Add timestamps to compiled sass/scss - css

Is it possible to automatically add a timestamp on the compiled CSS file using SASS?
/* CSS Compiled on: {date+time} */
...compiled css goes here...
I've checked the SASS and Compass docs but no mention of such a feature.

I don't know of any built-in SASS or Compass feature for this, but it's not too hard to add a custom Ruby function to do it. (See the section entitled "Adding Custom Functions" in the SASS reference here.)
Your file with the Ruby function would look like this (let's call it "timestamp.rb"):
module Sass::Script::Functions
def timestamp()
And you'd reference the new timestamp function in your SASS file like this:
* CSS Compiled on: #{timestamp()}
You just need to make sure your "timestamp.rb" file is loaded when you compile the SASS, either by requiring it from a Compass config file, or by using the --require parameter with the SASS command line. When all is said and done, you should get output like the following:
* CSS Compiled on: 2012-10-23 08:53:03 -0400

If you are using the command line version of SCSS you can do the following:
Install sass-timestamp
gem install sass-timestamp
Use it within your code like (see documentation for more information)
/* Compiled on #{timestamp()} */
Require it on the command line
scss -r sass-timestamp ...
Output will be
/* Compiled on 2015-02-02 13:01:40 +0800 */
Note: Use #{unix_timestamp()} for a unix timestamp

I don't know if everyone needs it (cause the question is a long time answered ago),
but a simple solution is to write the timestamp/date
to a single sass/scss file as SASS variable,
import them to the location where the timestamp should be
and then let a comment in sass write them out.
Nothing to install, compile or anything else - just using scripts and sass:
1.) Write the timestamp to a separate sass file: (Here a dos-script, but you can also use any other script/language to generate the simple file):
echo $BuildTimeStamp : "%date% %time%"> _timestamp.scss
2.) Import the generated file with the timestamp:
#import '_timestamp.scss';
3.) Write the header out as comment:
/*! Automatic build at: #{$BuildTimeStamp} */
Write the timestamp before you call the original sass command
and it will also work without the need to install, build or do anything else.


Symfony encore, variables in sass and scss

I have a variable file in scss and import it with Symfony encore for my scss and sass files (see the code below).
// enables Sass/SCSS support
Encore.enableSassLoader((options) => {
options.implementation = require('sass')
options.additionalData = `#import "#/scss/variables.scss"`
The problem is there are sass (node-module(s)) and scss (template) files in my project which needs them.
If I run it like the snippet above it went fine for the sass files, but the scss files give an error: 'SassError: expected ";" after the #import line in the additionalData'.
However if I add the ; after the import line I get an error from the sass files 'SassError: semicolons aren't allowed in the indented syntax.'.
It's probably a small issue which I miss but I have no clue at the moment. I tried it with the added parameter indentedSyntax with true and false in the sassOptions but this was no success.
Anyone have an idea?
With kind regards

SCSS compiler not working properly in PyCharm

I am trying to set up a SCSS transpiler in PyCharm for Django project.
Basically, what I need is to convert /static/scss/main.scss to /static/css/main.css
Here are the configurations of SCSS File Watcher:
Program: /home/maverick/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.2.3/bin/scss
Arguments: --no-cache --update /home/maverick/Documents/DjangoProjects/timberg/static/css/$FileNameWithoutExtension$.css
Working directory: /home/maverick/Documents/DjangoProjects/timberg/static/scss
Output paths to refresh: /home/maverick/Documents/DjangoProjects/timberg/static/css/$FileNameWithoutExtension$.css
What is happening is that main.css is being generated where it should. But it contains only errors, not the expected css, like this:
Error: Inconsistent indentation: 2 spaces were used for indentation, but the rest of the document was indented using 8 spaces.
on line 39 of /home/maverick/Documents/DjangoProjects/timberg/static/css/main.css
and etc.
What is wrong here? How can I fix it?
The problem was in the Arguments part.
It should be:
not just:
My mistake was leaving out $FileName$: at the beginning.

Laravel 5 Elixir - Not creating more than one output file after multiple mix calls

I have my Gulp file set up:
elixir(function(mix) {
Which in my eyes should take both scss files and compile them into the public css folder.
However, it just creates one app.css file and doesn't create the admin.css file.
My terminal shows:
[23:01:43] Running Sass: resources/assets/sass/app.scss
[23:01:44] Running Sass: resources/assets/sass/admin.scss
[23:01:44] Finished 'watch' after 315 ms
[23:01:44] gulp-notify: [Laravel Elixir] Sass Compiled!
[23:01:45] gulp-notify: [Laravel Elixir] Sass Compiled!
So whats happening with the admin.scss file?
To do this you have to specify the output folder for each file (and also restart gulp / gulp watch)
elixir(function(mix) {
.sass('app.scss', './public/css/app.css')
.sass('admin.scss', './public/css/admin.css');
Once again, people at Larachat have pointed me in the right direction, so I thought I put this info here.
Turns out it's pretty easy, and it's documented:
Just put the files in an array instead of calling sass two times, like this:
mix.sass(['app.scss', 'admin.scss'], 'public/css')

recursive paths for libsass

I am using gulp-sass to compile sass in node.js. I am using the libsass config to set the includePaths option.
The following code works:
includePaths: './project/components/controls/selectAgencies/'
...but I would like to do something with recursion and get the same result, something like one of the following possibilities. As it stands right now, with these settings I get error: "file to import not found or unreadable".
includePaths: './project/components/controls/'
// or
includePaths: './project/components/controls/**/'
In compass, this is as simple as setting add_import_path "project/components"
The problem was actually in my sass file. If my include path is
and the sass file lives at
./project/components/controls/selectAgencies/_selectAgencies.scss then my .scss file should reflect the rest of the path, like so:
#import 'selectAgencies/selectAgencies'

Sass: How can I decode JSON file directly into a Sass variable?

Is possible decode a JSON file with Node-Sass?
#import "../data/data.json";
I need iterate this data directly into a variable
Any help is welcome :)
sass-json-vars is an excellent gem, but won't work with node-sass (which is a requirement of the original question).
Instead, try node-sass-json-importer, which is essentially the same thing, only re-worked to fit into node-sass's importer api.
There's a gem called Sass JSON Vars that does exactly what you want.
You can install the gem with the following command line code:
gem install sass-json-vars
For projects using Sass >= 3.3
Place variables in a JSON file:
// variables.json
"font-sans": "Helvetica, sans-serif",
"colors": {
"red": "#c33"
Import the file in Sass to expose variable names:
#import "variables.json"
body {
color: map-get($colors, red);
font: $font-sans;
Require sass-json-vars when compiling:
sass style.scss -r sass-json-vars
For projects using Sass <= 3.2
Place variables in a JSON file:
// variables.json
"font-sans": "Helvetica, sans-serif",
"colors-red": "#c33"
Import the file in Sass to expose variable names:
#import "variables.json"
body {
color: $colors-red;
font: $font-sans;
Require sass-json-vars when compiling:
sass style.scss -r sass-json-vars
More info :
The project's Github page
Sharing Data Between Sass and JavaScript with JSON
I'm not quite sure how you would do it but here is a great example on how to add custom ruby functions to sass:
And heres one on how to parse json:
Parsing a JSON string in Ruby
Maybe after putting them together you could do something like this?
module Sass::Script::Functions
def json(Sass::Script::String)
require 'rubygems'
require 'json'
Add it to the end of your config.rb file, and make sure you have json ruby gem installed:
gem install json
and run:
compass compile --force
to get it all to work.
* this is obviously untested and doesn't work, but it might help you get where you need to go.
