NHibernate, Sqlite, missing tables and IOC fun - sqlite

I'm doing unit testing on a class library that uses NHibernate for persistence. NHibernate is using a Sqlite in-memory database for testing purposes. Under normal circumstances, it's easy to get StructureMap to kick out a session for me.
However, because I'm using the in-memory database to improve testing speed, I need to have a single session available for the duration of a test (because it blows the database away when I create a new one). And there is another wrinkle. The case that is currently burning me is testing a custom NHibernate-based ASP.NET membership provider. These are created apparently once per AppDomain, so I shouldn't inject the session into it, for obvious reasons.
Is there a way in structuremap to tell it to get rid of an instance of a particular type while still maintaining the bits that tell it how to instantiate that type? Really, if I could get away with it, I would just make it act like the HttpScoped object lifetime, but apparently I can only do that within the context of an Http request. Is there a straightforward way to manually control the lifetime of an object coming out of structuremap?
I apologize for the length of this and the possibility that it is a dumb question. I'm solo on this project, so I don't really have anyone to bounce ideas off of.

You could wrap the session in your own ISession implementation which delegates to a real session which lifetime you control. Then register your own ISession as instance.

I ended up making two constructors for my provider along with a private variable of type Func. By default, its value was set to my standard code for creating a session using StructureMap's ObjectFactory.
The overloaded constructor accepted as a parameter an object of type Func. That way, I can inject a strategy for creating an instance of that type if needed, but otherwise don't have to go through any extended effort. In the case of my test, I created the session in the NUnit setup method and destroyed it in the Teardown. I don't love this idea, but I don't currently hate it enough to rip it out....yet.
This got rid of the error I was experiencing in regard to the tables. However, it appears that NHibernate for some reason cannot write to an in-memory sqlite database under the conditions I created. I'm now working on testing to see if I can write to one in the file system. It isn't ideal, but it will be a good long while (I hope), before the performance of writing to disk really starts hurting.


How can I slowly migrate to using Redis as a Session State Provider from in process?

Is it a bad idea to implement my own session state provider that conditionally switches based on key between the redis session provider and the inproc session provider?
I am working in a very large legacy asp.net application that currently uses the inproc session provider. We are migrating to Redis as a session state provider so that it persists deploys, however the application is chock full of session abuses (e.g. way too large objects, non-serializable object, I saw a thread in there for some reason?).
We plan to slowly correct these abuses but until they are all corrected we cannot really move to redis. I am hoping we can slowly start migrate serializable-safe keys into redis while the abuses remain in memory until we address them.
Does anyone have any advice on this? Or perhaps alternative suggestions for migrating to out of process from in process?
In ASP.NET Web Form and MVC, using Redis for Session State is just a couple of line of modification in Web.config. Then add SerializableAttribute to classes. There is no side effects of applying it to a class.
Based on my experience when migrating to Azure few years ago, Session State is not worth migrating slowly.
Caching is different story. It requires code changes, so we end up implementing two classes - MemoryCacheManager and RedisCacheManager, and register at run-time in IoC container. Then inject ICacheManager to dependent classes.
Source for the session state: https://github.com/Microsoft/referencesource/blob/master/System.Web/State/
Docs: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.web.sessionstate?view=netframework-4.7.2
I'd start by checking out the reference source so you can search the codebase. One interface jumps out as potentially interesting.. IPartialSessionState (When implemented in a type, returns a list of zero or more session keys that indicate to a session-state provider which session-state items have to be retrieved.) Source is here
I stumbled on https://www.wiktorzychla.com/2007/06/wrapped-inprocsessionstatestore.html
via ASPNET : Switch between Session State Providers ?‏.
This technique could theoretically be used with the Redis provider as well. You'd have to either maintain a list of keys suitable for storing in Redis or do some kind of try to serialize/catch/cache result of which types can be serialized and adaptively fall back to the InProc behavior. You should be able to use HttpContext.Current.Items to flow information between events in the request processing pipeline.
The SessionStateModule (the module responsible for retrieving session, locking, saving, unlocking, etc.) seems to treat InProc as special in a few places. Search its code for InProc. Essentially you're trying to plug in a magical provider that is Custom and yet still has all of the InProc semantics applied by the one and only SessionStateModule. You won't be able to/probably won't want to modify that module, but you may be able to hook up another one adjacent to it that hooks into related events in the request pipeline and does whatever needs to be done that is either In-Proc or Custom-specific. You'll probably run into internal/private methods for which you'd need to use reflection. Not sure how the licensing works on the reference source (MS-PL I think), but another option would be to copy & paste the code from SessionStateModule into your own, make adjustments as needed, unregister the original and register your replacement.
I think you're going to be stuck dealing with a lot of reflection code to get this to work.

ASP.NET thread agility - how to overcome?

ASP.NET is known to exhibit what is called "thread agility". In short, it means that multiple threads may be employed to fulfill a single request, although not more than one thread at a time. This is an optimization that means a thread waiting for asynchronous I/O may be returned to the pool and used to service other requests.
However, ASP.NET does not migrate all thread-related data when moving a request. Microsoft either forgot to do so, or thought that using thread-local storage (made easy by the ThreadStatic attribute) was something only the people coding ASP.NET themselves should do.
Based on quick googling, it seems to me that the only way to avoid the issue is to rely on HttpContext instead. The context is indeed migrated if ASP.NET decides to switch threads mid-request, so this overcomes the problem. But it creates a brand new headache instead: It ties your application logic to HttpContext, and therefore to a web context. That's not acceptable in all situations (in fact, I'd say it's unacceptable in most). Besides, since HttpContext is sealed and has internal constructors, you cannot mock or stub it, and therefore your logic also becomes untestable.
According to this (old) blog post, CallContext does NOT work, which is pretty infuriating given that a call context is conceptually precisely a logical thread!
Is there a simple way to reliably implement "per-LOGICAL-thread" isolation that will work in asp.net contexts as well as other contexts?
If not, does anyone know of a lightweight third-party framework that solves the problem? Does StructureMap behave correctly when ASP.NET migrates threads?
I would like a general answer, but in case anyone wonders, the specific use case I'm looking at is for use of Entity Framework in a SharePoint context. We're unfortunately stuck with SP-2010 and EF 3.5 for a while. EF basically requires that data is saved using the same context as they were originally read from - or else you have to keep track of changes yourself. I would like to introduce a "current model" concept. The first time the model is called upon in processing each HTTP request it should be instantiated, and then that same model instance should be used for the duration of the request. But the code relying on "Model.Current" should also work if executed in the context of a timer job. I'm fine with the timer job code explicitly disposing of the model when done with it (a task I'd like to give to a handler for HttpApplication.EndRequest in the SharePoint web context).
There may be reasons not to do this, and that's interesting too, but I would anyway really appreciate to learn of a way to achieve "logical thread isolation" in an asp.net context, as it'd be remarkably useful.
There is a nice post related to the problem: Implicit Async Context ("AsyncLocal").
If I got everything right, Logical CallContext i.e. CallContext.LogicalGetData and CallContext.LogicalSetData make it real to migrate immutable data correctly given you live in the world past .NET 4.5. This immutable limitation is a nut but still...way to go.

Most appropriate Lifetime Manager for Controller?

Currently I'm using Microsoft.Practices.Unity.HierarchicalLifetimeManager as the lifetime manager for my controllers because it calls dispose on the objects it contains. However, it seems that I'm running into cross-threading issues now (multiple request variables are getting mixed up). Reading further into the lifetime manager, it implements a Singleton pattern, which I believe is my problem.
I'm using Unity 2.1. Can any recommend the most appropriate lifetime manager to use with ASP.net MVC controllers, that will call dispose on each of its contained objects at the end of each request?
Thanks so much.
I would think any here that don't implement as a singleton should work. You'll need to pick the best for your needs. PerThreadLifetimeManager sounds pretty good, although it doesn't call Dispose. However, it will be garbage collected when the thread dies.

Performance : asp.net Cache versus singleton

I have a app that pass through a web service to access data in database.
For performance purpose, I store all apps parameters in cache, otherwise I would call the web service on each page requests.
Some examples of these parameters are the number of search result to display, or wich info should be displayed or not.
The parameters are stored in database because they are edited through a windows management application.
So here comes my question, since these parameters don't have to expire (I store them for a couple of hours), would it be more efficent to store them in a static variable, like a singleton?
What do you think?
I don't think there'd be a noticeable performance difference in storing your parameters in the HttpCache versus a Singleton object. Either way, you need to load the parameters when the app starts up.
The advantage of using the HttpCache is that it is already built to handle an expiration and refresh, which I assume you would want. If you never want to refresh the parameters, then I suppose you could use a Singleton due to the simplicity.
The advantage of building your own custom class is that you can get some static typing for your parameters, since everything you fetch from HttpCache will be an object. However, it would be trivial to build your own wrapper for the HttpCache that will return a strongly typed object.

ObjectContext in ASP.Net

I'm working with a project in ASP.Net using Webforms. I'm using Entity Framework to save data on Microsoft SQL.
My question is:
Is possible to use a Static class to keep the ObjectContext of EF live and put/get entities NOT saved inside the ObjectContext?
I want to create an Object, then added with AddObject on the ObjectContext, But NOT to do the Savechanges. All this in one webform. And then, in other webform, access to the ObjectContext and get the Object when added.
It is this possible?
My rules to using ObjectContext:
Do not use static context.
Do not share context.
You are trying to violate both rules. If you do that your application will have undeterministic behavior. Create new ObjectContext instance for each request. It is the same as openning new connection and starting new transaction in the request instead of sharing one connection and one transaction among all of them.
Further explanation also here. Also check linked question in right column and you will see what type of problems people have just because of violating one or both mentioned rules.
Also in web application it becames even more interesting because ObjectContext is not thread safe.
You could add it to the application items collection. See this blog post for syntax and such.
Generally, you don't want to. An ObjectContext is intended to be a unit of work, alive for a single set of related transactions. In an ASP.NET application, that generally corresponds to a single request.
If you must keep it alive for multiple requests, I wouldn't use either a static class, nor the application context. Instead, I'd recommend using the Cache, and then attaching the callbacks to it that let you ensure all your transactions are committed before it gets evicted, just in case.
