visual studio express see events in source mode -

Is it just me...
I would really like to be able to add/access the events for a control when in the source mode of the GUI, rather than having to switch to design mode.
I know that I can just type in the event, but I do like the convenience of being able to double click the box in the properties window and have the event handler created automatically for me. Plus then I can see all associated properties available for the control.
If there is a setting/option to always show events I have not found it yet, did the community find this toggle?

In .Net Web development, you can use on the page AutoEventWireup and adjust to true
This functionality associate delegate to event by reflection
Link :
Nota : you don't need associate event to your delegate


How can I get Visual Studio to auto-stub delegates to control events in ASP.NET?

So in a WinForm app, the Properties tab has an event button. It shows me all the possible events I can wire up to a delegate for the control that has focus. Then, all I have to do is double-click my event of choice and VS will auto-stub the delegate for me with the appropriate EventArgs type and everything. It'll then automagically take me to that delegate in the class.
How can I do the same thing in ASP.NET? For example, where can I click or double-click to have VS auto-stub in lifecycle Page events such as OnInit or OnUnload and then take me to the newly stubbed delegate? Surely this isn't always a manual process?
The Event tab in the property grid requires that Design View be up to date (synchronized) to work. For this to happen, you either need to be in design view, or have just left it without making changes to the document (or be in split view, so you can refresh the designer easily at will).
See also: Events tab randomly appears and disappears in VS 2008
Adding information from the comments:
Currently (VS2010), the only stubbing support for event handler generation using WebForms is for server control events. There isn't any tooling out-of-the-box to create event handlers for the Page itself (e.g. OnInit, OnUnload) if you're using code-behind files. However, if you are using single file webforms (i.e. no code behind) you can generate these via the Navigation Bar (disabled by default in VS2010, but enabled in previous versions).
Just select the element, go to event tab in property grid. Then double click the event you want.
Also make sure you are using "runat=server" and ASP.NET WebControls. In other words, not HTML controls.
As an addendum to the question: Please see Jimmy's comments above. Looks like everything else works fine but there's no method of auto-wiring up Page-type-specific events.

CompositeControl design time GUI creation

I don't know if this is a right question, but i need to understand how it works.
I want to create CompositeControl with design time support, the GUI of the design time support is rendered CreateChildControls().
My question is: When i drop this control on aspx page, what is actually happening in the background for gui to appear on design view?
Does it executes CreateChildControls()?
Is it possible to debug the gui creation process?
The CreateChildControls will be called in design surface. You can debug your control simply.
Set your control's class library as a start up project.
Open the class library's properties panel.
Hit the Debug tab.
Select the Start external program and browse your visual studio location.
%VSPath%\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe
Put a break point on the CreateChildControls.
And press F5.
Create a new web project and Add your control to the Toolbox.
And Drop it onto the page.
Break point will be called.

How do I build a popup dialog in

I am building a Web Application using (C#). I come from windows forms development and find myself in a hard spot. Im making an application where the user should edit some simple information about himself, and thus i need to create a new dialog. How do I do that in I have a button which event is handled serverside, and when i click lthis button i want to popup a dialog where i can show my custom web control (or any web control, lets make it generic from the start). How do I go about with doing so?
I got some part of the way by looking at the internet, that i need to make a section and set the z-index to 1000, but how do i make it visible (block)? Please help here as i am completely lost...
If you're not concerned about using a library, try Microsoft ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit, they have several controls that can create something you want (the ModalPopup control).
The AJAX Control Toolkit has a ConfirmButton extender which will do exactly what you are looking for.
I used to do the following:
1. my new pop up is just a new aspx page like any other page
2. add a button (or just a link) that fires a client side java script function
3. in the function I use and put params to open my popup page with no toolbars or scrollbars and proper size to its content
check this for more info on #3

Why can't I double-click a button to create an event handler in Silverlight 2.0?

In WPF, ASP.NET, WinForms, I create a button, double-click on it and fill in the event handler.
In Silverlight (with Visual Web Developer 2008), I make a button, double-click it but nothing happens.
Is this not supported when writing Silverlight applications for some reason? Do we have to write these event handlers by hand?
The silverlight designer is display only. If you want to move things on screen with your mouse or double click to add events, you need to use expression blend.
This will be a feature in the next release of Silverlight along with many other developer tool improvements. You can create the event handler "semi-automatically" in the XAML-editor, though, using Intellisense.

ASP.NET message box

I am looking for a custom control which could enable me to call message of following type.
Is there a control which function like a .NET desktop application messagebox?
I know, exactly similar may not be possible but main features I am looking for here is returning value of clicked button and custom value entered by user in code behind.
I have also started working on it myself, but hardly any luck so far.. any direction in this case will also be very useful.
There is a good tutorial which could help:
Create MessageBox user control using ASP.NET and CSS
And here combining it with the AjaxControlToolkit:
ASP.NET Popup Message Box User Control
I hope this helps!
Have you looked at the AJAX Toolkit? It doesn't do all the things you want, but it should be too hard to the extender and controls needed into a CustomControl and create your own DLL.
use the namespace "System.Windows.Forms" by adding the reference to the solution explorer
