Add buttons to GridView rows dynamically -

I have a gridview which is being populated by a Javascript. Now after this action I want to add Start and Stop buttons to the data that has already being bound via the Javascript. So the final Gridview row would consist of 2 buttons and the column values that have been set by the Javascript.Can someone please suggest

Related change cell value on gridview with code behind

I have an gridview with several rows/pages.
There are some fields below it which display full details of the row which has been clicked on gridview.
I then change a field value on the details below area and the new data is saved programmatically to database.
However the value on the gridview just changed below, doesn't change.
I would like to just change de cell value on the gridview programmatically so there is no need to reload the data grid.
I am basically looking for something like:
I've search around and found some solutions based on _onrowdatabound but this is not correct, as I just want to change one cell of the grid.
Any ideas ?
The easiest way would be to change the value in your datasource and then binding the datasource to the grid again. (don't reload it from the database just change the value in the datasource)

Dyanmically create gridview in code behind with template field

I need to create gridviews dynamically, of particular design(only 4 columns), first column has a checkbox, and the rest are boundfields, how can i create this, and bind the dynamically created gridview, is it possible to bind checkbox also(i have a bool column for this).
Later i need to check and uncheck rows, and on button click will i be able to access this dynamically created gridview to find checked and unchecked rows.
i have a data set with many(unknown no of) datatables having 4 columns,i need to Provide a UI for the user to change Data with in this DS.

New row in ASP.NET GridView Control

I want to do something really simple, I just can't seem to find the EnableClientAddRow property, so I can set it to true. I have a standard GridView control on a web form. I want a button to appear on the web form. When the user clicks the button, an empty row is added to the GridView UI, so the user can enter data in the appropriate fields. The row will of course, have a "Save" button of some type in one of the columns.
I know this functionality must be in the GridView somewhere, I just can't find it. I did find some odd hacks that try to manually implement this. I'm not really interested in footer manipulations or binding tricks, just the standard add row method.
It appears the GridView does not support adding a row as a first-order operation. This appears to be a serious design flaw.
I typically add a new record to the underlying data source as a part of the "add record" button click action. I then re-bind the view in order to show the blank row.
The new record is typically a DataRow if the GridView is bound to a DataTable, or an object if the GridView is bound to a collection of a particular type. Not sure if that is what you consider a binding trick from your question, but it works well and is quite easy to implement.
Edit - more detail to describe the process:
Add the row to the data source, set the EditItemIndex to the newly added row in order for the row to enter edit mode, then bind the data source to the GridView. Your EditItemTemplate would contain a Cancel and a Save button. Cancel would re-bind the GridView to the underlying data source without the empty row and set EditItemIndex to -1, thereby removing the row from the GridView.
How to easily insert row in GridView with SqlDataSource
If you add a new row to the datasource, even if the row has empty values, and you databind the datasource to the Gridview, it should show up as an editable row just like any of the other rows.

checkboxlist column gridview

I have gridview I have column that should be checkboxlist like dropdownlist column but how can I let the list appear when click in the column ?I don't want the list to appear unless the user want to check some items
thanks alot
Turn the column into a templated column. Make a panel with the checkboxlist in it. Set the display style to 'none' for the panel. On the hover over event of that cell, set the display style of the panel to ‘’.

ASP.NET GridView - Editing Dynamic Template Columns

I have created a GridView whose columns are dynamically created based on my data source. I have implemented these columns by using the approach described here.Those columns display properly on the initial load. However, I need to implement commanding so that a user can edit / delete a row in the GridView.
At this point, I have implemented commanding as I would with a normal GridView. I have a TemplateField with an ItemTemplate that has LinkButton elements for edit and delete. The CommandName for each LinkButton is set to either Edit or Delete respectively.
Oddly, when a user clicks either the Edit or Delete link, the data in the GridView disappears. However, I have verified that I am in fact re-binding the data when one of these LinkButton elements is selected.
Can anyone provide some suggestions as to what the cause could be?
Thank you!
Here are good examples. You can figure out postback issue.
