apply #'+ ,args) (length ,args)))
We get
> (let ((l (make-list 1000000 :initial-element 0)))
(avg2 l))
Error: Last argument to apply is too long: 1000000
OK, unsurprising again. let's fix it to use reduce again:
(defmacro avg2 (args)
`(/ (reduce #'+ ,args) (length ,args)))
So now it 'works'. Except it doesn't: it's not safe. Look at this:
> (macroexpand-1 '(avg2 (make-list 1000000 :initial-element 0)))
(/ (reduce #'+ (make-list 1000000 :initial-element 0))
(length (make-list 1000000 :initial-element 0)))
That definitely is not right: it will be enormously slow but also it will just be buggy. We need to fix the multiple-evaluation problem.
(defmacro avg2 (args)
`(let ((r ,args))
(/ (reduce #'+ r) (length r))))
This is safe in all sane cases. So this is now a reasonably safe 70s-style what-I-really-want-is-an-inline-function macro.
So, let's write a test-harness both for avg and avg2. You will need to recompile av2 each time you change avg2 and in fact you'll need to recompile av1 for a change we're going to make to avg as well. Also make sure everything is compiled!
(defun av0 (l)
(defun av1 (l)
(avg l))
(defun av2 (l)
(avg2 l))
(defun test-avg-avg2 (nelements niters)
;; Return time per call in seconds per iteration per element
(let* ((l (make-list nelements :initial-element 0))
(lo (let ((start (get-internal-real-time)))
(dotimes (i niters (- (get-internal-real-time) start))
(av0 l)))))
(let ((start (get-internal-real-time)))
(dotimes (i niters (float (/ (- (get-internal-real-time) start lo)
nelements niters)))
(av1 l)))
(let ((start (get-internal-real-time)))
(dotimes (i niters (float (/ (- (get-internal-real-time) start lo)
nelements niters)))
(av2 l))))))
So now we can test various combinations.
OK, so now the fouth point: both avg and avg2 use awful algorithms: they traverse the list twice. Well we can fix this:
(defun avg (args)
(loop for i in args
for c upfrom 0
summing i into s
finally (return (/ s c))))
and similarly
(defmacro avg2 (args)
`(loop for i in ,args
for c upfrom 0
summing i into s
finally (return (/ s c))))
These changes made a performance difference of about a factor of 4 for me.
OK so now the final point: we should use the tools the language gives us. As has been clear throughout this whole exercise only make sense if you're using a macro as a poor-person's inline function, as people had to do in the 1970s.
But it's not the 1970s any more: we have inline functions.
(declaim (inline avg))
(defun avg (args)
(loop for i in args
for c upfrom 0
summing i into s
finally (return (/ s c))))
And now you will have to make sure you recompile avg and then av1. And when I look at av1 and av2 I can now see that they are the same code: the entire purpose of avg2 has now gone.
Indeed we can do even better than this:
(define-compiler-macro avg (&whole form l &environment e)
;; I can't imagine what other constant forms there might be in this
;; context, but, well, let's be safe
(if (and (constantp l e)
(listp l)
(eql (first l) 'quote))
(avg (second l))
Now we have something which:
has the semantics of a function, so, say (funcall #'avg ...) will work;
isn't broken;
uses a non-terrible algorithm;
will be inlined on any competent implementation of the language (which I bet is 'all implementations' now) when it can be;
will detect (some?) cases where it can be compiled completely away and replaced by a compile-time constant.
Since the value of super-list is known, one can do all computation at macro expansion time:
(eval-when (:execute :compile-toplevel :load-toplevel)
(defvar super-list (loop for i from 1 to 100000 collect i)))
(defmacro avg2 (args)
(setf args (eval args))
(/ (reduce #'+ args) (length args)))
(defun test ()
(avg2 super-list))
Trying the compiled code:
CL-USER 10 > (time (test))
Timing the evaluation of (TEST)
User time = 0.000
System time = 0.000
Elapsed time = 0.000
Allocation = 0 bytes
0 Page faults
Thus the runtime is near zero.
The generated code is just a number, the result number:
CL-USER 11 > (macroexpand '(avg2 super-list))
Thus for known input this macro call in compiled code has a constant runtime of near zero.
I don't think you really want a list of 100,000 items. That would have terrible performance with all that cons'ing. You should consider a vector instead, e.g.
(avg2 #(2 3 4))
You didn't mention why it didn't work; if the function never returns, it's likely a memory issue from such a large list, or attempting to apply on such a large function argument list; there are implementation defined limits on how many arguments you can pass to a function.
Try reduce on a super-vector instead:
(reduce #'+ super-vector)

Space complexity of streams in Scheme

I am reading Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (SICP) and would like to make sure that my thinking is correct.
Consider the following simple stream using the recursive definition:
(define (integers-starting-from n)
(cons-stream n (integers-starting-from (+ n 1))))
(define ints (integers-starting-from 1))
(car (cdr-stream (cdr-stream (cdr-stream (cdr-stream ints)))))
If we adopt the implementation in SICP, whenever we cons-stream, we are effectively consing a variable and a lambda function (for delayed evaluation). So as we cdr-stream along this stream, nested lambda functions are created and a chain of frames is stored for the evaluation of lambda functions. Those frames are necessary since lambda functions evaluate expressions and find them in the enclosing frame. Therefore, I suppose that in order to evaluate the n-th element of the stream, you need to store n extra frames that take up linear space.
This is different from the behavior of iterators in other languages. If you need to go far down the stream, much space will be taken. Of course, it is possible to only keep the direct enclosing frame and throw away all the other ancestral frames. Is this what the actual scheme implementation does?
Short answer, yes, under the right circumstances the directly enclosing environment is thrown away.
I don't think this would happen in the case of (car (cdr-stream (cdr-stream (cdr-stream (... but if you instead look at stream-refin sect. 3.5.1:
(define (stream-ref s n)
(if (= n 0)
(stream-car s)
(stream-ref (stream-cdr s) (- n 1))))
and if you temporarily forget what you know about environment frames but think back to Chapter 1 and the disussion of recursive vs iterative processes, then this is a iterative process because the last line of the body is a call back to the same function.
So perhaps your question could be restated as: "Given what I know now about the environmental model of evaluation, how do iterative processes use constant space?"
As you say it's because the ancestral frames are thrown away. Exactly how this happens is covered later in the book in chapter 5, e.g., sect. 4.2 "Sequence Evaluation and Tail Recursion", or if you like the videos of the lectures, in lecture 9b.
A significant part of Chapter 4 and Chapter 5 covers the details necessary to answer this question explicitly. Or as the authors put it, to dispel the magic.
I think it's worth pointing out that the analysis of space usage in cases like this is not always quite simple.
For instance here is a completely naïve implementation of force & delay in Racket:
(define-syntax-rule (delay form)
(λ () form))
(define (force p)
And we can build enough of something a bit compatible with SICP streams to be dangerous on this:
(define-syntax-rule (cons-stream kar kdr)
;; Both car & cdr can be delayed: why not? I think the normal thing is
;; just to delay the cdr
(cons (delay kar) (delay kdr)))
(define (stream-car s)
(force (car s)))
(define (stream-cdr s)
(force (cdr s)))
(define (stream-nth s n)
(if (zero? n)
(stream-car s)
(stream-nth (stream-cdr s) (- n 1))))
(Note there is lots missing here because I am lazy.)
And on that we can build streams of integers:
(define (integers-starting-from n)
(cons-stream n (integers-starting-from (+ n 1))))
And now we can try this:
(define naturals (integers-starting-from 0))
(stream-nth naturals 10000000)
And this last thing returns 10000000, after a little while. And we can call it several times and we get the same answer each time.
But our implementation of promises sucks: forcing a promise makes it do work each time we force it, and we'd like to do it once. Instead we could memoize our promises so that doesn't happen, like this (this is probably not thread-safe: it could be made so):
(define-syntax-rule (delay form)
(let ([thunk/value (λ () form)]
[forced? #f])
(λ ()
(if forced?
(let ([value (thunk/value)])
(set! thunk/value value)
(set! forced? #t)
All the rest of the code is the same.
Now, when you call (stream-nth naturals 10000000) you are probably going to have a fairly bad time: in particular you'll likely run out of memory.
The reason you're going to have a bad time is two things:
there's a reference to the whole stream in the form of naturals;
the fancy promises are memoizing their values, which are the whole tail of the stream.
What this means is that, as you walk down the stream you use up increasing amounts of memory until you run out: the space complexity of the program goes like the size of the argument to stream-nth in the last line.
The problem here is that delay is trying to be clever in a way which is unhelpful in this case. In particular if you think of streams as objects you traverse generally once, then memoizing them is just useless: you've carefully remembered a value which you will never use again.
The versions of delay & force provided by Racket memoize, and will also use enormous amounts of memory in this case.
You can avoid this either by not memoizing, or by being sure never to hold onto the start of the stream so the GC can pick it up. In particular this program
(define (silly-nth-natural n)
(define naturals (integers-starting-from 0))
(stream-nth naturals n))
will not use space proportional to n, because once the first tail call to stream-nth is made there is nothing holding onto the start of the stream any more.
Another approach is to make the memoized value be only weakly held, so that if the system gets desperate it can drop it. Here's a hacky and mostly untested implementation of that (this is very Racket-specific):
(define-syntax-rule (delay form)
;; a version of delay which memoizes weakly
(let ([thunk (λ () form)]
[value-box #f])
(λ ()
(if value-box
;; the promise has been forced
(let ([value-maybe (weak-box-value value-box value-box)])
;; two things that can't be in the box are the thunk
;; or the box itself, since we made those ourselves
(if (eq? value-maybe value-box)
;; the value has been GCd
(let ([value (thunk)])
(set! value-box (make-weak-box value))
;; the value is good
;; the promise has not yet been forced
(let ((value (thunk)))
(set! value-box (make-weak-box value))
I suspect that huge numbers of weak boxes may make the GC do a lot of work.
"nested lambda functions are created"
nope. There is no nested scope. In
(define integers-starting-from
(lambda (n)
(cons-stream n (integers-starting-from (+ n 1)))))
the argument to the nested call to integers-starting-from in the (integers-starting-from (+ n 1)) form, the expression (+ n 1), refers to the binding of n in the original call to (integers-starting-from n), but (+ n 1) is evaluated before the call is made.
Scheme is an eager programming language, not a lazy one.
Thus the lambda inside the result of cons-stream holds a reference to the call frame, yes, but there is no nesting of environments. The value is already obtained before the new lambda is created and returned as part of the next cons cell representing the stream's next state.
(define ints (integers-starting-from 1))
(define ints (let ((n 1))
(cons-stream n (integers-starting-from (+ n 1)))))
(define ints (let ((n 1))
(cons n (lambda () (integers-starting-from (+ n 1))))))
and the call proceeds
(car (cdr-stream (cdr-stream ints)))
(let* ((ints (let ((n 1))
(cons n
(lambda () (integers-starting-from (+ n 1))))))
(cdr-ints ((cdr ints)))
(cdr-cdr-ints ((cdr cdr-ints)))
(res (car cdr-cdr-ints)))
(let* ((ints (let ((n 1))
(cons n
(lambda () (integers-starting-from (+ n 1))))))
(cdr-ints ((cdr ints))
((let ((n 1))
(lambda () (integers-starting-from (+ n 1)))))
(integers-starting-from 2) ;; args before calls!
(let ((n 2))
(cons n
(lambda () (integers-starting-from (+ n 1)))))
(cdr-cdr-ints ((cdr cdr-ints)))
(res (car cdr-cdr-ints)))
(let* ((ints (let ((n 1))
(cons n
(lambda () (integers-starting-from (+ n 1))))))
(cdr-ints (let ((n 2))
(cons n
(lambda () (integers-starting-from (+ n 1))))))
(cdr-cdr-ints (let ((n 3))
(cons n
(lambda () (integers-starting-from (+ n 1))))))
(res (car cdr-cdr-ints)))
So there is no nested lambdas here. Not even a chain of lambdas, because the implementation is non-memoizing. The values for cdr-ints and cdr-cdr-ints are ephemeral, liable to be garbage-collected while the 3rd element is being calculated. Nothing holds any reference to them.
Thus getting the nth element is done in constant space modulo garbage, since all the interim O(n) space entities are eligible to be garbage collected.
In (one possible) memoizing implementation, each lambda would be actually replaced by its result in the cons cell, and there'd be a chain of three -- still non-nested -- lambdas, congruent to an open-ended list
(1 . (2 . (3 . <procedure-to-go-next>)))
In programs which do not hold on to the top entry of such chains, all the interim conses would be eligible for garbage collection as well.
One such example, even with the non-memoizing SICP streams, is the sieve of Eratosthenes. Its performance characteristics are consistent with no memory retention of the prefix portions of its internal streams.

Why are this list's contents retained between function calls? [duplicate]

Could someone explain to me what's going on in this very simple code snippet?
(defun test-a ()
(let ((x '(nil)))
(setcar x (cons 1 (car x)))
Upon a calling (test-a) for the first time, I get the expected result: ((1)).
But to my surprise, calling it once more, I get ((1 1)), ((1 1 1)) and so on.
Why is this happening? Am I wrong to expect (test-a) to always return ((1))?
Also note that after re-evaluating the definition of test-a, the return result resets.
Also consider that this function works as I expect:
(defun test-b ()
(let ((x '(nil)))
(setq x (cons (cons 1 (car x))
(cdr x)))))
(test-b) always returns ((1)).
Why aren't test-a and test-b equivalent?
The Bad
test-a is self-modifying code. This is extremely dangerous. While the variable x disappears at the end of the let form, its initial value persists in the function object, and that is the value you are modifying. Remember that in Lisp a function is a first class object, which can be passed around (just like a number or a list), and, sometimes, modified. This is exactly what you are doing here: the initial value for x is a part of the function object and you are modifying it.
Let us actually see what is happening:
(symbol-function 'test-a)
=> (lambda nil (let ((x (quote (nil)))) (setcar x (cons 1 (car x))) x))
=> ((1))
(symbol-function 'test-a)
=> (lambda nil (let ((x (quote ((1))))) (setcar x (cons 1 (car x))) x))
=> ((1 1))
(symbol-function 'test-a)
=> (lambda nil (let ((x (quote ((1 1))))) (setcar x (cons 1 (car x))) x))
=> ((1 1 1))
(symbol-function 'test-a)
=> (lambda nil (let ((x (quote ((1 1 1))))) (setcar x (cons 1 (car x))) x))
The Good
test-b returns a fresh cons cell and thus is safe. The initial value of x is never modified. The difference between (setcar x ...) and (setq x ...) is that the former modifies the object already stored in the variable x while the latter stores a new object in x. The difference is similar to x.setField(42) vs. x = new MyObject(42) in C++.
The Bottom Line
In general, it is best to treat quoted data like '(1) as constants - do not modify them:
quote returns the argument, without evaluating it. (quote x) yields x.
Warning: quote does not construct its return value, but just returns
the value that was pre-constructed by the Lisp reader (see info node
Printed Representation). This means that (a . b) is not
identical to (cons 'a 'b): the former does not cons. Quoting should
be reserved for constants that will never be modified by side-effects,
unless you like self-modifying code. See the common pitfall in info
node Rearrangement for an example of unexpected results when
a quoted object is modified.
If you need to modify a list, create it with list or cons or copy-list instead of quote.
See more examples.
PS1. This has been duplicated on Emacs.
PS2. See also Why does this function return a different value every time? for an identical Common Lisp issue.
I found the culprit is indeed 'quote. Here's its doc-string:
Return the argument, without evaluating it.
Warning: `quote' does not construct its return value, but just returns
the value that was pre-constructed by the Lisp reader
Quoting should be reserved for constants that will
never be modified by side-effects, unless you like self-modifying code.
I also rewrote for convenience
(setq test-a
(lambda () ((lambda (x) (setcar x (cons 1 (car x))) x) (quote (nil)))))
and then used
(funcall test-a)
to see how 'test-a was changing.
It looks like the '(nil) in your (let) is only evaluated once. When you (setcar), each call is modifying the same list in-place. You can make (test-a) work if you replace the '(nil) with (list (list)), although I presume there's a more elegant way to do it.
(test-b) constructs a totally new list from cons cells each time, which is why it works differently.

Brainf**k implemented in Common Lisp

I tried implementing Brainf**k in Common Lisp, SBCL. I have encountered some problems.
(defparameter *tape* (make-array '(1) :adjustable t))
(defparameter *pointer* 0)
(defparameter *tape-size* 1)
(defparameter *output* (make-array '(0) :element-type 'base-char :fill-pointer 0 :adjustable t))
(defun move-pointer-right (a b)
(declare (ignore a))
(declare (ignore b))
(incf *tape-size*)
(adjust-array *tape* (list *tape-size*))
(incf *pointer*)))
(defun move-pointer-left (a b)
(declare (ignore a))
(declare (ignore b))
'(progn (decf *pointer*)))
(defun increment-byte (a b)
(declare (ignore a))
(declare (ignore b))
'(incf (aref *tape* *pointer*)))
(defun decrement-byte (a b)
(declare (ignore a))
(declare (ignore b))
'(decf (aref *tape* *pointer*)))
(defun start-loop (stream ch)
(declare (ignore ch))
(let ((loop-body (read-delimited-list #\] stream t)))
`(loop :until (zerop (aref *tape* *pointer*))
:do ,#loop-body)))
(defun print-one-char (a b)
(declare (ignore a))
(declare (ignore b))
'(with-output-to-string (s *output*) (write-char (code-char (aref *tape* *pointer*)) s)))
(defun read-one-char (a b)
(declare (ignore a))
(declare (ignore b))
'(setf (aref *tape* *pointer*) (char-code (read-char *standard-input*))))
(defun flush-output (a b)
(declare (ignore a))
(declare (ignore b))
'(progn *output*))
(defun reset-me (a b)
(declare (ignore a))
(declare (ignore b))
(setf *output* (make-array '(0) :element-type 'base-char :fill-pointer 0 :adjustable t))
(adjust-array *tape* '(1))
(setf (aref *tape* 0) 0)
(setf *pointer* 0)))
(set-macro-character #\< #'move-pointer-left)
(set-macro-character #\> #'move-pointer-right)
(set-macro-character #\+ #'increment-byte)
(set-macro-character #\[ #'start-loop)
(set-macro-character #\= #'flush-output)
(set-macro-character #\. #'print-one-char)
(set-macro-character #\, #'read-one-char)
(set-macro-character #\! #'reset-me)
(set-macro-character #\- #'decrement-byte)
input doesn't work
I am not sure whether nested loops would work because "[" reads to "]" and if you try "[/commands[/more]/dubious]" I don't how /dubious could be loaded with this methods.
I tried "++[->+>+<<]". As far as I know array should have: "0 2 2" but I got "0 2 0" instead. I conclude something is deeply wrong.
I am getting a lot of warnings from SBCL - it would be better to not have them:/
Is there a quick way to output all generated code (returned from functions such as "move-pointer-right") to file?
output is saved in one string to be printed at "=" command. I did it, because other operations were printing a lot of useless things to standard output. It is not a big problem for me - it seems easy to imagine just printing to file, instead of this workaround.
I am sorry for possible mistakes in my English.
Edit: I edited code (again - thank you for help, Sylwester). Everything but input seems to work.
As for input: I used read-char, but it doesn't work the way I want it. For example ,D inputs "D". I would like to redo it so it stops evaluation at each , and waits for user input.
Question: Is there an alternative to progn that does not return values (I want to just evaluate but not return)? For example (what-i-look-for (setf a 1) 1 2) sets a to 1 but does not return 2.
Without knowing too much about how you think its supposed to work you need to define tape, pointer and output as global variables, preferrably with *earmuffs* so that you can see they are globals.
(defparameter *tape* (make-array '(1) :adjustable t))
Then I noticed > extends the *tape* with a default element nil. Thus for every > you do you should set it to 0 if it's not true (every value is true except nil) It also seem to think that pointer is always at the end of the tape. When doing >>>++++<<< the element with 4 in it is long gone.
loop-body is a global variable. You should have used let here to not clobber package level variables. You use loopwrong. See examples in Loop for black belts. Eg.
(defun start-loop (stream ch)
(declare (ignore ch))
(let ((loop-body (read-delimited-list #\] stream t)))
`(loop :until (zerop (aref *tape* *pointer*))
:do ,#loop-body)))
Notice the declare there that tells Common Lisp to ignore ch not being used. The nesting is done automatically since read-deliited-list calls start-loop at a new [.
print-one-char doesn't add the char based on the ascii value but adds it as a number. Also usually it's common to print right away in BF so print-char might be better. You can print to a string input stream if you want to continue keeping it in memory until you press =.
read reads lisp data. Thus you would need to give it #\a instead of an a. Use read-char instead.
I guess you have enough to tacke at this point. Doing it with macros and reader-macros looked cool, but it is difficult to debug and extending since after the reader macros are added you have problems with code consisting those characters. Making one function for each operation except [ would simplify testing since you can test that and the macro would just expand to calling it.
(defun move-pointer-left ()
(assert (> *pointer* 0) (*pointer*) "Tape pointer out of bounds: ~a" *pointer*)
(decf *pointer*))
(set-macro-character #\< (constantly '(move-pointer-left)))

LispWorks program will not build as application

This is my second proper attempt at a Lisp program, as a dice-roller for Mythender (a freely distributed tabletop RPG). It has a couple of problems though:
When it's loaded I get a prompt to confirm creation of the package. Surely this file should be creating it?
When I try to build it standalone with the LispWorks application builder it gives an error saying that I am trying to invoke a CAPI function at compile-time, but I don't see where that is.
I've gotten negative comments from some lisp folks I spoke to about the (the null ()) sections which are meant to indicate a function has no return so no point leaving anything on the stack - is this proper or not? Is there a better way to do it?
Any general suggestions would also be welcome.
(defpackage :mythender (:add-use-defaults t) (:use "CAPI"))
(in-package :mythender)
(defun d6 () (the fixnum (+ 1 (random 6))))
(defun d6s (count)
(declare (type fixnum count))
(the list (loop for x from 1 to count collecting (d6))))
(defun d6over (count threshold)
(declare (type fixnum count threshold))
(the fixnum (count-if
(lambda (x) (> threshold x))
(d6s count))))
(defvar *storm* 3)
(defvar *thunder* 3)
(defvar *lightning* 0)
(declare (ftype (function) printstate))
(defun printstate ()
(print *storm*)
(print *thunder*)
(print *lightning*)
(the null ()))
(defun roll ()
(incf *lightning* (d6over *thunder* 3))
(incf *thunder* (d6over *storm* 3))
(the null ()))
(defun damage (threshold)
(setf *thunder* (d6over *thunder* threshold))
(the null ()))
(defun doroll (&rest args)
(the null ()))
(define-interface mythender-interface () ()
(roll-button push-button :data "Roll" :callback #'doroll)
(damage-button push-button :data "Damage")
(storm-pane display-pane :title "Storm:" :title-position :left)
(thunder-pane display-pane :title "Thunder:" :title-position :Left)
(lightning-pane display-pane :title "Lightning:" :title-position :left))
(main-layout column-layout '(storm-pane thunder-pane lightning-pane buttonlayout))
(buttonlayout row-layout '(roll-button damage-button))))
(defvar *interface*)
(defun update-interface-slot (slotname value)
(declare (type string slotname) (type fixnum value))
(setf (display-pane-text (slot-value *interface* slotname)) (write-to-string value))
(the null ()))
(defun update-interface ()
(update-interface-slot 'storm-pane *storm*)
(update-interface-slot 'thunder-pane *thunder*)
(update-interface-slot 'lightning-pane *lightning*)
(the null ()))
(defun start ()
(setf *interface* (make-instance 'mythender-interface))
(display *interface*)
(the null (update-interface)))
An answer to your build problem has to wait until you tell us the build statement and the error message.
Your last question:
(declare (ftype (function) printstate))
(defun printstate ()
(print *storm*)
(print *thunder*)
(print *lightning*)
(the null ()))
It's known that it is a function. No need to declare that. Declaring types like that, have in plain Common Lisp only the purpose of optimization hints to the compiler, which the compiler may ignore. Only CMUCL (and derived compilers like SBCL and SCL) actually does more with declared types.
Nobody writes such code in Lisp. Better omit the types. Remember: Lisp is not a statically typed language.
(defun printstate ()
(print *storm*)
(print *thunder*)
(print *lightning*)
Using (values) causes the function to not return a value. That's usually preferred, not returning NIL.
If you want to actually check types in a meaningful way at runtime, then make use of ASSERT, CHECK-TYPE and/or DEFMETHOD.
(defun d6s (count)
  (declare (type fixnum count))
  (the list (loop for x from 1 to count collecting (d6))))
Is just:
(defmethod d6s ((n integer))
"Returns a list of n dice rolls."
(loop repeat n collect (d6)))
Don't forget to describe the semantics of your function in human readable form.
