QMake OBJECTS issue after clean - qt

I have a precompiled object file, say myObjectFile.o. Inside my .pro file I have a block of code like this:
mac {
OBJECTS += myObjectFile.o
This works great for linking in the object file with the rest of the project, but there is a fatal issue. If I do a clean this object file gets deleted. And since it's precompiled, when I try to build again I get a linking error until I copy the file back into my projects directory (I actually have a system call in my .pro file to copy the file so I just run qmake again).
This problem is annoying and causes some issues with our continuous integration server. Basically, I'm looking for a way I can link precompiled object files into my code.

You do this by adding the object files in LIBS rather than OBJECTS:
mac {
LIBS += myObjectFile.o
The contents of LIBS are passed to the linker as-is, which makes it possible to include object files in it.


Use dynamic library in dynamic library

I am always using QDesignerCustomWidgetInteface. I want to use two kinds of CustomWidget in another CustomWidget to combine two of them so that I need not to write some codes again.
So I write codes as below in project file:
LIBS +=-L./debug -lxzquxianplugin
LIBS +=-L./debug -lxzyctextplugin
When I finished the code I debug the codes in creator and started debugging designer. Designer ran well and recognized my new CustomWidget. But when I entered bin/gcc/debug folder and ran executable app Designer that debug mode produced directly without codes and Qt creator, Designer showed that could not find shared library: libxzquxianplugin.so.
I tried to use codes as below:
Debug {
LIBS +=absolute path way of xzquxianplugin
LIBS +=absolute path way of xzyctextplugin
But it still failed to find dynamic library when I ran Designer in debug folders. I cannot understand why it happened.
the libs -L switch is used when you want to add a directory to linker search path, you used:
LIBS +=-L. /debug -lxzquxianplugin
Which actually breaks your path because of the space after -L.
So you should have
LIBS +=-L./debug -lxzquxianplugin
given that your lib exists under debug folder.

QT QML resource files do not recompile after changes

I'm using QT 5.9.1 working on Mac OS. My project is mobile App with C++ logic and QML UI Layer. All QML files are included into qml.qrc file, so in my .pro file I have
RESOURCES += qml.qrc
Inside qml.qrc there is a list of all resource files I use in Project, such as pictures, icons and QML files, in QT Creator it's displayed OK:
As you can see some QML files are located in ROOT path of qml.qrc when other files are in subfolders , e.g. "qrc:/Elements/".
So problem is that whenether I make changes in Files that located in root of qml.qrc - they are normally recompiled when I press build, rebuild, or clean and build, so I can see my changes. As a result in my build directory I see that qml_qrc.cpp (as I understand this file contains cpp representation of my resource files and is used to compile them) file is refreshed,my changes are applied and everything is OK.
Here is just piece of this file, which begins with cpp hex representation of MainPage.qml resource file.
** Resource object code
** Created by: The Resource Compiler for Qt version 5.9.1
** WARNING! All changes made in this file will be lost!
static const unsigned char qt_resource_data[] = { //
0x0,0x0,0x7,0xd1, 0x0,
But if I change those resource files located in subfolders, qml_qrc.cpp file is not refreshed, so my resource files are not rebuild, even if I try Clean, then rebuild. Even if I do "run qmake" manually and then rebuild. The only thing helps in this situation - to manually delete build folder (or to be more precisely you can just delete qml_qrc.cpp file). So then pressing "Build" will create new qml_qrc.cpp file, which will contain correct code, with changes I've done in my resource files.
Can someone help me or explain why this happens and what can I do in this situation? deleting manually and rebuilding is annoying, but placing all resource files in root path of project is also not a good decision...
I also tried to paste
update qml
qml_scenes.depends = $$PWD/QML Files/OrdersPage.qml
qml_scenes.commands =
as was described here, but it didn't help
ok, after hours of digging in QTBUGS traces, stackoverflow and others forums I found solution, which somehow satisfies me..
1) Create script file (for me it's .sh file as I working on MAS OS, for Windows it will be .bat file) with "touch" command to qml.qrc file. In my case it contains 2 lines :
Touch qml.qrc
2) Add Custom build step (Projects->Build Settings->Build Steps->Add Custom Process Step). Choose your created .sh file, choose working directory when you build is located. Make this custom step to be the first executed (before qmake and Make)
3)So, now changes in qml resource files will be compiled every time you build the project. Script will firstly touch our qml.qrc file, which will refresh it's modified date, so that qml.qrc (hence, our qml resources too) will be added to makefile dependencies.
it seems to be pretty rough way to solve the problem, but at least you don't have to Clean, Rebuild and so on..
If someone have better solution, please let me know)
Unfortunately, the solution given in a link provided in the comments seems to be incomplete and/or broken. But it can be done like this:
update_qml.target = qml.qrc
update_qml.commands = echo>>$${update_qml.target} # same as touch
update_qml.depends = $$files(path/to/resource/files/*, true) # recurse into subdirs
PRE_TARGETDEPS += $${update_qml.target}
For those who interested in how it works, QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS produces the following Makefile rule:
qml.qrc: file1 file2 ...
So issuing a command make qml.qrc will update the timestamp of qml.qrc as needed. However, to save us from manual typing it every time, we also make use of PRE_TARGETDEPS which fixes the main building rule:
$(DESTDIR_TARGET): qml.qrc $(OBJECTS) and other stuff ...
$(LINKER) flags objects and other stuff ...
So now make utility will scan the previous rule every time while building the target.

Qt Error: cannot open include file: 'opencv2/core/core.hpp' no such file or directory

I want to build an opencv project using Qt 5.1_VS2010. I have included the path for opencv include files. But when I run the code, I get the error that specific .hpp file does not exist! I have checked in the directory and it actually exists there! another point that when I was trying to include it in my main c++ file, the auto completion guide actually helped me complete the whole path! so it means the directory and the header file was already recognized! anyway, part of my .pro file that includes the path is like this:
INCLUDEPATH += "C:/opencv/build/include"

Qt: mingw compiled library does only work with both library.so and library.lib file present

I compiled a library using the MinGW toolchain provided with Qt 5.0.2 on Windows. As a result I received a library.so file. First I failed using the library in a Qt application, but now I found out that everything works fine when I make a copy of the liblibrary.so file and call it liblibrary.dll or liblibrary.lib (which is the only file ending supported by the add library wizard in QtCreator).
Now I wonder if this is normal or if I should change something in order not to have both files (which are exact copies). Leaving one away makes the application crash during start up. I added the library as follows to my Qt pro file:
LIBS += -L"../path/to/library" -llibrary
INCLUDEPATH += $$quote(../path/to/library)
EDIT: I compiled the library using the MinGW of Qt, not as Qt project but using mingw32-make and the provided Makefile. As a result I get the liblibrary.so.
EDIT: It seems to work also when renaming the copy to liblibrary.dll instead of .lib. But still, I need two files to make the application work -- the .so and the .dll.
That's weird, I think you should get a *.a and *.dll files when building a shared lib with MinGW on Windows, as said in the documentation:
In windows, MinGW will output .a and .dll, MSVC2010 will ouput .lib and .dll. In linux, MinGW will output .so, .so.1, .so.1.0 and .so.1.0.0 – .lib, .a and .so are import libraries.
You definitely shouldn't rename your file!
Be careful to:
not to include the "lib" prefix after "-l" in your project file.
put everything after after "-l" in lower case as you're on Windows
not adding any extension to your library name after "-l"
add and reference the .h file used in your library
A real example using QtWebsocket lib:
INCLUDEPATH += "$${PWD}/include/"
LIBS += -L"$${PWD}/libs/" -lqtwebsocket
HEADERS += ... \
$${PWD}/include/QWsSocket.h \
In my include/ folder, I have the following file:
QWsSocket.h (taken from original project - required)
In my libs/ folder, I have the following file:
Edit: I struggled with this too initially. Have you tried to build your lib as a static lib instead (CONFIG += staticlib in your library project)? This might help you getting you *.pro file right before switching to using the shared library.
Edit 2: Ok, the fact that you get a *.so file is still a bit odd. In this question
the user has the same issue as you and keep both files, which is just a workaround. According to a later answer it seems that you need to modify your makefile to generate a file with the proper extension. Maybe this will help: http://www.mingw.org/wiki/sampleDLL

Undefined references - I'm including correct header

I'm trying to subclass from ProjectExplorer::ProjectExplorerPlugin but I'm getting error telling me about undefined references. Any ideas how to fix it?
class MyPluginPlugin : public ProjectExplorer::ProjectExplorerPlugin
error: undefined reference to `imp__ZN15ProjectExplorer21ProjectExplorerPluginC2Ev'
The fact that you don't get a compilation error, but an undefined reference usually means that your project knows where the header files are, but it doesn't know where the library is which contains the already compiled source code.
I've never written a plugin for Qt Creator but I've taken a quick look at its source code structure and I see the following options:
Option A)
There is a projectexplorer.pro file in Qt Creator's source under src/plugins/projectexplorer. You could manually build that project in order to get a ProjectExplorer.lib (plus a .dll or a .a) and then reference this library.Example: Assuming the library would be created in the same directory as its .pro file (I have no idea if it is like that) and you created your plugin withing Qt Creator's source under src/plugins/myplugin, you would define your LIBS variable like this:
LIBS += -L../projectexplorer \
The first line adds "../projectexplorer" as an additional library directory and the second line adds "ProjectExplorer" as a library to search in any of the defined directories (it automatically adds the OS-specific file extensions like .lib on windows etc).
Obviously if your project or the library is located somewhere else, you need to change the first line accordingly.
Option B)
You could include the source and header files of the projectexplorer directory to your own .pro file using the HEADERS and SOURCES variables. I'm not sure if this wouldn't interfere with any other plugins (including projectexplorer itself) though.
Option C)
There probably is a way to include the projectexplorer.pro file so that you have a master project which first builds the project explorer library and then your own plugin. This would be the safest way to go as it ensures the Project Explorer library is built and up-to-date before your own project is linked against it.
However I have limited experience on this.
If anyone reading this can give a detailed explanation on this option, feel free to edit or provide your own answer.
If you are using Qt Creator built from source coded after April 2013 which includes Commit: #66a3553 - make library and plugin dependencies declarative, then you can simply specify dependencies for your plugin in its .pro file:
# myplugin.pro
coreplugin \
