When I server-filter on "au" my web grid and change page, multiple call to the controller are done :
the first with 0 filtering,
the second with "a" filtering,
the third with "au" filtering.
My table load huge data so the first call is longer than others.
I see the grid displaying firstly the third call result, then the second, and finally the first call (this order correspond to the response time of my controller due to filter parameter)
Why are all that controller call made ?
Can't just my controller be called once with my total filter "au" ?
What should I do ?
Here is my grid :
$("#" + gridId).kendoGrid({
selectable: "row",
pageable: true,
scrollable : true,
//scrollable: {
// virtual: true //false // Bug : Génère un affichage multiple...
navigatable: true,
groupable: true,
sortable: {
mode: "multiple", // enables multi-column sorting
allowUnsort: true
dataSource: {
type: "json",
serverPaging: true,
serverSorting: true,
serverFiltering: true,
serverGrouping:false, // Ne fonctionne pas...
pageSize: '#ViewBag.Pagination',
transport: {
read: {
url: Procvalue + "/LOV",
type: "POST",
dataType: "json",
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8"
parameterMap: function (options, type) {
// Mise à jour du format d'envoi des paramètres
// pour qu'ils puissent être correctement interprétés côté serveur.
// Construction du paramètre sort :
if (options.sort != null) {
var sort = options.sort;
var sort2 = "";
for (i = 0; i < sort.length; i++) {
sort2 = sort2 + sort[i].field + '-' + sort[i].dir + '~';
options.sort = sort2;
if (options.group != null) {
var group = options.group;
var group2 = "";
for (i = 0; i < group.length; i++) {
group2 = group2 + group[i].field + '-' + group[i].dir + '~';
options.group = group2;
if (options.filter != null) {
var filter = options.filter.filters;
var filter2 = "";
for (i = 0; i < filter.length; i++) {
// Vérification si type colonne == string.
// Parcours des colonnes pour trouver celle qui a le même nom de champ.
var type = "";
for (j = 0 ; j < colonnes.length ; j++) {
if (colonnes[j].champ == filter[i].field) {
type = colonnes[j].type;
if (filter2.length == 0) {
if (type == "string") { // Avec '' autour de la valeur.
filter2 = filter2 + filter[i].field + '~' + filter[i].operator + "~'" + filter[i].value + "'";
} else { // Sans '' autour de la valeur.
filter2 = filter2 + filter[i].field + '~' + filter[i].operator + "~" + filter[i].value;
} else {
if (type == "string") { // Avec '' autour de la valeur.
filter2 = filter2 + '~' + options.filter.logic + '~' + filter[i].field + '~' + filter[i].operator + "~'" + filter[i].value + "'";
filter2 = filter2 + '~' + options.filter.logic + '~' + filter[i].field + '~' + filter[i].operator + "~" + filter[i].value;
options.filter = filter2;
var json = JSON.stringify(options);
return json;
schema: {
data: function (data) {
return eval(data.data.Data);
total: function (data) {
return eval(data.data.Total);
filter: {
logic: "or",
columns: getColonnes(colonnes)
Here is my controller :
public ActionResult LOV([DataSourceRequest] DataSourceRequest request)
return Json(CProduitsManager.GetProduits().ToDataSourceResult(request));
The 3 correspond to the initial load (no filtering) and the following ones as you type in the condition of filter, similar in kendoAutocomplete but in kendoAutocomplete there are a couple of options (time and min length) that control when to send the requests (I couldn't find anything similar in grid).
If your problem is loading a huge amount of data I do recommend limiting the size of the data transmitted using pageSize in the DataSource definition. But, obviously, this is not a solution if what takes long is executing the query.
In such scenarios it is recommended to create a typing delay and thus perform a request when the user has stopped typing (unless he is typing slower than regular typing).
To create a delay I can suggest you the following:
<script type="text/javascript">
var globalTimeout = null;
$('#searchInput').keyup(function () {
if (globalTimeout != null) clearTimeout(globalTimeout);
globalTimeout = setTimeout(SearchFunc, 500);
function SearchFunc(){
globalTimeout = null;
$('#yourGridName').data('kendoGrid').dataSource.filter({ field:"theField",operator:"startswith",value:$('#searchInput').val() })
I am wanting to add application insights sdk into a blazor web assembly project. I came across multiple articles such as Application Insights for web pages and stackoverflow that has the exact thing I am looking for. However, after adding the snippet of code from the microsoft link and using connectionString over instrumentationKey to the index.html page and injecting IJSRuntime in order to call JavaScript methods from .NET code then calling Application Inisghts methods... when running the application at the top of the home page I will see #inject IJSRuntime _jsRuntime.
Am I not properly setting up the injecting? Also, do I need to add these lines of code into each razor component (page folder) or just having it in the index.html will cover everything from the start to end no matter what I click and what page is rendered?
#inject IJSRuntime _jsRuntime
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script type="text/javascript">
!function (T, l, y) { var S = T.location, k = "script", D = "connectionString", C = "ingestionendpoint", I = "disableExceptionTracking", E = "ai.device.", b = "toLowerCase", w = "crossOrigin", N = "POST", e = "appInsightsSDK", t = y.name || "appInsights"; (y.name || T[e]) && (T[e] = t); var n = T[t] || function (d) { var g = !1, f = !1, m = { initialize: !0, queue: [], sv: "5", version: 2, config: d }; function v(e, t) { var n = {}, a = "Browser"; return n[E + "id"] = a[b](), n[E + "type"] = a, n["ai.operation.name"] = S && S.pathname || "_unknown_", n["ai.internal.sdkVersion"] = "javascript:snippet_" + (m.sv || m.version), { time: function () { var e = new Date; function t(e) { var t = "" + e; return 1 === t.length && (t = "0" + t), t } return e.getUTCFullYear() + "-" + t(1 + e.getUTCMonth()) + "-" + t(e.getUTCDate()) + "T" + t(e.getUTCHours()) + ":" + t(e.getUTCMinutes()) + ":" + t(e.getUTCSeconds()) + "." + ((e.getUTCMilliseconds() / 1e3).toFixed(3) + "").slice(2, 5) + "Z" }(), iKey: e, name: "Microsoft.ApplicationInsights." + e.replace(/-/g, "") + "." + t, sampleRate: 100, tags: n, data: { baseData: { ver: 2 } } } } var h = d.url || y.src; if (h) { function a(e) { var t, n, a, i, r, o, s, c, u, p, l; g = !0, m.queue = [], f || (f = !0, t = h, s = function () { var e = {}, t = d.connectionString; if (t) for (var n = t.split(";"), a = 0; a < n.length; a++) { var i = n[a].split("="); 2 === i.length && (e[i[0][b]()] = i[1]) } if (!e[C]) { var r = e.endpointsuffix, o = r ? e.location : null; e[C] = "https://" + (o ? o + "." : "") + "dc." + (r || "services.visualstudio.com") } return e }(), c = s[D] || d[D] || "", u = s[C], p = u ? u + "/v2/track" : d.endpointUrl, (l = []).push((n = "SDK LOAD Failure: Failed to load Application Insights SDK script (See stack for details)", a = t, i = p, (o = (r = v(c, "Exception")).data).baseType = "ExceptionData", o.baseData.exceptions = [{ typeName: "SDKLoadFailed", message: n.replace(/\./g, "-"), hasFullStack: !1, stack: n + "\nSnippet failed to load [" + a + "] -- Telemetry is disabled\nHelp Link: https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2128109\nHost: " + (S && S.pathname || "_unknown_") + "\nEndpoint: " + i, parsedStack: [] }], r)), l.push(function (e, t, n, a) { var i = v(c, "Message"), r = i.data; r.baseType = "MessageData"; var o = r.baseData; return o.message = 'AI (Internal): 99 message:"' + ("SDK LOAD Failure: Failed to load Application Insights SDK script (See stack for details) (" + n + ")").replace(/\"/g, "") + '"', o.properties = { endpoint: a }, i }(0, 0, t, p)), function (e, t) { if (JSON) { var n = T.fetch; if (n && !y.useXhr) n(t, { method: N, body: JSON.stringify(e), mode: "cors" }); else if (XMLHttpRequest) { var a = new XMLHttpRequest; a.open(N, t), a.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/json"), a.send(JSON.stringify(e)) } } }(l, p)) } function i(e, t) { f || setTimeout(function () { !t && m.core || a() }, 500) } var e = function () { var n = l.createElement(k); n.src = h; var e = y[w]; return !e && "" !== e || "undefined" == n[w] || (n[w] = e), n.onload = i, n.onerror = a, n.onreadystatechange = function (e, t) { "loaded" !== n.readyState && "complete" !== n.readyState || i(0, t) }, n }(); y.ld < 0 ? l.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(e) : setTimeout(function () { l.getElementsByTagName(k)[0].parentNode.appendChild(e) }, y.ld || 0) } try { m.cookie = l.cookie } catch (p) { } function t(e) { for (; e.length;)!function (t) { m[t] = function () { var e = arguments; g || m.queue.push(function () { m[t].apply(m, e) }) } }(e.pop()) } var n = "track", r = "TrackPage", o = "TrackEvent"; t([n + "Event", n + "PageView", n + "Exception", n + "Trace", n + "DependencyData", n + "Metric", n + "PageViewPerformance", "start" + r, "stop" + r, "start" + o, "stop" + o, "addTelemetryInitializer", "setAuthenticatedUserContext", "clearAuthenticatedUserContext", "flush"]), m.SeverityLevel = { Verbose: 0, Information: 1, Warning: 2, Error: 3, Critical: 4 }; var s = (d.extensionConfig || {}).ApplicationInsightsAnalytics || {}; if (!0 !== d[I] && !0 !== s[I]) { var c = "onerror"; t(["_" + c]); var u = T[c]; T[c] = function (e, t, n, a, i) { var r = u && u(e, t, n, a, i); return !0 !== r && m["_" + c]({ message: e, url: t, lineNumber: n, columnNumber: a, error: i }), r }, d.autoExceptionInstrumented = !0 } return m }(y.cfg); function a() { y.onInit && y.onInit(n) } (T[t] = n).queue && 0 === n.queue.length ? (n.queue.push(a), n.trackPageView({})) : a() }(window, document, {
src: "https://js.monitor.azure.com/scripts/b/ai.2.min.js", // The SDK URL Source
// name: "appInsights", // Global SDK Instance name defaults to "appInsights" when not supplied
// ld: 0, // Defines the load delay (in ms) before attempting to load the sdk. -1 = block page load and add to head. (default) = 0ms load after timeout,
// useXhr: 1, // Use XHR instead of fetch to report failures (if available),
crossOrigin: "anonymous", // When supplied this will add the provided value as the cross origin attribute on the script tag
// onInit: null, // Once the application insights instance has loaded and initialized this callback function will be called with 1 argument -- the sdk instance (DO NOT ADD anything to the sdk.queue -- As they won't get called)
cfg: { // Application Insights Configuration
/* ...Other Configuration Options... */
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no" />
<base href="/" />
<link href="css/bootstrap/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<link href="css/app.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<link href="BlazorWeb.styles.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<div id="app">Loading...</div>
<div id="blazor-error-ui">
An unhandled error has occurred.
<a class="dismiss">🗙</a>
<script src="_framework/blazor.webassembly.js"></script>
await _jsRuntime.InvokeVoidAsync("appInsights.trackPageView");
Injecting the Application Insights for Blazor web applications. Steps to be followed
Add BlazorApplicationInsights
dotnet add package BlazorApplicationInsights
Add call to Program.cs
Add using statement to _Imports.razor
#using BlazorApplicationInsights;
Add component to App.razor
<ApplicationInsightsComponent />
Add Application Insights JS to head in index.html
Set 'ld: -1' so that the page will be blocked until the JS is loaded and enter your instrumentationKey
Add the Source like below screenshot
Add JS Interop to the bottom of body in index.html
I can see the Track Event button which I was used.
Also, I can see the custom Event in Application Insights.
Refer here
I used to be able to pull traffic source data by reading the __utmz cookie, by doing so I can post the data to an internal conversion tracking database. but now GA doesn't use this cookie and it appears that the other cookies don't have any client-side data we can use.
Are there any other ways we can pull the traffic source data into our own internal db?
You can simulating the Google Analytics Processing Flow and determine the values of traffic sources parameters like source, medium, campaign, ... using a custom JavaScript in page or through Google Tag Manager.
This can be a solution:
function crumbleCookie(a) {
for (var d = document.cookie.split(";"), c = {}, b = 0; b < d.length; b++) {
var e = d[b].substring(0, d[b].indexOf("=")).trim(),
i = d[b].substring(d[b].indexOf("=") + 1, d[b].length).trim();
c[e] = i
if (a) return c[a] ? c[a] : null;
return c
function bakeCookie(a, d, c, b, e, i) {
var j = new Date;
c && (c *= 864E5);
j = new Date(j.getTime() + c);
document.cookie = a + "=" + escape(d) + (c ? ";expires=" + j.toGMTString() : "") + (b ? ";path=" + b : "") + (e ? ";domain=" + e : "") + (i ? ";secure" : "")
function writeLogic(n) {
var a = getTrafficSource(n, '.example.com'); //Insert your domain here
a = a.replace(/\|{2,}/g, "|");
a = a.replace(/^\|/, "");
a = unescape(a);
bakeCookie(n, a, 182, "/", "", "") // Cookie expiration sets to 182 days
function getParam(s, q) {
var match = s.match('[?&]' + q + '=([^&]+)');
return match ? match[1] : '';
} catch(e){
return '';
function calculateTrafficSource() {
var source='', medium='', campaign='', term='', content='';
var search_engines = [['bing', 'q'], ['google', 'q'], ['yahoo', 'q'], ['baidu', 'q'], ['yandex', 'q'], ['ask', 'q']]; //List of search engines
var ref = document.referrer;
ref = ref.substr(ref.indexOf('//')+2);
ref_domain = ref;
ref_path = '/';
ref_search = '';
// Checks for campaign parameters
var url_search = document.location.search;
if(url_search.indexOf('utm_source') > -1) {
source = getParam(url_search, 'utm_source');
medium = getParam(url_search, 'utm_medium');
campaign = getParam(url_search, 'utm_campaign');
term = getParam(url_search, 'utm_term');
content = getParam(url_search, 'utm_content');
else if (getParam(url_search, 'gclid')) {
source = 'google';
medium = 'cpc';
campaign = '(not set)';
else if(ref) {
// separate domain, path and query parameters
if (ref.indexOf('/') > -1) {
ref_domain = ref.substr(0,ref.indexOf('/'));
ref_path = ref.substr(ref.indexOf('/'));
if (ref_path.indexOf('?') > -1) {
ref_search = ref_path.substr(ref_path.indexOf('?')+1);
ref_path = ref_path.substr(0, ref_path.indexOf('?'));
medium = 'referral';
source = ref_domain;
// Extract term for organic source
for (var i=0; i<search_engines.length; i++){
if(ref_domain.indexOf(search_engines[i][0]) > -1){
medium = 'organic';
source = search_engines[i][0];
term = getParam(ref_search, search_engines[i][1]) || '(not provided)';
return {
'source' : source,
'medium' : medium,
'campaign': campaign,
'term' : term,
'content' : content
function getTrafficSource(cookieName, hostname) {
var trafficSources = calculateTrafficSource();
var source = trafficSources.source.length === 0 ? 'direct' : trafficSources.source;
var medium = trafficSources.medium.length === 0 ? 'none' : trafficSources.medium;
var campaign = trafficSources.campaign.length === 0 ? 'direct' : trafficSources.campaign;
// exception
if(medium === 'referral') {
campaign = '';
var rightNow = new Date();
var value = 'source=' + source +
'&medium=' + medium +
'&campaign='+ campaign +
'&term=' + trafficSources.term +
'&content=' + trafficSources.content +
'&date=' + rightNow.toISOString().slice(0,10).replace(/-/g,"");
return value;
// Self-invoking function
var date = new Date();
var fr_date = date.getUTCFullYear().toString() + ((date.getUTCMonth() < 9) ? '0' + (date.getUTCMonth()+1).toString() : (date.getUTCMonth()+1).toString()) + ((date.getUTCDate() < 10) ? '0' + date.getUTCDate().toString() : date.getUTCDate().toString());
var session = crumbleCookie()['FirstSession'];
if (typeof session == 'undefined') {
else {
Code here: http://clients.first-rate.com/firstrate/NewSession%20and%20ReturningSession%20cookies.txt
I have an ASP.NET WEB API application using jquery/Ajax. When I select "M1" in my dropdownlist a gridview shows data for Machine 1, when I click "update" button. If change to "M2", the gridview show data for M1 AND M2. It continue to add data. I only want to see data for M1 or M2 and so on. The problem is probadly due to POSTBACK function. How to solve this? Update panel?
function update() {
type: 'GET',
url: '/api/stop/',
dataType: "JSON",
data: "data",
success: function (data) {
$.each(data, function (i, data) {
if (data.machinename == $("#DropDownList11").val() && data.name != $(null).val() && data.overlimit == 1 && data.stopcause ==$(null).val())
var _id = data.id;
var _machinename = data.machinename;
var _stopcause = data.stopcause;
var _machinename = data.machinename;
var _name = data.name;
var _stop1 = data.idlestart;
var _stop2 = data.idlestop;
var _data = '<tr><td>' + _id + ' </td><td>' + _machinename + '</td><td>' + _name + '</td><td>' + _stop1 + '</td><td>' + _stop2 + '</td><td>';
var _data2 = '<option>' + data.id + '</option>'
Well, My Guess is, the problem is in your append logic, $('table').append(_data);. You keep on appending your data to the table and not clearing the previous ones. Just try to clear the data before going in the $.each api of jQuery. Something like below:
type: 'GET',
url: '/api/stop/',
dataType: "JSON",
data: "data",
success: function (data) {
$("table tr").remove(); // this line will clear off the previous table tr elements before appending new ones.
$.each(data, function (i, data) {
if (data.machinename == $("#DropDownList11").val() && data.name != $(null).val() && data.overlimit == 1 && data.stopcause ==$(null).val())
var _id = data.id;
var _machinename = data.machinename;
var _stopcause = data.stopcause;
var _machinename = data.machinename;
var _name = data.name;
var _stop1 = data.idlestart;
var _stop2 = data.idlestop;
var _data = '<tr><td>' + _id + ' </td><td>' + _machinename + '</td><td>' + _name + '</td><td>' + _stop1 + '</td><td>' + _stop2 + '</td><td>';
var _data2 = '<option>' + data.id + '</option>'
Moreover, I am not sure where is the POSTBACK function that you are mentioning, as best of my knowledge, POSTBACK functions are part of WebForms and not WebAPIs. So, I assume you by POSTBACK method you meant the method success.
I am using ASP.NET webforms for flot charts I connected to database in test.aspx.cs file using [Webmethod] where I can return json.
I stored the return value both in textarea and $.plot(placeholder, [and also here], options) It does not print the graph in placeholder however when I do:
var data = past
the value of textarea here and run applicationn it prints to me the value.
[ScriptMethod(ResponseFormat = ResponseFormat.Json)]
public static List<string> GetLocation(string location)
List<string> result = new List<string>();
StringBuilder strQuery = new StringBuilder();
strQuery.Append("SELECT Location.Nome_Location, DATEPART(day, Statistiche.Data_Statistica) AS SDay, COUNT(Statistiche.ID_Tabella) AS Stats");
strQuery.Append(" FROM Statistiche INNER JOIN Tabelle ON Statistiche.ID_Tabella = Tabelle.ID_Tabella INNER JOIN");
strQuery.Append(" Location ON Statistiche.ID_Colonna_Statistica = Location.ID_Location");
strQuery.Append(" WHERE (Statistiche.ID_Tabella = 2) AND (Statistiche.ID_Box = 60) AND (Location.Nome_Location = 'Albilò')");
strQuery.Append("GROUP BY Location.Nome_Location, DATEPART(day, Statistiche.Data_Statistica)");
string query = strQuery.ToString();
SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection("");
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(query, con);
int counter = 1;
SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
while (dr.Read())
if (counter == 1)
result.Add("[{'label': 'Europe (EU27)','data':[[" + dr["SDay"].ToString() + "," + dr["Stats"].ToString() + "]");
result.Add("[" + dr["SDay"].ToString() + "," + dr["Stats"].ToString() + "]");
if (counter==31)
result.Add("[" + dr["SDay"].ToString() + "," + dr["Stats"].ToString() + "]]}]");
return result;
type: "POST",
async: true,
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
dataType: "json",
url: "test.aspx/GetLocation",
data: "{'location':'Albilò'}",
success: function drawChart(msg) {
var options = { lines: { show: true }, points: { show: true }, xaxis: { tickDecimals: 0, tickSize: 1} };
var ddata = [];
var data = msg.d;
for (var i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
var placeholder = $("#placeholder");
var datad = $("#txtvalue").text();
$.plot(placeholder, ddata, options);
error: function () {
alert("call is called111");
First of all, why do you create JSON yourself? You've already specified to return JSON in you attributes.
Refactore method to return simple array of POCO objects like
public class pocoObject
public string Label;
Then your method should just return list of object and have attributes set up:
[ScriptMethod(ResponseFormat = ResponseFormat.Json)]
public static List<pocoObject> GetLocation(string location)
return result; // result is list of pocoObjects
Flot.js is rather sensitive to data you set as source, so after this take a look at data in firebug, it should be correct json formatted data. So please visit wiki and also compare your data to working samples.
This how you can initiliaze legend names of you plot:
$(function () {
var d1 = [];
for (var i = 0; i < Math.PI * 2; i += 0.25)
d1.push([i, Math.sin(i)]);
var d2 = [];
for (var i = 0; i < Math.PI * 2; i += 0.25)
d2.push([i, Math.cos(i)]);
var d3 = [];
for (var i = 0; i < Math.PI * 2; i += 0.1)
d3.push([i, Math.tan(i)]);
$.plot($("#placeholder"), [
{ label: "sin(x)", data: d1},
{ label: "cos(x)", data: d2},
{ label: "tan(x)", data: d3}
], {
series: {
lines: { show: true },
points: { show: true }
xaxis: {
ticks: [0, [Math.PI/2, "\u03c0/2"], [Math.PI, "\u03c0"], [Math.PI * 3/2, "3\u03c0/2"], [Math.PI * 2, "2\u03c0"]]
yaxis: {
ticks: 10,
min: -2,
max: 2
grid: {
backgroundColor: { colors: ["#fff", "#eee"] }
I am using the Extjs4 multigrouping plugin from here.
I have used it successfully, however i want to show the summary of the totals of each column within the group header itself . how do i set up the appropriate CSS for that ?
In Multigrouping.js
getFragmentTpl: function() {
var me = this;
return {
indentByDepth: me.indentByDepth,
depthToIndent: me.depthToIndent,
renderGroupHeaderTpl: function(values, parent) {
return Ext.XTemplate.getTpl(me, 'groupHeaderTpl').apply(values, parent);
//var z = new Ext.XTemplate('{name} ({rows.grouplength})');
//return z.apply(values, parent);
In my grid
features: [
groupHeaderTpl: [
readOut:function(values) {
var sum1 =0 ,sum2=0,sum3=0;
for( var i = 0 ; i< values.records.length ; i++)
var val = parseFloat(values.records[i].data.d2012.mp);
sum1 += isNaN(val) ? 0.0 : val;
val = parseFloat(values.records[i].data.d2013.mp);
sum2 += isNaN(val) ? 0.0 : val;
val = parseFloat(values.records[i].data.d2014.mp);
sum3 += isNaN(val) ? 0.0 : val;
return values.name + '(' + values.records.length + ')' + ' ' + sum1.toFixed(2) + ' ' + sum2.toFixed(2) + ' ' + sum3.toFixed(2);
had to resort to a few hacks to get this to work. still waiting on an official answer.
The main reason i had to do this and not use the multigrouping summary is because
- i want to limit the number of records from the server. I can do some smart grouping of
my business objects at the server side.
- the main reason to do this is because of IE8's performance on larger sets of data.
- had already tried the extjs4 tree grid component which works well on chrome but had performance issues on IE8.
the hack is to
a) use an array property in the grid to store the dom elements which i want to manipulate
b) use a boolean to know when the layout is completed the first time
b) add listeners for afterlayout ( when your app can do an Ext.get('..dom element..') you know you are done )
The listener :
listeners :
afterlayout : function(eopts)
var x = this.mOwnArray;
if(!this.loadedwithVals && x.length > 0)
for(var i =0 ; i<x.length ; i++)
var dom = Ext.get(x[i].id);
var theId = dom.id;
theId = theId.match(/\d+/)[0];
var title = dom.query("td[class='x-grid-cell x-grid-cell-first']");
title[0].className = 'x-grid-cell x-grid-cell-gridcolumn-' + theId + ' x-grid-cell-first';
var groupedHeader = dom.query("div[class='x-grid-group-title']");
groupedHeader[0].innerHTML = x[i].name + '(' + x[i].length + ')';
for(var year=2012;year<=2018;year++)
var t = "t"+year;
var someText1 = '<td class=" x-grid-cell x-grid-cell-numbercolumn">';
var someText2 = '<div class="x-grid-cell-inner " style="text-align: left; ;">';
var someText3 = '<div class="x-grid-group-title">' + x[i].total[t] + '</div></div></td>';
var someText = someText1 + someText2 + someText3;
this.loadedwithVals = true;
And the feature as in
features: [
startCollapsed : true,
groupHeaderTpl: [
readOut:function(values) {
var header = new Object();
header.id = values.groupHeaderId;
header.sum = [];
header.total = new Object();
for(var year = 2012 ; year <= 2018 ; year++)
var t = "t"+year;
header.total[t] = [];
// all the records in this header
for( var i = 0 ; i< values.records.length ; i++)
// for all the 'years' in this record
for(var year=2012;year<=2018;year++)
var d = "d"+year;
var ct = "t" + year;
var arecord = values.records[i].data;
var val = parseFloat(arecord[d].mp);
val = isNaN(val) ? 0.0 : val;
// push the sum of the records into its top level group
for(var year = 2012 ; year <= 2018 ; year++)
var t = "t"+year;
var sum = Ext.Array.sum(header.total[t]);
header.total[t] = sum.toFixed(2);
header.name = values.name;
header.length = values.records.length;
var headerName = values.name;
var parent = values.parent;
headerName = headerName.replace(parent,'');
header.name = headerName;
header.length = values.records.length;
// really not used
return values.name + '(' + values.records.length + ')';