Adding a new .NET SDK to Visual Studio -

I am relatively new to Visual Studio and .NET and VB.NET. I recently installed the Amazon Web Services .NET SDK and I am trying to figure out how to get things running, specifically do I need to do anything to include the SDK in an existing project? I know there is some sample code, but its in C# and the project is already set up so I don't find it very helpful. Thank you.

I'm not a VB expert but you should be able to include the AWS dll to your existing project. That way you can use AWS API functions.
You can locate the dll using the sample project. (As I remember the name of the dll is AWS2SDK.dll or something like that..)


Can I use the Mono Framework and .NET Core on the same machine?

I want to code games in Unity, but also want to make some apps with .Net Core.So, do I have to reinstall visual studio every time I want to switch between the two?
Yes, just like you can have multiple versions of .net installed
I think it's OK, as long as unity is associated with visual studio, the specific steps are: Edit→preference→External Tools→External Script Editor, find the visual studio installation path and configure it

How to update nuget packages in ASP.NET "Websites" using CLI

ASP.NET Websites is legacy application type - it doesn't have a solution or project file.
That being said, can I use Nuget's CLI to update an ASP.NET Website? I'm guessing that it's not possible since Nuget's CLI requires a solution/project file but I'm hoping that I'm wrong. Please prove me wrong people.

how do I find out if I have CORE

I have been asked to update my Visual Studio with core. But the update told me I already have this component. However when I look in the list for New Project I can find nothing which includes the word CORE.
How do I work this out?
I'm not talking about a single Visual Studio Project or File. I'm talking about the whole program. I have to update the program.
You need to download Tooling Preview 2 to get the core templates. That is a bug in the visual studio 2015. Please follow the following steps to resolve this issue
This is what your add new project dialog will look like once you have .net core installed correctly. Were you able to resolve this?
Is it a console app or a web app? If you have a .xproj file in your Visual Studio project, then you have ASP.NET Core web application. Probably the same for an ASP.NET Core console application.

If I build a web application in ASP.NET, am I married to Visual Studio?

Doesn't Visual Studio generate all kinds of things when you build websites? I haven't used it in a while but back in webforms with a the dal and a bll, VS generated xml files and other things (don't remember what). And, while I technically could use notepad to fix it, VS seemed to be the only way to make sure things worked right.
How about today with MVC or something else Am I tied to Visual Studio forever if I want to build websites? I liked in PHP that I can open up a file and it be simple to change things and it just works.
I am not knocking Visual Studio. It is a great product, but for those in my group that do not use it, it is a learning curve. Not asking for why is better than php or vice versa, just about visual studio.
EDIT: Is Visual Studio the BEST way to build projects?
You can use MonoDevelop, Webmatrix, Visual Studio Express but i suggest SharpDevelop, its open source.
sharpDevelop (short for SharpDevelop) is a free IDE for C#, VB.NET and Boo projects on Microsoft's .NET platform. It is open-source, and you can download both sourcecode and executables from this site. In addition, you can find the latest information and changes on #develop, as well as get in touch with the team in the forum.
More Information
SharpDevelop Website
Visual Studio Express
No, you can build with MSBuild from command line, just simple msbuild.exe app.sln
You can also use MonoDevelop, which will run on Windows/Mac/Linux.
You could use Microsoft WebMatrix, which is free and aims to simplify the web development process. Another alternative is MonoDevelop, which is an open source IDE for multiple platforms.

VS2008: Make a non-LINQed website LINQed

I've recently started playing around with ASP.NET and I was just about to connect to a database using LINQ, when I realised that you have to change a bunch of stuff in the project first if you created a normal web site project in Visual Studio 2008.
All the information about LINQed projects in VS2008 that I have found start directly from scratch with a completely new web site. What modifications do I have to make to my project to be able to make use of LINQ?
I think that your question can be answered by viewing this post on
In short your application will need to have access to System.Linq which comes from the .NET 3.5 framework. If your application is currently using .NET 2.0, it is possible to hack a setup with the CTP packages for Linq prior to it being released with Visual Studio 2008, but you might find it hard when you push your application out to production to a hosting company because you will have to install .dll's into areas you generally don't have access too.
Good luck on your conversion to Linq.
