Graphs report generated by tsung 1.5.0a not showing numbers on x/y axis - tsung

I download the tsung from github and compiled it, then do my common test tasks, but the graphs report cannot show numbers on x and y axis.
Do I miss something to upgrade from 1.4.2 to 1.5.0a?


R Programming on plot to label the axes

Create a plot with cars dataset and attribute speed along the X axis and distance in y axis .
Label the axes.
I have done this programming still there is some problem:
Even though everything seems correct the terminal doesn't move to the next part
What environment are you using? I was able to execute the following code and produce the plot you want using both RStudio and R directly in the terminal.
plot(cars, xlab="Distance", ylab="Speed")
If you're running straight from the terminal then you'll need to specify a window to pop up. The following question has an answer that outlines what to do depending on your operating system:
How to pop up the graphics window from Rscript?
So, for example, if you don't have your system configured to automatically open the plot window, and you're running on a mac, the following code will produce what you want directly from running R in the terminal:
plot(cars, xlab="Distance", ylab="Speed")

How to change the precision of ticks in julia plot

I'm plotting in julia for the first time and have installed the Juno IDE. I'm plotting with Plots.jl and every time I plot, the y-axis tics have lots of decimals.
I've tried multiple backends, like GR, Plotly, PlotlyJS, but none have changed the behavior I'm seeing.
This is the code I have currently producing my results:
using Plots
x = 1:10; y = rand(10)
p = plot(x,y)
And the figure that's output:
That's a temporary bug caused by some changes to Showoff, the package that Plots uses to create the axis ticks. It should be fixed already, so updating your packages should work (]up). If it doesn't work yet, and you're in a hurry, installing master of the two packages should do the trick (] add Plots#master followed by ] add Showoff#master).

plot3D from rgl package doesn't appear

I'm trying to use the rgl package to produce 3D plots of my graphs in RStudio. I use a Mac and I have XQuartz installed, but when I follow step-by-step tutorials for 3D plotting even the simplest plots won't work.
No warning message appears and no plot appears after I launch the command. When I bring all windows forward I can see a small one with no close/expand button and no images on it (same goes for the plot area of the workspace, nothing happens at all).
Does anybody have an idea of why this could be the case? I updated R a couple of weeks ago and all of my packages have been uninstalled and re-installed.
Here's the basic code I used, just in case.

Shiny R: Large differences in ggplot2 plot annotation between unpublished (RStudio preview) and published browser version

I have a fairly in depth set of numerical results being displayed in tables and plots using R/shiny and published online through the teams website system.
This has worked fantastically well but I have found that the RStudio preview of my ggplot2 plots to be vastly different to the published versions. In particular, given a set width, height and resolution, the axis text, main text and plotting character annotations are much smaller in the preview compared to the published version. This has made it a nightmare to aesthetically hone these plots to what I want. I have played around with renderPlot() and plotMap() settings but to no avail.
I am using R 3.2.3 in RStudio 0.99.879 with shiny 0.13.2 and ggplot 2.1.0. Has anyone encountered something similar in their shiny/ggplot2 travels?

How can I plot data with a non-numeric X-axis?

I have a series of performance tests I would like to show as a graph. I have a set of tests (about 10) which I run on a set of components (currently 3), and get throughput results.
The Y-axis would be the throughput result from the test, and the X-axis should have an abbreviated name of the test, with the results from the various components I'm testing. So, for each X label (eg. retrieve20Items, store20Items) there would be 3 different results above it, one for each of the three components I'm testing, each colour-coded and referenced in the legend.
Is this non-numeric x-axis something that I can do with gnuplot? This is being done on a linux platform, so Windows-only tools won't work for me.
See this very helpful page. Essentially you create a number-label mapping using
set xtics ("lbl1" 1, "lbl2" 2, "lbl3" 3, "lbl4" 4)
Then plot as normal.
