Peoplecode to hide column from a grid - peoplesoft

I am trying to hide a Column from a grid using Peoplecode, but the column comes from a subpage. I tried using the following code.
GetGrid(Page.PAGE_NAME, "GRID_NAME").GetColumn("COLUMN_FIELDNAME").Visible = False;
This didnt work. Can anyone help me with this.?

Use the name of the parent page and not the subpage in the GetGrid call. The code should be on the Activate event of the parent page.


How do you scroll a list in AppMaker?

I have a list widget with five rows per page. When the user goes to the next page I reload the page (by doing an unload/load on the data source with the new page number) and that works fine. However, the list stays scrolled to the bottom. How can I scroll the list to the top so the user does not have to?
I tried the ways that work in standard HTML but they do not work in AppMaker, and I cannot find any documentation on how to do this.
Thanks for any tips or pointers.
I realize this is an old post, but for future visitors, here's what worked for me - you need to set the index of the list to zero. App Maker ensures that it scrolls the last selected item into view, and maintains this across navigations.
You can do this by passing in a callback function that runs after loading the list. For me, I reload the list from a dropdown widget that filters the list, so in the onValueChange event I've added:
// Load datasource
widget.datasource.load(function() {
// Set index to 1 to ensure we scroll to top of list
You can achieve the desired behavior by doing the following:
In the outline, locate the TablePanel widget and select the List:TableBody widget
2.In the property editor, scroll to the Events section and click on the onDataLoad event value. Then click on Custom Action.
Type in this code var elem = widget.getElement(); elem.scrollTop = 0; so that it looks like this
Make sure the change is saved and then preview your app and it should work. Let me know if you need something else or if it don't work.
For me Morfinismo's answer didn't work, but the following did:
In the style editor add CSS for the List element:
.app-pageName-nameOfTheListWidget {
overflow-y: auto;
And in the Property Editor under Layout set a Max height.

Disabling Table of Contents links in Qualtrics

I'm trying to customize a survey I'm building on Qualtrics so that certain items in the Table of Contents are disabled. Basically I want you to be able to use the TOC to navigate to previous pages, but not to be able to click on subsequent pages. This is not something I can customize just using the Qualtrics menu.
I'm trying to add Javascript to each block to enable this feature, but can't get it to work. I looked into the html elements on my page and under a div labeled "ToC Sidebar", each element of my ToC is there with a unique id (e.g. "FL_34"), and there's an 'onclick' function under this element to go to link's page. I just want to set this to false. Apologies if this is obvious, I'm new to Qualtrics and Javascript.
Here's what I have right now, any thoughts?
$("FL_34").onclick = false;
That's not the correct way to disable the onclick. What you would do is use: $("FL_34").removeAttribute("onclick");
However, you really don't want to it do that way at all because you don't want to worry about the specific id's, you don't want to display links that don't work, and you don't want to add a script to every page. Instead add this script that hides all the incomplete blocks to the header (Look&Feel/Advanced/Header(edit)/Source):
<script type="text/javascript">
if($('Toc')) {
For this to work, you have to set Page Transition to "none".

Show a nested model by default in RailsAdmin

How would I go about showing a nested resource by default when editing an entry in RailsAdmin? Currently it exists as a button that you have to click to show the contents.
I searched for this but ultimately ended using javascript to show the nested form by default. Following I have used:
$('#partner_api_account_attributes_field .toggler').click();
}, 100);
In rails_admin forms, nested resources are shown within a div with ID something like '#partner_api_account_attributes_field' where Partner was my model associated to ApiAccount. And ".toggler" is class name of the link that toggles the nested resource form.
I hope this helps. Thanks!

How to click on Toolbar element with Sahi for Test Automation?

Web page contain a button with some text for example "Test". This button actually is a toolbar element. (class ="tbButton" id="id",text="Test") and redirects to a certain table when press on it.
When I tried to use the following click methods, the button did not react.
Could anybody suggest me an alternative methods that is able to resolve the above problem?
Try with:
browser.xy(browser.div("Test"), 10, 10).click();
This will click a little inside the div.

How to display changing data in XUL

I'm trying to build a firefox extension which can get rss feeds and display them in a popup panel. But I'm not aware about how to display feeds in a panel(I know how to display static text).Because the feed is varying all the time.
Any help regarding this matter will be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
How about using setInterval to call a function that redraws the panel at the time interval you specify?
You can create DOM elements inside a XUL popup panel using JavaScript, but you have to remember that the panel requires the XHTML namespace:
<panel id="your-id" noautohide="true" xmlns:html="">
and instead of using:
document.createElement("p"); //for example
you would need to use:
You can get the popup reference by id and just create and append elements as you need them. Then the following might help:
