Racket: Identifying tail recursion? - recursion

I wrote two different functions in racket to determine whether a list of numbers is ascending:
(define (ascending list)
(if (<= (length list) 1)
(and (< (car list) (car (cdr list))) (ascending (cdr list)))))
(define (ascending-tail list)
(ascending-tail-helper #t list))
(define (ascending-tail-helper prevBool rest)
(if (<= (length rest) 1)
(ascending-tail-helper (and prevBool (< (car rest) (car (cdr rest)))) (cdr rest))))
I had the hardest time determining whether or not the first ascending was tail recursive, so I rewrote it using what I believe to be tail recursion.
The reason why I retrospectively believe the first one to not be tail recursive is that I believe at each level of recursion, the function will be waiting for the second argument in the "and" statement to return before it can evaluate the boolean expression. Conversely, for ascending-tail-helper, I am able to evaluate the lesser than expression before I do my recursive call.
Is this correct, or did I make myself even more confused than before?

DrRacket can help you determine whether a call is in tail position or not. Click the "Syntax Check" button. Then move the mouse pointer to the left parenthesis of the expression in question. In your example I get this:
The purple arrow shows that the expression is in tail-position.
From the manual:
Tail Calls: Any sub-expression that is (syntactically) in
tail-position with respect to its enclosing context is annotated by
drawing a light purple arrow from the tail expression to its
surrounding expression.

You are correct, in the first version the recursive call returns to and, whereas in the second version the recursive call is a tail call.
However, and is a macro, and is generally expanded using if
(define (ascending list)
(if (<= (length list) 1)
(if (< (car list) (car (cdr list)))
(ascending (cdr list))
which is tail recursive.

One of the requirements for a function to be in tail position is that it's return value be usable as the return value of the parent function without modification or inspection. That is, the parent function should be able to return immediately, having evaluated the tail position statement.
On first appearance, your first function,inspects the return value of ascending. It seems that doesn't return ascending's value but, instead, a value derived from it. However, according to the relevant section of the R5RS spec, the final expression in an and statement is in tail position. (When I'm properly awake, I know this)
So you are wrong.
(Note: edited to correct my initial hasty answer).

Racket's documentation on tail positions says that the place to check what's in tail position and what's not is the documentation for the particular form:
Tail-position specifications provide a guarantee about the asymptotic space consumption of a computation. In general, the specification of tail positions goes with each syntactic form, like if.
Racket's docs on and say (emphasis added):
(and expr ...)
If no exprs are provided, then result is #t.
If a single expr is provided, then it is in tail position, so the
results of the and expression are the results of the expr.
Otherwise, the first expr is evaluated. If it produces #f, the result
of the and expression is #f. Otherwise, the result is the same as an
and expression with the remaining exprs in tail position with respect
to the original and form.


Why mutating the list to be only its first element with this approach does not work in Common Lisp?

I am trying to learn Common Lisp with the book Common Lisp: A gentle introduction to Symbolic Computation. In addition, I am using SBCL, Emacs, and Slime.
By the end of chapter 10, on the advanced section there is this question:
10.9. Write a destructive function CHOP that shortens any non-NIL list to a list of one element. (CHOP '(FEE FIE FOE FUM)) should return
This is the answer-sheet solution:
(defun chop (x)
(if (consp x) (setf (cdr x) nil))
I understand this solution. However, before checking out the official solution I tried:
(defun chop (xs)
(cond ((null xs) xs)
(t (setf xs (list (car xs))))))
Using this as a global variable for tests:
(defparameter teste-chop '(a b c d))
I tried on the REPL:
CL-USER> (chop teste-chop)
As you can see, the function returns the expected result.
Unfortunately, the side-effect to mutate the original list does not happen:
CL-USER> teste-chop
(A B C D)
Why it did not change?
Since I was setting the field (setf) of the whole list to be only its car wrapped as a new list, I was expecting the cdr of the original list to be vanished.
Apparently, the pointers are not automatically removed.
Since I have very strong gaps in low-level stuff (like pointers) I thought that some answer to this question could educate me on why this happens.
The point is about how parameters to functions are passed in Common Lisp. They are passed by value. This means that, when a function is called, all arguments are evaluated, and their values are assigned to new, local variables, the parameters of the function. So, consider your function:
(defun chop (xs)
(cond ((null xs) xs)
(t (setf xs (list (car xs))))))
When you call it with:
(chop teste-chop)
the value of teste-chop, that is the list (a b c d) is assigned to the function parameter xs. In the last line of the body of function, by using setf, you are assigning a new value, (list (car xs)) to xs, that is you are assigning the list (a) to this local variable.
Since this is the last expression of the function, such value is also returned by the function, so that the evaluation of (chop test-chop) returns the value (a).
In this process, as you can see, the special variable teste-chop is not concerned in any way, apart from calculating its value at the beginning of the evaluation of the function call. And for this reason its value is not changed.
Other forms of parameter passing are used in other languages, like for instance by name, so that the behaviour of function call could be different.
Note that instead, in the first function, with (setf (cdr x) nil) a data structure is modified, that is a part of a cons cell. Since the global variable is bound to that cell, also the global variable will appear modified (even if, in a certain sense, it is not modified, since it remains bound to the same cons cell).
As a final remark, in Common Lisp it is better not to modify constant data structures (like those obtained by evaluating '(a b c d)), since it could produce an undefined behaviour, depending on the implementation. So, if some structure should be modifiable, it should be built with the usual operators like cons or list (e.g. (list 'a 'b 'c 'd)).

Reversing list vs non tail recursion when traversing lists

I wonder how do you, experienced lispers / functional programmers usually make decision what to use. Compare:
(define (my-map1 f lst)
(let loop ([lst lst] [acc '()])
(if (empty? lst)
(loop (cdr lst) (cons (f (car lst)) acc))))))
(define (my-map2 f lst)
(if (empty? lst)
(cons (f (car lst)) (my-map2 f (cdr lst)))))
The problem can be described in the following way: whenever we have to traverse a list, should we collect results in accumulator, which preserves tail recursion, but requires list reversion in the end? Or should we use unoptimized recursion, but then we don't have to reverse anything?
It seems to me the first solution is always better. Indeed, there's additional complexity (O(n)) there. However, it uses much less memory, let alone calling a function isn't done instantly.
Yet I've seen different examples where the second approach was used. Either I'm missing something or these examples were only educational. Are there situations where unoptimized recursion is better?
When possible, I use higher-order functions like map which build a list under the hood. In Common Lisp I also tend to use loop a lot, which has a collect keyword for building list in a forward way (I also use the series library which also implements it transparently).
I sometimes use recursive functions that are not tail-recursive because they better express what I want and because the size of the list is going to be relatively small; in particular, when writing a macro, the code being manipulated is not usually very large.
For more complex problems I don't collect into lists, I generally accept a callback function that is being called for each solution. This ensures that the work is more clearly separated between how the data is produced and how it is used.
This approach is to me the most flexible of all, because no assumption is made about how the data should be processed or collected. But it also means that the callback function is likely to perform side-effects or non-local returns (see example below). I don't think it is particularly a problem as long the the scope of the side-effects is small (local to a function).
For example, if I want to have a function that generates all natural numbers between 0 and N-1, I write:
(defun range (n f)
(dotimes (i n)
(funcall f i)))
The implementation here iterates over all values from 0 below N and calls F with the value I.
If I wanted to collect them in a list, I'd write:
(defun range-list (N)
(let ((list nil))
(range N (lambda (v) (push v list)))
(nreverse list)))
But, I can also avoid the whole push/nreverse idiom by using a queue. A queue in Lisp can be implemented as a pair (first . last) that keeps track of the first and last cons cells of the underlying linked-list collection. This allows to append elements in constant time to the end, because there is no need to iterate over the list (see Implementing queues in Lisp by P. Norvig, 1991).
(defun queue ()
(let ((list (list nil)))
(cons list list)))
(defun qpush (queue element)
(setf (cdr queue)
(setf (cddr queue)
(list element))))
(defun qlist (queue)
(cdar queue))
And so, the alternative version of the function would be:
(defun range-list (n)
(let ((q (queue)))
(range N (lambda (v) (qpush q v)))
(qlist q)))
The generator/callback approach is also useful when you don't want to build all the elements; it is a bit like the lazy model of evaluation (e.g. Haskell) where you only use the items you need.
Imagine you want to use range to find the first empty slot in a vector, you could do this:
(defun empty-index (vector)
(block nil
(range (length vector)
(lambda (d)
(when (null (aref vector d))
(return d))))))
Here, the block of lexical name nil allows the anonymous function to call return to exit the block with a return value.
In other languages, the same behaviour is often reversed inside-out: we use iterator objects with a cursor and next operations. I tend to think it is simpler to write the iteration plainly and call a callback function, but this would be another interesting approach too.
Tail recursion with accumulator
Traverses the list twice
Constructs two lists
Constant stack space
Can crash with malloc errors
Naive recursion
Traverses list twice (once building up the stack, once tearing down the stack).
Constructs one list
Linear stack space
Can crash with stack overflow (unlikely in racket), or malloc errors
It seems to me the first solution is always better
Allocations are generally more time-expensive than extra stack frames, so I think the latter one will be faster (you'll have to benchmark it to know for sure though).
Are there situations where unoptimized recursion is better?
Yes, if you are creating a lazily evaluated structure, in haskell, you need the cons-cell as the evaluation boundary, and you can't lazily evaluate a tail recursive call.
Benchmarking is the only way to know for sure, racket has deep stack frames, so you should be able to get away with both versions.
The stdlib version is quite horrific, which shows that you can usually squeeze out some performance if you're willing to sacrifice readability.
Given two implementations of the same function, with the same O notation, I will choose the simpler version 95% of the time.
There are many ways to make recursion preserving iterative process.
I usually do continuation passing style directly. This is my "natural" way to do it.
One takes into account the type of the function. Sometimes you need to connect your function with the functions around it and depending on their type you can choose another way to do recursion.
You should start by solving "the little schemer" to gain a strong foundation about it. In the "little typer" you can discover another type of doing recursion, founded on other computational philosophy, used in languages like agda, coq.
In scheme you can write code that is actually haskell sometimes (you can write monadic code that would be generated by a haskell compiler as intermediate language). In that case the way to do recursion is also different that "usual" way, etc.
false dichotomy
You have other options available to you. Here we can preserve tail-recursion and map over the list with a single traversal. The technique used here is called continuation-passing style -
(define (map f lst (return identity))
(if (null? lst)
(return null)
(map f
(cdr lst)
(lambda (r) (return (cons (f (car lst)) r))))))
(define (square x)
(* x x))
(map square '(1 2 3 4))
'(1 4 9 16)
This question is tagged with racket, which has built-in support for delimited continuations. We can accomplish map using a single traversal, but this time without using recursion. Enjoy -
(require racket/control)
(define (yield x)
(shift return (cons x (return (void)))))
(define (map f lst)
(reset (begin
(for ((x lst))
(yield (f x)))
(define (square x)
(* x x))
(map square '(1 2 3 4))
'(1 4 9 16)
It's my intention that this post will show you the detriment of pigeonholing your mind into a particular construct. The beauty of Scheme/Racket, I have come to learn, is that any implementation you can dream of is available to you.
I would highly recommend Beautiful Racket by Matthew Butterick. This easy-to-approach and freely-available ebook shatters the glass ceiling in your mind and shows you how to think about your solutions in a language-oriented way.

Finding duplicate elements in a Scheme List using recursion

I'm trying to create a function that will check a list of numbers for duplicates and return either #t or #f. I can only use car, cdr and conditionals, no cons.
This is what I have so far but it's giving me the error "car: contract violation expected: pair? given: #f"
(define (dups a)
(if (null? a)
(if (= (car a)(car(dups(cdr a))))
(dups (cdr))
I'm new to both scheme and recursion, any help/advice would be greatly appreciated.
Your second if doesn't make much sense. I'm assuming you wanted to check whether (car a) appears somewhere further down the list, but (car (dups (cdr a))) doesn't give you that. Also, (car (dups ...)) is a type-issue since dups will return a boolean instead of a list, and car is expecting a list (or actually, a pair, which is what lists are composed of).
What you need is a second function to call in the test of that second if. That function takes an element and a list and searches for that element in the list. Of course, if you're allowed, use find, otherwise implement some sort of my-find - it's quite simple and similar to your dups function.

Scheme Recursion Through Arguments

I'm brand new to Scheme, and this is a homework question, so please no outright answers.
Here is my question:
Write a recursive procedure (any? arg1 arg2 ...), where the argi's are
boolean values. any? returns #t if any of its arguments is #t, and #f
These are the constraints:
You may not use the built-in procedures map, apply, list->vector, or
vector->list in any procedure. Likewise, do not use a let expression
or an internal define expression in any procedure, unless the problem
says otherwise.
Here is the code I have:::
(define any?
(lambda args
(if (null? args)
(if (equal? #t (car args))
(any? (cdr args))))))
My problem seems to be that I am hitting an infinite loop on the last line (any? (cdr args)). I am not sure why that is happening. My professor said a hint was to write any? as an interface procedure, and write a helper that handles the list. I am not sure how that would help.
Any advice would be appreciated!
EDIT: I have added new code. I am still getting an infinite loop.
(define any?
(lambda args
(any-helper args)))
(define any-helper
(lambda (list)
(if (null? list)
(if (equal? #t (car list))
(any? (cdr list))))))
I thought by writing lambda args in my main function, I would be passing a list to my helper function. I'm not sure if that is actually happening. I am not sure how to ensure that I don't recurse over '() infinitely.
Consider the steps taken by the function application (any? #f). This leads to a recursive call to (any? '()). Next, it checks to see if the argument list in this call, '(()), is null? (which it isn't, since it is a list containing '()). (equal #t '(()) is also false, so it keeps recursing since you're calling it with the same number of arguments instead of reducing the size of the input in each recursive call.
Hey, this is my 100th answer!
When you have a symbol argument or a dotted list as prototype the last argument, in your case args, contains the rest of the given operands.
Imagine you evaluate (any? #f 5 6) then args would be (#f 5 6). Since first argument is #f you then call (any? '(5 6)) instead of (any? 5 6).
Usually you would make a named let or a local procedure to handle a one argument list so that your code actually would work, but since you are not allowed to you need to use apply to do this instead.
(apply any? '(#f 5 6)) is the same as (any? #f 5 6). You can think of apply as the opposite as dotted list/symbol prototype in a procedure definition.
PS: Your update using any-helper would work perfectly if you recurse with any-helper instead of any?.

SICP 2.64 order of growth of recursive procedure

I am self-studyinig SICP and having a hard time finding order of growth of recursive functions.
The following procedure list->tree converts an ordered list to a balanced search tree:
(define (list->tree elements)
(car (partial-tree elements (length elements))))
(define (partial-tree elts n)
(if (= n 0)
(cons '() elts)
(let ((left-size (quotient (- n 1) 2)))
(let ((left-result (partial-tree elts left-size)))
(let ((left-tree (car left-result))
(non-left-elts (cdr left-result))
(right-size (- n (+ left-size 1))))
(let ((this-entry (car non-left-elts))
(right-result (partial-tree (cdr non-left-elts)
(let ((right-tree (car right-result))
(remaining-elts (cdr right-result)))
(cons (make-tree this-entry left-tree right-tree)
I have been looking at the solution online, and the following website I believe offers the best solution but I have trouble making sense of it:
My understanding is that the procedure 'partial-tree' repeatedly calls three argument each time it is called - 'this-entry', 'left-tree', and 'right-tree' respectively. (and 'remaining-elts' only when it is necessary - either in very first 'partial-tree' call or whenever 'non-left-elts' is called)
this-entry calls : car, cdr, and cdr(left-result)
left-entry calls : car, cdr, and itself with its length halved each step
right-entry calls: car, itself with cdr(cdr(left-result)) as argument and length halved
'left-entry' would have base 2 log(n) steps, and all three argument calls 'left-entry' separately.
so it would have Ternary-tree-like structure and the total number of steps I thought would be similar to 3^log(n). but the solution says it only uses each index 1..n only once. But doesn't 'this-entry' for example reduce same index at every node separate to 'right-entry'?
I am confused..
Further, in part (a) the solution website states:
"in the non-terminating case partial-tree first calculates the number
of elements that should go into the left sub-tree of a balanced binary
tree of size n, then invokes partial-tree with the elements and that
value which both produces such a sub-tree and the list of elements not
in that sub-tree. It then takes the head of the unused elements as the
value for the current node"
I believe the procedure does this-entry before left-tree. Why am I wrong?
This is my very first book on CS and I have yet to come across Master Theorem.
It is mentioned in some solutions but hopefully I should be able to do the question without using it.
Thank you for reading and I look forward to your kind reply,
You need to understand how let forms work. In
(let ((left-tree (car left-result))
(non-left-elts (cdr left-result))
left-tree does not "call" anything. It is created as a new lexical variable, and assigned the value of (car left-result). The parentheses around it are just for grouping together the elements describing one variable introduced by a let form: the variable's name and its value:
(let ( ( left-tree (car left-result) )
;; ^^ ^^
( non-left-elts (cdr left-result) )
;; ^^ ^^
Here's how to understand how the recursive procedure works: don't.
Just don't try to understand how it works; instead analyze what it does, assuming that it does (for the smaller cases) what it's supposed to do.
Here, (partial-tree elts n) receives two arguments: the list of elements (to be put into tree, presumably) and the list's length. It returns
(cons (make-tree this-entry left-tree right-tree)
a cons pair of a tree - the result of conversion, and the remaining elements, which are supposed to be none left, in the topmost call, if the length argument was correct.
Now that we know what it's supposed to do, we look inside it. And indeed assuming the above what it does makes total sense: halve the number of elements, process the list, get the tree and the remaining list back (non-empty now), and then process what's left.
The this-entry is not a tree - it is an element that is housed in a tree's node:
(let ((this-entry (car non-left-elts))
(right-size (- n (+ left-size 1))
means that n == right-size + 1 + left-size. That's 1 element that goes into the node itself, the this-entry element.
And since each element goes directly into its node, once, the total running time of this algorithm is linear in the number of elements in the input list, with logarithmic stack space use.
