Routing in ASP.NET Web Forms Website -

I am trying to implement routing mechanism into my ASP.NET Web Forms - Site. Unfortunately all tutorials on how to do it I can find describe ASP.NET Web Forms - Application scenario, with Global.asax file. I obviously do not have this file. What are my options?

Click the show all files icon on top of Solution Explorer and you should be able to see it.

you should look into the MVC design patten.


Launch an ASP MVC project from a normal .aspx page

I have an existing ASP.NET web site running on .NET 4.5. I need to integrate an ASP MVC 4 project (which is its own fully-functional web application) into it so that when the user navigates to a certain page, the ASP MVC application is launched within the page - almost as if it were in an iframe.
In the main solution I can set both as startup projects, but this is obviously not what I am looking for. Can someone point me in the direction of how to do this? I have never used WCF before, but is this something that it could be used for? Thanks for anything!
You can create a hybrid webforms - MVC application.
To do this you need to:
copy the MVC configuration from the web.config of a new MVC project to your WebForms application web.config
create the standard MVC 4 folders (at least Views, Controllers)
reference the required assemblies
copy the web.config inside Views from the MVC project to the WebForms project Views folder
change the routing configuration to ignore routes including .aspx/.ascx, so that they are handled by web forms, and not MVC (do this also for .ashx, .asmx, or whatever other web forms based artifacts)
This way you have a single ASP.NET application which supports MVC and WebForms, and use the same authentication, session, and so on.
Then you can make this kind of integrations:
- make pages that are fully MVC or fully webforms. If you're using master pages, you need to create a master page for web forms, and a layout for MVC (this can be very hard or quite easy, depending on its content and design)
- make a webforms page and integrate the MVC pages using AJAX and MVC partial views
Aprt frommy comments, this blog entry will help you a lot: Integrating ASP.NET MVC 3 into existing upgraded ASP.NET 4 Web Forms applications
By the way, this is not theoretical... I have a web application with lots of pages, areas, and views, which uses this technique, and it works flawlessly. I had to redo the design of the master page (layout and CSS) so that both kind of pages look alike. I was lucky enough to have a menu rendered in a webforms placeholder using a SQL XML query and an XSLT, so re-using it in the MVC layout was absolutely easy. You can do something similar to this in your master page and MVC layout (I mean rendering the HTML manually, and using it in both pages, so that it's done only once)
You can take some time to get it to work, but it's worth the effort.

how to hide aspx extension(URL rewriting) using global.asax in

I am working on URL rewriting using global.asax in 3.5,
I want it to rewrite as:http://localhost:65278/Home
How to acheive this? Can anyone give me simple EG?
I assume you are using ASP.NET web forms.
If you use Routing for Web Forms then you don't need to have extensions on the url. You can have the same routing goodness experienced by the MVC apps in your web forms applicaiton as well.
Check here to learn more about Routing for ASP.NET Web Forms

How to add a winforms usercontrol in an aspx page

How can we add a winforms user control in an aspx page?
Any help will be appreciated.
Take a look at an article from ASP.NET.4guysFrom - Hosting a Windows Control in a Web Form and also Hosting .NET Windows Forms Controls in IE
You can't, as far as I'm aware. If you want a native client style experience in a web app (and AJAX isn't good enough for you), you should look at using SilverLight.
its possible to embebed but user will need to download the assembly and executed locally

How to run/debug multiple web application projects with-in the same solution?

I have 2 web application projects. One is my MVC app and the other is for the admin related functions which is web forms Dynamic Data. My MVC app would be the main site, but I would want the webforms to work under an Admin folder of the MVC site.
While debugging the application, I would like the "/admin/Default.aspx" link on the MVC site to link to the default page within my Dynamic Data site. How do I accomplish this? I know I can test each project independently.
Within the visual studio project, you can right click on a folder and select "Convert to Web Application" which resolved my issue.
The easiest way would be to run them both in separate virtual directories and use Url Rewriting to push requests for the root to the public site. You can nest ASP.NET applications, but that generally requires quite a bit of fussing with the configuration file to dodge inheritance issues.
You could achieve this behavior via your IIS-Manager. Click on the Website, navigate to the folder you want to behave like a separate application and use right-mouse click and press "convert-to-application".

ASP.NET Ajax feature in existing ASP.NET website

I have a ASP.NET Website which was developed in ASP.NET 2.0.
Now I want to add a new page to the project which will make use of the ASP.NET AJAX features like Partial page updating.
Is there any options to do this ? Do i need to change any settings for this in my already existing project /Solution ?
The only problems you may run across is inside you web.config file if you don't go in and register the ajax assemblies.
Other than that you should be able to add a scriptmanager control and work with the page like any other ajax page.
Edit: Here is some documentation that should help you configure ASP.NET AJAX to an existing website.
There is a great tutorial about how to implement AJAX on a regular ASP.NET web site.
