passing gridview particular row datas to another page in -

i want to set session in login page and want to pass one page girdview data to another page.
slno title author publication takenby
1 book1 author1 pub1 sendrequest (button)
Above image showing gridview. when i click the Request Book button(1st one). it will redirect to sendrequest.aspx page. and have to bring that row data (i.e)
i tried below code
protected void GridView1_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e)
string user = (string)(Session["User"]);
if (e.CommandName.Equals("SendRequestCmd"))
if (user == null)
Session["slno"] = null;
Session["bookname"] = null;
var clickedRow = ((Button)e.CommandSource).NamingContainer as GridViewRow;
// now access the cells like this
SlNo = clickedRow.Cells[0].Text;
Session["slno"] = SlNo.ToString();
BookName = clickedRow.Cells[1].Text;
Session["bookname"] = BookName.ToString();
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
string slno = "", bookname = "";
slno = (string)(Session["slno"]);
bookname = (string)(Session["bookname"]);
if (slno == null || bookname == null)
Response.Write("serial no: " + slno + "\nbookname: " + bookname);
protected void Logout()
but i got error in
why? anybody correct it?
else say better way?

Without posting your error it's difficult to see what the problem is. You could check that Sessions are enabled in your application.
Another way to do this (which may be better) is passing just the id/slno (via QueryString) to your other page, then perform a lookup to get your data at that stage.

I will surely create a type(Class) for booking
with slno title author publication properties and
public class Booking
public Booking()
// TODO: Add constructor logic here
public int slno { get; set; }
public string Title { get; set; }
public string author { get; set; }
public string publication { get; set; }
set all properties of object of booking type and pass that object in session
protected void GridView1_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e)
string user = (string)(Session["User"]);
if (e.CommandName.Equals("SendRequestCmd"))
if (user == null)
Booking b = new Booking();
b.slno = clickedRow.Cells[0].Text;
b.Title = BookName.ToString();
Session["Booing"] = b;
and on receiving end just case that session value into that object again
and access each property just by using dot with object name .
Booking b=(Booking)Session["Booking"]
int slno=b.slno;
string Title=b.Title;
Without posting error not possible to give suggestion or correction , my answer is just how can you pass multiple values using session from one page to another .


Pass values to a button from function

I have a function which is receiving parameters from another function and I have to pass these parameters to a button when it's execution get's complete !
async void CallCompanyApi(String CompanyGp, string CompanyId)
First.IsVisible = false;
Second.IsVisible = true;
// Next_Clicked(CompanyGp,CompanyId)
private void Next_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
I have to pass these 2 parameters to that button !
you need to create class level variables to store these values
string _CompanyGp;
string _CompanyId;
async void CallCompanyApi(String CompanyGp, string CompanyId)
First.IsVisible = false;
Second.IsVisible = true;
// store the parameters in the class level variables
_CompanyGp = CompanyGp;
_CompanyId = CompanyId;
private void Next_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
// you can now just reference _CompanyGp and _CompanyId
FYI, this is basic C# and really has nothing specific to do with Xamarin
Welcome to SO!
If CallCompanyApi and Next_Clicked located in different class, you can store them in Xamarin Forms by using Preferences.
using Xamarin.Essentials;
async void CallCompanyApi(String CompanyGp, string CompanyId)
First.IsVisible = false;
Second.IsVisible = true;
Preferences.Set("CompanyGp", CompanyGp);
Preferences.Set("CompanyId", CompanyId);
Then in another class, click button will get them:
private void Next_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
var CompanyGp = Preferences.Get("CompanyGp", "default_value");
var CompanyId = Preferences.Get("CompanyId", "default_value");
Else if they are in the same class, you can use the way as Jason's said.
You can set a default value if needed, such as follow:
var CompanyGp = Preferences.Get("CompanyGp", "Company_A");
var CompanyId = Preferences.Get("CompanyId", "1");
Defalut CompanyGp is Company_A, and default CompanyId is 1.

display next page asynchronously and then run its page load event

I have an airline site in which i am trying to display the fare from different API/Web service. But Firstly i want to display the search page--> Display processing --> binding data in the page from theses API/web service as they received.
but i am not able to display search page before the result processing.
What i have tried (code)-
public partial class asyncgridview : System.Web.UI.Page,ICallbackEventHandler
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!Page.IsCallback)
ltCallback.Text = ClientScript.GetCallbackEventReference(this, "'bindgrid'", "EndGetData", "'asyncgrid'", false);
private string _Callback;
public string GetCallbackResult()
return _Callback;
public void RaiseCallbackEvent(string eventArgument)
DataTable table = fetchData();
gvAsync.DataSource = table;
using (System.IO.StringWriter sw = new System.IO.StringWriter())
gvAsync.RenderControl(new HtmlTextWriter(sw));
_Callback = sw.ToString();

loading data in gridview is slow

For having the result like below and showing column 2 (user control) & column 3 (user control) grouped by column 1. I have made the code like below but it is slow , actually when I use just column 1 , loading is quick (5 seconds) , when I use column 1 & column2 (user control "document list") loading is 10 seconds, and when I use column 1 & column 2 (document list") & column3 ("DocTransList") loading is 45 seconds. I think my code in LINQ is not efficient , but I do not know how to solve it.
TT-001 DOC-001 01
DOC-002 01
public partial class Transmittals : System.Web.UI.Page
class TransmittalPresentationModel
public int TransID { get; set; }
public String TransmittalNo { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<tblDocument> Documents { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<tblTransmittall> DocTrans { get; set; }
private EDMSDataContext _DataContext;
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
_DataContext = new EDMSDataContext();
if (!IsPostBack)
private void DisplayAuthors()
var query =
from transmittal in _DataContext.tbltransmittalNos
orderby transmittal.TRANSMITTAL
select new TransmittalPresentationModel
TransID = transmittal.TransID,
TransmittalNo = transmittal.TRANSMITTAL,
Documents = transmittal.tblTransmittalls.Select(Transmittals => Transmittals.tblDocument),
DocTrans = transmittal.tblTransmittalls
GridViewTransmittals.DataSource = query.ToList();
protected void GridViewTransmittals_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
if (e.Row.DataItem == null) return;
TransmittalPresentationModel transmittal = (TransmittalPresentationModel)e.Row.DataItem;
DocumentList documentList = (DocumentList)e.Row.FindControl("DocumentList1");
DocTransList doctranslist = (DocTransList)e.Row.FindControl("DocTransList2");
documentList.Documents = transmittal.Documents;
doctranslist.DocTrans = transmittal.DocTrans;
Your having issues because your records all need to load into the GridView on each page load / refresh. This pulls from the database and draws each row each time which is time consuming.
Better options are to use Ajax to load your GridView.
Or use Paging on the server side and only give the data to your page it needs.

Posting data between Asp.Net Web Pages

I have a list of strings, which are generated on a imagebutton_click method. I want to be able to use this list in another webpage.
How ever im not quite sure how to go about posting it between the two pages.
I have the following code below:
protected void ImageButton1_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e)
RadGrid rg = RadGrid1;
//Get selected rows
GridItemCollection gdc = (GridItemCollection)rg.SelectedItems;
foreach (GridItem gi in gdc)
if (gi is GridDataItem)
GridDataItem gdi = (GridDataItem)gi;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(gdi["Email"].Text))
string client = gdi["Email"].Text;
//Creating a List of Clients to be Emailed
//Enable the Prepare Email Page
PageView2.Selected = true;
protected void ImageButton2_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e)
if (emailList.Count != 0)
for (int i = 0; i < emailList.Count; i++)
_to = emailList[i].ToString() + ";";
_to = emailList[1].ToString();
//Processing Client Email
string _from = sec.GetCurrentUserEmail("test");
string _cc = "";
string _subject = SubjectTB.Text;
string _body = EmailEditor.Content;
string _tempTo = sec.GetCurrentUserEmail("temp");
string _msg = sec.SendMail(_tempTo, _cc, _from, _subject, _body, "");
if (_msg == "success")
//Thank the user and record mail was delivered sucessfully
TestPanel.Visible = true;
How do I get the values of emailList to be passed through to ImageButton2_click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e). Currently it just passes through a null value. I gather I need to use HTML forms to do the request. Thanks.
I'm guessing that emailList is a private variable? Wouldn't you be able to add that to the LoadControlState and SaveControlState so that it'll be available for ImageButton2_Click later?
Here is an example:
Another possibility is hidden field, that might be the simplist way, but not as secure.
You can get a good idea about state management in ASP.Net here. For your case if button1 and button2 are in the same aspx page, Viewstate would be a good idea. If they are in diferent pages then use Session state management. data entry form

I want to build a form where users can enter some data in a few text boxes and click the "Add" button and have the the data appear in a grid or something like it. They need to be able to enter multiple rows.
Then when they are done they can click the "Save" button to save the data to the database.
How do I get the data from from the text boxes into the "grid"?
Here's what I have so far
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
DataTable myDataTable = new DataTable();
DataColumn dc1 = new DataColumn("Employee");
DataColumn dc2 = new DataColumn("Category");
DataColumn dc3 = new DataColumn("Description");
DataColumn dc4 = new DataColumn("P/S/N");
DataColumn dc5 = new DataColumn("Hours");
DataColumn dc6 = new DataColumn("WeekEnding");
protected void btnAddToGrid_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
DataRow row = myDataTable.NewRow();// i'm getting error here sayind myDataTable does not exist
row["Employee"] = LoginName1.ToString();
row["Category"] = ddlCategory.SelectedValue;
row["Description"] = txtDescription.Text;
row["P/S/N"] = ddlPSN.SelectedValue;
row["Hours"] = ddlHours.SelectedValue;
row["WeekEnding"] = txtWeekEnding.Text;
Ok your first problem from your comment:
i'm getting error here sayind myDataTable does not exist
Is because you defined your table in the Page_Load and then it goes out of scope at the end of the function. It sounds like you don't understand the basic concepts of ASP.NET and what you are trying to do.
Here is a quick and dirty untested solution to your problem but I must stress that you should try and understand why this solution works before trying to extend it or do more in ASP.NET. I hope my 10 minutes of my time helps you get a good start into understanding C# and ASP.NET.
public class YourData
public string Employee { get; set; }
public string Category { get; set; }
public string Description { get; set; }
public string P_S_N { get; set; }
public string Hours { get; set; }
public string WeekEnding { get; set; }
// Used to add your list of data to the viewstate cache
// (There are other ways to store data between posts but I am trying to keep it simple)
public void SetYourCachedData(List<YourData> data)
ViewState["YourDataCache"] = data;
// Used to get your save data so far
public List<YourData> GetYourCachedData()
return ViewState["YourDataCache"] == null ?
new List<YourData>() : (List<YourData>)(ViewState["YourDataCache"]);
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Do nothing
protected void btnAddToGrid_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Get the data and store it in the ViewState to cache it between post backs
// Assuming one record added with each click.
List<YourData> data = GetYourCachedData();
data.Add(new YourData()
Employee = LoginName1.ToString(),
Category = ddlCategory.SelectedValue,
Description = txtDescription.Text,
P_S_N = ddlPSN.SelectedValue,
Hours = ddlHours.SelectedValue,
WeekEnding = txtWeekEnding.Text
// You can bind to any type of collection easily.
// You don't need to use a DataTable with a GridView
yourGrid.DataSource = data;
protected void btnSaveData_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Pull data from the ViewState cache
List<YourData> data = GetYourCachedData();
// Now iterate through data to save it to your database...
// look this up if you don't know how as this is a lot more work.
looks like you just need to set the output object's datasource and bind it.
myGrid.datasource = myDataTable
And as Kelsey says -- keep your datatable in scope.
a public dim right above your page_load would be easier, if you just want to try it out. Otherwise, the separate class approach is a good way to go.
