How to break line in web page? -

I want to format the content before showing to web page. I am storing '\r\n\' as enter in Database and trying to replace it before show content on the web page. server side my code is:
lblComments.Text = Server.HtmlEncode(((DataRowView)e.Item.DataItem).Row["Comment"].ToString().Replace("\r\n", "<br>"));
I have use Server.HtmlEncode.
My Out put should be:
Comment Type: Public
Comment: Commented on the Data by user A
But, its shows me everything in single line.

You need to use
.Replace("\r\n", "<br/>")
And only AFTER Server.HtmlEncode, because you don't want the <br/> itself to get encoded to <br/> (raw), displaying as <br/> literally.

You could wrap the output in a <pre>...</pre> element instead of replacing the line breaks with <br>. That way, the line breaks should be conserved.
E.g. put a <pre> element around your Label:
<pre><asp:Label id="lblComments" runat="server" /></pre>

Replace("\n", "<br>")
This test worked without encode
string comments = #"Comment Type: Public
Comment: Commented on the Data by user A";
lblComments.Text = comments.Replace("\n","<br>");


Format to allow ASP Classic <% %> tags inside of a FileSystem object Writeline command

I have a script I am building that creates ASP Classic pages from form input.
I am using the file object to create the asp file. It is working as intended, however I am slightly perplexed how to embed ASP CLASSIC code into the string. The open tag works like this:
fname.WriteLine"<% DIM GENERIC_VAR"
This displays in the file properly, however the use of the close tag doesn't seem to want to work. Even my IDE is indicating a formatting issue. Usually in the instances I need to replace a " (double quote) a ' (single quote) will work, but in this case I get compile errors (Unterminated string constant) or the file doesn't create the line as expected. I know about doubling up "" but so far haven't had any luck. Thanks.
Side note as an example, I just need to be able to print this into the line of the file:
openasp = "<"
openasp = openasp & "% "
closeasp = " %"
closeasp = closeasp & ">"
Set up the ASP tags like above.
Then Wrap them in line as needed for example:
fname.WriteLine openasp & "DIM VAR_NAME" & closeasp

IMacros: Extract text from site

I need to extract to clipboard activation link, link every registration changed.
HTML Code:
Try something like this code:
Error -1200: parses "(\w+)" - Unrecognized esc-sequence \w.

Multi line text box in

I have a multi line text box like :
<asp:TextBox CssClass="txtform" ID="txtWhom" runat="server" Height="78px"
Rows="10" TextMode="MultiLine"></asp:TextBox>
say I write the following text in that text box :
Dear Sir,
General Manager,
when I take that text in a variable in the code behind... and send it to a crystal report to show ... only ... the first line is shown... in that case only "Dear Sir," is shown ... but I want all the text ....
What Can I do ?
Use "Can Grow" option for that text object in Crystal report.
=>Right Click -> Text Object
=>Select Format Object
=>Use Can grow option in the dialog box.
It enables for variable length fields to grow vertically in the report and word wrap automatically. A maximum number of lines can be set with this option to control rogue or large data elements.
I wonder if your entered string includes carriage return & line feed chars that Crystal is not dealing with properly. You may need to strip those out or replace them with correct characters that Crystal expects.

displaying text from InnerText

When I try and display text from an the InnerText from an XML element. I get something like this:
I need this spacing \r\n\r\n\r\second lot of spacing\r\n\r\nMore spacing\r\n\r\n
I know you can replace \r\n with <br> but is there no function that automatically takes the html for you and why does it use \r and \n? Many thanks.
You can use <pre> tag - it will show the text as-is like you see it in text editor:
For example:
Better practice for ASP.NET is:
<pre id="myPlaceholder" runat="server"></pre>
Then assign its value from code behind:
myPlaceholder.InnerHtml = MyText;
As for your question "why does it use \r and \n" those are carriage return and line feed characters, aka newline characters - when you have such text:
line 1
line 2
Then code reading it will give: line1\nline2 or line1\r\nline2 depending on how it's stored exactly.

No Line Breaks with Text file with

I want to read a text file and load its content to my page. I was trying to read the file with StreamReader and then assign the text to a Label, but the text in the page is just one line. I mean the line in the text file wasn't viewed in the page. What should I do?
Perhaps tackling a symptom rather than the problem itself, you can wrap the text file's contents within a <PRE> tag wherein, unlike most other content in HTML, whitespace is respected.
The textfile uses \n or \r\n for getting new lines (\n is a newline and \r is a carriage return - back in the day of typewritters you had to pull the bar thingy back to the left which is called a carriage return and roll the paper down a line to start on the left side of a newline-). Windows generally uses \r\n (although it depends on the application that created the file) mac's generally use \n.
HTML on the other hand uses the <br/> tag for new lines (if you do a viewsource on your current html output you will see the newlines). So all you need to do is replace \r\n or with . You can do this with:
yourstring = yourstring.Replace("\r\n", "<br/>");
or if you don't know for sure what's used in the file or both \r\n and \n are used you can use
yourstring = yourstring.Replace("\r\n", "<br/>").Replace("\n", "<br/>");
be aware that a string is immutable and thus methods like Replace return a copy of the string that has the replacements made. The original string will stay intact.
Please try this
if (System.IO.File.Exists(Server.MapPath("test.txt")))
System.IO.StreamReader StreamReader1 = new
lblMyLabel.Text= StreamReader1.ReadToEnd();
HTML doesn't recognize white-space (line breaks, etc) in your text file. If you want to render the content as HTML, you'll need to convert line-breaks into <br/> tags.
Try something like this:
string path = 'c:\myfile.txt':
lblMyLabel.Text = String.Join('<br/>', File.ReadAllLines(path));
