Force YouTube Playlist to HTML5 playback - css

As I would like to be able to manipulate the z-index of an embedded Youtube playlist, I tried adding the html5 parameter, set to 1, but this seems to work for single video embedding only.
This works:
<iframe width="300" height="225" src="" frameborder="0">
But this doesn't:
<iframe width="300" height="225" src="" frameborder="0">
Many thanks :)

You are forcing the html 5 player the right way, youtube doesn't support this at the moment this will only work for single video's.
There are other solutions to have a html5 player play multiple youtube video's in html5.
Using mediaelement.js you can build something yourself (check which vid is playing, which one's next, if a video's finished, etc...).
After a quick Google I found a HTML5 player which actually has playlist support:


How to disable full screen on youtube Iframe?

I have a div container and Iframe inside. I assigned width=200 and height=200.
when I click on full screen, the video becomes blurry with very bad quality. So, I wanted to see if it is possible to disable full screen on youtube iframe.
"I used ?controls=0 at the end of my url and it resolved the issue."
Your answer doesn't solve the problem, you can toggle full screen also double clicking the video. I tried allowfullscreen="0", doesn't work as well.
The same is for ?showinfo=0; also doesn't work.
?showinfo=0 works only if you change link:
Use the iframe tag without allowFullscreen to disable the button on the player, for example:
<iframe src=""></iframe>
To allow fullscreen just add allowFullscreen:
<iframe allowfullscreen="0" src=""></iframe>
when you have a video on youtube you can share it. it also displays an option to embed it.
you probably have a <iframe></iframe> in your code
mine looks like this:
<div class="IFR" alt="-">
<iframe width="560" height="315" src=" rel=0&controls=1&showinfo=0" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" donotallowfullscreen>
Your browser does not support Iframes <br>
I suggest that you use Google Chrome or FireFox
the thing that matters here is "donotallowfullscreen".
if you set this to "allowfullscreen" you will be able to use fullscreen.
TLDR: in the Iframe tag where your YT video is located, add "donotallowfullscreen" at the end. and its fixed
I used ?controls=0 at the end of my url and it resolved the issue.
<iframe title="video player" src={videoSrc} allowfullscreen="0"/>
React- Full Screen Fix for youtube API
You can remove the full-screen option from the youtube embed video by using fs parameter in the youtube embed URL
Example:- youtube embed URL
Add query parameter of fs in the above URL
Special thanks to ecoe
To allow fullscreen in iframe add allowfullscreen attribute in the iframe
<iframe class="iframe-embed" [src]="url_link|safe" allowfullscreen>

How to make Own HTML5 Player from using google Drive Embeded code of a Video (Having Full screen Option eneable)?

This is the embeded Code of the file:
<iframe src="" width="640" height="480"></iframe>
If I use this embeded code The Video having an option with popout (at the Upper Right Corner) and There is no full Screen Mode . Please Help.
In the iframe tag you can add the property allowfullscreen="true"
so that video would be like this
<iframe src="" width="640" height="480" allowfullscreen="true"></iframe>
Check it and let me know if it didn't work for you.

jwplayer html5 video fullscreen is not working on iframe embedded

I will host videos from my server for users. Users can embed videos... Currently I am writing the php script. But I have a problem with embed codes. The problem is, cannot fullscreen on html5... Player support html5 & flash player. If player is flash users can go fullscreen from embed code. But on html5 player can't go fullscreen. Youtube's embed codes can go fullscreen but YouTube uses html5 too. Here is the code that i used:
<iframe width="530" height="270" src="" frameborder="0"></iframe>
If you enter the link directly you can go fullscreen. But on iframe you cannot... How can I fix it?
I think your iframe element needs to include the allowfullscreen attribute.
Here is the update code with the new fullscreen attribute as an example:
<iframe width="530" height="270" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Just wanted to point out: For IE to recognize the frameborder attribute, it needs a capital B, as in frameBorder. All other browsers seem to recognize both options, so the 'B' is a good failsafe for compatibility. According to the MSDN docs, allowfullscreen should work just fine in IE, although that might only pertain to HTML4.

Error when we use Google-Analytics

Good day.
When we use Google Analytics on site wordpress, we get point on page:
Tell me plase why and how create this point and how delete her ?
You might have CSS that automatically adds borders to all the images on your site.
You are using a No Javascript version of Google Analytics with an image (1x1) like this one:
<img src="" height="1" width="1" >
You could try to adjust your CSS to remove the borders of this image.
For example you could target the relevant image source (not supported by all browsers):

Support of Video in different browser

i have a task to Upload video and play in different browser. i have tried playing a .Mp4 video on different browser
i have tried implementing the iframe like
<iframe id="frame1" runat="server" visible="false" style="height: 222px; width: 482px;">
and tried implementing it src at runtime as:
frame1.Visible = true;
frame1.Attributes.Add("src", objLessionsInfo.VideoPath.ToString());
It works at chrome. but not in firefox and IE
I also tried implemeting the video tag of HTML5 as
<video controls="controls" tabindex="5" class="Video">
<source src="Videos/2.webm" type="video/webm" >
<source src="Videos/2.ogv" type="video/ogv">
<source src="Videos/2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the <code>video</code> element.
the same works at Chrome but not in Firefox and IE as .mp4 works on chrome but firefox doesn't support. i have tried with .webm format it plays at firefox.
i am confuse with the concept of how to make a video support to a different browser or how to structure this task.
whether should i check browser and play a video for that particular browser ( in this case i have to upload a video in different browser)
or is there any universal plugin that can play a video in all browser
need help on it. Thanks for any assistance.
Try a HTML5 video plug-in, like
those plug-ins are automatically taken care of your browser compatibilities. ".mp4" is the good enough. If you don't have other video extentions(.ogg or .webm), plug-ins will automatically convert it to FLASH object.
